the best friend bet « pjm »

By fxckpjm

75.7K 2.4K 1.2K

H I G H S C H O O L A U « ONGOING » "I love you" he murmured, tracing her nose with his own, trying to ignor... More

Chapter 1: Her.
Chapter 2: Him.
Chapter 3: Reunited.
Chapter 4: Flustered.
Chapter 5: Awkward Flirt.
Chapter 6: Confiding.
Chapter 7: Failing.
Chapter 8: The Tutor (Part 1).
Chapter 9: The Tutor (Part 2).
Chapter 10: Invitions.
Chapter 11: The Party (Part 1).
Chapter 12: The Party (Part 2).
Chapter 13: The Bet.
Chapter 14: The Brother's Bet.
Chapter 15: It Begins.
Chapter 16: Talks.
Chapter 17: Bubble Tea.
Chapter 18: Impress Me.
Chapter 19: Just You and I.
Chapter 20: Official.
Chapter 21: Cha Jia.
Chapter 23: Suspicions.
authors note

Chapter 22: Truth Or Dare

2K 60 70
By fxckpjm

"Listen you little fuckers" Jin snarled, wedging himself between Namjoon and Jimin, who pouted when the sudden action caused him to drop his food. You chuckled, leaning over the table and spooned some of your own into his mouth, causing your boyfriend to smile gratefully.

The rest of the table glanced up at the oldest of their friends with bored eyes and tired looks as Seokjin hung over them with an impatient expression. "What?" Hoseok hummed from his place next to Mina, his head resting on her shoulder as she read through her study notes.

"Why are you so rude?" The older male gasped, narrowing his eyes at the younger boy. "I take you under my wind, I raise you-"

"You're not my da-"

"-and this is how you repay me? Disgusting." The darker haired male finishes his rant, his face red. Your table of friends stare up at Seokjin with unbothered eyes and watched as he stood and panted from his yelling.

Yoongi finally looked up from his geography theory book, rolling his eyes at his hyung's antics. "Oh dearest Seokjin, to what do we owe the pleasure of being called 'fuckers' to?" He mumbled sarcastically, causing everyone to giggle only to earn a sharp glare from the oldest of their friends.

"We all haven't hung out together since Namjoon's party and that was months ago" the elder commented thoughtfully as everyone hummed in agreement. "My parents aren't in town this weekend so it'd be cool if you could all come over"

Taehyung was the first to speak. "Fuck yes" he sighed in relief, stretching his muscles from where he had been lying on the table. "I've barely seen you guys this past month and it sucks being stuck with Y/N all the time"

"Fuck you Taehyung" You growled at your brother, standing to launch yourself at him and pull at his hair but the caramel haired boy was just about saved when Jimin grabbed you by the hips and pulled you back into your seat as you pouted in defeat. "You suck, asshole"

"Not for free"

The smirk that rested on your sibling's lips was quickly removed when he received a sharp smack to the back of his head from your best friend. Mina quickly moved to cover Jungkook's ears with her hands. "Taehyung! There's a baby around!" She scolded as said boy whined. Jungkook blinked, seemingly unbothered by what was happening before going back to munching on his food.

You seriously had the weirdest group of friends


"So you're really not letting me go?" You ask with an irritated tone as you watched your mother flick between channels on the TV. Taehyung was too busy trying to zip up his duffle bag to notice your struggle.

"Y/N, I already said no" she tutted, rolling her eyes as you let out an exaggerated sigh before collapsing next to her on the couch and clutching her arm. "Y/N..."

You huffed, thoroughly annoyed. Your mother had diligently refused you permission to spend the night with your friends, the only reason being that Jimin was your boyfriend now. You'd spent the last 24 hours trying to convince her, enlisting help from both your brother and father but both of them failing miserably on your behalf. "Eomma please" you whined, jutting out your lower lip with a solemn expression. "The others will be there! And you can trust Jimin, you've known him for years"

The pointed look you received sent you sinking into the plush couch you sat on, Meanwhile, your older brother had been moving to the front door, preparing himself to leave. "Jimin's our front guy's so I'm gonna leave, let me know if you're coming or not Sis"

You glance at your sibling with a sad look before turning back to your mother after he left, a puppy dog expression gracing every curve of your features. The older Kim sighed deeply, rolling her eyes and nodding in the direction of the stairs so you could grab your belongings and leave.

"Ah! Thank you eomma!" You cheered, pressing a kiss to her cheek before dashing upstairs to grab your previously packed duffle bag.

She smiles fondly after you as you leave the house. "No problem sweetie."

Locking the door behind you, you run down the drive and over to Jimin's to meet himself and your brother. The two older boys are seated on the hood of the busan boy's vehicle, chatting away as Jimin fiddled with the silver rings on his fingers. A glance over Taehyung's shoulder has the caramel haired boy grinning like there's no tomorrow when he noticed you skipping over to him. With open arms, Jimin welcomed you into his warm embrace, your duffle bag dropping to the floor as you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders.

"Hi baby girl" The older boy smirked, as you settled for standing between his legs, you can hear your brother fake gagging in the background but pay him no mind. "I was starting to think you were going to bail on me"

Your caramel haired boyfriend pouted and you kissed it away quickly with a small smile. "I didn't think you could handle tae alone" you teased back as said male let out a groan of protest.

"If you losers don't mind, we have places to be so... I'm calling shotgun." The honeycomb haired boy muttered, resting his hand on the door handle to open the passenger seat. With a lazy smirk, Jimin locked the door, watching with amused eyes as Taehyung struggled to open the car door.

Your boyfriend pushed himself from the hood of his car, reaching over to the handle and popping open the door. He held it out for you and you smiled gratefully before smirking at your older brother and slipping into Jimin's car. Taehyung stood watching in awe, looking between yourself and his best friend.

"She gets the shot gun?" He asked incredulously and you smirked from the front seat as he sat in the back. "What happened to bros before ho's man?!"

"Taehyung you little-"

Jimin laughed at your interactions with your sibling as he revved up the engine. "She's my girlfriend man, she gets these privileges" the busan boy defended, letting his hand fall onto your knee as he pulled out of his driveway. "And quite frankly, you suck"

"Not for free" your brother pouted sulkily and you laughed in response, having the feeling he was would be like this for the rest of the journey.


Nine teenagers in an empty house was never a good idea.

Music blared from the expensive Bluetooth speakers in the living room as everyone stuffed the snacks that Seokjin had made, down their throats. It took a while but, eventually, your group of friends had settled to play a round of truth or dare before watching a movie to draw the night to a close.

It had only been an hour and the first half of the group had already completed their dares; Seokjin was asked who he was most likely to date out of the group, his answer (obviously) being Namjoon. Said Male was made to prank call his neighbour, only to fail whilst Yoongi had to freestyle rap and Tae and Jungkook were sent to a closet to play seven minutes in heaven.

Your best friend now sat shyly beside Hoseok, her lips tingling with anticipation as he leaned into her with hooded eyes. It was a dare, simple. It would be over in five seconds. However, for Mina? the seconds ticked by like an eternity, an electric shock travelling rapidly down her spine as her lips met Hoseok's, his large palm coming up to caress her cheeks as they both moved in unison. She liked this, she liked him. She hoped that this changed things between them. The raven haired girl grasped her crushes hand when he pulled away, feeling herself getting lost in his molten brown orbs.

"Okay damn" Yoongi frowned, crossing his legs with rolling  eyes. "All we did was dare you to kiss, not act like you're in some kind of drama"

The two jumped apart with flushed cheeks and shy smiles, but that didn't stop them from keeping their fingers intertwined. Hoseok's eyes drifted over to you, a delighted smirk tracing his lips and his eyes lit up mischievously. "Y/N?" He smiled, tilting his head to glance at you innocently when you nodded in response. "I dare you, to sit on Jimin's lap for the rest of the game."

You didn't know why you flushed with heat at the redhead's words, Jimin was you boyfriend... you'd sat in his lap plenty of times before. Why was it so different now? Shifting from your position next to the busan boy, you seated your self in his lap, his legs crossed. The others laughed at your awkwardness but you made sure to get them back by daring Jungkook to run around Jin's backyard in just his underwear.

Jungkook never backed down from a competition.

As the group takes their turns picking and choosing truths and dares again, you feel Jimin sigh heavily into the junction between your neck and shoulder, his toned arms coming around your torso to grip at your waist. The cool air tickles your hot skin and you feel yourself jolt and it's feeling. The caramel haired boy tensed and you sent a concerned glance at him over your shoulder.

"Jiminie..." you mumbled with worry, and the innocent tone causes Jimin to groan softly into your ears. "Are you okay?"

His face scrunched up at your question as he exhaled deeply. "I'm fine just," the boy stammered. "Just don't move, please."

It's like your feeling's went into over drive and you're suddenly very aware of Jimin's...problem. Gulping, you tried your best not to cause him anymore discomfort when everyone's gaze snapped over to you expectantly. "W-what?" You stammered, skin slightly flushed after realising your boyfriend's struggle.

"It's your turn to pick a truth or dare" Namjoon said pointedly, giving you a curious glance. Shaking your head, you offered the older boy a bright smile before thinking of something off of the top of your head.

A thought comes to mind. "Jimin, truth or dare?"


"Tell me something that you've been hiding from me"

All the boys in the room inaudibly gasp, their minds instantly flickering to the bet as Jimin's thighs tense underneath you. Guilt that he had not felt in a while took residence in his chest, planting its evil seeds in his brain, it's intensity making him feel almost sick. He had to think of something quickly before you starting suspecting something, before you caught onto something.

Jimin looked up, meeting the worried stares of his closet friends and then switched his gaze to you. Your gaze was soft yet expectant, your eyes filled with wonder and curiosity. The busan boy smiled. "Uh, I've had a crush on you since middle school." He stammered out, hoping you would believe his answer. The wide grin on your face caused him to settle into a relaxed state, indicating that you had believed him.

The game went on and his little blunder was soon forgotten, allowing him to breathe out a sigh of relief.


Everyone begun to crash at around four in the morning, too lazy to trudge upstairs to stay in guest bedrooms. Instead, the group decided to switch into their pjs in the downstairs bathroom and camp out on the living room floor.

Beneath the heaps of blankets, everyone had cuddled up for warmth, the soft sounds of a movie playing in the background as they slept. Jimin sighed contently in the confines of his sleep; his arm slung loosely over your waist as he buried his nose into the crook of your neck.

You scent was sweet, like vanilla and fresh cream and it relaxed him, helped him forget about his stresses and worries...about the bet. 

Soft vibrations from his right, roused the caramel haired boy from his sleep. Groggily, Jimin blindly reached for his phone, slapping a slumbering Jungkook in the process. When the device was firmly in his grip, the boy clicked the on button, the screen lighting up and practically blinding him.

"Fucking hell" He groaned, rubbing a palm over his sleepy eyes before checking his notifications. It was a text, from Cha Jia. That sickly sweet guilty feeling creeps up on him again, he shouldn't be talking to her when he was  with you.

'Hey Jimin, I haven't seen you in a while. We should go on a date sometime soon'

He read the text over and over, trying to figure out a reply to cut his ties with Jia. He didn't feel the same about her anymore, perhaps he never did. They boy practically jumped out of his skin when you shuffled beside him, eyes blinking open with curiosity.

"Jiminie..." you mumbled, barely awake as you sunk back into his embrace. Your expression screamed innocence and it haunted Jimin, because of that god forsaken bet-. "Why are you awake-?"

He sighed through his nostrils, leaning down to kiss you softly on the lips. "Don't worry about it baby girl, go back to sleep."

"Kay Jiminie, sleep well"

"Rest well baby" he replied gently, trying to coax himself back into a deep sleep, despite the raging storm of guilt that swirled in his brain.

Words: 2.2k

A/N: comeback had me wildin' nuff said.

also thank you so much for 6.6k reads ❤️

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