Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reade...

By junimooo

553K 11.5K 1.4K

This is a complete book of all of the current Jason Todd x Reader fics on my Tumblr account. Some requests an... More

A Claw-some Birthday
Grappling Hook Oopsies
Kissing Scars
Sunrises In Paradise
Cultural Acceptance
Misplaced The Ring
My Universe
Dropping The Drama
That Time of The Year
Broken Angels
Day Full Of Surprises
Basically A Greaser
Just One Song?
Birthday Secret
Attraction To A Stranger
Apart Too Long
Little Secret
Dislocations Gone Right
Mornings After Shots
Lovers of Books
Nervous Announcements
Meeting the Archer
"Don't Touch Her"
College Visit
Big Bro Jason
Key Words: "Used To"
Words To Describe
I See Nothing
Crossing The Line
So Much More
Unofficial Firefighter
An Off Day [Pt. 1 to All's Well That Ends Well]
All's Well that Ends Well [Pt. 2 to An Off Day]
Drunken Mistakes [Pt. 1 to Changed]
Why Try? [Pt. 1 to Try Try Again]
Try Try Again [Pt. 2 to Why Try?]
Acrobat's Sister [Pt. 1 to Blessing]
Blessing [Pt. 2 to Acrobat's Sister]
The List
A Letter Necklace
Pink Apron
You Were Mine
The Red Hood & The Teacher
Broken Dreams
Don't Panic
Bright Future
Coffee And Scones
Lazy Sunday [Male!Reader]
It's A Date
Good At What You Do
The Promotion
Are Babies Judgemental?
Fight In You
The Cookie's Right
Infinity Island [Young Justice S3 Spoilers!]
Just Kiss Me
Prince Charming
Still Yours
So, Pizza?
Pickles & Spaghettios?
Needle and Thread

Changed [Pt. 2 to Drunken Mistakes]

5K 135 50
By junimooo

Criminal Minds Crossover

Warning: Swearing

**For anyone who doesn't know the characters this website maybe useful - http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/CriminalMindsBAU


It had been two years since you walked out. Leaving everything you knew behind and starting new. Luckily you had almost finished your schooling and were able to finish your Criminology major and Psychology minor online.
Setting yourself up to be a shoe in for the FBI academy. Where you excelled much to many peoples surprise.

Making the gem of the FBI take a special interest in you. The Behavioral Analysis Unit. After your graduation you were approached by Supervisory Special Agents Hotchner and Rossi.

Which led to where you were now, walking into the bull pen after being out for about six months. Emily had some contacts in Interpol that needed a young agent to go on a short undercover sting operation in London. And you were just getting back.

"[F/n]! You're back you're back!" Penelope greeted you as you stepped off the elevator. Hugging you immediately, holding your coffee away so it didn't spill all over the female. "Missed you too" returning the embrace.

She walked with you into the bullpen bombarding you with questions.

"Hey, welcome back kid" Morgan greeted you next as the rest of the team minus Rossi and Hotch turned their attention to you.

"How was London?" Emily faced you from her chair as you set your bag down and hung your coat on the chair.

"Good, it was a cool experience being a part of that team. Should help with things here, I had to build a few profiles out there. Though I'm disappointed I didn't take on the accent" you laughed looking at the group.

"Did you know that accents can change within 25 miles in the UK" Reid rattled off one of his many facts he had stored in that geniusness of his.

"Why do you even know that?" Morgan chuckled looking at the genius who just shrugged as everyone laughed.

"Meet any cute British boys?" J.J. teased eliciting an eye roll from you. "[F/n]? Talk to a dude that's not an unsub? Isn't that impossible?" Morgan teased sending a smirk your way.

"Wow thanks Morgan, glad to know you have confidence in my love life" he just chuckled at your sarcasm.

"Not all of us can be studs like the Derek Morgan" J.J. teased, you laughed "I thought Rossi was the stud around here?"

"Reasons why [F/n]'s my favorite" turning to see Rossi walking in with Hotch. You pumped to fists in the air, "Yes!" making everyone laugh, and even getting a chuckle out of Hotch.

"Welcome back, how was the assignment in the UK?" Hotch asked closing a file in his hands. "A good learning experience" you answered smiling at the team leader.

"Anyway, we have a case so don't get too comfortable. Lets get to the round table" the team rose and followed Hotch to the conference room.

After a brief explanation of the crime, which was a series of murders getting linked across state lines. You froze at the name of your destination.. "Gotham?"

The attention of the room drew toward your panicked expression that followed the outburst. "That's where you're from right?" Emily asked out of curiosity.

"Uh, y-yeah. I just never planned on going back there. Why is the FBI being called in? Isn't that like you know, hero territory?" gulping down your worries.

"Yes but due to the crossing of borders and sensitivity of the case we've been assured that there will be no vigilante intrusion." Hotch confirmed, easing some of your fears. "Okay" you leaned back in the chair, scenes from the night you walked out flashing through your head.

You never wanted to return to Gotham. Never wanted to have to risk facing him or his family. You knew that Jason had been trying to find you since you left. Having changed your phone number, email, everything. You couldn't risk being sucked back in. Truth be told you still loved him after all these years, but you couldn't dare admit that.

These panics and fears plaguing your brain as you stared out the window of the jet. Already having discussed the case further with the team, you were all broken up to do your time consuming activities. Reading the case file, listening to music, napping. Anything to pass the time.

"What's eating you?" J.J. sat down in the chair across from you. As Emily took the seat beside you. "Oh uh, it's nothing. I just had a.. falling out about somethings back before I left. I never planned on going back. My family always comes to me because of it." explaining vaguely.

"Well if we're lucky this case won't last too long. You don't ever talk about what your life was like there." J.J. pointed out.

"Yeah, they aren't happy memories. I'd rather not talk about it" they nodded in understanding before starting a conversation about some mundane things. Allowing you to distract yourself from your swirling mind.

After the jet landed, it was too late to go to any cases or the precinct. Leading you all to just head straight to your hotel.

Watching as the city you once called home sped by the tinted windows of the SUV.

The next day Bruce had called the entire family into the cave that morning.

"I want you all to understand, we do not get involved in this case the FBI is being called in for. The behavior analysis unit is more than capable of solving this case and it has the gentle way of doing it. It's national news and we don't need to get caught in their cross hairs. Do we have an understanding?" he asked sternly.

The boys all agreed to stay out of the way though Dick and Tim weren't too happy about it. They wanted in on the action. Jason and Damian weren't all to concerned. Having better things to do.

But when Bruce left Dick turned to his brothers. "We're going to check it out right?"

"I thought you two were the rule followers" Jason looked at Dick and added Tim to the mix. "Come on Jason you can't say you're not curious" Tim returned his gaze.

"No, I'm not. I have better things to do" he turned to walk away. Halfway to the exit he heard Dick say, "Like looking for [F/n]?"

Stopping he turned to send a glare his way. "And?"

Dick sighed, "You can't spend your whole life Jay. You haven't found her in two years, maybe she doesn't want to be found"

He was silent. "Come on Jason. What happened to your rule breaking attitude?" Tim encouraged, seeing his body language shift some. "Fine, but this better not be stupid"

Having their brothers on board the four left the cave. Heading to the crime scene. They hung out on a roof top across from the apartment building the crime was in.

Dick stood looking through binoculars as Tim fiddled with his laptop, Damian was cleaning his sword and Jason was sitting, leaning against the wall.

Dick watched as a black SUV pulled up, "Feds are here" he mumbled. Tim and Damian's curiosity peaked as the met their brother's side. Though Jason wasn't exactly interested.

"Oh my god" Dick pulled the binoculars away from his eyes. "Jay, you have to see this."

Jason looked to see his brothers all wearing shocked expressions. He stood taking the binoculars looking down at the scene. His heart beat hastened when he saw what had his brothers shocked.

You, had stepped out of the vehicle with two males. Obviously FBI... After two years, he found you.

Arriving to the scene you got out of the SUV with Reid and Morgan, ready to evaluate what had happened. Unaware of the eyes that were following you into the building.

"Agents" one of the main detectives greeted you. "What we got?" Morgan asked as you all slipped on your crime scene gloves.

You were shown to the room where the brutality had happened. "Brutal like the previous" you looked at the blood splattered walls. "Wasn't a gun, there's streaks that resemble stabbing like the other victims" Reid examined the walls.

"Hotch and Emily are at the coroner. They should see signs of overkill, this was rage" Morgan said walking over to look at a picture frame on the night stand.
"All white females, with blonde hair, and similar athletic builds. They would've fought back"

"Well there was definitely a struggle" You took in the broken knick-knacks and out of place furniture. "Maybe they're going after people who resemble someone who is or was close to them?"

"Possibly, were there any finger prints or DNA left" Reid looked at the detective. "Three sets of finger prints were found. One of them being the home owner, the other two unknown"

"Are we looking at two unsubs? And why would they all of a sudden be leaving fingerprints, taunt us?" you inquired looking at the two.

Reid examined the finger prints found that were in question. Scanning through the file, "One of the sets were small, too small to be an adult. A kid maybe"

"The victim didn't have any kids or friends with kids" Morgan added as the three of you exchanged glances.

"Could the unsub have a kid with him?" you ran the past case files you had read through in your head.

"It's possible, maybe they lost a mother or sister?" Reid inquired.

"Lets head to the precinct and update the others" Morgan said as you all exited the room.

Making your way to the SUV. You stopped though when you heard, "[F/n]!"

Turning you saw Dick Grayson and Tim Drake, two people you were avoiding. "Shit" you muttered as the two agents wore confused expressions.

"What's up?" Morgan looked at you. "Nothing, I'll meet you both at the car just give me minute." Shoving your hands in your pockets. Simply nodding they gave you your privacy.

"Wow, it's been years" Dick said stopping in front of you. "Well that happens when you move" a snarky unamused tone coming off your voice.

"Jason's been –" Tim started but you cut him off. "I don't want to hear it. Just stay away from me I have a job to do" turning your back on the two.

"Wait hold on" Dick ran in front of you. "Hear us out"

"You have 30 seconds" you crossed your arms.

"[F/n] he's a mess without you. He's been searching for you, and he's changed. He's cut back on smoking, killing, everything. Saying it's all in case he gets another chance with you. He hasn't gone on a single date, not even given a girl the time of day. He needs you [F/n]. Jason hasn't been the same on patrols, been sluggish. He doesn't even leave the manor half the time anymore, been neglecting the Outlaws." Dick pleaded, trying to get through to you.

"Well he should've thought about that before he got drunk and screwed some random girl. And tell Jason that if he wants to even get the time of day from me, to come face me himself instead of hiding on a fucking rooftop. Don't think I don't see him and Damian up there. Tell him to do his own dirty work. Now if you'll excuse me, my team needs me" pushing past them both and to the SUV.

Climbing in Morgan asked, "Who were they?"

"My ex-boyfriends brothers" you answered shortly. "Ex-boyfriend? We didn't know y–" he began but was cut off.

"Yeah you don't know, the ass hole cheated on me then sent his brothers to do his dirty work" you cut him off a sharpness on your tongue. The two were silent, you sighed "I'm sorry guys, this is just the reason I didn't want to come here." You said before they gave you an understanding look and set out to the precinct.

Your remaining time working the case you spent with the team. Only being away from each other when Hotch made everyone get rest. You ended up having to explain what happened with Jason to the team. They needed to know in case anything like what happened with Dick and Tim were to happen again.

They were all very supportive and protective of you. They really are your second family.

You were all working the case hard, having a list of suspects narrowed down. Your profile did suspect what you, Morgan, and Reid had originally thought. It was a father and their child. The kid most likely being unknowingly dragged along and forced to witness the heinous crimes, even more reason for the BAU to have been called in.

You were avoiding the Wayne's well. Staying concentrated on the case. Having figured out your suspect, you were all moving in on the unsub soon.

Everything was going well, until a letter was dropped off for you. "What does it say?" J.J. asked as you unfolded it. Recognizing the messy handwriting.

I'm so sorry, and I'm a coward. I should've spoken to you that day that Dick and Tim did but I couldn't. I was afraid, but I need to talk to you. I'm at the diner we always visited when we were together. Remember, across from grand Park. I know you're on a case but can we please talk? I'm begging you, even if it's just to reject me. I need the closure, we both do... So please.


You stared at the letter, Hotch having read it over your shoulder. "Go, we'll wait" you looked at him and nodded. "I won't be long" before laying the letter down and slipping the jacket on as you left.

Upon arriving you left your gun in the car, not wanting it on you in the establishment.

Walking in the doors, you stopped. Meeting familiar blue eyes from across the small diner. You hesitantly walked over. "[F/n]" Jason his tone airy as he stood up. "You look amazing" he complimented after gulping down his nerves.

You sat down facing him, his back to the door. "What do you want Jason?"

"I just want to talk about what happened" keeping his eyes with yours. "There's nothing to talk about" answering shortly.

"Yes there is [F/n], because.." he paused "I-I still love you. I can't ever stop loving you. I know what I did was terrible and I will do whatever it takes to fix this. I've been trying to improve myself for you, but it's all worth nothing if I don't have you in my life" he begged. Sincerity in his eyes, he was telling the truth. He was so guilty and there was so much regret.

Your eyes flickered away from his when the bell of the door jingled. Your heart dropping when seeing the person entering. It was your suspect, dragging a son behind him. Michael Stier, you remember the name. Then you saw the gun clutched in the young boys hands and the hunting knife in the fathers. "Oh my god" you muttered, hand reaching for your gun but remembering you didn't bring it.

"What?" Jason looked at you confused. "Jason, do you have a gun on you?" Eyes not leaving the man, "No, I didn't bring one in because I just wanted to talk"

Your eyes darted around the room, seeing a girl that matched the description of his deceased wife. He was moving toward her, you began to hear sirens. You had your phone turned off, the team must've learned he was going to be here.

"Listen to me carefully, my unsub just walked in. I need you to get people out of here" You whispered. Hie eyes widened before he nodded and you both stood up.

Jason stood up and began lightly signalling people to leave, the woman had seen the knife and was sitting stiff in her chair. You had to act fast, you had to talk him down.

"Michael Stier" he stopped in his tracks. "FBI, drop the knife" hearing that he pulled the woman out of her chair and held the knife to her throat. "NOBODY MOVES OR I CUT HER OPEN!" he yelled making everyone in the place freeze. "P-point the gun Chris, p-point it" as the little boys hands shook raising it.

"Easy there Michael, we don't want that do we" you spoke gently. Glancing to see red and blue lights dulled by the shaded windows.

"How about we let these people go okay? You let the girl go. I'll stay with you Michael okay." You calmly said. It was key to stay calm and nonthreatening, knowing of his unstable mental state.

"That's not Mary, you know that, don't you Michael. You remember your wife, Mary. She looked a lot like this girl but this isn't Mary is it?" he glanced down at the girl who was whimpering.

"It's not" he said before looking at you again. "I want you to listen to me Michael. If you hurt her, my friends out there they're going to come storming in here and not only will you but Chris here might get hurt too. So here's what we'll do. We're going to let everyone go, and you're going to take the gun from Chris, and you're going to point it at me alright. So then we can guarantee everyone will leave without anything happening to you okay. Because my friends aren't going to let me get hurt." you kept your tone level.

He threw the girl away, grabbed the gun and pointed it at your head. "Okay, everyone. I want you all to stand slowly and enter through the front door quickly. Michael here is going to let you all go safely, and Chris you're going to go too"

"No! He stays" Michael yelled. "But we said everyone right Michael" you nodded, he stayed silent before letting the boy go.

"[F/n]" Jason said behind you. "I'm fine Jay, everything's going to be fine because we're okay here."

"I'm not leaving you in here" he gritted his teeth. You looked over your shoulder at him, "It's alright Jay I need you to help these people." he could see how scared you actually were right now. He was always able to see past any facade of yours the way you can his. "I still love you too Jaybird, always have always will"

His heart stopped at your words. You did still love him. And god knew if you were going to be able to keep this guy under control. If you'd walk out of this.

He nodded to you before helping get the few patrons left out of the building. SWAT helping once they exited.

"Okay Michael, what can I do to get you to put that gun down? My friends out there have a hostage negotiator who will be calling any minute" you remained still.

"No! No negotiator. I just want Mary, and she's gone!" He yelled, he was losing his grip on his mind.

"Shh, it's alright Michael. It's okay" you tried to calm him down but it wasn't working. Finger tightening on the trigger. You took a hesitant step forward.

"No stop! Stay there!" screaming at the top of his lungs. You stopped, you couldn't talk him down he was going over. You had to make a move.

You had to disarm him, now!

Shots rang out in the vicinity.

Your team immediately ran toward the doors, guns drawn. "Move!" Hotch yelled as the team ran. Jason was comforting the girl Michael had attacked, "No.. no no no" he whispered, tears stinging his eyes.

The team rounded the corner of the doors, rushing inside. Not knowing what to expect and not believing what they saw.

They saw you.


You had the man pinned, cuffing his hands behind his back. They all let out relieved sighs and smiles gracing their faces. You stood, letting one of the SWAT members take the man.

"You guys can't get rid of me that easily." You smiled walking up to the team.

"Come here you scared the shit out of us" Morgan grabbed you into a hug. Eventually it became a group hug, even pulling Hotch in.

"Garcia called saying he was had been making purchases of a hunting knife and revolver in the area. Then the silent alarm here was triggered, and we found your car with your gun." Hotch explained as you pulled out of the hug.

"Garcia's probably freaking out" You chuckled and they did as well.

"Um, I have to take care of something" You said before heading out the door, leaving the team in your dust.

Looking in the crowd of bodies your eyes met a certain blue pair. "[F/n]" Jason said running over before hugging you tighter than ever before. "I'm so sorry, I thought you were gone. God I'm so sorry" feeling tears begin to soak your shirt.

"I'm sorry too" you said, shocking him and making him pull away. "But you have nothing to be sorry for"

"Yes I do. I'm sorry for ignoring my feelings for these two years. It shouldn't have taken a gun to my head to hear you out. And I'm not saying that we can go back to where we once were, before everything. But I'm willing to restart if you are."

A smile spread across his face, "But after everything. I thought you'd say something different, like 'you wouldn't want to risk getting hurt'" he confessed, staring into your eyes.

"Well, I guess some people are worth the risk. But fuck up again, and I think the team is going to be the ones kicking your ass" you chuckled.
"We've both changed and I'm willing to give the new Jason Todd a chance if you're willing to give the new [F/n] [L/n] a chance"

"More than willing" smiling before kissing your forehead.

Perhaps it was time for new beginnings.

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