Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reade...

By junimooo

553K 11.5K 1.4K

This is a complete book of all of the current Jason Todd x Reader fics on my Tumblr account. Some requests an... More

A Claw-some Birthday
Grappling Hook Oopsies
Kissing Scars
Sunrises In Paradise
Cultural Acceptance
Misplaced The Ring
My Universe
Dropping The Drama
That Time of The Year
Broken Angels
Day Full Of Surprises
Basically A Greaser
Just One Song?
Birthday Secret
Attraction To A Stranger
Apart Too Long
Little Secret
Dislocations Gone Right
Mornings After Shots
Lovers of Books
Nervous Announcements
Meeting the Archer
"Don't Touch Her"
College Visit
Big Bro Jason
Key Words: "Used To"
Words To Describe
I See Nothing
Crossing The Line
So Much More
An Off Day [Pt. 1 to All's Well That Ends Well]
All's Well that Ends Well [Pt. 2 to An Off Day]
Drunken Mistakes [Pt. 1 to Changed]
Changed [Pt. 2 to Drunken Mistakes]
Why Try? [Pt. 1 to Try Try Again]
Try Try Again [Pt. 2 to Why Try?]
Acrobat's Sister [Pt. 1 to Blessing]
Blessing [Pt. 2 to Acrobat's Sister]
The List
A Letter Necklace
Pink Apron
You Were Mine
The Red Hood & The Teacher
Broken Dreams
Don't Panic
Bright Future
Coffee And Scones
Lazy Sunday [Male!Reader]
It's A Date
Good At What You Do
The Promotion
Are Babies Judgemental?
Fight In You
The Cookie's Right
Infinity Island [Young Justice S3 Spoilers!]
Just Kiss Me
Prince Charming
Still Yours
So, Pizza?
Pickles & Spaghettios?
Needle and Thread

Unofficial Firefighter

4.9K 113 20
By junimooo

Tumblr Request: "Hey, girlfriend! Congrats on 1,400!!! thats awesome! How about 8. and 14. from the prompt list? Thanks, love you!😘🎉"

Prompt 8: "Why are you so jealous?"
Prompt 14: "Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to.


It was a brisk Gotham evening as you made the trek to your best friend's apartment. That best friend being Jason Todd, son of the Bat himself. Even though Jason would never openly admit it. You two had been best friends since before he died at the hands of the Joker, since before he met Bruce! You were street kids together, always had the other's back. But when he came back, it felt like you two picked up right where you left off. It was the dose of normal and stability he needed after something as drastic as what he'd gone through. The man died for goodness sake.

It's been a couple years since he returned and everything seemed to be more stable in his life. He was on good terms with his family again, you two still were the best of friends, he was even thinking about getting a dog! But that's beside the point. The only thing missing really was a relationship, and you wished you could fit that bill. His family rooted for you, everyone wanted Jason and you to get together. But, you were too nervous to tell him and risk your friendship.

So, you settled for your movie nights and bar nights the both of you shared. Knocking on his apartment door you waited patiently. However, no sign of life came from the apartment. Had Jason forgotten your movie night? It wouldn't be the first time he went out on patrol or a big mission early without realizing you two had plans.

Figuring that the case you sighed before heading back out of the building. Night had fallen over the city, thinking it best you called for a cab while sitting on the stairs to Jason's apartment building. Sighing your chin rested in your palm, watching cars speed down the street in front of you. That was until you heard a girl's higher pitched laughter and a man's low chuckle. However, you recognized that chuckle. Standing to see Jason walking toward the building with a girl with bright blonde hair hanging on his arm in a tiny dress.

You had to admit the woman was gorgeous, making you even more aware of the fact you wore a baggy sweatshirt and simple sweat pants. Jason looked up to see you there, "[F/n]? What are you doing here?"

You stared between them, feeling jealousy bubble in your chest. "Movie night. Which you obviously forgot." A bit of sharpness in your tone. Jason rose an eyebrow at you, not used to such an aggressive presence from you. He asked his date to head inside and that he'd meet her at her door. Meaning she lived there too.

"Why are you so jealous?" He questioned, obviously confused. "I'm not jealous" You spat at him. Jason crossed his arms unconvinced, "Is it because I forgot movie night? I'm sorry, it just completely slipped my mind and this was the only night me and her could –" Rattling off his excuse before you cut him off. "IT'S NOT ABOUT THE MOVIE JASON!" Yelling at him, feeling even more jealousy and anger bubble in your heart.

"I don't understand."

"Of course you don't" Scoffing as he took a step toward you. "[F/n] what is it I'm not understanding?"

Was he really this oblivious? This out of tune with your emotions? Sick and tired of holding in your feelings, they all just spilled out like a can of paint on the pavement.

"THAT I LOVE YOU DAMMIT! That I love and have loved you since before the pit! Since before Bruce! Fuck, I don't know how you never noticed!" Yelling at him. All the anger in your chest turning to sadness as he didn't respond but just stared at you. "I love you Jason." Shrugging as tears stung your eyes.

Right then the cab pulled up, you looked at it then Jason who didn't look at you. Just stared at the pavement. Sniffling you wiped your eyes before walking to the cab and opening the door. "Bye Jason" mumbling before climbing in and shutting the door behind you.

After that night you avidly avoided Jason and his family. He tried calling you and texting you but you never had the heart to answer. It hurt like hell to know he didn't love you back, now you lost your best friend too.

Sitting on your sofa in your run down but cozy apartment. You tapped your finger in your mug thinking. About what happened with him, along with how this was your last sick day usable before you had to return to work. Sighing you took a deep breath, but caught a whiff of something in the air. It smelled like... smoke?

Shooting up from your couch you ran to the door. Pulling it open and looking around the hall. You didn't see any fire but smoke was bellowing up from the service stairs. People were in the same state as you, currently freaking out because of the sheer amount of smoke and that their was a fire on lower levels. Of course your shit apartment building's smoke detectors didn't work.

Hacking and coughing you looked around. Remembering that there were a second set of stairs. Hurriedly you got everyone's attention and rushed them in the direction. You and another man got all kids and women down into the less smoke filled staircase before the smoke and fire got there. Though the fire had grown to your level and was eating the building like it was nothing. You had just began to hear sirens. Everyone was down before another woman rushed back up to where you and the man stood. "M-my son! He was home alone and I just got back! I can't find him."

Your instincts kicked in and the small amount of training Bruce and Jason taught you took over. "What apartment?!" You questioned quickly. "6C, please, please help me!" Looking at the man, "Get her outside!" Ordering before running back into the smoke. "HEY WAIT!" Hearing the deep voice of them man yell before you reached to where the fire had spread.

Pulling your shirt up over your face you ran through the hallway, avoiding flames. Finding the apartment you banged on the door. "HEY! IS ANYONE IN THERE!" Screaming before hacking from the smoke.

"help please!" Hearing a quiet voice on the other side. Throwing your shoulder against the door a few times it but open with the third. Looking around you saw a boy no older than 9 huddled under a table as beams fell around him. Running over you tried to crawl up to him but a beam blocked your way. "Come on buddy, I need you to be strong and come with me" saying before you coughed again. He timidly looked at you, another smouldering piece of wood falling beside him. "I CAN'T" He yelled scared and hid further. "You can do it come on sweetie. I know you can, you're strong. I'm friends with the Red Hood and I can tell you're just as strong as him. You can do it." Encouraging him further. "Really?" He asked.

Nodding at him, he began to crawl to you. "That's it come on" Beckoning him, he was only a foot away when you heard something snap. Looking up, dry wall came crumbling down. On instinct you launched yourself forward, covering the boy with your body as the smouldering dry wall hit your back. Knocking the wind out of you.

He looked at you concerned but with a burst of adrenaline you shook off the drywall and picked him up. Zipping off your jacket you covered him up with it as you ran out of the apartment and toward the staircase. You maneuvered around debris, and inhaled far too much smoke but you pushed your legs as hard as you could.

Down the stairs you ran to and out the front doors, the burst of cool hair filling your lungs hurt and you hacked and coughed, falling to your knees on the pavement. Clutching the boy to your chest as he coughed too. Paramedics rushed over to you, taking the boy and examining you.

Due to sheer exhaustion you couldn't get up. Everything felt numb and you just wanted to go to sleep. The paramedics kept yelling at you to stay awake but it was too hard, the last thing you heard was a familiar voice yelling to you.

"Jason?" Mumbling before you lost it all.

You woke up to the sound of beeping and felt something around your face. Your throat and lungs felt like they were on fire as you took a deep breath. Wincing at the pain breathing caused. Your back ached and you could feel the bandages wrapped around you. Opening your eyes, the room was empty, it being completely white except for a few vases of flowers on the window sill. 'Who would send me flowers? I don't have any family.' Thinking before hearing the door open.

Eyes shooting there you saw a familiar mess of black hair and blue eyes staring at you. "You're awake!" Jason smiled at you before rushing over. "Oh thank god! How do you feel?" He sat down beside you.

You just shook your head, trying to speak but it only came out as a rough noise. Jason poured some water and handed it to you, the cool sensation of it running down your throat feeling amazing. "I-I feel like I swallowed hot coals and got hit in the back by Harley's baseball bat" Your voice sounding gruff and broken. Though you didn't look at Jason.

Everything came rushing back to you when you saw him. That night but also the fire. "It's all gone... Everything." You whispered to yourself. Jason's expression softened, "[F/n] I.." He tried to speak but you stopped him. "Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to." He blinked at you before smiling and taking your hand. "Why can't I be both?"

You stared at him shocked, waiting for him to elaborate. "I know I'm an idiot. I don't know why I went out with that girl. I knew from the beginning she wasn't for me but I did it anyway. And I don't know why because I've known I've loved you since we were kids. I thought you didn't feel that way about me and I now see how wrong I was. I did it to try and hide my feelings for you, but when you confessed I was shocked and you were gone before I could tell you how I felt. Then you wouldn't answer my calls and I go to your apartment to see smoke bellowing it from it and news that you ran back inside. I was terrified I'd never get to tell you or see you again." He explained and caressed your hand with his thumb.

"You love me?" Voice still being a rough whisper. Nodding he smiled at you. "I do."

Tugging on his hand you pulled him to hug you. Tears welling in your eyes. "I want you to move in with me. I don't want you in some shabby apartment like that again. I want you where I can keep you safe and from running into burning buildings" He whispered. Your hands gripped his jacket tighter before you nodded, "Thank you."

"Anything for the one I love."

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