Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reade...

By junimooo

553K 11.5K 1.4K

This is a complete book of all of the current Jason Todd x Reader fics on my Tumblr account. Some requests an... More

A Claw-some Birthday
Grappling Hook Oopsies
Kissing Scars
Sunrises In Paradise
Cultural Acceptance
Misplaced The Ring
My Universe
Dropping The Drama
That Time of The Year
Broken Angels
Day Full Of Surprises
Basically A Greaser
Just One Song?
Birthday Secret
Attraction To A Stranger
Apart Too Long
Little Secret
Dislocations Gone Right
Mornings After Shots
Lovers of Books
Nervous Announcements
Meeting the Archer
"Don't Touch Her"
College Visit
Big Bro Jason
Key Words: "Used To"
Words To Describe
I See Nothing
Crossing The Line
So Much More
Unofficial Firefighter
An Off Day [Pt. 1 to All's Well That Ends Well]
All's Well that Ends Well [Pt. 2 to An Off Day]
Drunken Mistakes [Pt. 1 to Changed]
Changed [Pt. 2 to Drunken Mistakes]
Why Try? [Pt. 1 to Try Try Again]
Try Try Again [Pt. 2 to Why Try?]
Acrobat's Sister [Pt. 1 to Blessing]
Blessing [Pt. 2 to Acrobat's Sister]
The List
A Letter Necklace
Pink Apron
You Were Mine
The Red Hood & The Teacher
Broken Dreams
Don't Panic
Bright Future
Coffee And Scones
Lazy Sunday [Male!Reader]
It's A Date
Good At What You Do
The Promotion
Are Babies Judgemental?
Fight In You
The Cookie's Right
Infinity Island [Young Justice S3 Spoilers!]
Just Kiss Me
Prince Charming
Still Yours
So, Pizza?
Pickles & Spaghettios?
Needle and Thread


10.8K 199 24
By junimooo

Tumblr Request: "Could you do one where Jason and reader were best friends when he was robin and them reuniting after he comes back to life"

There's a large portion in italics that's a flashback.


A sigh escaped your lips as you walked down the cold Gotham street. Your hands were shoved deep in your jacket pockets as you watched your breath form in front of you. Walking the streets was a habit when sleep didn't come to you. The streets didn't scare you the way they do most. You've been trained to defend yourself by the big bad bat himself. How? Well Jason Todd was your best friend when he was Robin. That was until the Joker took him from you, from life.

A lot of times you'd remember favorite memories with Jason on these walks, like when you first met. Your childhood apartment had a balcony and often times you'd sneak out there at night to look at the city. Though it was a surprise when Robin landed on your balcony with a thud one night.

You smiled at the memory. The way he laughed at the way you yelped, but apologized after. Explaining how he had misjudged the distance of a jump and came tumbling onto your balcony. Little did you know at the time, you would learn his identity and become the best of friends. Also that you would end up learning some hand to hand from the big bad bat himself. Saying having learned who they were, you should know how to protect yourself.

Internally you thank them for that, it makes you not scared to walk the streets at night. "Oh Jason" muttering as your steps stay in their rhythm. It's not often you don't feel the pain of missing your best friend. He was so very important in your life, he always knew what you were thinking and you him. No matter what the problem he had your back, so many people thought you were bound to be a couple. Often you both would laugh at the idea, though now being older it didn't sound so silly.

Another sigh escaped your lips as you continued to walk, rounding the last corner that led to you apartment. This time a different memory came to your mind. Before Jason had went to that warehouse, he came to you first. You remember is like it was just the other day:

Laying in bed you flipped the page of a new book you had gotten. It had you completely enthralled and your attention until a light knock came from your window. Setting it down you opened the curtains to see Jason smiling at you in his Robin uniform.

Pushing the window open you asked, "What are you doing here?" He easily slipped in the window. "[F/n] I think my mother's alive." Your eyes widened at the statement, "What makes you say that?"

"I got this tip that she's in Ethiopia, but [F/n] this is my real mother. I guess I was adopted, I have to go find her." He said with a hopeful tone to his voice. You knew of his past and the hardships he's endured. "But Jason, what if this is a trap? A lot of people want to hurt you, how can you be sure?" Trying to reason with the idea only made him angry with you. "I thought you of all people would support me on this." He grumbled while pushing past you to go back to the open window.

"Jason wait" Grabbing his hand you stopped him. "I do support you I just worry too, you're my best friend, I don't want anything to happen to you." His demeanor slackened. "I know, and nothing is going to happen. I'll be back, I promise." Saying as he pulled you in for a hug, though he seemed to linger a bit before pulling away and heading out the window. "Stay safe Jason"

That hug was the last memory you had of him. The next thing you remember involving Jason was Dick coming to you to explain to you what happened. After that everything got a lot harder. At school people treated you like glass, at home you didn't leave your room.

Things got a little easier over time, easy enough for you to go to college. Gotham University to be exact. After all those night helping with injuries, you decided you want to help people and took up Emergency Medicine. A rather hard field but that's what you want to do. At this point you knew quite a bit of the medical field.

Walking up to the doors of your apartment building, your phone rang. Looking at the screen it showed a caller ID you had not seen in years. 'Bruce Wayne'

Quickly clicking the answer button you brought the phone to your ear. "Hello?"

"[F/n], we have an emergency and I need your help." You were shocked at the statement but you couldn't tell him no. "Oh, um, of course Mr. Wayne. How can I help?"

"I need you at the manor now. Someone's hurt and Alfred isn't here at the moment. I know you've been studying medicine. We need you." You could tell he's desperate. You haven't talked to him and the rest of them in years. "I'm on my way."

Hurriedly you grabbed your keys out of your purse and ran to where your car was parked. During the drive to the manor you may or may not have broken a few traffic laws, but you're only in trouble if you get caught. As soon as your call pulled up Dick was waiting at the door for you.

Rushing out of the car he waved for you to hurry. "What happened? Who's hurt?" Asking as he ushered you into the house. "No time to explain. Just three bullet wounds, one to the shoulder, another to the thigh, but the one we're worried about is one to the abdomen. Also shrapnel from an explosion." He explained as you both rushed down the stairs of the cave. "What the hell were you doing tonight?"

"Long story just hurry." Dick led you down into the cave, hurrying you to the medical bay of it.

On a medical bed you saw the Red Hood lying there out cold. His helmet was cracked and his armour cut off his chest. Tim was applying pressure to the bullet wound on his abdomen

"Okay, I don't know how he's still alive but I need morphine, sterile needles and thread, tweezers, and a lot of sterile towels." Ordering as Dick nodded and ran to get the things you needed. Tim backed away as you took over. As soon as Dick came back you went to work, the wounds on his shoulder and thigh were through and through, something Bruce stitched up as you worked on the more fatal injury. Having had to locate the bullet and remove it, before repairing the damage to the tissue and skin. After that you went to work on removing the shrapnel Dick had mentioned, luckily none of it was to the chest, only to his arm and leg. It took a few hours but you got him stable leaving the others grateful.

"Can I count this toward my schooling as extra credit or something. Saving the life of a vigilante?" Asking while peeling off your medical gloves. Dick and Tim chuckle as Bruce allowed a smile. Turning back to the masked man you noticed his cracked helmet. "You should let me check his face, make sure nothing there is hurt. No broken nose or anything."

"Oh, uh, maybe when he comes to. You understand that–" Dick began but you cut him off. "it isn't your secret to give up. Yeah, I understand" Remembering how Jason used those same words when you questioned who Nightwing and Batman were. Though you eventually put the pieces together on your own.

"Coffee?" Dick offered, gesturing upstairs. Nodding you followed him and Tim but Bruce hung beside in the cave.

Bruce sighed as he sat beside Jason. They were on better terms at this point but they still didn't quite see eye to eye. Though Bruce felt guilty because Jason almost lost his life again tonight. Thank goodness he had been keeping tabs on you and knew of your studies.

As you chatted upstairs Bruce contemplated whether to tell you or not about Jason being right here in front of him. Jason had said he wanted to see you again but didn't want to make you affiliate with what he had become. Though Bruce knows that he's just making excuses as to not have to face you. After he promised to come back but never did. Also Bruce knew about Jason's newfound feelings toward you.

It had been about 2 hours until Jason began to come to. In those two hours the four of you took shifts staying down in the cave with him. Though you sat down there the longest knowing the three of them deserved some well needed sleep. His groan in was caught your attention.

Noticing him trying to sit up you met his bed side. "Take it easy, you're pretty torn up." Saying in a calm voice as he looked at you. Jason couldn't believe his eyes. It was you, a more mature you, but it was still you. He wouldn't forget your voice or eyes anywhere.

"[F/n]" He breathed out, not realizing how you didn't know how he knew you. "How do you know my name?" You let out a small laugh. "Oh um, never mind. Did you?" He asked gesturing to his bandage ridden form. Nodding you replied, "I did"

He seemed to stare at you from behind his mask and you cleared your voice, "Um, if you don't mind. I should check to make sure nothing on your face is broken." Saying with a certain nervousness.

"Oh uh, no I-I can't." He stumbled over his words but stopped when you placed a hand on his arm. "I won't tell anyone. I know everyone's identities, I was even friends with the Robin that took up the mantle after Nightwing. You can trust me.

Jason was having a battle with himself on the inside. Should he tell you or not? Though he didn't think when he nodded. Smiling you reached to remove the helmet. He forgot how much he loved your smile. How much he loved your voice and your eyes. How much he loved you. Though he didn't realize it before he left to go to Ethiopia. He realized it when his last thought was you.

Gently removing the helmet you were soon met with very familiar cerulean eyes, along with a familiar but face and his raven black hair gained a white streak through it. Voice catching in your throat as you realized who it was. "You're?"

"It's me [F/n]" Tears welled up in your eyes as you covered your mouth. "You're alive" crying while wrapping your arms around him. He winced a little but wrapped his arms around you. "I'm so sorry. I-I should've came and found you as soon as I came back."

"Back from where? I thought you died Jason." Asking while pulling away, he wiped your tears away. "I did, but I was revived by the Lazarus Pit. I'm so sorry [F/n], I promised you I'd be okay and would come back. But the Joker he.." Jason trailed off. You shook your head, "I'm just so happy you're back. I missed you so much Jason."

He smiled while pushing your hair out of your face. "[F/n], I have to tell you something. I realized this right before I died and I'm so sorry I didn't realize sooner."

"What is it?" You questioned while wiping the tears from your cheeks.

He hesitated before saying, "I love you."

Your heart stopped when he said those words. Eyes staring into his you didn't know what to say, "What?"

"I love you [F/n], I've loved you for so long but I was too immature to see it." He shook his head and took your hands. "Jason I.."

His expression fell slightly, "I understand if you don't feel the same." You shook your head, "No, no it's not that. It's just sudden." He nodded, beginning to believe he had made you uncomfortable. "But, I do care for you in that way and I've been on my way to falling in love with you Jason." Saying as you took his face in your hands, a smile having taken over your features. His demeanor turning into a joyful one once more.

Before you could do anything he leaned forward and connected his lips to yours in a sweet meaningful kiss. Pulling away he grinned a wide dorky grin that matched your own. "Yes, I'm on the trail to falling in love with you."

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