Young Avengers: Child's Play...

By ICrzy01

60K 1.1K 486

It all started when a young boy picked up a wallet for a young girl.... After that, a new partnership was bor... More

Child's Play
Sequel Following Endgame


2.6K 53 38
By ICrzy01

Emma POV

I was sitting on the rooftop, I was wearing my "uniform" for Static. It was late and since I had the night to myself after my dad left to go back to work, and Peter had to jet, I decided patrol might be a good way to clear my head.

Maybe I'd run into Spider-Man. Who knows.

I had my hood up covering my blonde hair, mostly due to it was still a bit wet outside, and also wanted to stay hidden.

I looked at my right hand. A small spark ignited from my thumb and traveled all the way to my pinky finger. A small smile escaped my lips.

"Lonely?" A familiar voice spoke.

I grin and turn around, "Spidey, been wondering if I was going to be lucky to run into you." I say.

He walks over and sits down next to me, "I wasn't sure if there was going to be any crime tonight with how bad the weather was."

I nod, "It was pretty bad."

He looks at me, "So you've have any luck in stopping crime?"

"No, there hasn't been any here." I say, "Which should be a good thing for our city."

He lightly chuckles at that comment, "True. It just annoys me not being able to help."

I slowly nod, "I can agree to that."

We sat there for a while. As we sat there we were showing off each other abilities. Spider-Man showed me his webs being launched from his wrist, to which I clapped while being impressed. Then I showed him my electric powers, to which Spider-Man claps as well.

We stand up on the roof after the show off and then hear some crash.

"What is that?" I asks.

Spider-Man looks in the direction and points, "Look-!"

I walk over and see a man with a large blaster like gun. This man was armored up with a partial helmet on his face, only covering half his face and a metal arm.

"Hero time," I said.

Spider-Man swung over on his web, I ran from roof to roof and flipped over one. I climbed down the side of the building and landed near Spider-Man.

I was a little behind him, he seemed to have made the first remark to our baddie. Which did anger him.

"Who's our friend?" I ask Spider-Man.

Spider-Man flips over the blasts from the gun, "Did get his name, but he doesn't play very nice."

I nod.

The baddie fires his blaster gun at my direction. I generate an electric burst that canceled out his blast aimed for me. I ran toward him, electricity forming in one hand.

Spider-Man jumped from one building and uses his web launchers to fire web at him and try to knock the baddie down.

As I ran near Spider-Man and the baddie, I use the electric ball in my hand to sapped the blaster. From there the power in the blaster was off. This made the man even more angry.

He looks at me wit anger and forcefully swings his arm at me, he was too fast. His force sent me into some trash cans and stumbled into a wall. Groaning at the pain.

I winced as I looked up. Spider-Man was grabbed by his head and thrown down. I needed to do something. Another electric burst of energy.

As Spider-Man managed to get out of his hold and dodge the baddie by using his webs to get him to swing from place to place. I came up from behind and grabbed the man. My entire body was shocking. I managed to electrocute the man.

"Ahhh-!" I yelled as this was the most of my ability being used at one large burst.

When the attack was finish, I was thrown back but was caught by Spider-Man and the baddie was thrown.

"You okay?" Spider-Man asks.

I winced, "Yeah."

"I don't think you're alright," Another voice said.

Flying down was none other than Iron-Man himself. His mask removes from his face revealing Tony Stark's face. I was at awe.

The baddie was unconscious and the police were arriving, I could tell as the sirens were getting louder and louder.

"Underoos," Iron-Man seemed to be addressing Spider-Man, "Get Static here back to the old Avenger tower."

Spider-Man seemed confused, "I thought you moved out of it?"

Iron-Man looks at him, "I did. But I decided to keep it."

Spider-Man seemed a bit confused. But all of a sudden, I was being held by Spider-Man and we were moving from building to building. I buried my face into Spider-Man's chest, not waiting to see how high we actually are.

Peter POV

I cannot believe Iron-Man showed up. This must be huge! Avengers level huge! So as I swung Static and I from building to building, I still wondered why Tony was still using the Avengers tower.

As we arrived I see lights on. I land on a platform and within a few seconds, stepping over was none other than Bruce Banner himself. And behind him was Black Widow.

"Tony called us," Bruce spoke, "You two okay?"

"Uh- yeah." I say.

I see Static at awe, "Uh- um yeah."

Black Widow wasn't buying it, "Bruce, check them out anyways. These two are terrible liars." She said eying the two of us.

As we entered the Avengers tower, I notice that it doesn't look like the tower I remember visiting. I seemed a bit confused.

"So what happened here?" I ask.

Bruce awkwardly rubs the back of his head, "Well this no longer the Avengers headquarters. Tony wanted a more secret area, but this is still Stark Industries and the top floors are living quarters for guests.

We were taken to a medical bay area. I was being looked over by Bruce, I didn't want to take my mask off in front of Static, and she felt the same way.

Emma POV

I was unzipping my black hoodie to reveal my black under armor. I winced and I knew that Black Widow saw it.

"So where does it hurt?" She asks me.

I lift part of my under armor to reveal some bruising. She looks at it, it wasn't dark purple. She pushed down on my ribs to see if there was any that was broken. I winced at that, but knew it was for my own good.

"No broken ribs." She tells me.

I nod, "Good."

I take my black hoodie off and sat down on a medical bed in my black pants, black boots, black under armor shirt, black finger-less gloves, and my black mask.

Spider-Man was literally right behind me being looked at. From what I could hear, he was going to be fine. He didn't have any bruising or any injures.

"How are my younglings?" None other than Tony Stark spoke arriving into the medical bay.

I turn around to see him. The man himself. Black Widow walked over and glared at him. Bruce seemed to fill him in about Spider-Man.

I glance at Spider-Man, his mask was lifted to reveal his mouth. Probably to make communication easier.

"You okay, kid?" Tony asks Spider-Man.

Spider-Man stands up quickly and nods, "Yes, sir."

Then Tony turns to me, "And you?"

I quickly nod, "Uh-huh."

Black Widow looks at Tony, "She has some bruising on her ribs."

Tony looks at me, "Bruising? That's all?"

Black Widow nods.

I watched Tony walk over and look at me now. He noticed my hoodie and shakes his head upon seeing my "uniform".

"How long have you been running around playing hero?" He asks me.

"For two years." I answer.

Tony seemed shocked, "In these? This isn't a superhero suit."

"Well it's been fine for me." I say.

He shakes his head, "Nope, won't do. Okay, Sparks. You're gonna get an upgrade."

I look at him a bit confused, "Uh- um,"

Tony then points to Spider-Man, "Underoos, come here."

This must be some nickname I am unaware of. Spider-Man comes over and seems ready for whatever Tony was going to ask of him.

"I don't think you need an introduction seeing as you already know each other without the masks on," Tony said.

We look at each other, "Huh!?" We both yell.

"What?" Tony said.

I glance at Spider-Man. I know him? Who in the world could he be. I hesitated to grab my mask. To pull it off, to see what kind of reaction Spider-Man would have.

"Peter Parker," Tony pulls off Spider-Man's mask, "Emma Sterling," He then pulled off mine.

Peter and I both point at each other, "What-!" We both yelled.

My new friend. My friend. Peter Parker is Spider-Man.

Peter POV

I cannot believe this. Emma is Static? This cannot be real.

"Tony," Black Widow said crossing her arms on her chest, "Was that necessary?"

Tony nods, "Yes. Seeing as Petey here and Emma here know each other outside the suits, it would have been a matter of time before their secrets came out."

I look at Emma. She looks different than the girl in school. Different in a good way. I noticed that the tech the baddie was using was in the lab next door.

"Is Friday analyzing the tech that baddie was using?" I asks.

Tony nods, "It'll be a way. Seeing as someone fried the main power." He turns to Emma.

Emma awkwardly smiles, "Uh- I may be able to reverse that way you can analyze it quicker." She says.

Tony nods, "Alright."

I watch Emma head over to the lab, well she was being led over by Tony. Bruce and Black Widow were right behind us. As we entered the lab, Tony and Emma were on one side and we; myself, Bruce, and Black Widow were near the entrance.

"I just need to be able use my abilities to reverse the shutdown." Emma spoke.

Bruce looks at her, "Have you done this before?"

She looks at our direction with a small grin, "Nope, but always up to trying something new."

Emma reaches outward to the weapon, the gun that she had shutdown with her powers. She holds onto it and then sparks began to surround her hands. I look at her and noticed a small spark in the power of the blaster. It took a few minutes before it was finally up and running.

"Well I'll be damned," Tony said, "Sparks did it."

Emma let go of the gun and turns to Tony, "From the amount of energy it needs to power it," She started saying, "The power source is not man made."

I cross my arms on my chest, "I was thinking the same thing when he used the blaster." I say, "It looked very syfy like."

Black Widow turns to Tony, "Is that all we have? What about the attacker?"

Tony shrugs, "He claims he doesn't remember any of it." He then pulls out the helmet Emma and I saw him in, "Apparently he remembers searching for food in a trash can and then some guys came out of nowhere and put this on him. After that is a blank."

Emma pondered over it, "That helmet covers the left side of the head," She started, "You think the people behind the blaster and even that helmet have some sort of blocker to the hippocampus?"

All eyes went to Emma. Including mine. I knew she said she was smart and liked things such as science and well Star Wars, but hearing this made me really impressed.

"Like suppressing his ability to form any new memories?" I say.

She nods at that, "Yeah. I mean given the tech used for the weapon is sourced by some out of this world material, it wouldn't be a shocker if these people, whoever they are could manage such a thing."

Tony thought about it, "Hm," He stroke his chin, "That could very well be a possibility."

Bruce then walks over, "Tony if you want I can start looking into the tech with you." He said.

Tony nods, "Yeah that would be great," Tony placed his hands on his hips, "Friday."

"Yes?" The AI spoke above, "What can I help you with?"

"Call Happy," Tony said, "Tell him he needs to run the kids home."

I step over, "But Mr Stark we can help out."

Tony turns to me, "You two are out way past your bedtime." He said, "Besides, you two just come back here tomorrow after school gets out."

The AI speaks from above, "Mr Hogan is waiting for the two downstairs."

Tony nods and turns to us, "Alright. It was nice seeing you two but its time for you to go home. Its a school night after all."

Emma and I walk out, we were being led to the elevator by Tony. She glanced at me and I looked at her, briefly only.

Emma POV

The ride down the elevator from the highest floor to the bottom was awkward. I glanced at Peter. Tony gave Peter a Stark Industry shirt and a pair of sweat pants. He handed me a Stark Industry shirt as well to cover over my under armor shirt.

I fumble with my fingers and say, "What a day, huh?"

He nods.

"Peter, I-." I stop myself to bite my lip.

This was super awkward. He was Spider-Man and I am Static, but we weren't just that. He was Peter Parker and I am Emma Sterling.

"It's okay," Peter said gaining my attention, "Just to warn you about it, Ned knows I am Spider-Man as well as Aunt May."

I look at him and look down, "You're the first one- well Tony seemed to have known, but no one else besides you, Tony, and those two Avengers know."

Peter nods.

I watch us go from floor ten to nine, we were getting near the bottom floor. I fumbled with my fingers again, as I was more tensed.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asks me.

I look up at him, "Huh?"

"The bruising," He said, "Are you okay?"

I nod at him, "Oh yeah. This is no problem."

Floor five to floor four.

"I think- uh I think it's cool that you're Spider-Man." I say.

He looks at me, and finally he smiles. He smiles at me. I wasn't sure if he was happy because I was giving him a compliment or what.

"I think it's cool that your Static," He said to me, "I mean how you fought against that baddie tonight was super amazing."

I smile at that, "You weren't so bad yourself, Spidey." I say.

We share a smile before the elevator door opens on the first floor. Happy Hogan was waiting for us. He had an impatient look on his face as he motioned to us to follow him. The driver said nothing to us and drove us in the direction of our apartments. Mine was the closest, so I was dropped off first.

Happy Hogan rolled down the window as I stepped out.

"Kid," Happy said.

I turn to him, "Yeah?"

"Tony wanted me to hand you this," Happy said, "For your cover."

I accept this letter, "Uh- what is it?"

"If your parents ask," Happy started and pointed to the envelope, "That is your acceptance to the Stark internship."

"Oh- uh okay." I say.

"Just tell them that's where you went," He said, "Now go run along."

I nod at that. I wave goodbye to Peter, who was waving goodbye to me. I head into my apartment building. I walk up the stairs and reached my apartment.

When I opened the door, much what I was expecting, both parents were not home yet. I frown and then walk to my room. Even if I was out all night, it seems like they weren't going to be here.

I collapse onto my bed and look at the envelope in my hands. I open it to see a letter, a really good fake letter to inform myself that I was accepted into the Stark internship. A smile escaped my lips.

Not only did I find out my new friend, Peter Parker is Spider-Man. But I also met Iron-Man, Black Widow, and saw Bruce Banner.

"Best day ever." I say to myself.

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