Just For Show (EDITING)

By rayelliswriter

587K 17.8K 3.4K

{Harry Styles Fanfiction} When someone hands you the opportunity to make your dreams happen, would you take i... More

Just For Show
Chapter 1 - " I'm Harry"
Chapter 2 - " Take the offer"
Chapter 3 - " what the hell are you doing here?"
Chapter 4 - " just listen"
Chapter 5 - " you're a rock star, go trash a hotel room"
Chapter 6 - " welcome to our new apartment"
Chapter 7 - " I do love her, just not in that way"
Chapter 8 - " all hale to your queen"
Chapter 10 - " I'm sick of all these lies"
Chapter 10 - " distract me"
Chapter 11 - " I'm not always an ass Cailin"
Update! (Important!)
Chapter 12 - " and here I thought you were a good girl"
Chapter 13 - " you're not going out with him Cailin!"
Chapter 14 - " so what's up with you and the brunette?"
Chapter 15 - " I've been lying and hiding things from Lia"
Chapter 16 - " I lost her"
Chapter 17 - " try not to be so pathetic on stage tonight"
Chapter 18 - " the way I never treated you, right?"
Chapter 19 - " do you think we'll ever be friends again?"
Chapter 20 - " please Carter"
Chapter 21 - " what happened to your face?"
Chapter 22 - " so what's with the brunette?"
Chapter 23 - " you're wearing my shirt?"
Chapter 24 - " I do care about you"
Chapter 25 - " do you think I'm good enough?"
Chapter 26 - " and am I the only guy, Cailin?"
Chapter 27 - " I'm sorry I didn't save you"
Chapter 28 - " he's a better actor then anyone ever thought"
Chapter 28 - Author's Note
Chapter 29 - " Kiss me"
Chapter 30 - " he was lost because you were with another guy"
Chapter 31 - " I hate slow dancing"
Chapter 32 - " it'll be our secret"
Chapter 33 - " everything's going to be okay"
Chapter 34 - " I told her I was with you"
Chapter 35 - " what's it like in England?"
Chapter 36 - " 3..2..1..."
Chapter 37 - " that's not packing. That's just throwing shit into a suitcase"
Chapter 38 - " well he can just get over it, can't he?"
Chapter 39 - " if you want go ahead Harry. It's not like you have a girlfriend"
Chapter 40 - " get the fuck out"
Chapter 41 - " someone like you doesn't change"
Chapter 42 - " please don't leave me"
Chapter 43 - " your surprise is inside"
Chapter 44 - " I'm so sorry for your loss"
Chapter 45 - " you look beautiful"
Chapter 46 - " he's been good to me"
Chapter 47 - " I'm a lot more into brunettes"
Chapter 48 - " you can't do that to me!"
Chapter 49 - " you're still the same asshole you've always been"
Chapter 50 - " look at yourself"
Chapter 51 - " Happy Birthday!"
Chapter 52 - " all I wanted was the truth"
Chapter 53 - "I need time to grieve"
Chapter 54 - " you promised you'd never leave me"
Chapter 55 - " what did he do?"
Chapter 56 -" it's helps you keep your mind off things"
Chapter 57 - "I hate you because I still love you"
Chapter 58 - " for a night we'll never forget"
Chapter 59 - "I forgive you"
Chapter 60 - "I'm starting over"
Chapter 61 - " one of us"
Chapter 62 -
Chapter 63 - "what are you doing here?"
Bonus Chapter and Sequel Info
Not For Show Details (Just For Show Sequel)

Chapter 9 - " what happened to the good girl image?"

9.5K 302 39
By rayelliswriter


The buzzed sounded off making me jump out of my thoughts. Everyone around me jumped up and started cheering, I followed along with them hoping that I looked like I had actually been paying attention.

Normally my attention would be completely towards a basketball game because it was my favorite sport to watch, but today my mind just wasn't in it.

My mind was on Harry and I hated myself for that.

Last night had been Liam's party and Harry had been avoiding me since. Lia had gotten Liam 4 tickets for this game so he had invited Lia, Harry and myself. But as soon as Harry heard that I was going, he quickly dropped out of our plans, taking Lia along with him.

So here I was with Liam at a basketball game that I couldn't seem to keep my attention on the game.

" so did you have fun last night?" Liam asked.

" I had a great time" I nodded.

" after a while it seemed like you couldn't wait to get out of there" Liam said keeping his eye on the game.

" you noticed?" I asked.

" of course"

" I'm sorry about that. I guess I was just annoyed with someone" I explained.

" tell me who it is and next time I won't invite that person" he smiled.

" don't worry about it" I smiled.

The buzzer sounded off again meaning that the opposing team had just made a shot.

" meet any new people last night?" Liam asked.

" Veronica Russo" I nodded.

" oh.. her.." he said looking over back at the game

" you didn't tell me that you've hooked up with her" I smirked.

" no one needs to know that" he playfully glared at me.

" she seems cool" I nodded.

" she's trouble, that's what she is" Liam shook his head.

" she doesn't seem that bad" I chuckled.

" just be careful" Liam warned.

" okay" I shrugged.


As soon as I walked into the apartment, my phone started to ring.

" hello?" I answered not bothering to look at the caller ID.

" where are you right now?" someone demanded on the other line.

" just got home James" I said as I put my purse down on the counter.

" I need you to go to the studio right now and hide out for a bit" he said.

" hide out from what? I asked scrunching out my eyebrows.

" I'll explain everything when I get there. Just stay away from paparazzi and don't say a word" he said before hanging up the phone.

I immediately grabbed my purse again and walked out of the apartment. As I walked out of the building, the crowd of paparazzi had grown since I had walked into the building. My driver was already out there with the car so I just rushed out.

" Cailin!"

" over here'"

" what happened to the good girl image?"

What were they talking about?

As soon as I got into the car the driver drove off to the studio. Like I expected, the studio parking lot was flooded with paparazzi. What was going on? What had happened that they were suddenly chasing and hounding me?

What if they found out about Harry and I? Had Veronica told them?

Thankfully my driver walked me inside the studio so I wasn't mobbed by all the photographers. All the flashes were starting to blind me.

Luckily the building was pretty much empty. But James still wasn't there.

As I got closer to the recording studio, I could hear someone recording a song. I got to the door and just listened. It was Harry. I opened the door to see him singing into the mic and headphones by his ear.

No one else was around, so I guess he was recording himself. His eyes were closed so he couldn't see me on the other side of the glass. The lyrics he sang were beautiful. I had never heard them before which probably meant that he had written the song himself.

'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello."

And your eyes look like coming home

All I know is a simple name

Everything has changed

All I know is you held the door

And you'll be mine and I'll be yours

All I know since yesterday is everything has changed

Just as he was getting the best part of the song, I tripped on cable wires and slammed my face to the floor.

" who's there?" I heard Harry called.

I quickly picked myself up to see him looking back at me.

" sorry, I tripped" I said looking down at the cable wires.

" what are you doing here?" he glared as he walked out of the booth

" James told me to come here. What are you doing here?" I glared back.

" isn't it obvious?" Harry said motioning to the booth.

Harry sat down on the chair and started looking through some papers.

" is that the new song you were recording?" I asked as I put my bag down on the couch.

" yeah, I started writing it today" Harry mumbled.

" can I see?" I asked looking at the piece of paper he was still holding.

Harry shrugged and handed me it. My eyes scanned the lyrics and my heart melted.

These lyrics were beautifully written. I had always known Harry was a good writer but this one of his best works.

" I'm a little stuck on the beginning though" he said.

" may I?" I looked up at me while holding a pencil.

He simply just shrugged accepting my help. I started writing down all the words that came to mind. That was how I'd write songs. Words would just pop up and then I'd just organize them to make sense.

" how about this?" I said before I sang the lyrics I had written.

All I knew this morning when I woke

Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before.

And all I've seen since eighteen hours ago

Is green eyes and freckles and your smile

In the back of my mind making me feel like

Harry didn't say anything for a couple seconds, deciding whether he liked it or hated it.

" surprisingly I actually like it" Harry said.

" finally you like something I wrote" I smiled.

" I don't think that'll happen again" he laughed.

I rolled my eyes with a smile.

" so are you done avoiding me now?" I asked handing him back the sheet with the lyrics.

" I don't know what you're talking about" Harry shook his head.

This was what bothered me about him. He didn't like talking about the problem. He avoided it, like he was avoiding it now.

" you ditched the basketball game we all had planned a week ago" I explained.

Harry sighed and put the lyrics back on the table.

" I just didn't think it was a good idea" he shrugged.

" nothing happened, right?" I repeated his words from last night.

His eyes glanced over at mine and stayed like that for what seemed forever. It would have gone longer but the door opened and we both looked towards it.

James walked in along with a guy, which I'm guessing was from the label.

" Cailin" James sigh gratefully that I was sitting there waiting for him.

" what's going on James?" I asked.

" we need to do some damage control" the guy beside James said holding a laptop in his hands.

" damage control?" Harry asked.

The guy with the laptop put it on the table so Harry and I could see what they were taking about. As soon as I saw it, my heart stopped.

It wasn't anything to do with Harry and I. It was all about me. The label had told me to keep this good girl image and these picture could quickly shatter their whole plan.

The pictures that were online were from the party from last night. On most of the pictures, it clear that I was drunk. TMZ was talking about how I was a good girl gone bad.

" oh my god" I whispered.

" it gets worse" James said clicking a key on the keyword.

Racy pictures started to pop up on the same site. These were all pictures of either me partying or racy photo shoots. My career was going to go down hill from here, I thought.

" what am I going to do, James?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

" we're going to do damage control. You're going to apologize publicly saying that you made wrong decisions and that you were friends with the wrong people" the guy said.

" what do you mean?" I asked.

The guys immediately pointed to the pictures, specifically to Willow who was pretty much in all the pictures.

" you're going to indicate that she was the bad influence in your life and that you've pushed yourself away from her" he said.

They wanted me away from Willow? They were controlling my life and I was starting to regret ever signing that dotted line.

" he's kidding me right James?" I said looking up at James.

" I'm sorry Cailin" James shook his head.

As i looked down at the pictures again , Harry stood up from his seat.

" you can't do this to her! That's her best friend!" Harry glared at both of them.

" the girl is just using Cailin" James shook his head.

" she's not.." I whispered as tears fell from my eyes.

" then why would she be the one posting the party pictures when she knows you're supposed to have a good girl image?" James said.

I looked back at the pictures of the party last night and noticed that Willow had posed for all of them and posted most of them.

Willow wasn't that type of person. But then again, she always wanted to be in the lime light and this was her chance.

" is she using me?" I asked Harry as I wiped my tears away.

Harry shrugged shaking his head indicating that either he didn't know or had no idea what to say.

With that, I grabbed my bag and ran out of the studio. Harry followed me which surprised me.

" where are you going?" he asked as we got closer to the door.

" I need to talk to Willow" I said.

" I'll take you" he said.

I looked up at Harry to find him looking at me with those green eyes waiting for an answer. I nodded.

We walked out to face a massive crowd of paparazzi.  I knew my face was stained with tears which I know only made this situation worse.

Harry pushed them out of our way and put me inside the car. I tried my hardest to hide my face but it was no use, the flashes of the cameras still continued.

Harry started the car and began accelarating the car so the photographer would move out of the way. But they didn't. They continued taking pictures which was way passed scaring me. Harry pushed down on the accelarator again and this time didn't prrss on the brakes. Thankfully the paparazzi moved so they wouldn't be ran over.

During the drive to my old apartment, Harry and I didn't say a word to each other. Mostly because I knew that if a word came out of me, tears would follow.

Harry parked the car in front of the building and turned to me.

" I'll be here waiting for you" he nodded.

" thanks" I nodded back before exiting the car.

Thankfully I still had the aparyment keys in case of an emergency,  so I just dug in the key into the key hole and walked in. Willow was sitting on the couch watching America's Next Top Model. We used yo watch it all the time when we were together.

" hey Cai" she smiled.

" how could you do that to me?" I said to her cutting to the chase.

" what?"

" you know about how I'm supposed yo ha e this good girl image in the media and yet you still post pictures of us drinking and partying?" I glared at her.

Willow got off the couch and walked closer to me which only made me back away.

" I didn't think you'd get mad at that. you used to post worse pictures than those" she shrugged.

" that' the point Willow, I used to" I shook my head.

Willow sighed looking down at her feet and then back at me.

" are you using me?" I asked with my voice cracking up.

" are you serious?" Willow scoffed.

" you are!" I accused.

" get over yourself Cailin" she rolled her eyes.

They were right. Willow was using me now. How would she had done this to me.

" just stay away from me" I whispered heading for the door.

" just remember one thing Cailin" she called out.

I turned my head back as I reached for the door knob.

" you're not a good girl so you won't be able to keep up with this charade forever. It'll eat you alive" Willow warned.

With that I throw the apartment keys I once owned towards her and I walked out of the apartment.


drama filled chapter!!!

I actually loved writing this chapter even though it broke my heart to rip Cailin's and Willow's friendship apart.

but it is crucial to the story line.

just so you guys know, I already have whole story mapped out and even an idea for the sequel hehe

lately I've been getting more views and more votes which makes me ecstatic ☆☆☆

thank you guys ♡

keeping voting and commenting!

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