King of the Street(A Harry Po...

By Ao_no_Blue_Girl_

161K 5.4K 2.3K

Summary: Harry is taken to an orphanage by the Dursleys the day after his is dropped off at their door. Harry... More

The Boy Who Survives
A Whole New World
The Past Returns
Power to Spare
Let's go Shopping
First Steps
A New Home
The First and Last Day
New Home, New Secrets
A Day in the Life
The Boys are Back
Getting on Practice
When planning a heist, have a magic dog
B&E With a Touch of Theft
A Break From It All
A Lone King
Reclaiming Control
No Rest for the Wicked
End of an Era
It's in the Walls
Where the monster hides
Moving Forward
New Year, New Problems
Bad News

The Return of the Princes

5.9K 179 63
By Ao_no_Blue_Girl_

Harry and Seamus had spent the last hours of the day hunting down the Weasley twins, but for some reason, they couldn't find them. The two princes had asked every person, living and non, for help in finding the twins. Rumor was that Fred and George found an artifact in their first year that allowed them to know where everyone was at any time.

The clocks hit 11'o clock when Harry and Seamus decided it was time for bed. They agreed to try again the next day. Hopefully, they would have more luck. Harry waved goodbye to his friend and headed down into the dungeons. Upon entering the Slytherin common room, Harry noticed there were a few of his fellow snakes still awake.

Draco Malfoy and his gang, which consisted of his body guards Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, the pug-faced Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini. Harry found it interesting that Blaise was sitting with them, he usually was with Tracey Davis or doing the lone wolf thing. There were a few older years sitting at the various tables, either playing some game or doing homework. Finally, Harry's brilliant green eyes landed on Daphne Greengrass. She was an enigma to Harry. While most of the time her icy persona had led all but a few people to steer clear of her, other times she would let her emotions show on her immaculate face. There were only a handful of times that Harry can remember her leaving her façade behind. The first time was when they first met in Diagon Alley, the second was when he saw in the library with Tracey when they thought they were alone and the few times when he spoke with her.

"Are you going to just stand there Potter?" Came the voice of Daphne, pulling Harry from his thoughts.

"Maybe I will, Maybe I won't." replied Harry

Daphne just scoffed and went back to reading her book. Harry just smirked and headed to the first-year dorm. He was ready for a shower and bed after some light reading.

Harry's shower was quick, it was mainly to just relax him before bed. Harry dried off and changed into his pajamas. He closed the curtains to his four-poster and tucked in for the night.


"It's too late my dear, both you and your son's lives are forfeit. Avada Kedavra!"


Harry burst up from his bed, soaked in sweat. He had never had that dream before, what did it mean. He felt like he recognized the voice of the woman and the man's high-pitched voice sounded like… Voldemort.

Maybe a workout, shower and something to eat was in order. Thus, Harry went through his routine, trying to think about anything else but the dream. He failed, if it was Voldemort's voice in the dream, then who was the woman? Damn it, Harry shook his head for what seemed the millionth time, trying to rid himself of the dream.

Harry entered the Great Hall and sat down at the Slytherin table. Making himself a plate of waffles, eggs, bacon and a banana, Harry began to eat. As the first bite nearly reached his mouth, something small and round landed on his food. Harry quickly looked around but couldn't find any possible culprit in the still sparsely populated hall. He turned back to the mystery item. It looked to be the size of a golf ball but was gold with strange engravings on it. Harry reached for the ball and as soon as his had was within a few inches, a pair of wings unfurled, and it began to fly away. For a moment it seemed to disappear from view, but harry caught a glimpse of it by the head table, it was heading for a small side door. Harry stuffed one big bite of his food into his mouth and grabbed the banana. He then chased after the strange flying ball.

Harry slowly opened the door to the room. He was aware of what happened last time he entered random room. Thankfully there was no three-headed dog waiting for him. The room gave the feel of a smoking room. there was a large fire place with two tall backed chairs and a small table between them with an ashtray. The walls were decorated with paintings and trophies and there were multiple glass cases filling the space, which held more awards.

"So glad you could join us." came two voices speaking simultaneously.

"Um, who are you?" replied Harry.

"We are known by many names. Miscreants, heathens, tricksters. Gred and Forge, or George and Fred. But mostly, we are known as the Weasley twins and we know that you and your friend have been looking for us."

"We have, but how is it possible for you to have avoided us so well. That's never happened before."

"That's for us to know and you to never find out."

"Are you going to both be speaking at the same time every time we talk?"

They both just shrugged, "Probably, but what do you require from us?"

"A way out of the castle."

"That's it? No potions or pranks?"

"Nope, we can do all that just fine ourselves."

"So we've heard."

"Co, can you help us?"

"We can, but only for something in return."

"I thought so, what is it that you want?"

"You're a Slytherin, so get us the current password for your common room and a set of robes."

"I can get you the password, but why can you just transfigure a set of robes from your own."

"We need the robes of one student in particular."

"Which student?"

"Draco Malfoy."

"Malfoy? Sure, I can get you some of his robes. When and where should I take them."

"Bring them back here next Saturday and we'll help you and your friend out."

"Very well, it was good to meet you gentlemen."

"And you sir."

As Harry left to find Seamus, he thought of how both entertaining and strange the Weasley twins are. They seemed to be two halves of the same person. Harry, even though this was their first meeting, knew that he would almost never see one without another. During their meeting the Great Hall had filled with students. Looking to the Gryffindor table, Harry could see his companion. Deciding he probably wasn't awake yet, it was still relatively early for a Sunday. Harry did see that Hermione was sitting by herself at the Ravenclaw table.

"Hello Hermione."

"Morning Harry. What are you doing up so early?"

"I've actually been up for a little over an hour now, I'm usually awake at such an early hour."

"Wow, I'll admit, I had you pegged for a sort of lazy bones."

"Thou wound me!" Harry exclaimed, holding a hand to his heart.

"Oh, shush." Hermione giggled.

"How has the year been so far for you?" Harry asked when they finished laughing.

"Not nearly as exciting as yours."

"Don't remind me, I was literally looking for my next class and just took a wrong turn."

"I was wondering what the truth was, the rumor mill was churning out garbage of what everyone thinks happened."

"And what does everyone think happened?"

"Some think you already knew what was behind the door. Others are saying that because of who you are, Dumbledore was testing you for the future."

"Is that all?"

"Not even, the most outlandish one is that some think that you fought Voldemort."

"Really, well that's actually a good guess."

Hermione stared at Harry wide-eyed, waiting to see if he was joking. He wasn't.

"Really, I fought him, or at least some form of him. It seemed like he was possessing Quirrell."

"I-I don't…"

"I know, it's a lot to take in, but it's the truth."

"Somehow, I believe you, but it still sounds crazy. I mean, how did he even get n here in the first place. I would've thought that Dumbledore would have protections of some kind to prevent this kind of thing."

"I agree, I don't know how far you've read Hogwarts, A History, but this castle is one of the most heavily warded places in the world, but it still couldn't stop him from getting in."

"Well, at least we got a replacement. It would've sucked to lose a class just because the teacher died."

"I agree."

It was Harry's turn to look at Hermione with incredulity. He had said that as a joke, but Hermione's reaction was not what he expected at all.

"Um, what do you mean you agree?" Harry asked, hoping for an explanation.

"What, oh, OH NO, no no. I just meant, well, I meant that. Oh lord."

Harry's face slowly cracked into a smile and was soon laughing again. Hermione was thankful that the boy let her off the hook for her slightly blasé response. They just sat and talked about nothing until another familiar voice came from behind them.

"Well, well, you two look like you're getting along well."

"Hello Seamus, took you long enough to get up." Said Harry.

"Yeah, well, I played some exploding snap before I went to bed with some of the others in my house."

"Well, I have news for you. Hermione, it was good talking to you."

Hermione didn't reply, she was staring intently at her plate. Harry was confused, what happened to her.

"Um, Hermione?" Harry gave her a light shake.

"you too." Hermione squeaked out.

"Um, okay. See you later?"


Harry and Seamus looked at each other with some confusion. Shrugging, they left for their new HQ. It was a quick walk, surprisingly, to the Room. The boys chatted idly as they walked, not trusting the invisible ears that haunted the castle. When they reached the seventh floor, they triple-checked to make sue there was no one else there. Harry opened the door and followed Seamus in.

"Okay Harry, what's the news?"

"I talked to the Twins."

"Really, what did they say? Will they help us?"

"They said that they'll help us as long as we help them."

"Of course, what did they want?"

"Just some Slytherin robes and the password to my dorm."

"Are you going to give them what they want?'

"Of course, I couldn't care less about the others and my stuff is locked tight."

"Nice, well all that's left is planning it all out."

"Yes, so now is the time you tell me who this "old" friend of ours is."

"Oh, that's right. It's Mundungus Fletcher."


"Yep, apparently he is also a wizard. He has been building a reputation as a fence. Most people think he is a blithering idiot, but we both know that's not true."

And Harry did. Mundungus Fletcher was one of the smartest men he knew. The man was able to plan for any eventuality, improvise with the best of them and the simple fact was that he is an excellent thief.

"Oh man, I can't wait to se him. It's been forever." Said Harry.

"Same here. Now, I was able to find this as well."

Seamus spread a map out on the large table in their planning area. It showed Hogwarts and the surrounding area, including the village Hogsmeade. It was the town that the Hogwarts Express stopped at.

"So, this is a very interesting map as it can do this."

Seamus had taken out his wand an tapped the village twice. The map suddenly zoomed in on the village and now the village was center mass and in detail of where every building was, how they were positioned. It even showed all the immediate surrounding forest. The drawn in trees were shifting on the paper slightly and if Harry were to guess, he would bet that there is a slight breeze down in Hogsmeade right now. Each of the buildings were labeled by what they were. If they were a business, they had the name of said business. If it was residential, it showed the name of the owner, not necessarily who was actually living there.

"So, here is where the Blackstock is supposed to be." Seamus used his wand to create a dot on a building that would've been on the main road but was being blocked by some café called Madam Puddifoot's.

"Okay, so what do we know so far other than where and what it is."

"Nothing, that's why we need a way out. So, we can do recon and info gathering. It's going to be difficult because two first years running around the village are not going unnoticed. We need a way to move around without being seen."

"What like an invisibility cloak or something."

"Maybe, if they even exist."

"Well, I doubt that either of us will acquire one anytime soon."

"Either way, we need to figure out a way to better hide ourselves against not only people, but magic."

"Well, we have an entire library on warding, we can look through there, see what we find."

For the next few hours, the two boys searched through book after book, trying to find anything that seemed like it would help them. Finally, it was Seamus who struck gold.

"A-HA!" Seamus exclaimed

"OH MY GOD. Did you find something?" asked Harry mocked

"Yes, it's a personal warding spell called, Personalis Protector."

"What does it do?"

"It says that it creates a ward that surrounds the caster, making them invisible to most common protection and detection wards."

"Nice, how do we cast it?"

"We just have to move our wand in a counter-clockwise circle above our heads while clearly saying the incantation."

"Seems simple but let's give it some practice first."

Ok, but how are we gong to test to see if it works?"

"We are in a room that literally changes to fit our needs."

"Oh, right, well let's make a space for it and practice."

It took the two boys only an hour to be able to perform the spell properly. The room had created a warded space that was triggered to alarm if there was someone detected trying to pass through it.

"Well, I guess we're ready, all that's left for prep is actually scoping the place out." Said Harry

"Good, now lets go get some dinner, I'm starved."

The princes made their way down to the Great Hall, not knowing that the path they have chosen to take will lead to consequences they've never experienced before.

From me: Ignore the squares

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