When. (Jc Caylen Fanfic)

By oCaylenCloudo

19.4K 544 69

Forgive & Forget More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two


479 13 0
By oCaylenCloudo

"Jc's POV"

My eyes were glued shut, but I manage to blink them open. My arms are wrapped around Bella, and I unwrap them. What the hell is she doing in here? All of the boys were still sound asleep, and I was the only one awake. I get loose of Bella's grip, and she blinks her eyes to consciousness. She looks at me with confusion, and begins wrapping her arms around me again. I tug away and hop out of the bed. I grab a plain white shirt and slip it on. I was in my sweats.

"Why are you in here?" I ask

"Because I wanted you next to me"

I sigh and sit on the edge of the bed.

"he kissed me Jc" She interrupts the silence

"Whats this dudes name?"

"I-I don't know" She stutters "But I have his phone number"

I look up at her. "What is it? I'd like to text him off of my phone"

She pulls out her phone and scrolls through to find the number. She tells me the number and I put it into my phone.

"Only text him please. Don't do anything you'll regret." She says as I get up from the bed.

"I'll do what I want" I murmur to myself and exit into the hallway.

I dial his phone number and it rings. It rang three times until someone picked it up.

"Hello?" a female voice answers

"Are you a prostitute or something?" I say back.

"What are you talking about? Who are you?"

"Who are you?!" I ask back

"His girlfriend!" She says in almost a shout.

"Well, your 'Boyfriend' Tried to cheat on you last night hun."

"Why should I believe you?"

"I'm the girls, who your boyfriend kissed, boyfriend."(sorry that's confusing I know)

"He would never cheat on me. We've been together for almost a year now."

"Sorry that I'm the one who has to break it to you sweety"

"Don't call me that"

"Whatever hun, can I please speak to your boyfriend."

"Why should I let you spe-" She starts

"Because I want to get this whole thing straight." I interrupt, "I want to be able to love my girlfriend like she deserves, but he's getting in the middle of it right now. I just want this done, so I can get back to loving my girlfriend."

All I hear is her sigh, and hand the phone to someone.

"Hello?" a muffled voice breaks the whispers on the other side.

"Listen. I saw what happened last night with Bella. You kissed her. Why."

"Oh I remember Bella." She says as if he's smiling, "She's gorgeous. The way she moves her body to any beat, The way her-"

"Shut the fuck up and tell me what happened. I see you like to cheat on your girlfriend. You're sick."

"And I see that your girlfriend likes to cheat on you."

I sigh, "You kissed her. You're the one who started all of this."

He doesn't say anything else, he just giggles and hands up the phone. I sigh and push my phone into my back pocket. I open up the room, and walk in. The boys are finally awake, and on their electronics.

"Good morning Jc" Ricky says.

"Bella I believe you" I ignore Ricky's question.

She sighs in relief and stands up beside the bed. She gives me a light hug. I give her an unsure look and she frowns at me.

"Babe what more to do?" She looks up at me.

"I just don't know. This guy sounds bad Bella. I don't want him to come back and ruin this."

"He won't Jc. Just forgive and forget. Forget about him. How about all of us go out for breakfast today?" she offers with a smile

"YAS" Trevor screams and hops out of the bed. Bella giggles and says "Lets go then!"


"Bella's POV"

Hopefully going out for breakfast with the boys takes his mind off of this whole thing. I hate it when we get into arguments. We were going to IHOP for breakfast. As we arrived, I tried to hold Jc's hand. He held it, but his grip wasn't the same. I looked down at my shoes and frowned.

"Welcome! Table for 7?" The lady at the counter says.

We all nod and she leads us to a booth. I sat between Ricky and Sam. Jc was on the other side of the table. We all dig our faces in our menus and we were ready to order. The waitress came back to our table, and everyone around the table ordered their food. I just ordered one pancake, because well I always feel fat after eating things like this. The boys all looked at me weird, but I brushed it off. We all talked and laughed, except Jc. He just had a fork in his hand and was twirling it around his finger. He had such a plain face. I brushed my foot against his under the table, and exchange smiles. His smile didn't look the same. It looked fake, or broken.

After breakfast, we went straight back to the hotel. There was a party later that night for the ending of VidCon, but I didn't want to go. So did Jc. All of the boys went without us. Jc and I were left in the hotel room staring at a wall in silence.

"We should go out." I break the silence.

"Where?" He replies and glances at me.

"Let's just explore."

"Sure. Did you bring your board?" He asks

"Yeah did you?"

"Yep. Lets go"


We left the hotel and skated down the street. This is our last night at VidCon, and I liked the way we were ending it. Just Jc and I. We are leaving first thing in the morning, back home. I was kind of happy going back home. I missed home.

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