Once Upon A Time One shots On...

By PiperThorn

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The Girl
♡Request page♡
Mommy part 2
Felix x Reader
Felix x Child reader
Child Reader x Lost Boys
Henry x Male! Reader
Henry x Male! Reader Part 2
Child Reader x Regina
Hook x Rachel
Killian/Hook x Pirate Reader!
Killan/ Hook x Pirate! Reader part 2
Henry x Blind! Reader (Colors)
Pan x Twin Male! Readers
Charming x Teen! Reader
I Want To Stay (Henry's sister)
OUAT& Descendants 2 Crossover
Snow and Charming x Teen Reader
Pan x Drawing!Female! Reader
Gold & Belle x Rebel Teenager!
Rumbelle x Rebal!Teen Part 2
PETER PAN X-Mas Special
Little Girl (Pan x Child Reader)
Little Girl Part 2
You don't scare me (Pan x Child! Reader)
You don't scare me Part 2
You don't scare me part 3
Please don't hurt him (Pans Sister)
Belonging Regina x Twins!
Request Regina x Daughter
Regina x Reader Part 2
Go with me (Henry x OC)
Pan x Ari Request
Sawyer part 2
Angelica x Killian Request!
I'm Sorry
Hook x Reader
Areils Twin sister
Hey Guys
Welp here we go
Mr. Hyde x Female Reader!
Dr. Whale x MALE! Request
Pans sister request
Killian Request
Pan x (Y/N) X Hades
Pan x (y/n) x Hades Part 2
Pan x OCD!Child!Reader
I was tagged
Henry x Reader Request
Young!Bealfire x Young!Fem!Reader
Hyde x Reginas Daughter! Reader! Request
Hercules x Reader Request!
CJ x Felix request!
Reader x Pan in Henrys body
Pan in Henrys body Part 2
Peter x Snows Daugher Request!
Rumplestiltskin x Odette
Male! Reader x Jack Sparrow
Pan x Reader
Belle's daughter x Rumple
Fly high Maddie
Henry x reader request
Henry and Pregnant! Violet
Henry x Violet part 2
Felix x Alec Request!
Reader x Prince Charming Request!
Archie Soulmate AU
archie Soulmate AU Part 2
Felix x Insecure!Reader
Emma x Regina
Important update
Broken arm
Mr.Gold x Daughter!Reader
Killian x Dark Ones Daughter!
Killian x Dark One's Daughter Part 2

Pan x Sawyer Request

919 15 6
By PiperThorn

Quick info before you start Song played and mentioned up top/ on the side

Sawyer is the son of Ursula and James (I know that's not a real character but please just roll with it)

Takes place in the 21st century in Storybrooke also please forget everything you know past season 3 as Pan will not die and this doesn't follow the plot of the TV show at all. Also, Ursula isn't dead. 

Thank you!

Sawyers POV

My parents just found out about me being gay and now they are furious and are currently downstairs trying to come up with ways to 'fix' me. However, I'm currently in my room staring out the window looking at the clock tower in hopes of anything or anyone to come and take me away. I got up and grabbed my phone and earbuds and started playing Don't wait (I will leave the song video down below like after the story for those that want to listen to it.) and sat back by the window. About halfway through the song, I look at the road to see a boy? 'What on earth is he doing outside?' I open my window and get out onto the roof and jump on to the tree and climb my way down to the ground. "Hey!" The boy turned around and looked at me. ' Oh, my starfish he's gorgeous.' The boy cleared his throat breaking me out of my dream like state and the smirk on his face tells me he knows I was staring at him.  "Oh um, w-who are you? I haven't seen you around here before so you c-can't be from Storybrooke." I say also what the heck I never stutter ok get it together Sawyer. He chuckled and looked me up and down suddenly making feel self-conscious.  " I did forget to introduce my self-didn't I?" He asked but it sounded like more of a statement. "Well, I guess I should introduce my self I'm Peter ... Peter Pan." 'Oh, sweet jellyfish that accent is going to kill me. Wait did he just say Peter Pan?' "Wait you mean that you Peter Pan-like the one that lives with the lost boys and flies around on Neverland?" He nodded. "Now I think you should introduce your self but first." He paused and waved his hand and we were inside of what looks like a camp. "Welcome to Neverland, now before you tell me about you I want to know why you are lost." I looked at him confused "What do you mean lost?" I asked "Unloved, unwanted, those are all things that tell me that you are lost that is the main reason why I was in Storybrooke in the first place. " he said I nodded my head somewhat understanding what he was saying.  " So my parents don't like me because well umm... my parents their homophobic and when I came out to them they didn't accept me like at all," I said when we sat down on a log. Peter nodded his head showing that he understood. "That's not right you know," He said, "yeah but what's worse is that they want to fix me like Hello you can't fix something that isn't broken all you can do is accept it and move on but no they won't like are you serious!?!?!?!" I said getting mad at the end. "Well as fun as it is to watch you get mad why don't you calm down and tell me your name cutie." I blushed "I'm Sawyer." I said after a minute of blushing. "Alright, and do you have a last name?" "Sea like the ocean." (I have no clue what ursulas last name is but that is what I'm going to go with if you know her last name or find it please let me know so that I can change that) "So you're a sea witch?" Peter asked I shook my head. "I don't think so mom never lets me near the water but other than that no." I nodded his head before he smiled "How about you stay here in Neverland? " He asked, "Why not it's not like my 'family' will miss me anyway." I said he chuckled alright well you're going to have to share a tent with me until we can make you a tent." he said I looked at him. "Can't you just make one appear?" he chuckled "What's the fun in that?" "Umm ok then." I said. 

*Time skip a week*

I have been on Neverland for a week now and it's been nothing but amazing. Peter has been teaching me how to shoot a bow and arrow. That's also what we have been working on the most. But now that I think of it Peter won't let me do anything that he thinks will hurt me and to be honest I kinda like it. I mean a totally cute boy is being caring towards me what is there not to love? "AWYER!" I looked up "Yes Peter?" "You spaced out again." "Oh sorry." he shook his head before walking over to me. "Now do you need help shooting the bow or do you think that you can do it your self?" he asked gesturing to the bow in my hand. "Can I try again?" I asked "Of course." he said before stepping off to my right. I raised the bow up with an arrow like Peter had taught me and closed one eye before shooting. During the process of shooting, I closed my eyes. When I opened them up I looked at the target. "I hit the second ring from the center." I said to my self I turned to look at Peter. "I hit the target!" I said smiling. "Good job." he walked over to me and I hugged him. "Thank you for helping me." I said I let go to see him in shock. "Y-your welcome." He said before he smiled "now why did you hug me? Don't get me wrong I won't punish you but I am curious." he said 'Oh god I can't tell him that I like him I mean that would be weird and if it got weird he might send me home and if he sends me home then.' I was pulled from my thoughts when Peter hugged me. "I would never send you home not in a million years and just for the record I think you're pretty cute." he said in my ear. "H-how did you know?" I said as I buried my head into his chest. "You said all that out loud love." he said. "O-oh" "but I do have a question for you and no I am not joking. Would you like to go on a date with me?" he asked and I think my heart just stopped. Since I couldn't find my words I nodded my head. "Well then be ready in an hour and meet me at the front of camp." he said before disappearing. 

*Time skip to after date let me know in the comments if you want me to write the date part but for as of now I have a lot of requests to get in and yeah*

Peter and I are currently walking back to camp just talking about random things, "Favorite color?" he asked "Green." "Why?" "It's cliche but it's the color of your eyes." Peter laughed "That's ok." We got back to camp and before we went in Peter stopped me. "Sawyer I know that we haven't know each other very long but I was wonder if you would like to be my boyfriend." My heart just stopped I mean like Peter just asked me to be his boyfriend! "Yes!" I said really loudly. "Oops sorry didn't mean to yell." I said to him. "That is quite alright." We walked into camp and sat on a log before the boys camp up to Peter. "Pan can we have a fire tonight?" One of the little boys asked. "We do every night don't we?" Peter asked but more so stated to the boy. The boys cheered and Peter pulled out his pan flute and started to play. About halfway through the song I got tired and put my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes. After the song was done Peter pulled me onto his lap so that my head was in the crook of his neck. I started to fall asleep again when I heard " Night love." 

*Time skip 2 weeks*

It's been 2 weeks since Peter asked me to be his Boyfriend and I regret nothing. Peter is the perfect boyfriend you could ask for he holds my hand, tells me that he loves me, everything and I. LOVE. IT! I am currently in camp helping Adrian tie his shoes since he can't do that just yet. When I finished I got up "Alright now why don't we go." I was cut off by a whistle, and not just any whistle but, the one that's for intruders on the island that are making their way to the main camp. And we just so happened to be in the main camp. Before I could tell anyone to go and get weapons Peter was already telling the boys to do so. "Sawyer!" I looked up just in time to catch a crossbow and some arrows from Felix. "Thanks," I said before finding Peter who was in the center of camp with the lost boys telling them a game plan.  By the time I got to over to Peter and the boys, they all had their arrows pointed at me. I got to Peter and turned around only to see, Emma, Hook, My so-called mother, James, Regina, and Henry. "What do you want?" Peter said in his normal cocky tone.  "Give me my son" my 'mother' yelled. I chuckled but quickly covered it up with a cough. "What's so funny Sawyer?" Henry asked. I looked at him and grabbed Peters hand intertwining our fingers. "Oh Henry sweet, sweet Henry you see I didn't run away as my so-called mother must have told you, she didn't want me when I said that I liked boys and not girls. So Peter came and took me away from Storybrooke and I'm happy now so I found it funny that she thought that I was going to go with her." I said. Hook stepped forward "Sawyer he's lying to you, he doesn't love you all he wants is power and nothing more he can't love you like your mom and dad do." He said. I looked at all of them "He's right" Emma said and Regina just nodded her head. I looked at my 'mom' only to see her smirking and James was doing the same. I stepped forward mine and Peters hands still intertwined. "You know what? Your wrong, Peter can love, he loves me, he loves the boys like family, and maybe your right he can't love me like my parents are supposed to. But we wouldn't be having this conversation if my parents showed that they cared about me more than there reputation."

Pans POV (Sorry for the sudden change)

As Sawyer was telling Hook and the group off I noticed storm clouds starting to form overhead. ' Is he causing this he is the son of a merwitch but I don't think that he can do that.' After ranting to Hook and chewing out his mom I thought it was about time that I step in. I unhooked out hands so I could pull him to me but that was a mistake. The second our hands let go water started to flood the camp causing the ground to cave in, however, it was only by the group me and the lost boys were fine. I quickly grabbed his hands in mine and wrapped my arms around him so our hands were on his stomach. " Hey, hey it's ok Sawyer cutie please calm down you're going to hurt them," I whispered to him. "I don't care," he said through his teeth. I turned him around so that he was facing my chest. "You're going to hurt them and as much as I would love to see that can you please calm down?" "NO"  'Alright Pan think what could calm him down? Kiss him? Oh, of course, the most cliche thing in the world but hey let's give it ago.' I grabbed his chin and made him look up at me. Before I leaned down and kissed him and to say it was magical is an understatement. We pulled apart and I looked at Sawyer. "Better?" he nodded and the storm let up and the water evaporated. I looked at Ursala "Not only did he just say that he is not going with you but I am also going to say no because I will NOT let someone that means the whole world to me go back to somewhere that he feels unwanted and unloved. As of now Sawyer is in my care, and I don't care if this sounds wrong but he is now mine and not yours, in fact, he never was yours" When I finished I waved my hand and the group disappeared. "Did you mean what you just said peter?" Sawyer asked, "Every word because you are my everything, my reason to get up in the morning, my inspiration, my sun and moon, my life, but all in all you are mine and I am yours." I said looking into him. By this point, the boys had gone into hiding still watching but they probably wanted to give us some space. "I like the sound of that but just so you know I feel the same about you, you're my reason to get up, to try harder, my sun and moon, the king of my heart." I chuckled "Sawyer" "Yes?" "I love you and I'm not just saying that I really do love you, and I will now and forever." Sawyer blushed and looked away and after a second he looked back at me. "I-I love you too Peter now and forever, forever and always," he said. Before I could do anything my body moved on its own and I kissed him not that I wasn't going to. When we kissed the lost boys cheered and it was moments like this that made me feel like everything was perfect. 

I know that this is late and I am soooo sorry but I have had testing and other things going on at school so if you made a request I didn't forget about it I just have been really busy but I plan on working on them this weekend. Hope you liked this tell me what you think in the comments. 


word count 2480

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