The Story Of Chandlyn

By Soulful_Soup99

24.3K 575 195

The Story of Chandler Riggs and Katelyn Nacon's relationship, from first kisses to marriage to children and a... More

New Hair
Nowhere I'd Rather Be
It Wasn't Real, I'm Not Going Anywhere
First Kiss For Real
Even When You're Sick
Supporting The Other Team
Damn Bird
We'll Get Through This Together
Best Road Trip Ever
I Love You
I Hate Fighting With You
Rainy Days
A Few Years From Now
Cheesy Is Great
Scary Movies And Sleepovers
As One Chapter Ends, Another One Begins
Our Place
We Were Just Sleeping
Instructions For What
You're An Amazing Father
Thankful For You
A Day In The Life Of Beaky
In Pajamas and Christmas Hats
Quality Over Qauntity
They Still Were
We Won't Drift Apart
You Forgot To Lock The Door
See You Later Dad
A Little Less Nervous
More Than Friendship
You're My Brother
Yeah We're Dating Now
Cool Parents
An Unforgettable Mother's Day
Your Very Own Drawer
Over Thinker
The Beginning Of A Lifelong Friendship
Safety, Love and Happiness
Flowers And China Patterns
Worth It
Love Note
I Won't Let You Fall
Happy Birthday Lightweight
Happy First Father's Day
Two Little Aliens
The Wisdom Of Chandlyn...And Beaky
What Makes It Even Better
I'm Gonna Love You
A Typical Morning In The Riggs House
Sick Together
Titus And Dori
Broken Hearts Suck
Halloween Traditions
Beaky And The Bat

Safety Dance

393 13 2
By Soulful_Soup99


Date: April 2017

Chandler and Katelyn sat in her room, she was lying on her bed, her legs crossed in the air, and Chandler was sitting on the floor. They were studying for upcoming tests.

"What are you studying for again?" Katelyn asked as she looked up from her notes, she giggled when she saw that Chandler was lying on his back, his book pressed right up to his face.

He looked up from his book, "History, you?"

She sighed, "Chemistry, it's horrible."

He rolled his eyes, "Don't complain, I told you not to take it because you hate chemistry, but you took it anyways, so don't expect sympathy from me."

She glared at him and huffed.

They sat in silence for several more minutes, focused on their studies until Chandler put his book down and looked at her, "I have a question."

She looked at him, "What is it?"

"So what colour is your prom dress? because I need to make sure my tie matched it and then my mom wants me to get some flower thing, I think it's called a corsage or something, anyways I just wanted to know what colour your dress is."

She raised her eyebrow at him, "Who said I was going to prom with you?" she asked, a smirk on her face.

Chandler had a look of confusion on his face, "Uh we're boyfriend and girlfriend, doesn't that mean we're going to prom together?"

"You haven't asked me yet, you need to prompose." There was a smile on her face, but her eyes were serious.

"I do?"

She nodded, "Yep and it'd better be good Riggs," she got off the bed and walked towards the door, "I'm going to get us some snacks."

As she left, Chandler pondered what she just said. He didn't realize that Katelyn had actually wanted a 'promposal' and he felt kinda bad. Compared to his previous girlfriends, Katelyn was somewhat low maintenance. Sometimes Chandler forgot that while Katelyn wasn't a 'girly girl' she still looked forward to those things such as 'promposals.'

He was going to make it special and he was going to make it big, to do that however he was going to need some help.

Whilst Katelyn was in the kitchen grabbing snacks, Chandler sent a mass text to the majority of the cast of The Walking Dead and asked them to meet him on the set early tomorrow morning


The cast had been back on set for almost two weeks and Katelyn was very excited for season eight. They had all recently received the script for the one hundredth episode and it was amazing.

Katelyn and Chandler were also excited for the fact that Gale had told them that Carl and Enid's relationship would be a big focus in the second part of the season. The young couple was excited to explore the relationship between their characters more.

Currently Katelyn was reading through her chemistry notes for her test tomorrow in one of the trailers. She was interrupted by a knock at the door. She opened it and found Denise Hurth standing on the steps with a big smile on her face.

"Hey Katelyn, how goes the studying?" she asked.

Katelyn sighed, "I'm really regretting taking chemistry."

"I here you kid, but come take a walk with me."

Katelyn gave her a confused look, "Why? Where are we going?"

Denise smiled, "You'll see, but I think you're going to like it."

Tossing her chemistry book back into her bag, Katelyn followed Denise out of the trailer. She needed a break anyways. 


Denise led Katelyn to a field where they had would be shooting a few scenes next week. Several cars where spread out in the field. When they got closer she saw Chandler in the middle of the field, talking with Ross, Christian, Alanna and Cooper.

She saw Ross look at her and then whispered something to Chandler. Something was definitely up.

Before she could ask Denise what was going on, loud music started to play from several speakers on top of the cars. It took her a few seconds to realize that the song playing was Safety Dance.

As the music started, she saw Chandler and the others starting to perform the moves to the song. She giggled at Chandler's valiant but horrible efforts to perform the steps.

Suddenly as the music picked up, several cars moved back and behind them stood about fifty extras dressed as walkers. Chandler and his group ran back to join them. She watched in shock as Andy, Norman, Lauren, Josh, Melissa, Khary, Seth, Lennie, Danai, Tom and several other members of the cast like Kenric and Jordan joined in on the flash mob.

For the next couple minutes Katelyn laughed and cheered as Chandler and the rest of the cast preformed the dance routine to Safety Dance. Some like Alanna, Christian and Ross had the moves down perfectly, while others like Norman, Josh and Lennie stumbled around like drunk chickens as they tried to keep up. Chandler was the funniest. His dancing was horrible but his effort and determination was cute and sweet.

Towards the end of the song, several cast members lined up and pulled off their sweaters, underneath they all had white t-shirts on. Each shirt had a letter on them and what they spelt out made Katelyn smile brightly.

From left to right the line went, Andy(P), Danai(R), Alanna(O), Josh(M), Lauren(T), Lennie(O), Ross (G), Seth (E), Khary(T), Melissa (H), Christian (E), Norman(R) and Chandler was at the end with a question mark on his shirt.

She was in awe, this was amazing. When she had told Chandler that she wanted a promposal, she hadn't expected him to go to all this much trouble. This was!

"So are you gonna answer the question or not?" Norman called.

She smiled, "Yeah Chandler, I'd love to go to prom with you," she yelled and cheers and applause filled the air.

Chandler walked over to her, "So was the good enough?"

She beamed, "Are you kidding? Chan this was amazing," she leaned up, wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked his cheek, "Thank you."

He blushed, "Your welcome Katelyn."

"My dress is red by the way."

"Good to know," he smiled at her and wrapped an arm around her, together they walked over to the rest of the group, who were cheering at the young couple.

It amazed Katelyn that Chandler had managed to pull this off, and for her no less. No guy had ever gone to this much trouble for her before, but then again Chandler wasn't just any guy.

No, Chandler Riggs had had her heart for a long time and she believed that he always would. He made her feel special and that would never change, even his dance moves at prom were no doubt going to be embarrassing.

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