Lost In Time

Af wolf_16

471 76 13

This story is for 17+ only ! contains - demons and angels - magic - alcoholic drinks -epic battles This is... Mere

The beginning
The key
A crazy man and illusions
Nice to meet you, i hate you more
Time to go home
A boy and his terrible climbing skills
The masks we hide
A father stalking his daughter
King Light
"Its not like that!"- Seishin
Strange sounds in the dark
Where is the Princess?!
I am ok, don't worry about me
Raziel and drunken sadness
A talk with Wine
Awake at midnight
Why are you keeping this secret?
"I just can't let her go."
Goodbye Raziel
The battle
Secret get away
Is it a dream or reality?
The OverLord
The Arranged marriage
Sakkaku and the box
The Interrogation
Dreams and dark wishes
The vacation and a King
An old story.
The magic crystal.
The wolf and the rabbit.
A talk with the Author #1
The Talk.
Alone in the cold world.
Erase the mistakes.
The death and the maze.
Kira's death and the jail
A talk with the Author #2
The Creators, Pt.1
The Creators, Pt.2
Laine is drunk.
Magic Memories
Forever lost
The final chapter
Thank you, the end.

A day with Lucca

5 1 0
Af wolf_16

Raziel woke up early in the morning, the sun was already out, she stretch and looked out the window, she noticed a strange figure watching the window..

"Well that's creepy." She said out loud to herself.

The figure stood there... it looked 10 foot, it definitely didn't look like a man or a woman, it's eyes were black and bleeding out blood, it was smiling, the teeth were bloody..

Before Raziel could look any more Lucca and Laine bursted through the door, "We are here." They both said, they were both wearing the same thing.

Raziel stood up, she walked over to them and slapped them, "Why would you do that?!" They both said at the same time with the same reactions.

(This will be fun.) Raziel thought, she couldn't help but let a smile creep onto her lips.

"I'm pregnant and the baby is your brother's." She said, trying not to laugh.

"Ok." They both said, one looked annoyed and one looked betrayed.

(Hmmm... this will be harder than I originally thought it would be...) she thought.

"I want to get married." She said, she took a step back.

Both of their eyes lit up, "Really?! I'll get the ring!" They both said with the same face. They both ran to the door, they slammed into each other, then they fell to the floor.

One looked at the other, "She can't tell us apart?" One asked, he had a defeated look on his face.

(A/N: they are identical twins, they have the same hairstyle, eye color and they have the same voice as well.)

The other looked at him, "I guess not." He said in a sad tone.

Raziel thought for another minute, "Let's make this game interesting, tell me something about you that I wouldn't know."

One stepped back, "I went to the store yesterday."

"Be more specific." Raziel said as she crossed her arms.

"Alright, I watched as my father died, he died in my arms. I could have stopped my sister from going, she died because of me." One said, he stepped back, the other one stepped forward.

"My father disowned me and threw me out onto the streets. My closed friend died  to save me."  One said, the other stood beside him.

"Who am I?" They both asked at the same time.

Raziel thought for a moment...

She pointed to one of them, "That's Laine." She said, Raziel looked at both of them...

They both looked puzzled, "Why would you say that?" They asked at the same time.

-Silence swept the room-

"Ha! You owe me 50$!" Laine yelled as he pointed at Lucca.

Lucca hung his head down, "I was kicked out, remember Raziel? We met at my uncle's mansion." He said with a defeated look.

Raziel laughed, "I got it wrong on purpose. Of course I knew that was Lucca." She said (That was Lucca?!) she thought.

Lucca nervously laughed, "Ok, I'm taking you to a surprise today, get dressed." Lucca smiled, "Let's go Laine." He said, "It's ok, I don't mind staying." Laine winked at Raziel, she facepalmed.

Lucca grabbed his shirt, "Men don't watch ladies do the shame shame!" He said, they went out of the room.

Raziel laid on her bed, "This is going to be a long day." she said to herself.

She looked out of the window, the figure was gone.

Raziel closed the window and covered it with the curtains. "There." She said out loud.

She changed into her black skinny jeans, and an anime shirt, she changed her hairstyle to medium long hair, she put her hair in a ponytail and the color changed to dark blue.

She stepped out of the room and started to walk down the stairs of the hotel.

"Ooohhh girl you look fiiiinnnneeee!!!" Oli yelled, she ran downstairs to catch up with her.

"Hey?" Raziel replied , she was wearing a dark purple jumpsuit, her hair was in a messy bun.

Oli smiled, "So where are you going?" She asked, looking her down and up.

"I'm going with Lucca." Raziel replied.

"Ohhhh! A date! Fun fun fun!" Oli yelled with a happy voice, she clapped in sync with her words.

"Where are you going?" Oli asked, she ran ahead and opened the door for her, they entered the lobby.

"I don't know yet." Raziel replied.

"Oh! A surprise date? That's fun! I'm going to training, I'll tell Ender that Lucca and you won't be there today." She said, they sat down and waited for Lucca.

Lucca showed up with Laine, he was wearing jeans and a dark gray jacket, Laine was wearing shorts and a long shirt, both of their hair were in man buns.

Laine took Oli to training.

Lucca looked at her with a sparks in his eyes, "Wow, you look amazing." He said, trying not to blush.

Raziel stood up, "You look nice too, I like your hair." She said, forcing a smile.

Lucca's eyes lit up, "I'll wear my hair more like this then!" He said with excitement in his voice, he took her hand, "Let's go!"

He took her to a city, he could tell she was uncomfortable with the amount of people there.

She didn't say anything, "This is how you get there, so don't worry, I didn't bring you here for the people." He looked at her and smiled, she looked away.

"Do you mind if we hold hands?" He asked, still looking at her.

She took his hand, he smiled. His hands were so cold. He looked back at the path and continued to walk.

They walked by a pet store, Raziel stopped.

"Hmm?" He said as he looked back at her.

"I want one." She said as she looked at the kittens through the window.

Lucca nervously laughed, "Then let's go in."

Raziel dashed into the store, pulling Lucca with her.

"Slow down!" Lucca said as he ran after her.

"Cat!" Raziel yelled.

All of the kittens were cute, some were mixed in color. The one that got Raziel's attention was a small white cat, it was a male.

Raziel held the kitten up, "I need this one." She said with a big smile.

The kitten looked at Lucca.

"Are you sure? It doesn't look like a normal kitten." Lucca said with a puzzled face.

"This one." Raziel said once more.

Lucca sighed, a little girl with pigtails walked up and pointed to the kitten, "Mommy mommy! I want the white fluffy kitten!" She yelled as she jumped up and down

There was a strange looking man in the corner of the room, he was watching them, he was tall and had black hair, he wouldn't look at Raziel but he was watching the white kitten.

Raziel gave her the death stare, "Mine." She said with a cold voice.

The girl started to cry, "I want that one!" She yelled.

Raziel reached for her sword but Lucca stopped her, a woman that was middle aged walked up, she was on the phone talking to someone else.

"Excuse me sir." She paused from her phone call to get a cashier, a man walked up.

"We will take that one." She said as she pointed to the kitten.

The cashier tried to take the kitten from Raziel but she slapped his hand away, "Mine." She said back. The cashier looked scared, he turned back to the little girl, "Are you sure? We found it on the streets so we don't know what kind of cat it will be." He explained.

"That's my kitten." Raziel spoke up,Lucca sighed, he pulled out his general badge, "Sir, if I may help you, I am a general in the Light Army. My name is Laine Moon and I am the right handed man to the throne, unless you want the King to come here it would be best for us to have the kitten, do I make myself clear?" He said in a chilling voice, it was almost scary of how much he sounded like Laine.

The man and woman looked terrified, "Uh.. yes! You can have the kitten for free! Just don't tell the King please!" He quickly said.

Lucca looked at him with no expression, "Very good, I will not tell the King of this world and the behavior you have, hurry up before I decide to kill you all."

The man ran to the register, "Do you want a carrier for the kitten or you want to hold him on the way out?" He asked

Lucca looked at Raziel, she was holding the kitten, he was asleep in her arms.

"She will carry him out." Lucca replied.

Raziel and Lucca walked towards the man, she set the kitten down.

"What color of collar do you want?" He asked as he typed something on the computer.

Raziel looked at him, "I just want a birth certificate, no collars." She replied.

"Ok, have you figured out a name for this little guy?" He asked

Raziel thought for a moment, then her face lit up, "Alva." 

"Alva.. Ok, now for the date of birth, he was born on..." he paused to look through the computer files.

"Ahh! He was born on the 6/0/668/3057, that was only 4 months ago, he should be bottle fed. Now I will go get his birth certificate." The man walked to the back of the store.

Alva looked at Raziel and meowed, then limped to her and cuddled to her, "he seems to be weak..." Lucca said, "he is perfect." Raziel replied, she picked up the tinny kitten and held him in her arms, Alva looked up and licked her cheek.

The man walked back in with a piece of paper and a bag, "Here you go! Enjoy your new kitten, he handed them the bag and paper, in the bag was cat food and milk, but there was no bottle.

The little girl glared at Raziel as she walked out, Raziel gave her a glare back. After that they walked down the street to a store, the store had a sign across it, "NO PETS!"

Raziel looked down at Alva, he was happy.

Raziel walked into the store, "Wait!" Lucca said as he ran after her, "The sign said no pets." Lucca whispered.

"He is not my pet, he is my child. Now go help me find a bottle." Raziel said, as they walked around the store many humans gave them weird looks, they picked out a bottle with a black trim on the bottom. Lucca also bought some other things but didn't show Raziel.

When they left Lucca took her to a building, it was old and rusty.

"Here it is!" Lucca said in a proud voice.

"This is what you wanted to show me?" Raziel asked, Lucca took her to the roof, it was made of old cement, Lucca took out a blanket from the  bag, it was a dark red color.

Then he took out some plates and put burgers on it. Then he took out coke and beer, "I got your favorite." He said as he looked up at her, he smiled and sat down.

Raziel set the sleeping kitten beside her, then she began to eat. "D-do you like it?" He asked with an excited face.

"Yeah." she replied.

After they were done they watched the sun go down, the stairs came up soon after, "I bought you here for a special reason." Lucca said as he looked away.

Raziel looked over to him, he was blushing.

"I can't say it when I look at you, your beauty stuns me." Lucca blushed, "but I can't say it enough. I love you more than anything else..." he paused,

"I wish I could say what I feel but not enough words ever come out, you are just so... adorable. Stop being so adorable. It's not fair!" He said, making Raziel laugh.

"But I can't help it, I feel like you might just disappear one day, and that this was all a dream..." he began to cry, "I can never forgive myself for not being good enough for you. Wherever you are, I hope you're smiling even if you're no longer with me. But know that you'll always have a place in my heart."

She looked at him, "what do you mean?" She asked.

"I have to go tomorrow morning.."


"I'm sorry, I couldn't just leave without telling you, I have to go war, and so are your brother's... the only man that will be still here is Seishin, he didn't want to go..." Lucca turned away.

Raziel put her arms around him, "Promise me you will come back."

Lucca looked at her, "I can't make that promise... I might..." he paused.

"Promise me!" Raziel said, pulling him closer.

"I promise my love." Lucca said, he was looking away.

Alva woke up and walked in between them, then meowed.

They laughed, "We are a family now, you can't leave us." Raziel said. Lucca smiled, he had fear in his eyes.

He put his hand on her cheek and kissed her softly, "I love you." He said as he looked into her eyes.

"I love you too Lucca." Raziel said, Alva meowed hungrily again.

"Let's take this little one home." Lucca said.


"You got a what?!" Seishin yelled as Raziel held up Alva.

"Shhhh! He doesn't know what he is yet." Raziel said

"Child..." he paused and sighed, "you have to take care of him." Seishin facepalmed.

Raziel smiled, "Guess what?!" She said.

Seishin looked up with a panicked look, "Your not pregnant right?!" He said with a worried tone.

"No, we named him Alva!" She said with a smile.

"Don't scare me like that!" Seishin said with a relieved face.

She went back to her room, the Rose was still on her desk from the night that Lucca fell off the window, another petal fell off..

-to be continued-

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