When. (Jc Caylen Fanfic)

By oCaylenCloudo

19.4K 544 69

Forgive & Forget More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two


662 15 0
By oCaylenCloudo

"Jc's POV"

My phone alarm goes off alerting me to wake up. I blink my eyes open to find that Bella and I have made it back into my room. I turn my head and see Bella sleeping so peacefully. I put my arms around her and nuzzle her into my chest. She opens her eyes slowly and looks up at me.

"We have to get up baby" I say while tickling her with my raspy voice. She groans, turns over and looks at her phone.

"It's 6:00. Our flight takes off at 8:30 we should get up." she sighs.

I pull the white sheets off of me and pick myself up and out of bed, and she does the same. I walk out of the room after pulling on sweats and a tie die t-shirt, and run upstairs. First I wanted to wake up Ricky and Trevor.(I know Trevor does not live in the o2l house he was just there for a week or two) Trevor was sleeping in Ricky's room on his floor. I creep into the dark room,tap both of them and tell them to get up. I leave and I can hear them finally get up. I make my way into Connors room, I walk up to his bed, and pull off the duvet revealing his body to the cold air and he jolts up.

"Mornin time to go. Hurry your butt up Con" I say and then leave without letting him respond. I burst open Kian's door and run and jump on his bed.

"FUCKER" He screams at me and falls off the bed. I laugh and run away screaming "VIDCON DAY HURRY UP"

After Bella and I had our bags by the door and our sweats and head pillows for the flight, I made her some cereal. She was wearing a band t-shirt and sweat pants. She had her hair in a messy bun, and no makeup. She is so beautiful, no matter what she wears. She makes my heart melt.

After we were done our breakfast, the boys came down. I grabbed Bella's bowl, kissed her on the nose, and put them in the sink. Trevor's mom was going to come by the house later after we are gone, to lock up the house and take Wishbone. Trevor's mom is like a mom to all of the boys.

"Thanks babe" Bella says to me as she gets up from the table and starts turning off all of the lights.

I give her a big smile and she laughs.

It was time to go. In my car I had Trevor, Connor, and Bella. In Ricky's car he just had Kian. We were meeting Sam at VidCon because he went back to Texas for a while. I'm kind of happy to see my little Sammy again. We all made our way out of the house after saying bye to Wishbone, and got into our cars.

We said bye to Ricky and Kian and drove off. Bella was in the front seat with me and Trevor and Connor were in the back. I had my hand on Bella's thigh and I would rub my thumb every once and a while, and we would exchange smiles. The ride to the airport was alright because we beat the traffic. We eventually got there and we met back up with the other two boys. We got our luggage and went strait to security. They did their check and we were out of there in no time. We got to our gate, and we had an hour to kill until the plane takes off.

"What do you guys want to do?" Ricky asks as we all leave our luggage on the luggage carrier.

"I don't know but we still have a while." Bella adds.

"Let's explore" Trevor says with a smirk. We all agree and then run around the airport. We slid one by one down the escalators, and caused a ruckus through the airport. Bella was walking in front of me, so I ran at her from behind, twirled her around and picked her up over my shoulder in the fireman hold.

"JC!!!" she screamed, laughed, and kicked as I ran down the halls.

I put her down in front of the gift shop and we went in. The boys were doing their own thing and it was just Bella and I. I loved spending alone time with her. We went over to the sunglasses and tried on every pair they had. I grabbed out my phone, and took a picture of me and her with a weird pair of glasses. We laughed, and I posted it on twitter. We finished in the gift shop and ran back to our gate where the boys were waiting for us.

"Finally!!" Connor yells as we approach the four of them. We made it just in time. We made it onto the plane quickly. We were greeted by the people

on the plane, and we found our seats. It was Bella in the window seat, I was in the middle, and Ricky was on the end. Right across was Kian, Trevor, and Connor. I am praying for Kian and Connor having to sit beside Trevor. Man does that boy talk a lot.

The pilot's voice speaks over the speakers and says, "Good morning ladies and gentlemen I must ask that you fasten your seatbelt at this time, due to the plane taking off in less than 2 minutes. Thank you and have a safe flight."

All of us fasten our seat belts and wait for the plane to take off. Bella rests her head on my shoulder as we take off. I intertwine my fingers with hers.


"Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at the destination. Thank you for a great flight" The voice over the speakers jolts Bella and I awake. Everyone on the plane gets out of their seats and gets off as soon as they can. It feels like everyone disappeared right when the plane landed. All of us were the last ones off of the plane. Once we got out of the airport, it was already 5:00 and all of us were jet lagged. We went straight to the VidCon hotel, and went straight to our rooms. In one room was Connor, Bella, and I and in the other was Sam, who was coming tomorrow, Ricky, Kian, and Trevor. Our rooms were right beside each others so it wasn't like we were far away from the other boys. Right when we got into our room, Connor and Bella ran in and claimed their beds. I was sharing a bed with Bella because there were only two, which I was okay with, because I sleep with her every night. They both ran and star fish positioned on their bed with their shoes still on. I giggled and told them I was super tired. Tomorrow was going to be a good, and long day.

We all agree on an early bedtime after we order room service. We ordered so much food I was so full and ready to sleep. We all curled up in the hotel blankets. Connor was on his phone along with Bella and I. I logged on to my twitter and saw that the picture that I uploaded of Bella and I was blowing up. It went on the lines of; "ASSHDBSNSNSFJSJKDKSL!!"



"Ew they don't suit each other at all. She doesn't go good with him. She is fugly tbh."

Those comments broke my heart, but I didn't see them too often because people would pile up on them saying things like "shut the hell up" or "you don't know shit." which always made me smile.I absolutely love my fans. They will do anything to make me smile. I can't wait to meet them tomorrow and see the smiles on their faces. I'm so pumped for them to see Bella too.

I smiled to myself, put my phone on the bedside table, and pulled Bella to my chest. I kissed her forehead and she giggled.

"I'm so happy to be here with you" She whispers and smiles.

"Baby You needed to come. You have fans wanting to see you too. They want to see us." I whispered back.

I grabbed her hand and held it in mine as we fell into a deep, peaceful slumber.

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