Lost In Time

By wolf_16

471 76 13

This story is for 17+ only ! contains - demons and angels - magic - alcoholic drinks -epic battles This is... More

The beginning
The key
A crazy man and illusions
Nice to meet you, i hate you more
Time to go home
A boy and his terrible climbing skills
The masks we hide
A father stalking his daughter
King Light
Strange sounds in the dark
Where is the Princess?!
I am ok, don't worry about me
Raziel and drunken sadness
A talk with Wine
A day with Lucca
Awake at midnight
Why are you keeping this secret?
"I just can't let her go."
Goodbye Raziel
The battle
Secret get away
Is it a dream or reality?
The OverLord
The Arranged marriage
Sakkaku and the box
The Interrogation
Dreams and dark wishes
The vacation and a King
An old story.
The magic crystal.
The wolf and the rabbit.
A talk with the Author #1
The Talk.
Alone in the cold world.
Erase the mistakes.
The death and the maze.
Kira's death and the jail
A talk with the Author #2
The Creators, Pt.1
The Creators, Pt.2
Laine is drunk.
Magic Memories
Forever lost
The final chapter
Thank you, the end.

"Its not like that!"- Seishin

11 3 0
By wolf_16

"P..." Cassiel said, she tried to speak but her voice was shaking.

"Oh come on, you can say it." King UnderWorld mocked, he held the chain on her hands up, making her body lift up, his cold eyes stared into her's.

"Pl-please stop." Cassiel begged, she looked at the floor.

"That's pathetic, you can do better. Beg, beg for mercy, I want to hear you're cry's." King UW said, he laughed and threw the chain down, making her body fall to the floor into her own blood.

Cassiel couldn't say anything, she didn't have the strength to speak.

"Tell me..." he paused, he grabbed her face and held it up so she could look at him.

"Where is Raziel?" He asked, he gave her a cold stare, he was serious.

Cassiel spit her blood at him.

"Fine, have it your way, that's more fun for me." King UW said, he let go of her face and took out his sword, he dragged it across the floor, the sound of the metal scraping across the floor echoed throughout the room.

Her screams satisfied King UW, he smiled as her blood gushed out of her body, "That's better." He said to himself.

"I thought Koro would have taught you to be polite to men. After all, I am a King." He said as he walked over to the desk.

Cassiel spit out her blood, "You a...are no m-man, but a fool." She stumbled to say, her words made King UW laugh.

"Silly child, can't you see? I own you! I control you, I make you live, I can make you die!" He laughed, he pulled out a needle, he looked at it, but didn't hesitate.

"Don't worry, the pain sadly doesn't last forever." King UW said, he didn't wait, he injected the strange liquid into her spine.

Cassiel looked away, she laughed, "Idiot." She whispered.

King UW laughed, "You seem in malaise." He said, he kicked her back.

"Broken bones?" He asked.

Cassiel said nothing.

King UW walked back over to the desk, then he pulled out a potion, he set it next to Cassiel, the potion was a black liquid, it was poison.

"If you want to die then drink this, otherwise I'll kill you myself. To show that child that she can't run from me." He said.

Cassiel closed her eyes.

"I will see you tomorrow, to finish what I have started." King UW said, he left the room, the door creaked as it closed, the only sound left was Cassiel's breathing.

Cassiel laid on the floor, (It will be over soon... I can't keep this up.) she thought.

The room grew quiet.. too quiet..


Ghost woke up at sunrise, he looked over and saw Ivy, she was sleeping.

He stood up, then he returned back into his cat form, he stretched and started to walk out of the room.

"Why are you leaving?" Ivy asked, she sat up and yawned.

"You are awake, I wanted to see an old friend, i will be back at sunset, don't worry." Ghost said, he looked back at her.

"Stay safe, don't get into trouble." Ivy said, she waved goodbye to Ghost.

-With Ghost-

Ghost went to the portal, the guards didn't care if an animal went through the portal

He went to the TimeKeeper world, he went to the door and scraped his paws on the door.

Oli opened the door.

"Hey cat, why are you here?" She whispered to herself.

"I'm here to talk to your father." Ghost replied.

Oli looked surprised, "You can talk?" She asked with a surprise voice.

Ghost turned into his human form, he looked down at her, "Yes, now take my to Seishin." He said.

"Guys, you are never going to believe me, the cat at the door just turned into a beautiful man." Oli said to the others from the other side of the door.

"Oli, are you ok? Cats can't just turn into men." Ray said, she walked up to them.

"But he is fiiiinnne." She whispered to Oli.

"You know I can hear you right?" He said back.

Oli looked back at him, "So I'm single by the way." She said with a smile.

Ghost rolled his eyes, "I have someone, now I need to see Seishin, now." He said, his ears laid back in annoyance.

"You are so cute." Oli said with a small laugh.

"Who needs to see me?" Seishin asked, he walked out of his room.

"Oh... hi father! This nice ca- I mean... man needs to talk to you." Oli said as she turned back to look at Seishin.

Seishin opened the door, "Ah, Ghost. It's been awhile, please join us for milk." He said.

Ghost walked inside.

He sat down at the kitchen table, everyone looked at him.

"Children, this is Ghost, his is a cat, and an old friend of mine." Seishin said, he brought out a glass of milk.

"Now tell me what you were going to say." Seishin said, he sat down next to Ghost and smiled.

"I can't with the children around, it's about Laine.." Ghost said.

"Who is Laine?" Sparrow asked.

Zella rolled her eyes, "this is not your conversation."

Sparrow shifted in the chair, "I know but..." she said, Raziel walked into the room, she had a big hoodie on and pajama pants.

"Hey Ghost, back so soon?" She asked.

"Not fair! Why does Raziel get to know all the hot men?!" Oli said, she threw up her hands.

"It's not my fault that all the men are attracted to me." Raziel responded with a straight face.

Seishin bursted out in laugher, Ghost choked on the milk he was drinking.

Ghost stood up and put his arm around Raziel, he looked into her eyes and moved her hair from her eyes.

"I'm back beautiful." He said, he looked back at Oli, her face was red.

"Not ok, you have a boyfriend Raziel, let the lonely girls get the boy for once." She pouted.

Ghost stepped back, "I'll be in your room Seishin." He winked.

Raziel smirked and sat down.

"Is he gay?" Oli whispered to Kira. Kira looked up at her, "Maybe." she replied.

Oli looked at Raziel, "So is he.... Attracted to Seishin?" She asked.

Seishin's face went red. "It's not like that.... He is a cat, and nothing more." Seishin tried to explain, he stood up hurried out of the room.

After the door closed Zella spoke out, "Oh yeah they are totally a thing." She said with a smile.

Oli pointed at her, " Take that back! You don't know!" She yelled.

"Be quiet." Raziel said in an annoyed voice, she stood up and walked out of the room.

Everyone was quiet.

"So is he single or not?" Oli said back.

Zella sighed, "You never learn do you?" She asked.

Sparrow laughed, "It's ok Zella, she doesn't want to be lonely like you." Sparrow replied.

Kira laughed till she held her side.

"Shut up!" Zella said, she stood up and stormed out of the room.

Kira stopped laughing.

"What's wrong with this family." Ray whispered to herself.

Wolf and Zåne walked into the room, they were talking about swords.

"Hey Handsome, what's your name?" Oli asked Zåne.

Zåne laughed, "Zåne, and you must be Oli." He said back.

"How did?..." she stopped herself from saying anything else, she looked puzzled and shocked.

"A woman told me If a girl would call me handsome her name was Oli and she wants a boyfriend really bad." He said, they sat down.

Oli looked mad, Kira started to laugh once more. "Raziel really got you on that one!" Kira laughed.


"You really need to stop with all the flirting!" Seishin said as he closed the door.

"Why? I was just having fun." he replied, he walked over to Seishin and put his arms around Seishin.

"Stop it." Seishin said back, he stepped back

"If you wish." Ghost replied.

Seishin waved his hand, Ghost turned back into a cat.

"Why did you do that?!" Ghost complained, he jumped on Seishin's bed and laid down.

"To make sure you don't do anything weird." Seishin responded.

Ghost smiled, "Nothing you won't let me do." He replied.

"You are always so perverted, now tell me what you wanted to tell me." Seishin replied, he sat on a chair facing Ghost.

Ghost sat up, "Ike showed up at the castle, he was demanding for Cassiel to be returned to him, but no one knew who he was talking about, yesterday I saw the Timekeeper go into the dungeon, I'm guessing that's Cassiel.. I looked for Ike but I couldn't find him."  Ghost paused.

Seishin leaned forward, he looked worried.

"Until after some exploring I found Ike, he was in the dungeon for... threatening the king." Ghost replied.
Seishin put his hand on his head, "Idiots." He said with a shaky voice.

"Can you turn me back into a human now?" Ghost asked.

Seishin waved his hand, turning Ghost back into a human.

Ghost stood up and hugged Seishin, "I'll help you get them back, there is no need to worry." He said.

"Claws." Seishin said.

"Oops sorry." Ghost replied, he retracted his claws from Seishin's back.

"Are you ok?" Ghost asked, he laid his head on Seishin.

"I don't know." Seishin replied, after a moment of silence the chair fell, making them fall to the floor.

Ghost was on top of Seishin. Ghost smiled, Seishin looked away, he looked annoyed.

"Oh come on, you knew the chair would fall." Ghost winked and leaned closer to Seishin.

The door opened, Oli was standing there, in shock.

"So it's true?!" She raised her voice.

Ray walked up, "Let's give them some privacy." She said as she closed the door.

"It's not like that!" Seishin yelled.

Ghost laughed, "They should find out sooner than later." He teased.

"Ghost! For the last time we're not in a relationship and you have a partner!" Seishin said as he pushed Ghost off.

Ghost laughed, "Your emotions amuse me." He laughed, he sat up.

Seishin stood up and walked towards the door, "We leave tonight, don't get all touchy-feely we are going on a mission to save Ike and Cassiel." Seishin sighed and opened the door.

"Bye love!" He yelled so everyone would hear.

"Oohhhhh!  Someone's in loooovvvveeee!" Kira yelled from upstairs.

Seishin mumbled something under his breath and closed the door.

-To be continued!-

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