I wish I wasn't // Luke Hemm...

By LukeHemmings__

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"Before, without you, I was someone I wish I wasn't." More

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By LukeHemmings__

"What happened in maths?" I asked Luke as he sat down next to for lunch, "I already told you, nothing," he said looking away. "I know you're lying," "Complications, that's all." I rolled my eyes and decided to drop it, I would get it out of him later.


"Harry stop it!" "Louis, please," "you're ruining my hard work," "our hard work," Louis rolled his eyes, "you're cute," Harry said suddenly going serious, "what?" "um, sorry I didn't mean-" "you're cute," Louis said making Harry smile, I sat behind Harry and Louis in science watching what they were bickering about, we all had our thoughts that they liked each other but we never brought it up not wanting to invade in their personal lives, but it was becoming more clear, they were perfect for each other, I smiled at them, knowing they weren't looking. "Hey Emma," I looked to see Perrie, "Perrie! Oh my god since when do you come to school?" I said getting up to hug her. "Yeah, I'm back for good, there's not long left anyway." she said sitting down. "Anyway, how are you? You okay, I didn't think you was gonna be in," "I'm fine, I'm fine, but listen.." I begun to tell her the story about the texts. "Fuck. How does he know Luke?" "I have no idea, I feel like something weird's gonna happen after school, I haven't seen Conor all day, I don't think he's in," "don't worry bubs, no one's touching you ad for I am here," the funny thing was that she was being completely serious.


"So Zayn actually said that?" I laughed, "yeah I know right, who says stuff like that, but it was cute," Perrie said as we walked out of school together, "so what happened after?" I said as we reached the school gates, "Emma." Perrie and I both turned around to see who was calling me, it was definitely a voice I've head before but I'm sure from where. "Hey," "Calum!" I said smiling, "oh my god I haven't seen you in forever!" He pulled me into a hug, "Perrie, this is Caulm," they greeted each other, "so what you doing here?" "Well I was just going to meet the guys, if you're free you're welcome to join us," "ah I would but I have a date, but we should all meet up soon, text me yeah?" "sure, I'll see you later," he said as he pulled me again for a hug.

"Ahem," I let go to see Luke staring at us, "Oh, Calum this is my boyfriend, Luke," "Luke?" "Calum?" "Oh my god." Calum walked up to Luke pulling him for a hug, "I've missed you so much man," Luke laughed, he looked uncomfortable whilst he got hugged, "how's Ashton?" "he's good yeah, how's Michael," "he's a blondie at the moment," Calum said, Luke laughed again, I stood there awkwardly, "you guys know each other?" I asked making them pull apart, "oh yeah, we all went to same singing classes," "you sing?" I raised my eyebrow at Luke, "yeah! He's amazing," Calum answered for him, "he can even play the guitar!" "you never told me that," I said to Luke, he shrugged, "how do you know Calum?" "Umm.. remember the night me and Niall came to your house drunk? Yeah we met him there," "Oh, you've gotten drunk with my girlfriend already Calum," Luke said raising his eyebrow, "you know how I do!" he started laughing, "I gotta go, we should all meet up soon yeah?" "Yeah course, bye Calum,". Calum walked off as I went to hug Luke, I always felt safe in his arms, "you okay?" he asked as he lent his chin on my head, I nodded against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me tighter.

"Hey guys," I looked up to see Niall, "hey Ni," I said as me and Luke let go of each other, "I've got so much homework today," he said sadly, "I have nothing for the first time ever," I laughed. I looked back at Luke who was frowning at his phone, "you okay?" I asked taking his hand, "err.. yeah, can you come to mine at like 6?" "sure, is everything okay?" I asked getting worried, "yeah, just need to sort some things out." "Complications?" I asked raising my eyebrow, he nodded, "I'll see you later, yeah?" I nodded, as he placed his hands on either side of my face pulling me up to kiss me, the kiss was more like a minute make out, "guys PG," I heard Niall say behind me, I put my middle finger up to him, Luke didn't stop kissing me, it was as if he wasn't going to see me for the rest of my life, "bye babe, bye Niall," Luke said as he let go "bye," me and Niall said together, he crossed the road and walked in the opposite direction.


I decided to watch TV and wait for time to pass as Niall was studying. I wasn't paying attention to whatever was on, I was thinking about Luke, what were his complications? Why couldn't he just tell me? I sighed, as my phone buzzed, another text.

Tell your boyfriend not to mess with me again.

I started panicking, I replied to him for the first time, "Where is he?"

Aw is little Emma getting protective over her badass boyfriend? 

"Just fucking tell me where he is." 

No reply, I waited, 5 minutes, still no reply. "fuck," I whispered pacing around the room not knowing what the fuck to do, "Emma you okay?" Niall was halfway down the stairs, "No!!!", "what happened?!" Niall asked, frowning in worry. I was about to tell him when the doorbell rung. I opened the door to see a bloody Luke and another bloody boy holding him up. "Fuck." I said, he had passed out "hi, I'm Ashton, Luke told me you'd be here.. before he passed out anyway," the other bloody boy said.  "Niall!" "Oh shit," Niall said when he saw Luke, he grabbed Luke by one of the arms while Ashton grabbed the other, they carried him to the sofa. His knuckles were bleeding, as was his nose and his lip. His lip ring was crushed. He had blood down the sides of his forehead and all over his clothes. "Is okay?! Do we need to take him to the hospital?" I asked worriedly, "no, he just needs rest and a bit of a clean up," "what happened?" I asked sitting down on the floor to see Luke's face properly, I ran my fingers through his hair, "umm, there was a fight," Ashton said, "I know you guys only met me but hear me out can I take a shower?" "Luke always talks about you," I said, "you're not that much of a stranger," "yeah he non stop talks about you too," "I'll take you to the shower and find you some spare clothes, Emma you get Luke cleaned up, I'll find some clothes for Luke too" Niall said. At first I didn't move, I was scared, I sighed getting up to get some wet tissue to clean Luke's face.


*Luke's POV*

"Luke?" I heard a girl's voice, she sounded worried, "he's waking up," I opened my eyes to see Emma looking over me, her eyes red as if she was crying, I saw Ashton and Niall sitting on the sofa behind her, "hey babe," I said as she put her head on my chest, "I was so worried," I put my arm around her shoulder, "what the fuck happened?! I was getting texts from.." she stopped midway her sentence, "what? you were getting texts from who?" She stayed silent, "Emma." She sighed giving me her phone, "what does he mean moaned for him that night?" I felt her freeze, "Luke I don't think that's something she wants to talk about," Niall said from behind her, I sat up, "are you okay bro?" Ashton asked, "I feel fine," that wasn't entirely true but whatever I've been in worse situations. I read through the rest of the texts anger building up inside of me, "Ashton, we're not done with them." "Them? Whose them?" Emma asked, "Let me and Ashton sort this out, you don't need to worry-" "Yes I do, do you think I was fine you coming back here like this? All bloody and passed out? Do you think I was perfectly fine, Luke I am your girlfriend, I love you and I don't need to keep seeing you hurt like this, it hurts me," she said angrily, "I agree with her bro," Ashton said, I gave him a dirty look and looked back at Emma, "how many times must I prove to you that I will not let anyone mess with you, especially like this. Conor and his mates can all go fuck-"

*Emma's POV*

"Niall, I'm home," it was Niall's mother, "oh, sorry am I interrupting something?" Niall didn't say anything, "no aunty, we're just talking," I answered for him. "Okay, well I'm in the kitchen if you need me." "Emma," Niall called me, "come," he said standing up and walking upstairs, I followed him, "what is it?" "you need to tell Luke," "what?" "everything, I think he knows most of it anyway, but he obviously knows something to make him want to fuck up all of them, if he doesn't know your story, you're not going to know his. You have to trust him, I know it's hard but if I was you I would talk to him.." "His story? What do you mean?" He sighed and looked down, "you know something I don't?" I asked, he didn't say anything. "I'll talk to him," I said going downstairs. "You okay?" I asked sitting back down next to him, "you weren't out for very long, but you're not in any pain or anything?" "No I'm good," he said as he put his arm around my shoulder. Ashton had begun to watch TV so he didn't seem to notice anything that was going on. "Come, let's go," I said sitting up taking his hand and walking out of the house. "Where are we going?" He asked, I didn't know, "let's go to yours, we need to talk," we crossed the road hand in hand.

We went upstairs to his bedroom, I laid down on his bed and he laid down next to me, I sighed, "what do you need to talk about." "I still remember the exact date, 16th of July, my 16th birthday, nearly two years ago, it happened."

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