The Story Of Chandlyn

By Soulful_Soup99

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The Story of Chandler Riggs and Katelyn Nacon's relationship, from first kisses to marriage to children and a... More

New Hair
Nowhere I'd Rather Be
It Wasn't Real, I'm Not Going Anywhere
First Kiss For Real
Even When You're Sick
Supporting The Other Team
Damn Bird
Best Road Trip Ever
I Love You
I Hate Fighting With You
Rainy Days
A Few Years From Now
Cheesy Is Great
Scary Movies And Sleepovers
As One Chapter Ends, Another One Begins
Our Place
We Were Just Sleeping
Instructions For What
Safety Dance
You're An Amazing Father
Thankful For You
A Day In The Life Of Beaky
In Pajamas and Christmas Hats
Quality Over Qauntity
They Still Were
We Won't Drift Apart
You Forgot To Lock The Door
See You Later Dad
A Little Less Nervous
More Than Friendship
You're My Brother
Yeah We're Dating Now
Cool Parents
An Unforgettable Mother's Day
Your Very Own Drawer
Over Thinker
The Beginning Of A Lifelong Friendship
Safety, Love and Happiness
Flowers And China Patterns
Worth It
Love Note
I Won't Let You Fall
Happy Birthday Lightweight
Happy First Father's Day
Two Little Aliens
The Wisdom Of Chandlyn...And Beaky
What Makes It Even Better
I'm Gonna Love You
A Typical Morning In The Riggs House
Sick Together
Titus And Dori
Broken Hearts Suck
Halloween Traditions
Beaky And The Bat

We'll Get Through This Together

659 20 4
By Soulful_Soup99

Date: September 2018

Ever since she and Chandler had become best friends over four years ago, Katelyn had always loved spending time at the Riggs household. She spent a lot of time over there, especially after she and Chandler started dating just over two years ago. It had become like a second home to her, always filled with laughter and happiness, much like her own home.

Knowing that today, her second home wouldn't be filled with laughter and happiness and quite possibly never would again made her heart ache.

Today was supposed to be a good day, but a phone call from Gina almost an hour ago changed everything.

William Riggs had died early this morning.

Gina told her that he had been on his way home last night when a drunk driver T-boned his car.

She told her boyfriend's mother that she would be there as soon as she could. Once she hung up, she had taken a few minutes to cry. She cried for Gina who had lost her husband and she cried for Chandler and his brother Grayson, who had lost their father.

She couldn't even begin to imagine what kind of pain Chandler was in. Regardless she wasn't going to let him go through it alone. Whatever he needed, she would do anything she could to help him through this.

That's what you do when you love someone. You walk through hell with them.


When she pulled up to Chandler's house, she sat in her car for a few seconds, trying to prepare herself for all the pain inside the house.

She left her car and ran up to the door. She knocked lightly on the door.

The door opened and Gina stood there. Her eyes were red and she had bags under her eyes. She looked terrible, which given the circumstances was expected.

"Katelyn," Gina whispered and without another word she embraced the young girl.

For over a minute they stood in the front hall, holding each other and trying so hard to hold back the tears.

"Gina...I'm so sorry,"Katelyn said, her voice full of emotion. "My mom wanted you to know that if there's anything she can do, than please let her know."

Gina sniffled and nodded, wiping her eyes. "I...I might give her a call in a bit."

Katelyn nodded, "How are you doing?"

Gina leaned her head against the wall. "I'm...I'm not sure to be honest," She let out a tiny laugh. "It's funny you know...when Chandler got his license, Will made him watch this documentary on the dangers of drunk driving. Will was so against drunk driving and it's so horribly ironic that of all things that could kill was the one thing he hated the most."

Gina was trying to put on a brave face, but Katelyn knew that deep down, the women was is unimaginable pain.

Gina took a breath and blinked back tears that threatened to fall. "Chandler he hasn't...he hasn't come down from his room since he found out," She wiped her eyes with her hand. "That's why...I called you. He needs you."

Katelyn wiped away a few tears that were running down her cheeks. "I know...and I'll be here for him and ...for all of you," She said.

Gina gave a tight smile. "William he always said...that you two were meant for each other,"
Tears dripped from her cheeks, "He was right."

Katelyn smiled and then started towards the stairs. Halfway up she stopped and leaned against the wall, breathing heavily and shut her eyes tightly, trying to hold in her tears.

After a few second she let out a breath and continued up the stairs towards Chandler's room.

When she reached his door, she knocked softly and waited for a response. She heard some muffled noise and then she heard something hit the door and she jumped back, startled at the noise.

Slowly she opened the door. What she saw broke her heart.

Chandler was curled up on the floor, he wasn't making any noise but she could tell by the way he was shaking that he was crying.

Her heart broke at the sight of her boyfriend looking so broken.

"Chandler-" she started.

"I thought you were Grayson...that's why I threw a shoe at the door," He raised his hand and pointed behind her.

She turned and sure enough there was a shoe laying not far from the door, a black scoff mark was present where the shoe had hit the door

"Why?" she asked.

He lifted his head up and she saw that his face was flushed and his eyes were red from all the crying.

"Because that little soon as mom told us...he freakin asks if he can turn dad's workshop into a gaming room," He was sitting up now and his fists were clenched in anger. He was shaking. "Our Dad is dead and all he can think about is his own damn self." His screams made the walls shake.

She knelt down beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Chandler I don't think...I don't think he meant it that way," She rubbed her hand soothingly along his back, "You know your brother. He says really stupid things when he's in an uncomfortable situation."

She paused for a second, "Ok remember the time he walked in on us doing...stuff," A blush creeped onto her face and he let out a faint laugh, "The first thing he said was that if you got me pregnant, he wasn't giving up his room so we'd better think of somewhere else to keep the baby."

She saw a slight smile form on Chandler's face. "People grieve in different ways. Your brother says things he shouldn't and you take things out on doors."

He laughed briefly and then he looked up at her, his eyes were full of sadness.

"He's gone Katelyn... my dad is gone." Fresh tears formed in his eyes and within moments he was full on sobbing. He buried his head in her neck and she wrapped her arms around him.

"Shhh," she whispered into his ear, rubbing soothing circles along his back, "I'm here Chan. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere...we'll get through this together," She was no longer holding her own tears in and let them fall.

They stayed like that for several minutes, until Chandler abruptly broke out of her embrace and darted to his bathroom.

She knelt beside him as he emptied the contents of his stomach into the toilet. Soon he was simply dry heaving and she simply remained beside him. When he finished she passed him a glass of water so he could rinse his mouth out.

After this, Chandler walked back towards his bed and simply collapsed onto it. Katelyn sat down on the edge.

"Can I do anything?" her voice was soft, "Do you need anything?"

"Yesterday would be nice." he said with a sad smile on his face, "Honestly Katelyn, right now I just need you...I need you to lay here with me and stay with me because I ...I feel so lost and hurt right now and having you helps," He said as fresh tears dripped down his cheeks.

"Then scoot over," she said and he complied and moved his body so there was room for her.

She toed off her converses and laid down beside him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and he pulled her close. She wrapped her arms around his chest and rested her head on top of his.

"I Miss Him," He whispered.

"I know,"she said softly as she stroked his hair.

He sniffled, "I want to do something to honour him," He said and she nodded against him.

"Okay we can do that."

"I uh...I...I miss him so much," He said as he cried into her shoulder.

"I know baby," She whispered, running one hand along his back and the other through is hair. "I know."

After a few minutes his tears dried and he looked up at her.

"Katelyn?" his voice was quiet.


"Thank you...I don't think I'll be able to get through this without you."

She smiled and pressed her lips against his forehead, "I'm here and I'll be here every step of the way. We'll get through this together," Her voice was sincere and he gave her a faint smile, before his head fell back onto the pillow and soon sleep took both of them


Hours later, Gina came to check on them.

When she opens the door, she saw the two young adults, sound asleep. One of Chandler's arms was resting above his head, the other rested on Katelyn's lower back. His head was resting in the crook of her neck.

Katelyn's head was nestled on top of Chandler's head. One of her hands was intertwined with his and the other was draped over his chest.

They both are sleeping peacefully and Gina formed a slight and tight smile on her face.

The past twenty-four hours had been her worst nightmare. She had lost her husband and her sons had lost their father. Nothing would ever be the same again.

However as she looked at her oldest son and his girlfriend, she felt slight relief. She knew that Chandler would make it through this, that he would be okay, because he had Katelyn, who loved him just as much as he loved her. They loved each other unconditionally and would go through hell for each other.

Chandler was going through hell but he would get through it, because he had Katelyn who would walk through it with him.

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