The Lucky One: Lil Sis Sequel

By handheartwriting

10.1K 306 64

"The Lucky One" is a Taylor Swift fan fiction and sequel to "Lil Sis." Please read "Lil Sis" before starting... More

The Lucky One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty- One
Chapter Twenty- Two

Chapter Eighteen

282 11 1
By handheartwriting

The Lucky One

Chapter Eighteen


My legs momentarily stop as I reach the front of the apartment, my mind and heart racing. A smile won't escape my face and I know Taylor and Ed will question me about every single thing we did. If Ed found out that Michael kissed me today, he would probably be a little angry in a protective way. If Taylor found out, she probably wouldn't care, or would she? Maybe what she said in the past was all lies because she didn't think it would happen anytime soon.

I take a deep breath and contemplate what I'm going to do. Should I tell them or wait a while? They would probably be upset if I didn't tell them right away, especially Taylor if she found out I didn't tell her. I knock on the door and Taylor opens it with a smirk on her face and I feel my cheeks turn red but still with a small smile on my face.

"So?" she asks while I walk in. "How was your date?"

"Hmm, I wouldn't know since I didn't go on a date," I say with a small eye roll. It's been a while since I've done that. Taylor laughs. "But, I had a good time hanging out with him."

"And, how was the kiss?" Taylor asks. I stop in my tracks and my eyes widen. How the heck did she know? I've barely been here for five minutes and it's not like she can see us from here. We were a good, five or so minutes away. There's no way she could've seen us, unless she followed us.

No, she couldn't have because she called me and I would have heard her if she was around me. I realized it's been dead silent so I speak up. "What are you talking about?" I ask without turning around.

"Ali, it's written all over your face," Taylor says with a smirk. She walks up to me and put her arm around me. "You were literally skipping your way here. So, tell me about it since I already, obviously, know."

"It was... good," I stammer, making her laugh even more. I roll my eyes to act like it isn't a big deal when, in reality, it is a huge deal. I mean, I just had my first kiss with a guy I really like! "Where's Ed?"

"Michael's house to teach him a lesson about how he shouldn't be kissing you," Taylor says with a smirk. I laugh a little and feel my cheeks turn even more red. She was obviously joking although I am a little paronoid that he actually is. I mean, he obviously isn't.


We walk into the kitchen and Ed is already eating. I grab a plate and pile food onto in without making much eye contact with Ed. "So, how was it?" he asks.

"Good," I say and start eating the food I put on my plate.

"Just... good?" Ed asks and I nod. I mean, what else does he really want me to say? Can he tell that Michael kissed me like Taylor could?

Taylor asks with a playful sigh, "Ali, are you going to tell him or do you want me too?"

"Tell me what?" Ed asks and rasies his eyebrows. I glare at Taylor and shake my head. I then blurt out what happened and Ed, surprisingly stays calm. Apparently, he aspected this would happen and, since he isn't my dad, he won't do anything about it. Unless I want him too, of course.

Relieved by all of this, I eat some more food and explain everything that happened because, I realize, they aren't my parents. Sure, they're my guardians, but Taylor is still my sister and Ed's like a really good friend/ almost brother-in-law. I don't know why I was so afraid to tell them. Besides, if they were my parents, what were they really going to do about it?


They would've done absolutely noting, to be completely honest. After a day or two they would probably forget about it and life would move on as it always has. Except, it wouldn't for me. Now, Michael isn't just a friend anymore. He's my boyfriend now which changes my life a whole heck of a lot.

Being away from him will probably be even harder now. And, also, it's just weird to me to think that I'm not single anymore and I have been for the past fourteen years of my life which is a long time. I mean, it's normal to not have a boyfriend for that long but it's strange to, after so long, have one.

And now I've had my first kiss!

I've spent so long worrying about my first kiss and, now I realize that I shouldn't have because it was... perfect. Now, I don't have to worry about that any longer which is also a little strange to me. Sitting here, reliving the whole day as I tell it back to Taylor and Ed, I realize how much I really like Michael and how I really hope it works out with him. It's going to be hard since I'm going to be on tour with Taylor still.

I quickly finish my food and put my dishes in the dish washer. I then go up to my room and put Netflix on. My phone buzzes and my face lights up as I see that Michael has texted me which could be details on our first date. I quickly text him back.

Michael: Hey, so how about tomorrow?

Me: Sounds perfect!

Michael: Cool, meet me at the park at noon?

Me: Sure, see you then!

A smile is planted on my face as I try to watch the movie I put on but all I can think about is tomorrow and seeing Michael again. I wish so badly that we were still hanging out now. I never thought, in a million years, when I came to Nashville, I would end up being so happy and content with life.


Hey guys!!  Sorry it's been a bit but I'm on summer vacation so updates should be back to a more regular schedule haha.  Also, the Babe music video just came out and I love it so much!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter and comment your predictions for the next one!


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