What I Like About You (The be...

By marooncalum

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What I Like About You (The beginning)Chapter 1
What I Like About You (Party) Chapter 2
What I Like About You (Party continued)Chapter 3
What i Like About You (after) Chapter 4
What I Like About You (The morning after) chapter 5
What I Like About You (Plans Part 1) Chapter 6
What I Like About You (Carnival) Ch. 7
What I Like About You (Chapter 8)
What I Like About You (chapter 9)
What I Like About You (chapter 10)
What I Like About You (chapter 11)
What I Like About You (chapter 12) Hannah and Michael
What I Like About You (chapter 13) Jessica and Calum
What I Like About You (chapter 15)
What I Like About You (chapter 16)
What I Like About You (chapter 17)
What I Like About You (chapter 18)
What I Like About You (chapter 19)
What I Like About You (chapter 20)
What I Like About You (chapter 21) plane ride
Chapter 22

What I Like About You (chapter 14)

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By marooncalum

(Still Calum's POV)

The next morning I woke up with Jess cuddled into my chest. For a while I just laid there watching her sleep. Finally she was all mine. I tucked a piece of her short dark hair behind her ear so I could see her pretty face better. I kissed her forehead and saw a small smile appear on her lips. For a minute I thought she'd woken up but her chest continued to rise and fall rhythmically showing she was still asleep.

-Hannah's POV-

I woke up feeling really hot and it felt like something was on top of me. I opened my eyes and there was definitely someone on me, it was my boyfriend. Mikey literally had his entire body on me. This is a bit of a problem considering he's over six feet tall and I'm only five-two. "Mikey" I whisper in his ear. Nothing. "Mikey" I say a little louder. Still nothing. Ok new plan.. I lean in and bite his ear. The boy still doesn't wake up. I try to wiggle out from under him and the top half of me is hanging off the bed while my lower half is still under him. "Lovely." I quietly say to myself. "Hannah?" a groggy and raspy voice says. "Hm?" I say as I'm half dangling off the bed. "What the hell are you doing?" I can practically hear the smirk on his face. "Well I thought it would be fun to see how long it would take for the blood to rush to my head." I said sarcastically. "Ha ha now seriously what are you doing?" I sigh and roll my eyes. "Well I woke up feeling hot and there was this pressure on my entire body and when I opened my eyes I saw a large man child was laying on my body so I was trying to get out from under you without waking you up but I got stuck." I pouted a bit. "If I get up are you gonna fall?" I swear of he let's me fall... "Probably..." There's a silence for a minute then he starts to get up. "Michael don't you dare!" I am now holding onto the sheets of the bed. As soon as he gets up I hit the floor with a thud. "I hate you" I groan. I can't see him but I can hear him laughing on the other side of the bed. He plops back on the bed and looks over the edge at me with his damn irresistible smirk. "I love yoooou." He coos. "Go away." I reply. "Cuddle?" He smiles. "No." I glare. God I love him. "Cuddle?" He gives me this big cheesy grin. "You look like a damn emoji." I roll my eyes. He holds his hand out and I reach for it but he pulls it back slightly. "Michael.." "What?" "You know what." He chuckles and holds his hand out again. I grab his hand and he helps me off the floor. I climb onto his back and whisper "fuck you" into his ear. "I would gladly let you fuck me my love." Not what I meant.

"So tonight we are invited to a costume birthday party. You and the girls need to find some costumes." He said. "What are you gonna be?" I kissed his cheek. "Super heroes." He flipped himself over so I was now on top of his stomach. "Which one are you?" Superheroes are cool and not gonna lie I'm excited to see him in a costume. "We are making them up. I'm gonna be called Mike-Ro-Wave." He smiled proudly. He's not serious is he?

*Hours Later Right Before The Party*

-Molly's POV-

"Are you sure I look ok? I don't wanna look like a slut..." I sighed and examined my costume in the mirror. "You look fine Mols." Hannah smiled at me with reassurance. "We look fucking hot!" Jess exclaimed. I was Bat Girl, Hannah was Spider Woman, Jess was Cat Woman, and Leah was a nerd. "This outfit is really clinging to me... I don't know guys..." Hannah nervously said. I hugged her from behind to make her feel a bit better. "You look great Hannah it shows off your curves." She still looked at me unsure but she shook her head. "Michael is gonna go crazy when he sees you." Leah smiled. "You guys all look so amazing I feel like a potato." I laughed and just shook my head. "Let's go show the guys alright? Everything will be fine." I grabbed Hannah's hand and Jess lead the way out of the room.

-Luke's POV-

"I feel stupid" I groaned. "Shut up you're fine." Michael chuckled. "Well fuck." Calum said looking at something behind us. I turn around and see the girls in their costumes. Molly is Bat Girl...Fuck. I bite my lip as I look her up and down in that costume. "You look.... Wow...." I am an idiot. I can't even form a sentence. That's how weak I am when it comes to her. "You look really good in this." She bite her lip looking me up and down. I lean down and kiss her cheek. "Ready to go?" Ashton says the to group. We all nod and follow him and Leah out.

*At the party*

-Jess's POV-

Calum in those tights are so fucking hot. Guys in tights not my thing but Calum in tights....it does things to me. Him calling himself Cal Pal is dorky and adorable.

The eight of us are right in the middle of the dance floor. Calum is standing behind me grinding on me. I want him so bad but if he wants to take it slow then that's what we will do. He is all that matters so what he wants, I'll do. "Babe you're killing me in this tight black costume. You look really sexy." He nips and leaves love bites scattered on my neck.

We continue like this for a few more songs. "Let's get a table and I'll get us drinks ok?" He kisses my cheek. I nod and we sit where all of our stuff is. Calum gets up and goes to the drink table.

It's been a few minutes and when I finally spot him there is some blonde slut with her hand on his arm and she's biting her lip. I just got him as my boyfriend I'm not letting some hoe mess this up.

"Excuse me who are you?" I step in front of my boyfriend. He seems relieved when I do. "What's it to you?" She looks me up and down. "He's my boyfriend so honey you better back the fuck off." I smiled at her. She rolled her eyes but she walked away. I turn to Calum and look up at him. "You're mine and I love you. Please don't forget that..." I bite my lip. "I don't need or want anyone else. You're it Jess. Honestly. I was praying you would see her with me and you would make her go away." I get on my tippy toes and kiss him. First softly but then passionately.

-Michael's POV-

Hannah in that costume seriously turned me on. I'm pretty sure she can tell through my tights. "Soooo I'm really liking the costume..this morning when you said you were calling yourself Mike-Ro-Wave not gonna lie I was trying not to laugh but I'm liking the red tights and the cape.." I pulled her closer to me so we were pressed against each other. "You dressed as the girl version of Spider-Man makes me hard for you." I whisper in her ear. She blushes and I start to suck on her neck. "Michael.." She moaned. That made me want her even more. She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a room in the apartment we were at. As soon as the door closed he pushed me on the bed and straddled me. We kissed passionately and her hand slid down my chest and grabbed my bulge. "Fuck" I moaned into her mouth. She started rubbing and I almost lost it that quickly.

I was about to rip her costume off when some blonde barged in on us and interrupted. "Excuse you." I looked at the girl. She obviously wasn't the brightest and looked extremely drunk. At this point Hannah had gotten off of me and was now standing at the foot of the bed. "I can finish you off if you want." She winked at me. "No thanks." I said bluntly. She walked over to me and tried pushing me back onto the bed. Fuck all I want is Hannah and this chick had to ruin it. "Listen bitch get off of my boyfriend!" The girl was pushed off of me by Hannah. "Come on Mikey we will finish this later." Hannah glared at the drunken girl. I grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek on the way out of the room.

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