Fan, but not a fan

By MaxAnaLohden

1.6K 19 2

Jesse McCartney is hiding so fans don't mob. As Jane is a town girl. That just can't see why peope go crazy o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 10

47 1 0
By MaxAnaLohden

At home, after a rough day at school. What is it, Jay is why, but then he is there and makes me feel batter. Oh life. Yes my best friend is mad at me, but I did meet a great guy. Just why do I feel some things he dose reminds me of someone. Girr, brain, stop thinking so much. Why cant you be easy. My heart is, oh wait it isn't.

POF Jesse
In my room just thinking. Feeling bad for Jane. Wondering why I stay around her, when I am costing all these problems for her. Being there or not. I should go and help her and Zana be bff's again. its the least I could do for being the cos.

Right then I get a brainstorm for a song. I quickly get my song book out and write.

Love, a circle of nots
can be crazy
and the greatest thing of all
Making me. making me, brighter then the sun
or darker then the core

Just why, just why, just why do you do this to me
going a million to one, then just one

Going up up and away
with that song to it all.
but no its a endless loop,
of its ups, downs, and all around huu.

So Love, a circle of nots
can be crazy
and the greatest thing of all
Making me. making me, brighter then the sun
or darker then the core

Stoping right when I hear a knock at my door. I quickly put my book away and tell them they can come in. To be hold it is my mom. She says, "Hey hun, whats up with you? I knottiest you rushed off to your room. You should be down in the studio making music."

"Ok yes, maybe I should be. I am still a teen."

"I know you are, but don't you want to be doing music?"

"I do, I am just taking my time on it all. I want it to be great and not half ass. Wile I am a teen going throw teen things too."

"OK hun, I understand. I just want you to do what you love is all. Just seemed your love has left it."

"Oh far from it, for sure."

"Oh k, I'll leave you to it then. No mater how long it will be."

"Thanks, mom your the best. See ya at dinner."

"See ya then Hun." My mom Finely goes. Leaving me with my room of silence. Filling more and more with my crazy thoughts, which way and that.

I'm at school, looking snazzy in my black lather jacket. Even my thoughts about Jane didn't bother me now. I don't know what it was, but I must of woke up on the right side of the bed today. Feeling greater then great. Walking down the halls, as if I owned the place.

When I was, Lin happened to see me. She said, "Oh girls just look at him. Doesn't he look hansom today? He looks vary happy. I wonder why. Must be cuss he left that low life of a girl. Any boy would feel bater after that. Unlike if with me."

The other two say, "I know right. your just so right for boys. snazzy and all."

"I know. Ok girls, going over."

"you go girl."

"I sure will." Lin then walks over not caring if any boy is looking at her, but for me. She then says tapping my shoulder, in a sexy voice, "Hey sexy, want to come join me and the girls. I couldn't stop but knottiness your exceptionally happy today. I wonder why. Oh ya thats right, not with Jane. Left her I see." Just about to say something to it, but she shoos-his me on the lips, saying, "You now have time for the right girl. Jane was just putting you down anyway. Don't want to get know as one of them. If with me, you will have all the friends you want and more."

Having that happy feeling I came in with today, go away and turn into anger. Backing up. Having her not stop me this time, when pointing my finger at her saying. "You look here missy. I don't attend to hang out with stuck up people like you. All I'll get is friends that like me, not for me, but that I am poplar. Who wants that? Oh ya thats right, you do. And for your Information, I have not left Jane and don't plan to. Especially for someone like you! Only stupid people would do that."

Coming up to me, putting her hand on my cheek saying, "Oh you don't mean that darling. Your emotions are just gating the best of you right now. I can understand. Jane has that way on people. That is why boys stay clear of her. No boy wants there feelings mast with. Having feelings that aren't even true." Looking right at me saying, "Don't you see, she's done it to you too."

I push her away saying, "You stop that right now! I don't know what your deal is with her and I don't care, but you sassing her like that is so uncalled for. Oh and one thing, stop touching me. I'm not your bf or aver will be." Having shivers go down my back, thinking of when Jane touched me like that, but instead of happy, Lin took it over making me feel, eww. That didn't last long though when Jane took over my brain ones again.

"Oh no, its far worse then I thought. She must of put a touch spell on you."

Looking at her with wide eyes saying, "What thats crazy. She has no magic powers. your the crazy one is what. If anyone has powers, it be you." Roiling my eyes at it all.

Acting all girly. She looks away, looking in the dissidents with her hand to her forehead, "Oh no darling. I could never do that to you. Don't you love me anymore. Oh no I feel a feint coming on." She then starts to fall. Instead of me caching her, I let her fall to the floor, leaving her right there. Being her dramatic self and just walks away, brushing the Lin off of me.

walking to my locker, just thinking to my self. Wondering why anyone can like Lin. She is just so weird. Doing what ever she can to get what she wants. Well, to bad doesn't work on me. On my way there I see who I am vary sure is Zana, Jane's best friend over to my right. I then walk over to her. Seeing she doesn't look to happy to see me, getting closer and closer. I speak up clearing my throat and say, "Hey, excuse me, your Zana right."

"Ya what about it? I got things to do, so out with it."

"your Jane's best friend aren't you?"

"I was, till she stabbed me. Oh her nerve. Well if you don't mind I should get going. bye." I walk in front of her, trying to get her to stop. She says, "Hey man, what gives. Can't you let a girl go. What so you are pushy to all girls. I see. Making them say things and even lie."

"What no. I'd never make someone lie."

"Just what a lier would say." Zana says. She finely gets a round me. I fallow her. "Gosh man, leave me already. I don't care what you have to say." Her pushing a book in my face.

I push it away and say "But I feel bad, being the cos of this all."

"So, I was right. Your Jay."
"Yep thats me in the flash." She then scans me up and down having a odd look on her face. I think to my self. Oh no, do you think she can see throw me and see's I'm Jesse McCartney. Totally forgot, she is the big Jesse fan. I stand there silent hopping not.

"Dame, your a fine man."

"Why thank you. I try my best."

"Good job I say. Just what gives, Jane doesn't just go for hansom boys."

Starting to blush, not knowing what to say to that. "Well......."

"OO I see I made you blush. Thats what you get for being a jerk."

Gating mad a little, "Now look here! How would you know. You don't even know me. I don't see how you are Jane's BFF that she keeps talking so great about. Ok, you made me blush. Big deal, but calling me a jerk, why." Giving her a unhappy look. Almost wanting to leave, but knowing I should stay to help out Jane. Wanting her to feel good again. Not liking the sad look on her, especially when I made it happen.

Listing on, "What so she talks about me to you, but for some reason when it comes about you to me. She is tung tide. Well, you are the cos. When I could have said worse."

"Ok yes thats far. Not to sure tho. Its not like I am doing anything to cos it. Just being me. Oh no, that must be it." We walk on, I almost fall on my face. "Whops my bad. Whats odd I'v never been so clumsy before."

"Oh really." Zana says starting to ease up on me. "You know, your pretty funny guy. I'd almost go out with if not for Jane."

"Oh no, now Jane's BFF is falling for me, run."

"Oh you, I could never, get back here you goof."

"Never!" I say running all the way outside.

"Come on, I can't run to fast. I do have heels on for crying out loud."

I say, "Thats just to bad for you." Running I trip on a crack. Falling right on my face to the grass. Zana skids behind me almost falling, but catching her self in the nick of time. "good catch. I guess I'm the clouts here."

She sits next to be on the grass, as I get up, sitting too. "Maybe so, but I do walk in heels. Having a lot of practice in that front."

Looking at Zana saying, "That's true. Knowing for sure if I wear thous I be even more of a clouts."

Zana laughs a little, saying, "oh you so would, looking such a fool in them."

Laughing at my self, thinking what I look like in them, "Oh gees your right. Not a pretty site I want to see. Giving even more of a reason not to." Sitting in silence for little bight, just looking up at the clouds change shapes. Thinking back to when I was sitting here with Jane. Oh Jane, what a time.

Zana says, "Earth to Jay. You there, or did you go to mars?"

I shake my head then say, "Whoops my bad. Must of spaced out for a sec. These clouds are just so memorizing."

She looks up saying, "I never knew clouds were so, wow."

"Maybe so, but today theres just something about them." The bell then rings for class. We get up walking in together. Going down the hall. Lin seeing Zana and me together. Looking close. She takes a pic. Knowing this will be just the thing to get me to want her, for sure. Takes, walking off with a evil look on her face.

Jane POF
At school walking to class. Still feeling down about all this. Hopping the people I love will talk to me, exceptionally Zana. I know what she said was so uncalled for, but yes I couldn't tell her of all people. She's right, I probably never would have, if not for her finding out the other day. Heading to math,  I get my things out sitting down silently. Not even looking over at Magian. Just do my work throw out the day. Not being abel to wait for English class. One thing that can't bring me down. Oh and dance too. At least I got those to make my day.

When I walk into English, I give Jay a smile, and him giving one back with a wave. Not wanting to take my eyes off him, but I do before looking like a complete fool. Still giving a girly wave back before looking away. Gating out all my stuff for my story. I'm so happy this is what we are doing right now. Having my ref-drafted done and pretty much my outline too.

Mr. Star speaks up right when the ball rings, singling the start of class. "Ok, class pleas hand in your drafts with your story outline." Having some kids freak out, not having the outline done. Him saying to it, "Oh guys its ok if your outline is not all done. There probably be a time you want to change something. Its just so I can get a ruff idea where you guys are going with your stories. To see what I can do to help and all. So you can all calm down, unless you didn't do it or just wrought one sentient." Most gave out a relieved breath, wile a few didn't. Being the bad ones for not doing it at all.

I just think to my self. Oh people. This is the easiest thing. Whats easier then writing a story, that is all you going any way you like. You can even make it crazy if you want. I raze my hand and teach calls me. I stand up clearing my throat and say, "Oh come on people. I can't believe there are still people that didn't do there work. If you think about it. Its not work at all. Well I can."

A student speak up, "Well then goody too shoes. You think you know it all."

"As a mater of fact, I don't thinkI'm a know it all. I just think if you put your mind to it, you will have fun. I know English can be a bore, but this time you can go any way you like. Maybe write something to do with fav TV show, or something els you love. Anyway you think is best. The world is endless." When talking, I try not to give Jay a flirty look with all my might. I speak on a little longer, then Mr. Star says, "Thanks for that great speech Jane and to that, before we get back to work. I know most of you think this class is boring, but right now, its what ever you want to write and not me telling what to. So lets put thous pens down on the paper and write away. I'll be at my desk looking over the work I did get. For thous that didn't do it. Work on that and the rest of you can read a book or talk with a friend. Just pleas be quite if you talk. I will be watching to make sure you guys that need to work, work tho." Mr. Star points at them as he speaks, "Just cuss I said you can talk doesn't mean you can too. You can when your work is done. Chop, chop." Saying as he claps his hands, "Oh and one last thing. If you start to talk to loud having it hard to work. I'll make you all sit silent and give you work to do."

Getting my book out I start to read. Not long I feel a tap on my shoulder. Looking be hide me I see it is Jay. Saying, "Hey, can't you see I'm reading"

Jay saying, "Ya, but Mr. Star said we can talk."

"Yes, but he said to read."

"He did, but that doesn't mean you need to."

"No mater, I still will." Going back I read on.

Jay pushes my book down on to my desk saying, "Oh come on. You rather read then talk to me. I know if I was reading, I don't think I'd be abel to stay that faucets, having you on my mind." I pick my book back up, having a smile crap a pone my face. Making it hard for me to read. I say trying not to smile. "Great, you've done it. Now I can't read. To flustered to."

"I knew it."

"Ok, yes you did. Your right. I'd rather talk with you then read, darn you sexy." Right when he hears me say sexy, he thinks of when Lin called him that. Almost thinking I am her. But this time it puts a worm feeling in him, then yuck. making him feel all weak knead. He sits down at the desk next to me before he fell, looking like a goof in-front of the hole class. Scooting the desk next to me to talk. I say, "Well hello there. Your awfully close, don't you think."

"Were talking aren't we? I didn't want to have to talk to loud that we get in trouble and have to work, then talk."

"Thats true. Always thinking ahead."

"Yep thats me." Feeling on top of the moon. We talk on and on. Me being so great for this moment. Glad Jay tore me away from my book. We talk so long, in no time the bell rings for lunch. Jay putting the desk back as I'm putting my stuff in my bag. I get up heading over to Jay. Laying each other's arms on are shoulders. About out the door, when Mr. Star calls for me. Telling Jay to go and I'll meet up with him. I walk over to his desk and say, "Yes Mr. Star, why do you want to talk to me fowhy was just about to go have lunch. Great one at that."

Mr. Star says, "Sorry I just really got to talk to you about your story."

"Oh no, I did the worst job. I'll go do it all over right now. I can even change it if you want me to."

"Oh no I could never have you do that. Its your story not mine."

I say, "If not that then, what is so impotent you can't just tell me later?"

Gets my ruff draft saying, "I know you love this class doing your hardest and you do great, but this story. I can't believe you wrought this."

"What, so you think I cheated and had someone do it for me? I could never do that. Exceptionally on something I have fun doing."

coming back over Mr. Star sits down in his chair putting my work down with a slow swoosh saying, "No I know you did. Just when I read it. I felt I was reading a great novel. Not as long as one, but you know."

"No I don't sur. Was just having fun is all."

"Yes I can see that very much, betting you must of put a lot more into this. Feels you pored your heart and soul into it."

Sitting down saying when crossing my lags, "I was very emotional that day. I guess that got the best of me."

"No, no, thats a good thing."

"What so being a reck is a good thing?"
"No, just that can make great stories. Well, depending. If really happy a happy story and maybe funny, never know."

"I see, sur."

"This isn't all about what we talked about the other day is it?"

Starting to get all flustered not knowing what to say. Fighting with my watch. "Maybe I I I I I....... I don't know, I wasn't my self that day."

"Oh I'm so sorry if I'm making you nerves."

"Its ok, Its not your fault." I say

"K, so what I really want to talk to you about. Theres this story contest coming up and was wondering if you want to enter this story. Still needs work and all that. You would have time to fix it before hand. So what do you say."

Getting all nerves saying, "Oh no, I could never show this. I put to much of me into this, to show the world."

"I understand. I'll just pick someone else's then." Lin is walking past Mr. Star's class and happens to hear us talking. She stops and listens in. Hearing about my story I don't want people to see. She says, "Oh my, she pored her soul into that story. I just got to get my hands on it. I just know it have something in it to help with my plan. Making Jay mine or even more dirt on her for a latter note. Never the less I need to get it."

"Thanks for understanding Mr. Star."

"Know problem. Great story never the less."

"Bye sur. Going to have lunch."

"Bye Jane, have fun." About to leave, but he says, "Oh and one thing. Happy for you and Jay."

"Oh Thanks Mr. Star." I finally leave, just as Lin quickly goes before I see her. Out in the hall I go look for Jay. I find him sitting on a bench an join him.

Jay saying, "Hey, so what did Mr. Star want? If you don't mind me asking."

"Oh just wanted to know if I like to enter my story in a writing contest."

"thats great. I just know you will win."

Turn looking right at Jay, "Oh no, I told him I couldn't do it."

Jay taking my hands in his, he says, "Oh why not, I bet its great."

"Maybe so, I just couldn't get my self to enter it. I don't know, I guess I'd feel weird if people were reading my writing."

"Oh I understand if you don't want to. No one can make you."

"Thanks Jay for understanding. Your the best." I go in giving Jay a nice big hug. Feeling greater then great, being in his braze." I let go leaning my back on the wall. I then hear my stomach growl. Trying to stop it so Jay doesn't hear. He then says to it, "stomach making noises I see. Must be hungry."

"Oh no, I'm fine." It then goes off again making me feel woozy.

"Wow, are feeling all right?"

"Ya, just hungry is all."

I see, so you are. Lets go have lunch then. Fill that hungry stomach of yours,"

"Yes father." We get up and go to the lunch room. When we are I start to think of my father. Never thinking in million years to never would I think of him again. Getting a little sad inside from it.Getting with all my might to hide it. We then have are food. Finding a place to sit, I wave at my friends as we walk by. Not having Magian look at me, not even ones. Sitting down just him and me.

I eat a few bites, but not long Jay knottiest I'm feeling down. He says, "What's bring you down? I know Magian and you aren't talking right now, but I know you guys will work it out soon."

"I know Jay, but its not really that."

Jay about to take another bight, but puts down saying, "Wow, must be really bad. Never seen you so down."

"I'm sorry. I just keep putting down theses great times, with a drop of my hat. I won't be spriced if you think me a downer."

"No, I could never. Your one of the funniest girls I know."

"How could I be, if I keep getting like this."

Pushing his tray to the side. Turns facing me, taking my hands in his and says, "Everyone has there down moments. Things must be bring back sad moments right now. People can think its gone, but then the smallest thing brings it right back up."

Sliding closer to him, putting my head on his shoulder saying, "Oh Jay, "How do you always know. It's like you can see into people's souls."

"I don't think I can do that. I just care for you. So I'm more aware."

Still leaning my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes saying, "Jay, I'm so glad to have met you. I just wish Zana was talking to me, so I'd have her too."

Jay then remembers back to the start of the day, when he met Zana. Practically forgetting he did. "You may be spriced in that front."

I lift my head up look at him with a odd look on my face saying, "What, do you know something I don't?"

"I don't think so." Being vary good at hiding it.

We finish are food. Putting are trays away and walk out. Walking the halls, being glad to have left that noisy place. Thinking thous thoughts of my dad have left me, but in no time they come rushing back. Feeling my brain fluid with ambition. I quickly take Jay by the arm. Taking him outside to a bench to sit. Where no one but us are. Jay says to it, "Wow, girl calm down."

"Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't hurt you did I?"

"No not at all. Something is still up, isn't there." Jay says

"Ya your right. I just got to tell someone."

"Oh no, you don't have to tell me. If its to much for you. Sorry if asking you earlier made theses all fluid up like this."

Turning him to face me when saying, "No not at all. I guess I just had them cooped up for to long."

"Well if your ok talking to me about it, I'm here, but if not I understand."

"No it's ok, I want to tell you, but if at any time you want me to stop, I will." Taking Jays hands in mine, looking him right in the eyes. He nodes his head, giving me a its ok look I'm here, no matter what. I clear my throat then say, "Ok, back when I was 12." About to say more, but with no control I start to cry.

"Jane, maybe this is a bad idea."

"No no I'm fine" I wipe my tears then go on. "I was feeling on top of the world. Being so happy I was finally going to see my dad again. Him and me were stuck like glue, till that day he had to go away for work, but some reason we couldn't go. Even when I bagged him to take us. So that day when I was 12 going to see him ones again after 4 years. We got a call." Crying more as I went on with all my might no mater what. "Me thinking it was to tell us he was almost here, but no. It was to tell us he had died on the way here. For a time I just couldn't believe it. Thinking it was just all a dream. When I realized it wasn't, it just took me over for days at end. Thinking that was past me, it now comes back after all theses years."

"Wow I'm so sorry to hear that. I know if either of my parsons died I be a rack too. I feel for you. I'm sorry for what ever brought it back. Wait, oh no. I brought it back up didn't I. You called me father being funny, but instead of that, it brings bad memorize back."

"No not at all. It may make me sad, but it brings back great times too. It's nice to think of my dad no mater if bad or good."

"I'm glad to hear it." Jay comes in giving me a hug. Making me melt to putty with my tears of happiness and sadness all in one. Jay speaking up, "Oh I just remembered, I spoke with Zana today."

I leaned up saying, "What you did?"

"I sure did."

"You didn't need to do that."

"I know. Just knowing I was the cos you guys aren't friends. I felt I should help."

Getting all happy inside. I get up and say, "You can't stop your self and make people happy." Me triurling around, feeling so free.

"You don't stay sad to long do ya?"

"Not with someone that makes a time so great. Making it hard to stay sad."

"Why thank you. I try my best."

"Great one at that." saying as we then walk on. Me being happier then the world around.

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