Blood lust.

By ccredfield

404 54 31

Bloodlust is a story about a boy named Carmelo. Carmelo started off as an average teen, until his mother and... More

Chapter 2- awake
Chapter 3- It begins
Chapter 4- Mute...
Chapter 5- New Beginning's
Chapter 6- Boot camp
Chapter 7- 2 weeks in
Chapter 8- Dynamic.
Chapter 9- Blended.
Chapter 10- Dyanmic Vs X.
Chatper 11- Black out.
Chapter 12- Oh no.
Chapter 13- lights out.
Chapter 14- night light.
Chatper 15- School is in session
Chaptet 16- Dark.
Chatper 17- Whos who?
Chapter 18- Medic.
Chapter 19- Red X.
Chapter 20- The battle of anderson.
Chapter 21- the stars.
Chapter 22- Crunch.
Chatper 23- Heart Aches.
Chatper 24- What comes next?
Chapter 25- Red X Vs Xodia.
Chapter 26- Xodia.
Chapter 27- A new wave
Chaptet 28- Dark's mistake.
Chapter 29- the great war. (1/2)
Chapter 30- the great war. (2/2)

Chapter 1- pliot

44 2 4
By ccredfield

Have you ever just woke up and wished to never wake up again? Meh, sometimes I feel that way. However, I had no choice. I felt my mothers soft hands push my right shoulder blade rapidly.

"Mel, Mel get up! You have school!"
"Ugh...fine! Mom just get out my room please! You're like totally killing my good vibes!"

I chuckled and sat up from my queen sized bed, I threw off the Batman blankets and twisted my body towards the side. I'm not very tall, about 5'5. My feet dangled on my bed as I lowered myself slowly. My feet connecting on the smooth carpet floor.

"I hate this damn school so fucking much" I thought that to myself. My mother was a very pretty lady, she had beautiful soft brown hair that was draped down to her bottom. She had brown eyes that glistened every now and then. She was shorter than me, by a solid 1 inch. To me, that's everything. She was wearing a t shirt and sweat pants as with pink socks. Her skin was tan, like my own. She ambled out my room.

My room wasn't anything special, just a bed, tv, hamper, and a PS4. However, my clothes were scattered around my floor making it difficult to find clean clothes here and there. I walked around my floor picking up clothes; trying to find something to wear. I ended up settling for a gray hoodie with the pockets connected, and a pair of black cargo pants.

I slipped on my black Tim's and adjusted my soft medium length black hair. I look myself in the mirror, I do say, I am a very handsome lad. Beautiful brown eyes and soft black hair like my mother. My structure was average and my smile was great— sometimes. I walked down the steps, yes, my room was on the second floor . Once downstairs I walked to the kitchen where I found my black backpack laid on the table with all my books inside. I snickered and lifted it up and slung it over my left shoulder blade.

My little brothers eian and Ethan would giggle and run into the kitchen, my dog would bark to get their attention, my brother eian was 6 and my little brother Ethan was 3, they both had black hair, Eians hair was straight whilst Ethan's hair was curly. They both wore their Batman hoodies and Superman shorts. They always seemed to amaze could they be so innocent? They're kids that's why.

"Alright boys, c'mere!"
I lifted both of them up as they giggled and hugged me, I hugged back tightly and kissed both their heads before placing them back down smiling. That's when the devil walked into the room, my damn sister, Gianna. She had long black hair similar to my mothers, she had brown eyes but her skin was lighter due to my fathers side. She was wearing her hello kitty hoodie on with jeans, a piece of gum in her mouth as she munched on it. She reached her hands behind her back and began to tie her hair into a bun. She was 13.

"Sup slut."
She said that to me, I was baffled at first.
"Ditto faggot, where's ma?"
"She left like 3 minutes ago. Now you better hurry up, the bus is on it's way."

I nodded and rubbed her head and walked out my door, I was standing on my massive deck, I inhaled and exhaled with a smile crept across my face. The beautiful warm sun would shine on my body keeping me warm and toasty; I really did hate this town, I had no friends, no one to talk to, I only had me and my right hand. If you catch my drift.

I began to walk down my massive drive way, once at the bottom I took a sharp left and began to walk towards my bus stop. I saw the 3 kids there already. One was tall and beefy, he was a cool guy though. The other two were both petite Asians. Not trying to be racist, but they were both skinny and not talkative. I shrugged and stood next to the tall man, we rarely talked.

Once the bus pulled up, I got on. I looked at all the kids cramped in the small bus, I groaned and walked all the way towards the back and sat down, kids were talking about politics, others were listing to music. I rested my head against the window and sighed wanting to go back home to Hawthorne, I hated bloodlust, Hell, who even makes a town bloodlust! The bus began to drive slowly; stopping here and there to pick up the kids who took the bus. After a horrible 20 minute drive. We finally arrived at the school.

The high school was massive, it was just so long and wide; their are no second or third floors, it's just really wide. I watched all the kids flock towards the door;  both my eyes glistened as I stood up and got off the bus. However, before I was about to get off completely, I heard my bus driver say in a raspy voice.

"'re next..."

I turned my head to face him. He was an old man with barely any hair on his head. He had a gut and his voice was deep. I shivered and walked out the bus and into the building. I began to ponder what did he mean.
"I'm next...for what..?"

I bumped into a girl. Her books fell out her hands as she began rapidly talking.
"Oh my god oh my god!! I'm so so sorry!"
She began to crouch down and begin swiftly grabbing all her books from the ground.
"Hey,'s ok."

I crouched down and began to help her, I handed her the books as we both locked eyes. We were the same height, she had long black hair and a smile that made any man smile. She had beautiful hazel eyes that gleamed with mine as we both chuckled nervously.

"I'm Carmelo...but please, call me Mel.."
"Hi Carmelo...I'm Lizzy."
We both smiled and she stood up and dusted off her black skirt, her leather jacket would gleam as he rushed towards her next class.

I leaned against the wall and pondered for a second, wondering who she was, where did she come from? And most of all, is she single? I shook my head and walked towards my locker. I punched in my combination and my locker flew open. I grabbed my text books and two note books and began to amble towards my math class. I was never good at math, Hell, I'm not the smartest star in the sky; but I manage.

Once inside I sat down in the back seat, my name was engraved within the steel as I flipped my hoodie onto my head. My teacher began talking, she was using the computer to show us our work. How did she do this? Well she just hooked up the HDMI to the flat screen board. We were there for about a half an hour before all of a sudden the screen flashed black. Everyone went silence; that's when it happened. All the lights when out expect for the screen. A mans face began to peer into the camera, I got a perfect look at him.

"Hello name... is dark...and you all work for me I know this seems rushed. Believe me I do, but it will all make sense in time, as for right now. Enjoy the show."

The mans voice was deep and bold; he had brown hair and green eyes, however, the pupil of his eyes were a crimson red. I leaned forward slightly to see him a little better. He had tanish skin and a devilish smirk across his face. I decided to speak.

"And if we refuse...?"

The males eyes would lock eyes with mine. Then all of a sudden his pupils turned black as he dragged his tongue across his lips and snickered.

"Mr. Ortiz? Holy fucking SHIT I hit the jack pot with you kid!.. don't worry; we're gonna meet real soon. Later kids."

The tv turned off and all the power came back on. My teacher began to scurry to the phone as I stood up and walked out the class. I jogged to the bathroom across from me and slowly placed my right hand on the mirror, I looked at myself and titled my head slowly.

"What the fuck?"

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