Teach Me To Love Part 1

By LlamaLoyd

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๐Ÿ†The Page Turner Awards 2020 General/Teen Fiction 1st Place Winner!๐Ÿ† OUAT Killian Jones/OC student/teacher... More

Chapter One Give them Hell
Chapter 2 King of Assholes
Chapter 3 Pizza Money
Chapter 4 Just a bad day.
Chapter 5 The Princess of Sarcasm
Chapter 6 A Broken Promise
Chapter 7 Friend Request
Chapter 8 Test Day
Chapter 9 Blocked
Chapter 10 Cold
Chapter 11 Confused
Chapter 12 Who's going home with you tonight?
Chapter 13 Got a Little Drunk Last Night
Chapter 14 Surrender
Chapter 15 Safe Haven
Chapter 16 Rose
Chapter 17 Scars
Chapter 18 Here comes trouble.
Chapter 19 Deal with the Devil
Chapter 20 Just an Act.
Chapter 21 Those Three Words
Chapter 22 Shots Fired
Chapter 23 Healing
Chapter 24 Right back at it again
Chapter 25 Caught
Chapter 26 Are we Good?
Chapter 27 Temptation
Chapter 28 Everything
Chapter 29 Stroke of Midnight
Chapter 30 History
Chapter 31 Promise
Chapter 32 Sick Day
Chapter 33 Oh, Brother.
Chapter 34 Loaded
Chapter 35 Close Call
Chapter 37 Already Gone
Chapter 38 Sneaky Devil
Chapter 39 Collapse
Chapter 40 I Will Not Say Goodbye
Chapter 41 New York State of Mind.
Chapter 42 With a Little Help From my Friends
Chapter 43 Holding On and Letting Go
Chapter 44 The Sting of Summer
๐Ÿ†Wattpad "The Page Turner Awards 2020" 1st Place General/Teen Fiction Interview๐Ÿ†

Chapter 36 Busted.

577 9 33
By LlamaLoyd

A/N: I promised more Crazy Drama for this Chapter, so..Don't hate me for this huge cliff hanger I am about to drop on you guys. ;) Lol! As always, Enjoy! <3 LlamaLoyd 

Killian POV 

After an hour of speaking with Parents, I was already ready to go home. I was anxious about meeting with Kassidy's father. I had met the man before but It was going to be really hard to look him in the eyes and talk to him about Kassidy's grades when I really just wanted to talk to him about how I felt about her.

"I'm sorry if I'm late." Mr. Cole said as he walked into the room.

"No, its quite alright." I said and smiled. "How are you this evening Mr. Cole?" I asked.

"Please, just call me Sean." He said and smiled. "I've been good. Pleasantly surprised that the other teachers haven't formed a Mob and chased me out with a pitch fork by now. Kassi..kind of had a reputation at her old school." He said. I laughed.

"We are aware." I said.

"That Miss Mills though.. she's a.." he started.

"I know. She doesn't like anyone." I said.

"I gotta admit, I'm a little nervous about this one. Kassi has a lot of trouble with Math." Sean said and sighed.

"I had a little bit of a rough start with Kassidy but I found that she actually does really well in a one on one setting." I said. I was trying my best to keep this professional but everything I said I felt was coming off as not right. "I keep her after class a lot to help her and Its improved her grade drastically." 

As well as a few other things. 

"That's great. really, Thank you for taking the extra time. No one in New York really understood, and after her mother passed it was really difficult for her she lost interest in everything for a while." He said. "She's got this new Boyfriend, she wont tell me who he is but I think Hes got a lot to do with the way she is lately, she's happier, she's calmer. Its like I have a whole new kid." He said and smiled. I returned his smile.

"Well love changes people." I said.

"It does, I don't know how to tell her, but I've actually been seeing someone myself. I just don't know how she'd take it."

Shit. How the hell am I supposed to keep this from her?

"Oh.. Uh wow." I said and cleared my throat.

"Sometimes, I'll Kassi I'm working late, but I'm actually seeing her." He said.

Please stop talking Sean.

"I don't think this is the kind of conversation you should be having with me." I said.

"OH!.. I'm sorry, you are right. I'm babbling, its just you seem to spend a lot more time with Kassidy than I do these days.. I figured maybe you'd know how I should go about it."

For the love of Christ this could not get any more awkward.

"I've uh.. well I've found that the best approach to Kassidy is just being straight forward." I said.

I know from experience.

"So.. I should just tell her?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.


"You don't think she'd be upset?"

"No, I don't think so, as long as you are honest."

She's going to be so pissed off.

"You're right. I should just rip the band aid off." He said. "I'm really sorry.. this got way off track."

"No. Its okay, However...uh I'm actually out of time I have another meeting scheduled in just a couple minutes." I said. I didn't, but this was just too damn awkward and I needed time to think.

"Sure, Thank you for your time Mr. Jones." He said and extended his hand.

"Please. just call me Killian." I said

Your daughter does.

"Sure. Killian. See you next time." He said and smiled before leaving the room.

Kassidy POV

"What the heck happened to you??" Ruby asked as I Opened my front door. She was obviously talking about the scratches all over my arms and legs.

"Uh.. Well, I jumped out of the window in Kilian's classroom after almost being caught by Emma's mom and landed in a rose bush." I said and pulled another twig out of my curly hair. She tried her best to keep in a giggle.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to laugh.. but.."

"Go ahead." I said and sighed. She erupted with laughter.

"Yeah yeah." I said and rolled my eyes letting her in the house.

"Mrs. Nolan though? Really.. That could have been horrible Kassidy You've got to be more careful."

"I know, Its just we were alone.. and I don't know what came over me, Something about him makes me do crazy things." I said and sat down.

"I'm sure, but unless you want him to lose his job, and you to get expelled maybe save the crazy for at home." Ruby said.

"Yeah. there's no way we are doing that again." I said and looked down at my phone as if vibrated on the coffee table.


Parents night went great. I just got called in to work, why don't you stay at Ruby's tonight?


See, told you I've been good. and sure. See you..whenever.


Love you kiddo.


Love you too!

"What's up?" Ruby asked.

"Oh, Dad was just letting me know Parents Night went okay and that he had to go to work."

"Weren't you supposed to go New York with him tomorrow morning?"

"Yeah, it got postponed." I said and shrugged.

"Oh, Well I'm sure we could find something to do this weekend, unless your boyfriend steals you from us like he always does."

I laughed. "We will see.. I'm trying to move more of my stuff to his house and since my Dad is working this weekend its a good time for him to come over and help." I said.

"With the police cruiser parked out front 24/7?" Ruby asked. "And since When are you moving in with him?" She asked.

"Since he asked me if I would." I said. "If he comes through the back yard it wont be a problem." I said. The doorbell rang.

"That's weird. Was Emma and Belle coming over too?" I asked.

"Not that I'm aware of." She said. I walked to the door and opened it. There was a woman, probably mid thirty's, with blonde hair she was dressed nicely.

"Uh.. Hi?" I said.

"Hi..is Sean here?" She asked.

"No..my Dad is working tonight."

"Oh! You must be Kassidy.. I've heard so much about you!" She said and smiled at me.

Who..the fuck are you?

"Who are you?" I asked more politely than I had thought of asking with everything going on with my Dad lately I couldn't be too cautious. I glanced out front at the police cruiser. My Dads co worker Tom waved at me, so apparently this woman wasn't a threat.

"I'm Katherine. You're father and I were supposed to have a date tonight are you sure Hes working?"

Threat confirmed. Tom, take this bitch out.

"Uh.. A date?.." I asked just then my Dads car pulled into the driveway, He got out with the most guilty look on his face.

"Uh.. I think.. I am going to go." Ruby said sensing that the shit was about to hit the fan. She grabbed her purse. "Text me." She said and walked out.

Dad walked into the house with Kathrine.

"Okay...so this wasn't how this was supposed to go. I thought you were at Ruby's." He said.

"And I thought you were working." I said and narrowed my eyes at Kathrine.

"Kass I know, you are probably upset. I wanted to tell you.."

"Is this what happens when you work late? Or you tell me to just stay at Ruby's so you can invite her over??" I demanded.

"Well, sometimes." He said.

"Unbelievable." I said.

"I'm sorry, Kassidy If I had known he didn't tel-" Katherine started to say.

"You! Don't. Talk. To. Me." I said.

"Kassidy!" Dad said.

"Its Okay Sean, maybe I should go." Katherine said.

"No. Katherine, by all means. Stay. I'll go." I said and walked out of the house.

Killian POV

I pulled my car into the garage and parked it. Once I got out I could hear, loud Rock music coming from inside.

"What the hell?" I muttered and opened the door. The stereo in the living room was cranked up as high as it would go. There was an open container of mint chocolate chip ice cream on the coffee table.


I turned down the stereo. "Kass??" I called out and walked down the hall. I opened the door to the office and there she was. Aggressively throwing darts into the dartboard on the wall. I sighed at the holes in the wall from the few times she had missed.

"Whatcha doin there?" I asked. She turned and if looks could kill, I'd be dead. I walked over cautiously and took the darts from her hands.

"Lets not handle sharp objects right now." I said. "Wanna tell me why you are poking holes in my wall?" I asked.

Careful Killian, she might poke a hole in your face.

"No." She said and walked out of the office and picked up her ice cream from the coffee table and dug into it.

"Have I done something to upset you?" I asked.

"No." She said.

"Okay, so then what is going on? You're going to have to give me a little detail here Love." I said and walked into the kitchen and held up a pan that was burnt.

"What..is this?" I asked.

"I tried to make grilled cheese." She said.

Note to self, teach this girl how to cook or she'll never survive without you.

"I get really hungry when I'm mad and I was supposed to go eat at the mall with Ruby, but then Dad happened." She grumbled and put the ice cream back in the freezer.

"So.. he told you about his new friend?" I asked.

"He told YOU?" She asked.


"He, mentioned that he had been seeing someone, and that he wasn't sure how to bring it up with you."

"That..son of a.. He told YOU. Before he told me?? What are you two like best friends?!" She demanded.

"Uh.. no?" I said.

"He didn't even tell me! She just showed up at my house, Like Hi, I'm Kathrine, I'm here to whore around with your Dad while he tells you Hes working!" She said and opened the fridge.

"I'm sure, he meant to tell you Kass." I said trying to calm her down. I put my hands on her shoulders and moved her away from the fridge. "Why don't you go sit down, Watch that TV show you like on Netflix and I will make you something to eat."

"Okay.." She said and wrapped her arms around me. "I'm sorry.." She said.

"You don't have to apologize to me. You're upset, I get it. Just maybe call me next time? So you don't almost burn my house down?" I asked and smirked.

"Our house. I'm officially moving in this weekend." She said and smiled.

"What about your dad?" I asked.

"More room for him and Kathrine." She said and rolled her eyes.

"Kassidy I don't want you to do this out of anger with your Dad. You might regret it." I said.

"Fine, but I still need your help moving some stuff tomorrow. Dad is working and It would be a good time." She said.

"Sure." I said and smiled.

Kassidy POV

I stood in my room putting some of my books from my bookshelf into a box waiting for Killian to text me to open the back door. I was still angry with my Dad, It wasn't the fact that he was dating again. I was glad he was finally ready to move on. He needed to, we both did. But I was angry because he had lied, and said he was working, He had canceled multiple plans of ours to spend time with Katherine and It just upset me. Of course, I did understand that, maybe it was a little hypocritical of me to be so angry with him for keeping his girlfriend from me, when I kept my boyfriend from him, but there was an extremely good reason behind my lies. My phone vibrated on my desk I looked down at it.


I'll be home tonight. We need to talk.


I don't think I'm ready to talk to you right now.


I didn't ask if you were ready to talk to me. I said we were going to talk.


Is She coming?




Yeah, No. I wont be here.


Kassidy. Be home at 5:30. I will come find you. 


Then what? You'll have Tom put me under house arrest?


Watch it.

I tossed my phone down and rolled my eyes. Where the heck was Killian?? I walked down the stairs to the kitchen and that's when I heard the shouting from the back yard. I ran over and opened the back door. Tom had tackled Killian to the ground and was handcuffing him. This wasn't supposed to be happening, Tom never watched the backyard. What the hell! 
We Are so screwed! 

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