What I Like About You (The be...

By marooncalum

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What I Like About You (The beginning)Chapter 1
What I Like About You (Party) Chapter 2
What I Like About You (Party continued)Chapter 3
What i Like About You (after) Chapter 4
What I Like About You (The morning after) chapter 5
What I Like About You (Plans Part 1) Chapter 6
What I Like About You (Carnival) Ch. 7
What I Like About You (Chapter 8)
What I Like About You (chapter 9)
What I Like About You (chapter 10)
What I Like About You (chapter 12) Hannah and Michael
What I Like About You (chapter 13) Jessica and Calum
What I Like About You (chapter 14)
What I Like About You (chapter 15)
What I Like About You (chapter 16)
What I Like About You (chapter 17)
What I Like About You (chapter 18)
What I Like About You (chapter 19)
What I Like About You (chapter 20)
What I Like About You (chapter 21) plane ride
Chapter 22

What I Like About You (chapter 11)

34 1 0
By marooncalum

-Michael's POV.-

I sighed, and began to walk towards Molly and Calum. Even though I knew Hannah was right, all I really cared about was fixing things with her at this point.

As I walked towards them, Calum looked as if he could deck me in the face right then and there. But in order to make Hannah forgive me, I held my ground and walked up to them with no fear. Except for on the inside, I was fucking scared! Calum was going to kill me..

"What do you want, traitor.." He said, and crossed his arms. "Look, Calum. I'm really sorry about what happened. I knew that you like her, I was just trying to get my friend who'd been dumped to cheer up a bit. But it was wrong and I feel terrible about it. Please just think about forgiving me?" I sigh and his lip moves to a smirk. "Alright, I forgive you. On one condition." "What is that?" I asked, worried. No telling what he was gonna make me do. "Go get Jess and tell her she has to seriously make this up to me. Tell her that I need an apology up front. In front of everyone." His arms crossed again. "Alright,

Fine Calum. I'll do that." I walked off. Jess definitely wasn't gonna like this, she hated having all of the attention on her. But Calum wants his revenge. I laughed at the thought, knowing it was for the better. I finally made my way back. Jess was sitting with Luke, they were talking. Ashton had found Leah and I guess they were patching things up. "Hey Jess, Luke." I said and nodded towards them.

-Jess's POV-

When Michael came over to us, my head eagerly shot up. "Hi Michael." I said, hurt and regret could easily be heard in my voice. "What did Calum say?" I sighed. "He said that you have to apologize to him in front of everyone, and then he'll forgive you.." I guess he saw how terrified I was because he spoke up again. "I know you don't like being the center of attention Jess, but you and Calum are great together. It's so worth it." He smiled, that making me feel a bit better. "Alright, let's do this." I sighed, nervously. We got back to Hannah, Calum and Molly, and everyone circled around us. Calum was leant against a wall and I walked right up to him. "Calum, I'm so sorry about what happened. Michael and Ashton are too. I know you probably don't believe that, but it's the truth. And I do like you, a whole lot. Please forgive me Calum, that's all I want. I fucked up, but I promise if you give me another chance it'll never happen again." I went silent, and he said nothing. As I started to turn around I felt his arms wrap around me and I was pulled back gently into his warm chest. Our friends clapped. I looked over at Hannah who was smiling and she held up her thumb towards us, making me smile a little. I noticed that she and Michael were close again, he had his arm around her shoulders, so they must have fixed things. Also, Ashton had found Leah again. I was happy that she came back, she and Ashton were so sweet together. I turned my attention back to Calum. "Cal, let's go to dinner tonight, just me and you? Then after we can discuss our relationship situation if you'd like. I'd be honored to be your girlfriend some day." He didn't speak, only smiled and pulled me in for a kiss.

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