Akame Ga Kill: Trios Revenge

By kam10168

1.9K 217 87

In the middle of the Revolutionary War, a small village harbors Night Raid's enemies. One day Night Raid atta... More

It All Begins Until It Ends: Anna
Unrelenting Storm: Ren
Might of the Knight: Selan
The Wyvern Princess: Anna
The Nightmare: Ren
Insider: Selan
Split: Anna
The Truth Behind it All: Ren
Coldness: Selan
The Forsaken: Anna
Experiments: Ren
The Fight: Selan
The Poisonous Heart: Anna
The Real Fight Begins: Ren
Spirited: Anna
The Forsaken's Final Trump
Blood Killer: Ren
Spirit: Anna
Ren: Shadows
New Beginning: Anna
In the Shadows: Ren
Friends Aren't the Truth: Anna
Kill the Darkness: Ren
March to Madness: Anna
Kill the Memories: Anna
Downfall: Anna
Advent Abbadon Part 1
Advent Abbadon Part 2: Kill the Falsehoods
Advent Abaddon Part 3: Kill Fate

Darker Than Blood: Anna

22 6 0
By kam10168

I stare at Ren's lifeless body. His bloodied body still oozes from the countless gashes that cover it. At least he died smiling, as if he accomplished something. I only wish that it hadn't come to this. We could've ended this war together, but he decided to go a different path than I. The air is stagnant and the stench of blood is overwhelming. The dust and debris from the fight hasn't even settled yet making the night even darker. If only Ren saw things my way...if only he knew what was right, he would still be alive. I return to normal and grab Yami. We can't have this weapon falling into the Empire's hands. 

I rush over to Ichi, who's still bleeding heavily from the gash that Ren left her. She'll live, but will be left with a nasty scar across her eye. I'm not even sure if Kohryu can repair her eyesight in that one eye. All the commotion must've brought everyone from the tavern outside. A small crowd is gathering around me including those in Night Raid. A shadow looms above the clearing as someone steps into the moonlight. I watch the person leap into the air and land next to me. I ready Seshin as Crow lands. 

"I'm not here for a fight." He says looking around, "We have to get out of here. Najenda explained everything to me and I understand what's going on. I have some information that I'm willing to give you as an apology, but we have to get out of here. Thousands of Imperial troops are heading here along with the rest of the Jaegers!" I hesitate for a moment, "We don't have time to wait around and be killed! Grab Ichi; I'll grab Ren. Everyone here needs to leave or be killed by the Empire!"

I clench my fists, but he's right, now's not the time to be fighting and if the Jaegers are coming with an army, we'll be in for a tough time. I don't want to trust Crow at all though. He may be an ally today, but what if his allegiance changes again and he fights for the Empire? I'll just hunt him down if he decides to turn against us. I grab Ichi and put her over my shoulders. I can here the distant marching of the soldiers getting closer by the minute. I turn to the others as the crowd begins to dissipate. They nod and we leave the destroyed area.


Ichi's going to need a few days to rest. The wound has healed, but she's ill from infection. Kohryu could only heal what's healable. It's up to Ichi to get through this and I'm not going to leave her side. Crow's been locked away ever since we came back. No one trusts him at the moment besides Najenda. I don't know why she trusts him, but I'll leave it to her judgement. Leone isn't too happy that Ren died by my own hands. I hope she stays a rational person and doesn't turn like Ren did, but he was only fighting for what he believed in and I can't deny his courage. I'm fighting for the future of this country and nothing else. I won't take the throne and lead...I'll be going on a journey to the mountains and live peacefully until my time is up. I'll watch over the New Empire from afar and only intervene if I need to. 

Thunder and lightning crackles outside. It hasn't stopped raining for the last few days. The dark and gloomy atmosphere doesn't hide the fact that the war is starting to begin. Small skirmishes dot the outside of the city as more and more of the Revolutionary Army's troops begin mounting assaults on the Empire's supply chains. 

"Anna," Crow walks in, "it's time we had a talk."

"You're not gonna betray us like you did the Empire now are you?" I look at him with hatred, "You nearly killed Ren when we first met."

"And you did kill him." Crow says calmly, "Look, I'm not here for a fight, I'm here to tell you information that could possibly change the outcome of this war."

I look over at Ichi and sigh. She isn't going to get any better with me sitting here not doing anything. I stand up and walk to Crow, "Fine. After you."


I follow him out into the forest where no one will interrupt us. This seems like a trap, but I don't sense any danger from this man. Possibly the most dangerous opponent I've ever faced, and he's an ally now. Something isn't right and I don't like it.

"I think we're far enough away." He sighs and sits down, "I can't keep up with you guys sometimes."

"Shut up, and start talking." I look at him with a fierce gaze.

"Right, you don't trust me yet and that's fine." He says, "Anyways, the information I'm about to tell you involves your past and the reason why you're here. It wasn't the Empire that destroyed your village, it was the Wild Hunt."

"Wild Hunt?" 

"It's an organization led by Honest's son Syura. Syura came up with a plan to please his father and made it seem like it was the Empire and Night Raid that destroyed your home when it was all his idea. He borrowed a few thousand troops from his father and seemingly destroyed the village. Once Esdeath arrived, she froze it solid. Back then, she had a heart. Yes, Night Raid killed your parents and yes, the Empire destroyed your home, but Night Raid was lured into attacking the village. Your parents were never loyal to the Empire, they were only looking out for their people. The easiest way to bring in money for the village, they invited the Empire in and the Empire took the bait. Your parents weren't idiots Anna, just a ploy set by Syura and the Wild Hunt."

"I'm going to kill that bastard slowly and painfully." I grip the rock underneath me, nearly crushing it in my grip, "Because of him, I'm the way I am! He took everything from me!"

"Calm down Anna."

"Don't tell me to calm down!" I grip his neck and he doesn't fight back, he just let's it happen.

"And what do you gain by killing me?" He says calmly. How can he be calm when he's at death's door? "Nothing and you know it. I'm here to help you fight the Empire not because I want to, but because they also took my life from me."

"Then why were you helping them?" I set him down.

"I grew up in one of the poor areas in the Empire, the slums. Esdeath saved my life when I was younger and I wanted to fight under her leadership. But, that all went to Hell once I started asking for my own Imperial Arms. I was betrayed by Seryu, one of the Jaegers, so I went on the run. I ended up helping the Empire again, but now I see the bloodlust that Esdeath has. She wants war and only war. I can't stand by that."

"Thank you." I look at the ground in embarrassment, "It seems even those fighting for the Empire also suffers. I want to end that and bring the people happiness. I had no idea that you went through all that. I'm sorry if I doubted you."

"It's fine." He smiles, "It'll take some time, but I believe everyone will come around. I want to slay Esdeath with my own hands. I want to keep a promise to her."

"Even with her as your enemy, you want to keep a promise to her?"

"If I ever become strong enough to slay her, then I must." He smiles, "I plan on doing just that."

"At least you have an end goal." I sigh, "I'm still unsure about what I'm going to do after the war."

"You're gonna take the throne right?" He asks, "You are the rightful heir to it."

"No," I shake my head, "I don't want that pressure on myself. I'm thinking about heading to the mountains and keep watch over the city. I want to keep the people happy for as long as I live."

"And what of Ichi?"

I hadn't thought of her, "I don't know. I don't want to drag her down. She's got so much potential and I don't want it to go to waste."

"You can always take her with you." He suggests and I look at him with anger, "Hey, it was just a suggestion. No need to get mad at me."

"Sorry." I apologize, "I'm just a little out of it after killing Ren. Both of my brothers died because of me and now I have to bear their duties."

"You do have a family here." He stands up, "Don't let them go to waste either. I only wanted to tell you the truth about your past. I don't want to stir any old feelings that'll get me killed. I'm gonna head back to the base and talk to Leone. I feel bad that she lost Ren. Believe it or not, we grew up with each other and our friendship has lasted through all this shit. Don't let friendships end because of one thing."

He leaves through the foliage leaving me with my thoughts. I'm going to end the Wild Hunt and the Empire if it's the last thing I do!

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