Teach Me To Love Part 1

By LlamaLoyd

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πŸ†The Page Turner Awards 2020 General/Teen Fiction 1st Place Winner!πŸ† OUAT Killian Jones/OC student/teacher... More

Chapter One Give them Hell
Chapter 2 King of Assholes
Chapter 3 Pizza Money
Chapter 4 Just a bad day.
Chapter 5 The Princess of Sarcasm
Chapter 6 A Broken Promise
Chapter 7 Friend Request
Chapter 8 Test Day
Chapter 9 Blocked
Chapter 10 Cold
Chapter 11 Confused
Chapter 12 Who's going home with you tonight?
Chapter 13 Got a Little Drunk Last Night
Chapter 15 Safe Haven
Chapter 16 Rose
Chapter 17 Scars
Chapter 18 Here comes trouble.
Chapter 19 Deal with the Devil
Chapter 20 Just an Act.
Chapter 21 Those Three Words
Chapter 22 Shots Fired
Chapter 23 Healing
Chapter 24 Right back at it again
Chapter 25 Caught
Chapter 26 Are we Good?
Chapter 27 Temptation
Chapter 28 Everything
Chapter 29 Stroke of Midnight
Chapter 30 History
Chapter 31 Promise
Chapter 32 Sick Day
Chapter 33 Oh, Brother.
Chapter 34 Loaded
Chapter 35 Close Call
Chapter 36 Busted.
Chapter 37 Already Gone
Chapter 38 Sneaky Devil
Chapter 39 Collapse
Chapter 40 I Will Not Say Goodbye
Chapter 41 New York State of Mind.
Chapter 42 With a Little Help From my Friends
Chapter 43 Holding On and Letting Go
Chapter 44 The Sting of Summer
πŸ†Wattpad "The Page Turner Awards 2020" 1st Place General/Teen Fiction InterviewπŸ†

Chapter 14 Surrender

944 15 5
By LlamaLoyd

Kassidy POV

I opened my eyes and instantly regretted it. The world was spinning. I sat up and grabbed my head.

"Jesus.." I groaned and looked around. I was in Killian's house. I had no idea how the hell I got here.

"Well, my name is Killian.. but close enough." Killian said and set some aspirin and a bottle of grape Gatorade in front of me. I took the Aspirin and started chugging the Gatorade.

"Easy, love. I think you threw up enough last night." He said.

Love. It was the first time he had called me that. It sent chills through my body.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well, you ignored my advice, went to Emma's party, Got wasted, left Emma's, went to the docks, called me, I came and got you, and after throwing up a few times in my kitchen sink you finally passed out, and I moved you to the couch." he said.

"Oh. Is that all?" I asked.

"That about sums it up." he said. "I also texted Ruby and told her you were fine because She freaked out thinking you were dead in a ditch somewhere."

"Well, this is embarrassing." I said.

"For you, I suppose." He smirked.

"Hah. Hah." I said and stood up and found my purse and opened it pulling out the change of clothes I had packed and my tooth brush.

"Can I use your shower?" I asked.

"Of course." he said. "Down the hall, on the left."

"I know, I was here the other night." I said with a laugh and walked down the hall and to the bathroom. Once I got in the bathroom and closed the door, I took a second to breathe. was this really happening? Did I drunk dial my freaking algebra teacher? I was crazy if I ever thought that we could go back to normal and I was even crazier if I tried to tell myself I wanted things to go back to the way they were. because this was the new normal for us. We fight, I do something stupid, he saves the day and I end up right here, contemplating all my life choices up to this point. I walked to the shower and turned it on, remembering I didn't bring my soap and shampoo with me. Mostly because I was supposed to have stayed at Emma's. I dug through Killian's shower caddy. His soap would have to work, at least I knew from sitting in Algebra class right next to his desk daily that it smelled good.

After I showered I brushed my teeth and untangled my curls the best I could without my hair brush. I threw on the clothes I had brought with me, which was just a pair of leggings and an over sized sweater. I walked out of the bathroom and back down the hall to the living room Killian wasn't in there. I dug opened my purse and got my burgundy converse sneakers out and slipped them on I walked to the kitchen, there were a few pancakes on a plate on the stove. I picked up one and tore a piece off shoving it in my mouth. Even cold they were delicious and fluffy. Was there anything this man couldn't do? Killian came out of what I assumed was his bedroom, dressed in his normal teacher attire.

"Really dressed up for a Saturday." I said.

"Well, I'm running Saturday detention today. I see you found the pancakes." He said. 

"May God have mercy on those poor students souls." I smirked. "Just call me the pancake magnet."

"Oh, come on now, Detention with me is not that bad. You seem to like it, you always end up there." He said returning my smirk.

"I've never been good at following rules." I said.

"I'm aware." He said and straightened his tie. "Is there anywhere you'd like me to drop you off on my way to the school?" He asked. "Or you could just stay here. I'll be back in a few hours. I can help you study for the test on Monday."

"There's a test on Monday??" I asked

"Yes, you would have known that had you shown up to my class Friday afternoon." He said. "Are you going to stay here then?" he asked.

"I should probably go home and check in with my Dad but Thank you, for once again saving my ass." I said with a laugh.

"Of course." Killian said.

"I better let you go.." I said and walked to the door. I put my hand on the knob and turned it, opening it. He reached above me and shut the door. I turned to face him. our bodies were only inches apart. my heart raced, and breathing like a normal human being was no longer an option.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked breathlessly.

"What I should have done the other night." He said and before I knew what was happening, I was pushed against the door and his lips were on mine. He tasted sweet, like maple, and coffee. My brain was doing backflips and I felt like I was drunk all over again. My knees went weak. Killian put his arms around me lifting me. I wrapped my legs around his waist for support because they were of no use to me at the moment. I tangled my fingers in his hair. This was it. This was happening. There was no avoiding, there was no forgetting. This was my official surrender. I was his. He pulled away to breathe, meanwhile I had completely forgot how to. his pupils were dilated and his breathing was irregular. His cellphone rang and I cursed it mentally. He sighed heavily and set me down before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone answering it.

"Hello? Yes..yes I am aware, I'm leaving the house now, I had something important to take care of." He said and grinned at me. I tucked my hair behind my ear and bit my lip raising an eyebrow at him. He hung up his phone.

"You have to go don't you?" I said and frowned.

"Unfortunately." He said. "I'm running late." He said he took my face gently in his hands and kissed me softly and smiled at me.

"We will talk later. I put my number in your phone." He said.

"Okay. I'll call you." I said and reached up to fix his tie.

"Alright. You should go home before your father starts to worry, Don't forget to study for your test." He smirked.

"Yes sir." I grinned and picked up my purse and my cellphone off the coffee table. "Are you going to let me leave this time?" I asked and put my hand on the door knob.

"This  time. I suppose I will." He said.

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