Harry Potter Travels To The P...

By RABrav

341K 9.3K 6.2K

"You called for me professor? Is everything alright?" Harry asked. "Yes, Potter. I have a job for you. And pl... More

Ch1 - an unexpected invitation
Ch2 - A gleaming golden necklace
Ch 3 - D-Dumbledore, I er, am hon-oured to er, beinyourprescence
Ch 5 - Talking to Dumbledore
Ch 6 - Lily and James
Ch 7 - Defence with the 7th years
Ch 8 - Snivellus, Detention and Map.
Ch 9 - With his white, bony fingers, he raised his wand
ch 10 - Damn, how did Parker know everything?
Ch 11 - That professor is bloody brilliant!
Ch 12 - But Harry Potter is from the future
Ch 13 - Slytherins just admitted that Griffindor was going to win
Ch 14 - Mount your brooms
1K READS!!!!
Ch 15 - Nagini can have the mudblood after you finish with her
Ch 16 - Lily's screaming and Voldemort's cold laughter
Not a chapter
Ch 17 - When and how did he get here?
THANK YOU!!!!! 😍😍😍
Ch 19 - We need to talk about the professor
ch 20 - A question on Patroni
Not an update..
ch 22 - Killed A basilisk in second year
Ch 23 - It's only because of you that I'm still alive
Ch 24 - Travelling backwards in time, bringing us back to life!
Ch 25 - The Dursleys
Ch 26 - The Zoo
Ch 27 - The letters
Ch 28 - Yer a Wizard, 'arry
Ch 29 - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Ch 30 - Written by JK Rowling

ch 21 - My name is Harry Potter and I am from the future

9.6K 254 295
By RABrav

Hey guys!!!! Im so sorry for the wait... Long time, no see eh? Guess what, there's some good news! My exams are officially over! So I'll hopefully be able to update more often now. The only reason why I decided to update today, is because: I mean, LOOK AT THE PICTURES! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!

I mean, 3.94K reads?????? Coincidence? That number tho!!!

And I'm #2 in Prongs!!!???

And all these other amazing rankings! OH MY F*CKING GODRIC! OH MERLIN I'M SO HONOURED! THANK YOU GUYS!

I am really grateful for all my readers. You deserve to be rewarded for reading through the whole thing! Here, have a cupcake!
*throws out cupcakes*

Sorry about the extra-long author's notes, but a long one is necessary once a while. Kk, without further ado, let's get on to the actual chapter!

Ch 21 - My name is Harry Potter and I am from the future
Dedicated to NewMaruaders

"Tell us what professor?" asked Peter timidly.

Harry resisted the strong urge to glare at him, and simply said, "Long story short guys, but my name is Harry Potter and I am from the future."

"What?" blurted Lily.

"You can't be seriou- I mean, what the bloody Hell?" asked James, a giggle threatening to escape his lips.

Sirius started for a while, but then he burst out laughing. "Nice one Harry," he wheezed.

"No, guys really. I'm not joking," tried Harry.

"But professor, how? Why don't you prove it?" demanded Lily. "Time turners don't reverse time more than six hours. Is it some kind of potion or spell?"

"No it's not a potion," Harry replied, taking the time turner from his inside pocket. "Oh, and you can call me Harry, Lily. And it's just a newer version of a normal time turner. Do you see those numbers on it? You set them up to take you to a specific point in time."

"Cool! Can I hold it Harry?" James said, making a grab for it, but Harry lifted it out of James's reach.

"Oh if I put this in your hands, James. It would be a disaster," he said, shaking his head. James grinned.

"So Harry, well, since your last name is Potter, how are you related to me?" he asked. "You look just like me, so we have to be related."

"You're my father, dumbo!" Harry laughed.

James stared.

"Wicked! Congratulations Prongsie, you managed to produce a carbon copy of yourself!" laughed Sirius, high-fiving James.

"And none of the credit goes to his mother? Don't be sexist Black," defended Lily.

"Alright then Evans, and congratulations to the mother as well," he said, rolling his eyes. "Happy now?"

"Uh-huh," she answered.

"Speaking of the mother, who do I marry?" Asked an eager and excited James.
Harry paused a moment, debating whether he should tell him, or not. As Hermione said, he shouldn't mess with time. Yeah, but what if - no Harry, think positive. You can obliviate everyone in the end, he told himself.

"Harry?" James repeated, with wide eyes, "Tell us!"

"Well," he began, "You marry"-
"WAIT!" Sirius yelled.

"WHAT?" James yelled back, mimicking his tone.

"We need to do a drumroll!!!"


"Can you calm down James? We don't need the whole school listening."

"You called me James again! Oh, Evans, you can't wait for Harry to tell us, can you?"

"Yes, I can wait. I don't care who you marry, Potter," she replied, her arms crossed.

"Oh Evans, you know that it's you who will marry me, don't you? Too proud to admit it, but deep down, you know that you love me."

Lily giggled, "In your dreams, Potter."

"Aww, come on love. Who wouldn't want to date the Quidditch Captain? There's a professional Quidditch player right here, Evans." He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Professional?" Lily asked, pretending to be confused. "I don't see any professional over here," she said, looking both sides. "Oh, you mean Sirius?"

"No Evans, I mean me. Me, the professional."

"First of all, you aren't a professional. And second, bring that ego of yours down, and then I might think about it."

"Anything for you, love."


"I'm sorry to interrupt you two lovebirds, but I really need to know who Prongs is going to marry," Sirius said, interrupting their conversation.

"Ok," said Harry. "If everyone is finished, James Potter marries -- drumroll please -- LILY EVANS!"

James was dumbstruck. "You, serious?!" He asked slowly.

"No, but your friend is," Harry joked.

"You're right," Remus breathed. "I should have known. You like look just like James, but you have Lily's eyes."

"Everyone tells me that in the future you know."

"I'd imagine so," James laughed. He knew that Harry was related to Evans in some way!

"Harry, I'm sorry for doubting you," Remus said sincerely.

"See Evans? Told ya!"

Lily stared at James, then looked back at Harry. "Professor, please tell me that it's not true," she pleaded.

"Sorry Lily, it's true I'm afraid," Harry said, apologetically.

Lily was shocked. Why on earth would she marry James Potter? Was it a forced marriage? How was she going to be able to live in the same house as him? Never mind that, but have a child with him? No. This was not happening. James Potter, the arrogant bully would never be her husband.

"I - I need to go, " she said and broke into a run. She needed to go to a place where she would be alone, in order to process what was happening.

"Evans wait!" she heard James call, and ran faster.

James was about to go after her, but Harry caught his arm.
"Hey," he said gently. "I think I should go."

"Yeah, I think so too. You would be better than me," agreed James.

"That reminds me. I've got detention with Slughorn now," said Peter. "I've gotta go," and with that, he too ran off, in the opposite direction.

"Lily, wait!" Harry called after her.

"No James, I need to be alone!" she shouted and began to run faster.

"Lily, it's me, Harry. Please slow down."

It was Harry? Or was it just James pulling her leg? She stopped running and turned around, to see that he was indeed Harry. Harry cautiously went forward to approach her and put his arm around her shoulder.

"You know, you can talk about it if you want to. It's hard to keep your thoughts inside you and not let them out," he started gently.
Lily nodded, not knowing what to say first.

"So, I am your mother," she said slowly.

"Yes. A great one may I add." Harry replied.

"But why on earth will I marry him?" she paused. "I hate him."

"Lily, I know that James can sometimes be a bully, but under all that mess, he is a good boy, you know."

"You know, Sirius is the dog. Not James," she joked.

"The smile is back on your face now, yeah?"

"Yeah," said Lily.

"Lily, look at me in my eyes and tell me. Do you actually hate James?"

She took in a deep breath. "He actually isn't too bad. I've gotten to know him much better in the last year with all the adventures we've had, and..." she trailed off.

"Adventures?" Harry asked, interested.

"Please don't ask. They're all a story for another time. But," she breathed in deeply. "Fine, you're right. No, I don't hate James. And, he is a good boy. Really brave he is, saving Sev from Remus in our fifth year. But he ought to be put jail for his looks though. Why has he got to look so damn good? And his hazel eyes, a mix of chocolate brown and a deep forest green and --" Lily's eyes went all dreamy, like Luna's.

"You appear to like him," Harry grinned, and Lily blushed.

"But I swear to Merlin, his ego is bigger than a buffalo!"

"But you still like him."

"But he's James and I'm me, and, like, urgh I can't like him!" she exclaimed, frustrated.

"You know he really loves you."
Lily nodded numbly.

"But remember what I said, and give James a chance, yeah?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I've been meaning to for a couple of weeks now, actually. I definitely will try again," she said, looking straight into Harry's green eyes. "But can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, go on."

Her expression instantly changed from jovial, to grave and serious. "You know at the Quidditch pitch, I realised that you're a Parselmouth, and you seemed to be cracking jokes with Voldemort as if he were your friend, and," she paused. "I do trust you, but I'm worried sir."

Harry's face darkened. "The marauders also have the same questions. If you come back with me, I can answer them all together, is that good?"

"Yeah, let's go," she agreed, and the two of them started walking back to the classroom.

"Those two are taking foreveeeerrr," complained James.

"I knooowww," whined Sirius. "Can't we just leave, it's been twenty minutes?" he asked.

"NO!" James and Remus shouted at the same time.
"Alright, alright then. Hold your hippogriffs," Sirius rolled his eyes. "Another five more minutes?"

"No. We will wait for them even if they take another five hours," Remus replied.

"Yeah. I need to know what kind of father I am."

"I need answers from Harry. I need to know how he is a Parselmouth."

"I know right? How and where did he inherit that gene if he's Evans' and mine?"

"Evans could secretly be a parselmouth you know. Maybe a certain slimeball of a friend taught her....." Sirius laughed.

"That's not funny Sirius! Evans doesn't even talk to him anymore," James defended.

"Only joking, lover boy."

"OI! Don't call me that", he yelled,  and elbowed Sirius hard.


Remus rolled his eyes, as the two of them continued their playful petty fight, about Merlin knows what. What were they arguing about anyway? wondered Remus, as he heard Sirius say something about him having more muscle, and James challenging him to a wrestling fight to see if who actually is more muscular. How did their conversation go from Snape being a Parselmouth, to who had more muscle? Idiots, he thought, rolling his eyes, pretending to be annoyed.

"Well, I think we've established that he didn't learn it through Severus Snape then." Remus interrupted them, changing the topic before they could get into a wrestling fight. "But Harry seemed to be having some good old chat with Voldemort in Parseltongue, wasn't he?"

"So, you say that Voldemort taught him Parseltongue?" James asked, quite astounded at Remus's point.

"It was only a suggestion," Remus said quickly, his face burning.

"My God, I don't know whether to think that he is a good person or bad," muttered James.

"Actually James, the bigger question is how he came back to life after being struck by the killing curse."

"Maybe it wasn't the killing curse? It could have been a stunner," James suggested half-heartedly.

"For Merlin's sake Prongs. A stunner is red. The killing curse is green!" Sirius almost shouted. "Even a dumbo like myself knows that."

"Don't call yourself dumb," started James, but neither of them seemed to hear him.

"Yeah," agreed Remus. "But still, Prongs. That was like a suggestion that Peter would give. You're going right to the ends of the planet to defend that guy, who could potentially be a death eater!"

"My son is NOT a death eater!"

"Well, I-I dunno."

"Well," James asked, turning to Sirius. "Does he seem like a death eater to you?"

"Does he to you?"

"I have no idea. I wish I could see though," muttered James.

There was silence.

"Question: What do you call a deer that can't see?" Sirius piped up, in attempt to change the mood.

"No - no, no, no not the stupid deer puns again Padfoot. Shut up."

"Deer puns? Are these puns dear to you Prongsie?"

"Bloody hell, I thought we'd gotten over this..." James ground.

"Answer the goddammed question mate. What do you call a deer that can't see?"

James gave Sirius a rude gesture, and said in a bored, monotone voice, "I don't know. What do you call a deer that can't see?"

"It's,  NO IDEA PRONGS! I've no idea! It's a no-eyed-deer! Geddit?" Sirius laughed.

Remus giggled at this.

"See? Even Moonie-corn thinks I'm funny!"

Remus coughed. "Mooni-corn?"

James groaned loudly.

"Now, what do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?" Sirius continued, ignoring the interruptions.

"Still no eyed-deer?" Remus guessed.

"Correct! Now, what do you call a deer with no eyes, no legs, and no genitalia?"

"Kill me now," James muttered to Remus.

"Nah, I have better things to do. But if you want, I'll tell Peter to do it after he gets back?" Remus said.

"Yes. Please," James laughed.

There was silence.

"But more than Peter, there is a greater chance that Harry can kill you."

"Moony, not this again," James groaned.

"He could using the Falsum Fidelius on you mate," Remus said quietly.

"The what?" James asked.

"It tricks people into thinking that the caster is trustworthy,  but in reality, he isn't," replied Remus. "We learned that in fourth year, remember?"

Sirius, who had stopped laughing by then wondered, "Yeah, but James, I just had the most frightening thought. What if Harry came back to life, as an inferius? Could Voldemort have turned him into one? To spy on us?"

"Bloody Hell Sirius, that's a definite 'no'," answered Harry, who just came into the room with Lily. "So," started Harry. You can ask me all your questions now. I think you may have quite a few."

"Well, a "few" is a bit of an understatement," Remus said harshly, who was still a little wary of him.

"Sir, are you an Inferius?"

Guess who asked that question! Comment your answer here... if you didn't figure it out, you'll find put in the next update! Toodles!

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