Best DeviantArt Pokemon Trans...

By TheShadowWolf525

10.3K 9 2

The sequel...for another type of book. I'm staying at 50 with these. More

Suicune TF
Rekindling Adventure
Potions and Motions (Dewgong and Golduck TF's)
Potions and Motions 2 (multiple Pokemon TF's)
Potions and Motions 3 (Raichu TF)
Potions and Motions 4 (arbok and aerodactyl TF's)
Fixing disagreements (Ivysaur TF)
Rage awakened (Groudon TF)
Dream's Offer (Shinx Tf)
Zekrom's Lament
Roar of Time (Dialga TF)
Terror comes true (Giratina Tf)
Pokemon TF Set
Special story: birthday wish
The Wanderer, Pokemon Multi-TF
Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons
Rapid Evolution
A fiery new start (Charizard tf)
The Virus
A New Kind of PokeBattle
The Origin of Zoroark - TF
Miracle Workshop, Now Hiring
Portal City
True Feelings, Latios TF
New Seed to Grow, Bulbasaur TF/AR
Friends into Brothers, Pokemon TF/AR x3
Pokemon TF Set 2
Crystal Lake, Vaporeon TF
Return to Crystal Lake, Squirtle TF
Crystal Lake's Next Visitor
Better Lives - Pokemon TF x6
Eon Brother, Latios TF
Kidnapper, Aerodactyl TF
Professor Elm's Experiment
Max's Pokemon
Cryptic Pokeballs: P
A Shocking Discovery
Trick or Treat
Would You Like Fries With That?
The Emeralds Guardian
Strange Findings
Jolteon TF

Pokemon Halloween Nidoking TF

109 1 0
By TheShadowWolf525

by Zohaku, Oct 31, 2011, 2:05:48 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / Fantasy / Short Stories

When Ash opened the door to the costume shop, the first thing that greeted him was a myriad of various colours from all directions. There not only were colourful outfits lined by the walls and between the shelves, but there as well were lots of various separate pieces, like masks and other interesting, eerie or just plain funny looking objects.

It was no surprise that most of those were themed like Pokémon, where they either were just masks, or a full-fledged suit. Unfortunately, he didn't have that sort of money to afford one of those, and with Halloween just around the corner, he didn't have time to make that kind of cash either. It didn't worry him that much though; those suits didn't look like the most comfortable things to walk around with anyway.

Even with the suits out of the question, it still proved to be really difficult to pick. There were just so many options, all of which looked either funny or flat out creepy, some brightly colourful, other bland and eerie. It didn't help much that the small shop was crowded with young people and kids, some of which so determined to get whatever they laid their eyes on that some struggles broke out – the supplies were limited, and who first came, took.

Having not found anything interesting so far, the young boy just retreated to one of the less crowded sections, watching the other kids as they almost literally pillaged the place, all the bright and distinct stock quickly disappearing from the shelves. He had really picked a busy hour, but at last it seemed that the place started to empty itself a little bit.

Ash heaved a sigh as he noticed that all the eye catching masks have been sold out already, the only things left behind looking quite appropriate to their price – which was very low. He just started to walk around aimlessly, looking through the various things that were left behind, none of which looked particularly good, scary, or anything in that sense – they just all looked quite plain and normal.

Or at least that was what he thought at first, but then one of those masks caught his attention. He didn't know why, but just as soon as his eyes stumbled upon the purple texture of the unexplainably familiar looking face staring at him from the shelf with a bland, inanimate expression, he felt like something within him had twitched, a surge of sudden impatience, an urge making its way to his mind. Confused, he took a step forward, examining the mask from up close.

As he got closer to the face, he noticed that even though it was clearly made out of rubber, the features were almost impossibly close to the actual look of the Pokémon. The enormous horn between its eyes looked almost as if it was truly venomous, despite the fake material – and the ten teeth with gaps between them, the last ones from each side being so large that it poked out of the rubber maw. Those – and the ears with pointy extensions along the sides were all clear signs that the creature the mask was trying to mimic was a Nidoking, and despite its unnatural nature, it served its purpose well. Almost too well.

Ash's crumbled mood suddenly sprung up to new heights. "How could everyone miss this?" he asked himself in excitement, grabbing the mas off the shelf. It was so cheap, yet it looked so well – he got lucky after all! Encouraged by the sudden turns of events, the young boy hurried to the counter, paying for the mask and hurrying home.

For some reason unknown to him, he was really looking forward to trying that mask on. He anticipated that moment like he just bought something incredible and he couldn't wait to try it, but deep inside he knew that what he ought was just a cheap piece of rubber. Still, why did he feel so good about it?

He had no idea, and the question pressing on his mind only made him hurry back even faster. He ran all the way home, gripping the oddly precious object in his hand as he passed a house after a house, before he finally reached his destination. He didn't even bother getting a drink after such a long run, the only thing he could think about was the Nidoking mask. He went into the bathroom and took a look into the mirror, imagining how the mask will look like on his beaming face. He just couldn't wait!

Ash took off his baseball cap, revealing the mess of a black hair hidden under it. Not worrying about its looks much, he just set the cap aside and grabbed the mask again, pulling it onto his face. Just as he did so, he realized that there was no rubber band on the back that could hold it in place, but when he took his hands off, the mask stayed where he put it. He looked at the rubber Nidoking in the mirror for a little bit in confusion, before an odd feeling took all his attention.

Funnily enough, it was coming right from his face as well, and it started so oddly that he didn't even notice it at first. The mask started feeling oddly warm, and the temperature only increased, when the rubber started to move. Alarmed, he reached for the mask to pull it off again, but what met his fingers certainly didn't feel like rubber anymore. It felt like... he wasn't entirely sure what, but it somehow resembled scales.

That wouldn't be so odd alone, because he could still blame that on the mask's surface, but what was worse, the differently shaped nose didn't dip at his touch, he was met with hard resistance instead, and he could feel his finger pushing against his own flesh. Confused beyond belief, he brought his other hand up as well, touching his face in utter fascination. The alarming need to tear the mask off had suddenly died out when he realized that he didn't feel any pain whatsoever, and instead, he just felt this warm, almost relaxing feeling spreading across his face as his features melted and morphed right under his own fingers.

When he had recollected himself enough to actually look back into the mirror, he noticed that the mask didn't look inanimate at all anymore, and rather, it looked very alive. The rubber outlook it previously had was all but present, the surface now looking like something between skin and scales just from looking alone, and his touches only confirmed it. The shapes of the face grew fuller and more defined, the lines under the mask that was quickly becoming his own face hardening and taking the place of his previous features.

His nose disappeared as the lower half of his face bulged out in a growing, round shape, his mouth widening to the sides to accommodate to the newly acquired muzzle. All the teeth he previously had simply melted together, resulting in only ten of the white, quite large pointy extensions in his lower jaw, the last tooth on each side growing noticeably larger and longer, poking out from under his lips and going over a bit of his upper lip as well. Even when he opened his maw to check, there clearly were no teeth on the upper jaw – just as any other Nidoking would be missing. His skin – or rather, scales – was completely purple, just like the mask. His eyes changed shape according to his new skull as well, and the whole structure of his head started to rearrange to match the looks of his new face.

The half deflated and barely standing horn on his forehead that was still clearly just a part of the mask started to harden up as well, standing up in a proud pose as the insides of the rubber filled up, until the surface of it changed into something that looked lethal to his eyes alone. He was really curious, but knowing that Nidoking's horns were poisonous, he rather kept his hands away.

His mind still didn't fully grasp what was going on, so he just grinned at himself in the mirror, turning his head around to the left and right, thinking that this was the most accurate and perfect Halloween costume ever. No one from the whole street – no, from the whole city won't be able to beat that! His head looked like he stole it from a Pokémon and really replaced it with his own one, that's how real it looked.

Grinning, he watched the thorn like bump on his head fill up and grow further up, this being the last part of the mask – it didn't reach that much back. But just as he was about to grab his cap and try if it fits on his head, he noticed the purple rubber on the top of his head that marked the edge of the mask moved further, creeping over the back of his head like some sort of a sentient, growing material that was determined to cover his whole head up, if not more.

This would probably normal worry him, after all, having something spread across himself wasn't the safest looking things, but it just felt so well and... natural... that he couldn't help it but return to the mirror and look at his own reflection in anticipation of the upcoming changes.

And indeed, changes were to come. The purple stuff had wrapped over the sides of his head completely, covering the black hair so perfectly that there were no signs of them actually ever existing. His ears, covered with the purple rubber suddenly lost their shape and much larger ones started to grow in their place. Compared to his human organs, they were enormous! They were almost as big as a half of his own large head as it was now. The tops of the ears were lined with the purple, hard structure with some pointy extensions giving his whole outlook a little bit more dangerous look, while the actual insides of his ears changed colour into a blend of blue that got a hint of green, resembling teal quite a bit.

The pointy thorns continued to grow behind the large horn, lining the back of his head in a straight line as the rubber went on, the thorns actually turned out to be very large spines as they went further. The purple material didn't stop at his neck though and it spread further, actually growing faster the further it went, mainly because it had much more of things to cover. To Ash's relief, it actually went over his clothes, so it looked like he wouldn't have to lose his usual outfit, which was almost like his signature by now – though it wasn't like something like that would bother him that much at this moment, because what was happening to him now was just too amazing in his eyes to compare to something as plain clothes.

The colourful stuff was sprawling over his shoulders already, quickly draping over his arms, reaching all the way to his elbows – and it didn't stop there. It was by his wrists in mere seconds, and it soon engulfed his fingers as well, leaving just a blob of goo behind, before his whole arms started to ripple a bit as they deformed under the rubber material.

His shoulders seemingly inflated in a much stronger looking shape, his arms almost looking small compared to them, if it wasn't for their muscular shape – and for the blob instead of his fingers that was forming up into a large claw with just three white and sharp 'fingers' which were actually claws themselves.

He held his new hands up, investigating the new three, thick and sharp fingers.... this will take some getting used to! But he didn't have time for practice, because the rubber was all over his chest and back already as well! His chest suddenly bulged out as the muscles rearranged under it, until it looked so powerful that he could probably break stones against it. His whole arms – and now the chest too – were covered by the same scaly and resistant surface like his face, the only difference being that his chest was actually white, again following the Nidoking pattern perfectly.

His belly bulged out slightly as well, and while it certainly didn't go as far as his chest, it still made for a strong looking shell that could protect him from almost anything. The rubber on the edges of his new shapes just continued spreading onwards, now covering up his legs like he had just spilled a bucket of purple colour over himself.

Much like his arms and almost everything on his body, his legs grew more than twice in thickness in mere seconds, now actually looking perfectly capable of supporting his massive figure. His feet morphed into a rock solid white shape that could be best compared to a huge hoof, he was almost afraid that he would break the floor if he wasn't careful enough!

Lastly, an enormous tail started to emerge from his tailbone, or at least from the place around it, as he didn't really even know what was there under the purple goo that had mostly changed to his scaly skin already. Funnily enough, the tail was so large that it was almost the most noticeable growing part of him, but that was mainly only because it grew seemingly out of nowhere, as opposed to all the other parts. When it reached the length of almost twice his legs and about the same thickness on its base, the growing finally seemed to stop, and what stood in the bathroom now was a complete, breathing Nidoking with no trace of Ash left – only that he was still the same person inside.

That though worried him a little. What if he will stay like this forever? It was an awesome look and all, but he didn't want to get mistaken for a wild Pokémon and get caught by a trainer. Closing his eyes, he focused on the image of himself taking of the mask again, pressing his three fingered claw against his face as he did so. A wave of relief washed over him as he felt the warmness around his legs retreat, feeling the goo shrink backwards even faster than it spread all over him. When he opened his eyes again, he was holding a rubber mask of a Nidoking in his hand that he took off of his face with no trouble, looking back at the familiar reflection in the mirror. It all felt so natural and easy that it gave him enough confidence to know that he could change back and forth between those two forms as he pleased – and he was surely going to take advantages of that, starting tonight!

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