Best DeviantArt Pokemon Trans...

By TheShadowWolf525

10.3K 9 2

The sequel...for another type of book. I'm staying at 50 with these. More

Suicune TF
Rekindling Adventure
Potions and Motions (Dewgong and Golduck TF's)
Potions and Motions 2 (multiple Pokemon TF's)
Potions and Motions 3 (Raichu TF)
Potions and Motions 4 (arbok and aerodactyl TF's)
Fixing disagreements (Ivysaur TF)
Rage awakened (Groudon TF)
Dream's Offer (Shinx Tf)
Zekrom's Lament
Roar of Time (Dialga TF)
Terror comes true (Giratina Tf)
Pokemon TF Set
Special story: birthday wish
The Wanderer, Pokemon Multi-TF
Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons
Rapid Evolution
A fiery new start (Charizard tf)
The Virus
A New Kind of PokeBattle
The Origin of Zoroark - TF
Miracle Workshop, Now Hiring
Portal City
True Feelings, Latios TF
New Seed to Grow, Bulbasaur TF/AR
Friends into Brothers, Pokemon TF/AR x3
Pokemon TF Set 2
Crystal Lake, Vaporeon TF
Return to Crystal Lake, Squirtle TF
Crystal Lake's Next Visitor
Better Lives - Pokemon TF x6
Eon Brother, Latios TF
Kidnapper, Aerodactyl TF
Professor Elm's Experiment
Max's Pokemon
Cryptic Pokeballs: P
A Shocking Discovery
Trick or Treat
Pokemon Halloween Nidoking TF
Would You Like Fries With That?
The Emeralds Guardian
Strange Findings
Jolteon TF


231 1 0
By TheShadowWolf525

by laprasking, Apr 25, 2013, 7:32:28 PM

Literature / Fan Fiction / Horror

On one starry night in an unknown field within the Kanto region, two trainers decide to go star gazing, one of each gender. The dark blue star was exceptionally clear that night and the stars were shining the brightest twinkly white like diamonds in the sky. This had all been planned by the girl of the duo, the water type specialist Misty, as a perfect opportunity to get the boy the she had feelings for, the destined Pokemon Master Ash Ketchum, to confess his feelings towards her. She knew full well that Ash must know why she took him on this date and thus also a reason why he agreed to go.

"Wow, the stars sure looks bright tonight!" Ash looked up at the sky.

"It sure does." Misty agreed. Looks kind of, oh I dunno,..romantic."

"Erm, why would you say that?" Ash asked, clueless what his friend was on about. "How can the sky be anything like that?"

"Clueless about love as always." Misty thought while doing an annoyed facepalm and then spoke; "Why do you think I asked you out here?"

"I thought it was to show me the stars? Why? Is there a rare Pokemon around here?"


"What does your bike have to do with any of this?" Ash pushed her away.


Cutting her off and knocking both Ash and Misty to the ground, a loud exploding sound followed by vibrations that felt like an Earthquake attack occurred. When it settled down, the two trainers looked behind them to see a crater about the size and depth of a laid down sleeping Snorlax.

"You alright?" Ash asked Misty as he got up.

"I think so." Misty stood up. "What the hell was that?"

The two slowly walked up to the crater to look inside. Glowing a green light colour was a round meteorite about the size of a bicycle.

"Oh wow, a meteor!" Ash jumped into the crater.

"Ash, what are you doing?" Misty watched in horror. "You have no idea what that thing is and you're running up to it!"

"Course I know what it is silly! I know a Deoxys meteor when I see one, which I've seen several!"

For Ash, he couldn't of been more wrong as his arms suddenly began to melt rapidly.

"What the..." Ash's excitement for a possible Deoxys turned into fear once his legs began melting, oozing into the blue puddle that used to be his arms and feet. He could feel his upper body melt out of his clothes as if he was shrinking. "MISTY, HELLLL......."

Misty could only look in horror as Ash's head now melted into the black puddle, leaving only the puddle and discarded clothing.

"Ash? ASH!!!" Misty ran towards the puddle without thinking. She knelled picking out two blobs of the puddle hoping to retrieve her friend, but to no avail as the blobs just dripped out of her hands. "Oh my Arceus, what's happened you you? Can you hear me Ash? Ash?"

Rather then a response, Misty's fast actions without thinking began to take their toll as she only hands and arms began to melt.

"OH NO!" Misty tried to stand up, but her legs felt like jelly and she fell backwards, her whole body splashing into a bright orange puddle, leaving no trace of Misty except her clothes floating in the puddle. For awhile, it remained that way, just two puddles and clothes laid out in the crater. Something only began to happen when Ash's puddle started to ooze upward, shaping into something. Starting out as just a small blob, then growing pointy ears and a tail, and then details like eyes, nose and a mouth as well as limbs, a black see through Pikachu that looked like it was made of jelly now stood where Ash used to be.

"That's...weird." The Pikachu spoke with Ash's voice. "For the longest moment, I couldn't move, but it was only when I started to really think about Pikachu, I began to change."

Ash looked at his arms and body, inspecting himself.

"So whatever Pokemon I think of, I become...a sort of slime version of that!"

Almost like a response, Misty's puddle now began to move upward and form into something. Shaping a large round shape, three hairs, limbs and a beak, Misty was now an orange jelly looking Psyduck.

"Great joking Ash Ketcum!" Misty complained. "You've turned us into freaks! Did that brain of yours even think to taken caution when dealing with something that's quite literally out of this world, or was it as hollow as it is now?"

Rather then listen, Ash could only struggle to contain his laughter before just spitting it out.

"What's so funny?" Misty asked.

"Why on earth did you turn into Psyduck?" Ash was in stitches.

"Well I..." Misty blushed thought it was no longer visible on her see through face. " was the only Pokemon that came to mind. But now that you mentioned it..."

Misty then began to change shape again, going from a round standing Pokemon to morphing into a more skinny four legged Pokemon, forming a round crown around her face, while her tiny Psyduck tail grew into a larger more mermaid like long tail.

" does a Vaporeon suit me?" Misty stuck out her tongue cheekily.

"Hey that's kind of cool!" Ash smiled. "Hey let me try!"

Having just seen an Eeeveelution, another instantly popped into his head straight away when thinking of a new Pokemon to turn into. His body stretched out and thinned into another four legged Pokemon, while the legs also lengthened, and the tail became less pointy and more like a traditional tail, and the ears now grew wider.

"Hmm, not bad." Misty commented. "You don't made a bad Umbreon."

"Thanks...though shouldn't we now think of how we get ourselves back to normal?" Ash asked. "I mean its nice and all I can't feel and aches or pains in my body but..."

"Sssh, I think I hear someone coming!" Misty looked alerted. "Let's hide!"

The two former humans jumped out of the crater and hid into some bushes. To say their legs felt like jelly when they ran into the bushes would be a huge understatement.

"Why are we hiding?" Ash asked. "It could be help!"

"It could be people who'd catch us on the spot for battling or scientific research!" Misty explained. "Don't forget, we're Pokemon now...weird looking jelly Pokemon for that matter, which makes us bait for anyone like that!"

"I guess so, lets just see who it is."

Ash and Misty poked their heads out of the bushes to see who the owner of the footsteps was. This was merely the beginning of their misadventures as weird Slime Pokemon...

To Be Continued

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