Best DeviantArt Pokemon Trans...

By TheShadowWolf525

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The sequel...for another type of book. I'm staying at 50 with these. More

Suicune TF
Rekindling Adventure
Potions and Motions (Dewgong and Golduck TF's)
Potions and Motions 2 (multiple Pokemon TF's)
Potions and Motions 3 (Raichu TF)
Potions and Motions 4 (arbok and aerodactyl TF's)
Fixing disagreements (Ivysaur TF)
Rage awakened (Groudon TF)
Dream's Offer (Shinx Tf)
Zekrom's Lament
Roar of Time (Dialga TF)
Terror comes true (Giratina Tf)
Pokemon TF Set
Special story: birthday wish
The Wanderer, Pokemon Multi-TF
Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons
Rapid Evolution
A fiery new start (Charizard tf)
The Virus
The Origin of Zoroark - TF
Miracle Workshop, Now Hiring
Portal City
True Feelings, Latios TF
New Seed to Grow, Bulbasaur TF/AR
Friends into Brothers, Pokemon TF/AR x3
Pokemon TF Set 2
Crystal Lake, Vaporeon TF
Return to Crystal Lake, Squirtle TF
Crystal Lake's Next Visitor
Better Lives - Pokemon TF x6
Eon Brother, Latios TF
Kidnapper, Aerodactyl TF
Professor Elm's Experiment
Max's Pokemon
Cryptic Pokeballs: P
A Shocking Discovery
Trick or Treat
Pokemon Halloween Nidoking TF
Would You Like Fries With That?
The Emeralds Guardian
Strange Findings
Jolteon TF

A New Kind of PokeBattle

197 1 0
By TheShadowWolf525

 by Zohaku, May 26, 2015, 1:28:57 PM

Literature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction

"What's up, Ashy-boy?" Gary looked to his friend with a smirk born of years of rivalry.

Ash scowled at him. "I thought we agreed you wouldn't call me that."

"We agreed that I wouldn't if you surpassed me... Which, you know. You're a wandering trainer and I'm a researcher. So... Scoreboard." Gary ticked off an imaginary check mark, looking back at Ash with a grin. "What brings you back to Pallet, by the way? Or Kanto in general?"

Ash shrugged. "It was close enough to Kalos that I figured it was worth a stop. And you wouldn't believe what I discovered." Ash pulled out a box with a large smile, opening it to show Gary a pair of costumes.

"You've become a Pokémon maniac? Well, I never put it past you, but..." Gary chuckled good-naturedly.

"No, jerk. These are—"

"Transforming costumes that make you into the Pokémon of your choice." Gary said with a familiar grin on his face. "I'm the second best researcher in Kanto, right after Gramps. You didn't think that I wouldn't have had a part in designing these, would you?"

Ash glared a little harder. "Then you wouldn't be opposed to a Pokémon battle in them? I have a pair of Lucario costumes right here that I borrowed from Korrina, Kalos's Fighting-Type gym leader."

"Cute idea, buddy. But if I'm going to be changing, it'll be into a Nidoking." Gary reached down to his bag, the internal storage device easily reconstructing a costume with it.

"So... A Pokémon who's half-ineffective against me?" Ash looked at Gary like he was crazy.

"And half super effective. Almost the same as a Lucario vs. Lucario match, only a little more stacked against me since my Poison moves won't even affect you."

"Sounds fair..." Ash nodded, before blinking with a small start of realization. "But why are you just carrying that around?"

Gary chuckled, already beginning to slip it on. "Because, twerp. I'm also doing research on my own Nidoking and Nidoqueen, trying to perfect bridging the human-Pokémon language barrier." He flexed his hands into one of the claws as he looked down.

Already Gary's old manners were returning at the prospect of a battle. Ash found himself missing the 'new' Gary as he worked on slipping on his Lucario costume. To his surprise, the tail was a little heavy—quite different from the smooth silk of the Vaporeon costume he'd donned earlier. Then again, their types were different...

The pair of trainers looked at one another with a small nod, each zipping their own suit up to the chest.

"Hey, you want to transform first? I want to check and make sure your costume's of the same quality mine is. Don't want to give you any excuses for when you lose to me." Gary chuckled cockily.

Ash rolled his eyes, slipped the costume's mask-hood over his face, and clicked the Pokéball on his wrist. Almost immediately, the sensation of his body changing gripped him like an old friend. From the knees down, his legs slimmed dramatically, popping and reshaping into a proper jackal's stance. His thighs inflated to form the Pokémon's 'shorts', and with a start he realized he could feel the soft fur all along his body.

Then his chest and the backs of his hands ached, a sharp stabbing running through them. Ash yelped in a gruffer voice as metal spikes grew from his skin to fill those in the costume, merging with the suit. The trainer from Kanto poked at the chest spike curiously, his eyes widening as he felt his fingers from the spike.

Then Ash's eyes bulged further as the end digits on his hands simply vanished. His other fingers soon bulged out to make up the difference, pads coming in on their undersides. The trainer shivered at the sensation, then yelped aloud as a similar change happened to his feet. He'd thought the transformation to be done with his lower half, but his feet continued to crack and lengthen awkwardly. The result was that he stood on his toes a little awkwardly, as though he was already prepared to spring into action—not that that left him any comfier.

A distraction from these changes came in the form of his tailbone sending a sharp jolt through his body. Ash yelped aloud as the costume's tail burrowed into his spine, making connections to his nervous system and coming to life behind him.

As if to ease this change, luxuriously soft fur grew along his torso—or rather, it grew into his torso, the costume's fibers becoming his own hairs. The hair on his legs and his hands came in as a dark black, and Ash could feel the strange tingle of the black fur running along his face, covering him like a mask. He focused on this fur curiously, and was rewarded by the odd sensation of it hardening, forming a biological armor to let him give and take blows without any pain.

The trainer marveled at that even as his face stretched out into a muzzle within the costume's snout, and he could feel his teeth poking through its fabric as they sharpened like the Pokémon he was becoming.

Finally, his ears disappeared into his head, only for the costume's ears to connect with his skull... And his small head-tails grew in. With the final change, Ash could feel a strange energy flowing through him, like they'd unlocked some mysterious aura around him.

"Not bad!" Gary clapped, looking over the new Lucario with a smile. "That 'Korrina' really picked up a good suit!" He whistled lowly as he slipped his own mask over his head, triggering his changes a moment later.

Ash watched as his rival's body put on noticeable mass in seconds. The costume went from a human wearing a Pokémon-shaped suit to a properly sized Nidoking. His arms and legs bulked up with muscle, and his gut extended into a Nidoking's noticeable paunch. Gary flushed a little with that change, the purple armor around his face taking on a reddish hue.

The almost cute look was greatly undermined by the spikes which bristled instinctively along Gary's back, flaring out to a needle-sharp cloak behind the trainer.

Ash braced himself, lowering his muzzled head and letting out a challenging growl.

Gary responded with a scornful scoff, rolling his eyes and scuffing a foot along the ground. 'Come on, did you seriously thing I'm intimidated? Think of your win/loss record against me, kiddo.' The words came out as Pokéspeech, yet Ash was able to pick it up perfectly thanks to his own outfit. No doubt Gary would be bragging about that technology after the fight...

Still, Gary did have a point: when it came to a traditional battle, Gary was by far his superior. Ash had seen his rival raise a dominant team that had bested his own time and time again, and grudgingly had to admit the brunette's confidence was well-earned. However, while Gary might have been better at Pokémon battling; he was certainly worse at watching how Pokémon battle themselves.

The brunette was too textbook: he never really felt his Pokémon fighting with him. And that would be his undoing today. Gary had been commanding his Pokémon with all the skill of a front line general; never thinking of how his team fought.

On the other hand, Ash had watched his team the whole time he'd been training them. Every fight; every battle; he'd learned how Pokémon moved and naturally fought when not hampered by Trainers.

When it came to a battle as the Pokémon themselves... Ash knew he had the upper hand. Or paw, as it were. He leaned back low, dropping into the fighting stance he'd seen Korrina's Lucario use before.

Then, Ash looked up and smirked at Gary. "Then I'm sure you wouldn't mind making the first move." He said with a smile, his head-tails twitching with anticipation. He charged his aura slightly too, just for good measure.

Gary roared in response, beginning his attack. Predictably, Gary led with a Megahorn, one of Nidoking's strongest moves. The Poison/Ground Type lowered his forehead, the spike on his skull glowing with energy. Then he charged, a bellow escaping his throat as he ran at the Lucario, Megahorn fully charged.

In a normal battle it might have hit, but this was no normal battle. Ash nimbly sidestepped, a cocksure grin on his face. Had Gary already forgotten that they weren't just commanding Pokémon to wantonly attack one another?

Then, to Ash's surprise, Gary proved he hadn't. The Nidoking turned his head to face Ash and grinned malevolently, opening his mouth. It glowed with an icy blue energy, small specks of frost forming around a little ball in his jaw.

Ash recognized the attack from when he was a Vaporeon, his eyes widening with shock as he looked at forming Ice Beam. The Lucario was barely able to raise his arms to block, as the Ice Beam struck him square in the forearms. He dug his heels into the ground, but it still sent him staggering back, the force of the attack sliding him away from his opponent.

Ash growled angrily as he felt his arms begin to freeze over, a thick layer of ice forming around his front. Then the onslaught let up, the move finally ended. Ash broke his arms apart with a loud "Lucario!" He looked to Gary with an angry scowl and begun his counterattack.

Lucario knew Extremespeed, which meant that Ash should be able to get around Gary's guard... He felt his muscles begin to tense up, energy coursing through himself as his body went into overdrive. He launched himself at Gary with a cry, his form a blur of blue and black.

Gary's response was simple. The trainer lifted his right arm, his clawed hand glowing white with energy. The Rock Smash slammed into Ash's gut as Gary delivered a crushing uppercut to his rival, bending the Trainer in half over his fist.

Ash grunted as all of the air was driven from his body, the feeling more than a little unpleasant. Gary had aimed the blow perfectly to hit him just under his chest spike, too... Ash growled lowly, hurling himself backwards and using his tail to help stabilize his landing. On the bright side, his new body was springy enough to let him take a hit like this.

Gary chortled with amusement, his Nidoking's belly shaking as he rumbled with mirth. 'What's the matter? You just now realizing how outmatched you are? Don't worry, I'll go easy on you.'

Ash growled again, blurring forward and cloaked in his azure aura. He slammed a Force Palm into the Nidoking's gut. The attack felt completely natural to him, a quick thrust of the palm followed by an onrush of energy. His aura flowing freely, Ash slammed another Force Palm into Gary's gut, relishing how incredible it felt to push his energy from his body and detonate it against the Nidoking's gut.

Then the Poison/Ground Pokémon rumbled with amusement, looking down to his opponent with a condescending smirk. Ash realized his mistake too late: he'd leaned too deeply into his blows, leaving him open to counterattack. The Nidoking was more heavily armored than he'd thought, able to soak up the blows.

'Grit your teeth so you don't bite your tongue.' Gary growled. Then he launched his right leg out, crashing it into Ash's side.

Ash's world spun for a moment, his vision swirling from the force of the super-effective kick. Then he noticed Gary's left leg arcing towards him, the second hit of a Double Kick. Ash frantically searched his brain for a way to avoid the blow, but both Endure and Counter were too slow to be used here.

He dipped into memories of sending his Pikachu against Korrina's Lucario, and only one thing came to mind. Ash triggered an Extremespeed, focusing all of his energy into dodging. To his surprise, it worked, letting Gary's next hit sail over his head.

Ash grinned, dodging backwards to catch his breath and soak in what he'd just learned. Extremespeed could be used as more than just a traditional attack. It gave the Trainer an idea just so crazy it might actually work.

Ash concentrated, outlining a series of moves in his head. Then he vanished in a blur of energy.

Gary blinked in surprise, the Nidoking's eyes wide as he struggled to keep up with the Lucario, turning only to find that Ash had gotten behind him again and again.

Behind his jackal's muzzle, Ash grinned with amusement. His body a blur, he flickered from existence, an afterimage left at each point he changed direction. To Gary, it must have looked something like Double Team, even though each of the illusions had the telltale blue outline of Extremespeed.

Then Ash struck, darting in from behind with his paw raised in a fist.

Impossibly, Gary sensed him coming, the Nidoking whirling with his hand raised to deliver a Rock Smash to Ash's face. His fist glowed with that same energy that would have surely ended the fight in a heartbeat. If it had been able to hit. Luckily for the Lucario, Ash's new form had come with a set of instinctive reflexes that were more than capable of handling this situation.

The Lucario fired a Force Palm above himself, slamming himself below Gary. Then, using his tail as a springboard, he kicked himself back towards his foe's gut.

Gary had overextended himself and was now completely open for a counterattack. The Nidoking could only watch as Ash dipped in below his guard, the Lucario's knuckles charged with energy.

Typically, trainers considered Fighting-type attacks to be ineffective against Poison Pokémon. But that wasn't entirely true. It actually stemmed from the Pokémon themselves, the brawlers being unwilling to risk hitting spikes or sludge with all of their force, at the risk of injuring themselves.

Now, facing a Nidoking's soft and exposed belly, Ash was under no such restrictions. He hammered in a Close Combat, his body moving naturally in a flurry of blows.

It started with a jab. Then another, followed with a cross and another jab. The punches started to flow naturally, Ash's lithe body well-suited for such an attack, his arms speeding up until he was blurring his blows into the Nidoking. Then, he ended the combination with a massive kick, using it as a leap to distance himself in case of a counterattack.

Sure enough, the Nidoking smacked a foot into the ground, trying to stun his opponent with an Earthquake. To that, Ash took to the air with an Extremespeed... And played right into Gary's trap.

The Nidoking huffed derisively, opening its maw for another Ice Beam.

Ash could see the attack coming, and he hurriedly raised his own palms, charging up an Aura Sphere to blast through it. In theory, it should work perfectly: the Fighting attack was by nature superior to an Ice move. But this was Gary Oak he was fighting, and the Lucario took no chances, overcharging his move.

The ball of ice crystals by Gary's maw flared, reaching its full charge. Ash brace himself, launching his paws forward and firing all of the energy he had stored. He felt the telltale rush of energy leaving his body, his aura flowing through his outstretched palms in a massive projectile.

Gary's Ice Bream punched forward to oppose it, a sharp lance of energy that tore apart the distance between the two fighters.

To both of their surprise, it slipped straight through Ash's Aura Sphere, passing between his hands to connect with the trainer's chest spike in a solid hit. Unfortunately for Gary, this was the worst possible place to hit Ash. The hardened steel simply took the bolt, not even scuffing from the damage.

Gary, on the other hand, still had his maw open wide from his latest attack. The charged Aura Sphere smacked him square in the face, stunning the Nidoking and sending him staggering back, blinking small spirals from his eyes.

But try as he might, he couldn't muster the will to fight any more, and with a titanic crash, the Kanto researcher fell to the ground.

Ash landed a moment later with a nimble thud, a victorious grin on his face. 'How was that, Gary?' He laughed gleefully, a series of Pokémon cries escaping his mouth.

'I think I'd like to have the Wailmer of the address that landed on me.' Gary groaned, his eyes spiraling with the signature look of a dizzy Pokémon. 'Or something like that.' He added a moment later, looking back up at Ash a moment later. 'So, how's it feel to win?'

Ash laughed, a series of barks escaping his muzzle. 'Pretty good. I think I could get used to this, actually.'

Gary huffed. 'Well, better not get too used to that. I'll be training to get better, you know.'

'Oh?' Ash asked, rapping his knuckles gently lightly against the Nidoking's head. 'Well, I like a challenge. So I'll take you on any time you want... And take you down.'

Gary grunted one last time before slipping into a tired unconsciousness, and Ash beamed. As a Trainer he might not always beat Gary, but as a Pokémon... Well, their 'friendly matches' would certainly be more interesting now.

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