Best DeviantArt Pokemon Trans...

By TheShadowWolf525

10.3K 9 2

The sequel...for another type of book. I'm staying at 50 with these. More

Suicune TF
Rekindling Adventure
Potions and Motions (Dewgong and Golduck TF's)
Potions and Motions 2 (multiple Pokemon TF's)
Potions and Motions 3 (Raichu TF)
Potions and Motions 4 (arbok and aerodactyl TF's)
Fixing disagreements (Ivysaur TF)
Rage awakened (Groudon TF)
Dream's Offer (Shinx Tf)
Zekrom's Lament
Roar of Time (Dialga TF)
Terror comes true (Giratina Tf)
Special story: birthday wish
The Wanderer, Pokemon Multi-TF
Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons
Rapid Evolution
A fiery new start (Charizard tf)
The Virus
A New Kind of PokeBattle
The Origin of Zoroark - TF
Miracle Workshop, Now Hiring
Portal City
True Feelings, Latios TF
New Seed to Grow, Bulbasaur TF/AR
Friends into Brothers, Pokemon TF/AR x3
Pokemon TF Set 2
Crystal Lake, Vaporeon TF
Return to Crystal Lake, Squirtle TF
Crystal Lake's Next Visitor
Better Lives - Pokemon TF x6
Eon Brother, Latios TF
Kidnapper, Aerodactyl TF
Professor Elm's Experiment
Max's Pokemon
Cryptic Pokeballs: P
A Shocking Discovery
Trick or Treat
Pokemon Halloween Nidoking TF
Would You Like Fries With That?
The Emeralds Guardian
Strange Findings
Jolteon TF

Pokemon TF Set

416 0 0
By TheShadowWolf525

by spyrofreak01, Jul 25, 2013, 10:02:44 AM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / Fantasy / Short Stories


Collab with Wolf-Prince-Leon



Pikachu had finally waited long enough for his chance. It simply went up to Ash and have him a hard BITE on the hand.

"Aw. Pikachu, why did you do that?" was Ash's reaction. But around the wound yellow fur started to grow. Pikachu kept ash distracted as the fur covers his hand his fingers shrinking and fusing together. Now Ash had a paw for his left hand. The fur spreaded even further around his left arm.

Ash felt an itch spread up his arm, looking only made his eyes widen when he saw his new left arm, as it forcibily shifted to naturally in front of his chest, and shrank in length. "How is this happening?" was his reaction. He felt something hot on his chest, and when he removed his jacket and shirt and saw that the fur started to spread on his chest. It started from the middle, but his whole chest was covered in the same yellow fur in the mere of seconds.

Ash was frighten as the fur crept down his right arm, and it changed to match his new left arm. As he looked at his new paws, the fur began to cover his back, with two stripes of brown fur appearing.

After that, the fur started to spread to his legs. When his legs were also covered in yellow fur, his feet started to grow yellow for on it while they shrank in size and his toes fused into three toes. After that, his legs started to shrink in size, leaving him with short legs and two back paws.

"i'm... a Pikachu?" Ash said, so scared.

"Not quite." Pikachu said, leaving Ash in shock.

Ash felt something pushing from his spine. When he looked he saw a small stob that started to stretch in a long lightning shaped yellow tail. "Why ... are you doing this ... to me?" he asked to Pikachu.

"well... Whenever a Pokémon Bonds with a human close enough, we... make them one of us, you're now going to be my brother, forever, Ash."

Ash's hair started to shrink away when the yellow fur started to spread around his head. His ears started to stretch out and reformed into two long yellow ears with a black tip, while they moved to the top of Ash's head.

"Pikachu... You always were my brother since the day you saved me from those Spearow's," was Ash's answer.

"I know... but... I've made up my mind, Your days as a Human end now, soon you'll be a Pokemon, and we'll live the rest of our lives with others at Oak's Lab."

Ash's Cheeks turned red, as electricity started building in them. His nose shrank and stretched out with his mouth, forming a small muzzle. As final part to his transformation, his body shrank again until he was the same size as Pikachu. Ash was now a Pikachu.

Ash's mind began to feel fuzzy, as his thoughts began to change. He soon had thoughts of playing, eating, and doing pokemon activity. His mind was adapting to his new form.

"How do you feel now, Ash?" asked Pikachu.

"I.... I feel great, I Love my new body!" Ash said, huggin Pikachu. "Thank you Pikachu! you're awesome! I never wanna be human again! I love you, bro!"



The Young boy brought his hand closer to the Buizel.

"Go on, Aqua, I'm okay with being a Buizel, then you can have a little brother, and I can have a big sister." Yukio said, offering Aqua the perfect chance for the special bite. The Buizel looked from the hand to Yukio and then back to the hand. She nodded and bites it, well... more like nibble so that she didn't hurt Yukio. "Well, no turning back now," he said.

Yukio smiled, as soft Orange fur began to grow on both his hands, spreading over them quickly. The fur also spreaded to his hands and his fingers shrank and fused together to form his new front paws. under his elbows small blue fins started to grow.

"Everything alright?" asked Aqua to her new brother.

"The fur on my arms is so warm, and I really like my new paws," was his answer. "So... can I have Buizel feet next? Please?"

"Sure," answered Aqua as she nibbles his feet. The Orange fur grew and covered his feet, as his toes shrank, fusing together into a Pair of paws for feet. His Legs slowly shrank away til his new feet connected directly to Yukio's body.

The coldness of the nearby river made it into the air, yukio began shiver, "c-c-c-can I have the rest of my fur coating, my body is freezing..." Yukio requested.

Aqua nodded and nibbled his belly. From his belly a light yellow fur started to spread and formed an oval form. Around the oval form, more orange fur started to spread and connected with the fur on his arms. The orange fur started to spread on the back also, but also the light yellow fur spreaded on his back forming two short oval forms.

"Ah, much better. And now my tails?" Yukio asked, snuggling in his new fur and the warmth. To his joy, a pair of fluffy tails, both covered in the orange fur and a yellow tip, grew from his rear.

"How does your new body feel so far, Yukio?" Aqua asked.

"The fur and the tails feel GREAT! Thank you, Aqua," was Yukio's answer.

Aqua licked his neck and a yellow air bag like band started to form around his neck, forming his floatation sac.

"so... since i'll be your little brother... will I have you get smaller and younger?" Yukio asked.

"I will make you smaller than me, if you like," answered Aqua as she licked his face.

"Can I also become younger then you please?"

"If you want to," Aqua answered.

Two black stripes formed under each eye and his nose shrank to a small, black, wet snout. It started to stretch out and formed his new muzzle as light yellow and orange fur spread in his face. His ears shrank away until there was nothing left than two small hearing holes that you almost couldn't see. His hair turned orange and formed into two tufts on the top of his head. "And now for the final touch," Aqua said as she licked his face again.

Yukio shrank until he was smaller than Aqua and he also felt that he had become younger.

"How do you feel now, little bro?" asked Aqua.

"my head feels a little fuzzy, I can't stop thinking about... playing... swimming... eating berries..." Yukio's tummy growls, as he moaned in hunger. "i'm so hungry, I haven't eaten in a whole week."

"Well, I can help you finding berries. Welcome to your new life, little brother."

Aqua hugged her new little brother, and took him to get some lunch. Yukio knew that he never would be this happy as human as he is now.



Geo whiped away his tears when he saw the Umbreon, with his blue shining rings, was comming closer. He stopped in front of him and allowed him to pet his head. "Wow, I guess that you understand how I feel." The Umbreon nodded and that gave Geo a small smile on his face. "Boy, I really wish I was free just like you." The Umbreon stared without a glance in his eyes and Geo felt a small shock in his head. "Whoa ... what was that?" he said.

Light Brown fur began to grow and spread over his feet, as his toes fused together into cute little paws. "Whoa, what's happening to me?" Geo asked. "I'm only granting your wish," the Umbreon answered. "What the ... you can talk?" gasped Geo. "Well, actually since that you're turning into a Pokémon, you can understand me now. I'm Miguel by the way." The Umbreon said. "And why are you doing this to me?" Geo asked. "You wished to be free just like me, and the only way to be free like me is for you becoming my little brother." Miguel answered.

The brown fur started to grow up on his legs. He lost his balance and fell down when his legs shrank. He felt something comming out of his spine. When he looked behind he small bump sprouting out to form a bushy tail with brown fur and a white tip.

The fur grow over his hands, as they too turned into cute little paws. his body continued to shrink in size as the fur reached his neck.

"Everything alright, young one?" Miguel asked.

"i'm so scared... will I even like being a Pokémon?"

"Don't worry. It will be more fun than you think. And as Pokémon you're free to do whatever you want."


"Yeah, you will see," Miguel said, trying to comfort Geo.

He fell on all fours and his body locked him in a quadruped stand. The brown fur started to spread on his belly, followed by his back. A thick white coat of fur spreaded around his neck. His nose formed into a small black snout and pushed out from his face, forming a muzzle. His ears became long and pointed and moved to the top of his head. His hair shortened and became the same brown color as his fur. The fur covered his entire face, and as a finishing touch his body shrank a little more until he was only 1 feet long.

"now how do you feel?"

"I feel ... more energic. I wanna play around!"

Miguel happily played with his little brother.



Leon Looked at his Lucario, "Do it, Please, I don't want to live like this anymore, I want to be a happy little kid again, and with you and the other Pokémon. Please, i'm begging you, please use your special bite on me."

His Lucario, named Aura, shaked his head. "I can do it another way that is less painfull," he said through telepathy.

"Just turn me into a Riolu, Please. I'm done being a trainer. I want be the happy little kid you grew up with as a Riolu."

Aura reached out his paws. "Give me your hands," he said. And so Leon did. "This is maybe going to itch a little," he said. Aura closed his eyes and his Aura sensor's started to float. Both Leon and Aura were surrounded by their aura. Then the aura of the Lucario entered the body of Leon. His hands started to itch when the blue fur started to grow. His fingers started to shrink and fused together, forming his new paws. The blue fur spread around his entire arms. Aura opened his eyes and let go of Leon's new arms.

Leon moaned from queasiness as Aura sat him down and removed his shoes and Socks.

"Everything alright, Leon?" Asked Aura

"Yeah, I'm fine. But what was that thing you used?" Leon asked. "That's called Aura Manipulation. The transformation is quicker and less painfull, thanks to that."

"Oh ok. Can you do my feet next?" Leon asked. "Sure," answered Aura.

Aura took Leon's feet and closed his eyes again and his aura sensors started to float again. His aura entered Leon's feet and his feet started to grow black fur on it. His toes started to fuse together in three big toes. The black fur spreaded and covered his entire feet and legs. His legs shrank and his feet reformed to a digitigraded stance. Also, under each of his toes and heels yellow paw pads appeared. With this, his cute little riolu feet were complete.

Blue fur sprouted out around his lower body, like that there was forming a blue short. He felt that there was something sprouting out from his spine as his tail started to grow out. The blue fur also covered his new tail. When the fur reached his chest, the color changed into black for his chest fur and covered his entire chest and back, connecting with the blue fur on his arms.

"Everything alright, Leon?" Aura asked.

"My new body feels so good, my fur so warm and soft, I can't wait to be a full Riolu." Leon said, snuggling in his new body.

"Hehe, the last part will maybe feel a little uneasy, but it will be over soon," Aura said as he closed his eyes again.

First, a yellow collar-like band formed around his neck. Then his nose and mouth started to stretch out, forming his new Riolu muzzle. His ears grew longer, pointed and moved to the top of his head. Around his eyes, black fur started to sprout out, forming a black furred mask. From the sides of his head, two long black furred aura sensors took their place at each side of his head. His eye colors changed from light blue to crimson red. Blue fur sprouted out at the rest of his head. To finish his transformation, Leon's body shrank again until he was only several feet high. Leon was now an adorable little Riolu.

"Thank you, Aura, or rather, Big Brother." Leon said reaching his arms out for Aura to pick him up.

Aura picked him up and said, "you're welcome, little brother. Let's go meet up with the others to play with."



Alex was crying when she ran through the forest. She couldn't take all that bullying anymore at the orphanage. She ran until she arrived at her favorite spot under one of the biggest tree's of the forest.

As she ran to the tree, a Venusaur caught her with it's Vine Whip, and coiled her up in a small cocoon to her neck, "Alex, what's the matter?"

"I... I was bullied again at the orphanage. I ... I can't take it ... anymore! I don't want to go back there!" she cried.

Venusaur gave the coils a quick squeeze to stop the crying, "Calm down, you're with a friend now." He said, leaning her cocoon gently against the tree. "No more crying, understand?"

"Ok, Venusaur. I wish that there was a way that I can stay here in the forest," she said.

Venusaur smiled, massaging Alex with his vine whip cocoon. "Alex, don't you remember my special power?"

"Special power?! ... Oh yeah! But d-do you really want to do that for me?" Alex answered.

"Of course, you're well aware that I make a wonderful father, and you've seen that to process is painless, and I'm sure your friend Tommy would like to share his happy new life with you."

"Tommy? So ... that's why he disappeared lately?"

"Yep, He accepted my offer of adoption, so i turned him into a Bulbasaur, and now he's happily living as my son. If you'd like, he can trigger your transformation instead of me."

"Oh, I would love to," Alex answered.

Venusaur nodded, and whistled toward the cave in the tree, out of which a cute little Bulbasaur came running. "Oh, hey there Alex!" the bulbasaur said as Venusaur released Alex from the vine whip.

"Hi Tommy. Long time no see," Alex said, while tears apeared in her eyes.

"So are you finally going to let us implant a Bulbaseed?"

Alex nodded. "I would love to, to be with you again."

Tommy smiled, he stood on his forepaws, like a handstand, and from his bulb, a seed was launched, which entered Alex's body. "Might wanna go on all fours for the process, Sis."

Alex nodded and did, after she already had removed her shirt.

Her skin began to turn blue-green in color, with a few green spots, out of her back, her bulba grew in all its glory.

"Hehe, that tickled a little," Alex said.

her hands and feet began to expand, becoming more stumby, soon, Alex was standing on four cute little bulbasaur paws.

"Wow, my new paws looks cute."

her body shrank down in size, morphing to be more of a bulbasaur's body, soon, all we had left was her human head, but she also felt a little... younger.

"How do you feel sis?" Tommy asked.

"I feel ... more energetic. Thank you, Tommy," she said while she kissed Tommy on his cheek.

"As an added bonus, i've decided to make you and Tommy Twins, once you're finished up, you with and he will be the exact same age, so you can be his twin sister." Venusaur revealed.

"Really? That would be fantastic!" Alex shouted in joy.

"Yeah, thanks daddy!" Tommy said.

As Venusaur smiled, Alex's head was transformed, leaving Alex as 100% Bulbasaur. "Tommy, Alex, come inside, we need to discuss plans for that orphanage." Alex's new father said.

Tommy followed his father inside, "c'mon sis. Let's go inside!" Tommy said with joy.

"I'm comming, brother," Alex said while she happily followed his new family.



Jacob was frightened, he could see the lightning brewing overhead, and he was in the middle of a forest. "Oh no... I need help."

A Jolteon appeared and looked to the frightened little boy. He walked closer to Jacob and made a sign that he has to follow him.

Jacob, being a fan of electric types, trusted the Jolteon and followed it. He followed the Jolteon to a small cave. The Jolteon went inside and Jacob just waited a bit. But after the lightning had struck again, he made it inside the cave as fast as he could.

Jacob soon found himself amongst a handful of electric Pokémon, Electrike, Manectric, Electivire, Electabuzz, Pikachu, Pichu, Plusle, Minun, and of course the Jolteon.

"Welcome human cub, Please, sit down." Electabuzz said, forcing him to sit down by a fire the Pokémon were around.

"Uhm ... thank you," he said a little stunned.

"Don't be scared, we're all good Pokémon, here, have a blanket." Electivire said, using PokeMagic to conjure a blanket, which he wrapped Jacob with like a cocoon.

"Thank you. So why are you all in here? Also afraid of lightning?" he asked.

"No, this is our home, we're a Pokémon Family,and we like to help out human cubs like you. Here, you be thirsty." Pikachu conjured up some cold milk in a bottle.

"Thank you. So ... how did you all become a family?" Jacob asked.

The Pikachu simply fed jacob the milk. Jacob had no idea that underneath the blanket, green fur was growing over his feet, as they morphed into paws.

"Wow, my feet are feeling a little itchy under this blanket," Jacob said.

"It's okay, it'll go away, how bout an apple?" Manectric offered the boy an apple.

"Thanks," Jacob said while he took a big bite from the apple.

The green fur spreaded more until his lower body was fully covered in the green fur. Jacob felt something uncomfortable around his spine when a small green tail with a yellow tip grew from it.

The Pokémon kept his mind off all discomfort, with plusle and minun giving him a big hug. The green fur kept spreading over his chest and down his arms, turning his hands into Paws, the fur stopped upon reaching his neck.

"Wow, what's this feeling. My entire body is itchy under that blanket," he said while he removed the blanket. "Whoa! What has happened ... to me? Why do I have this green fur and that tail?! And how did I get these paws?!?"

The Electivire picked Jacob up and held him. Scratching his itchy fur. Jacob closed his eyes and was really enjoying the scratching. He didn't noticed that his body was shrinking. He was panting, wagging his new tail, and kicking his paw in joy.

"Why ... why am I becoming ... a ... Pokémon?" he asked, after the Electivire put him back down on the floor.

"We like to help Cubs like you, Orphans without anything. You're being turned into an Electrike. It also frees you from your fear of lightning. normally we'd get you a loving human, but we've decide to make you part of our family. We'll make sure you're a happy little Electrike puppy," Jolteon explained.

"But ... how did you know that i'm an orphan?"

"It's thats to me!" The Electrike stepped in. "Remember? you played with me this morning and told me."

"Yeah, I remember you. But ... I'm a little afraid of this change," Jacob said.

"The transformation is a little scary, but once it's over, you'll feel much better." Pichu assured.

"So, were you human too?" Jacob asked.

The Pichu nodded, "Big Brother Pikachu rescued me and made me a Pichu, adopting me, and I'm a lot happier as a Pichu." He said, nuzzling said Pikachu.

"Ok then, but when will this finish?" Jacob asked.

"as soon as you drink this." Electabuzz held up a baby bottle full of milk.

Jacob tried to take the bottle, but found out that it wasn't easy to drink from it with these new paws of his.

To his surprise, electivire picked him up again and wrapped him back up in the blanket, before feeding him the milk like a little kid.

Jacob drank from the bottle he was fed like it has been for ages that he had drank something. After he finished, the Electivire put him back on the ground. He felt how his nose and mouth stretched out to form his new doggy-like muzzle. The green fur spreaded around his muzzle and face, as a yellow stripe of fur on the top of his muzzle and snout. His teeth sharpened to fit his new muzzle.

To finish his transformation, a big tuft grew on the top of his head in green fur with yellow lightning bolts at each side.

Jacob was now a cute little Electrike puppy. Jacob ran in circles, chasing his tail. "Almost have you! Almost have you!" he said.

Electivire got Jacob back in the Blanket, this time tight enough to keep him from getting out.

"Hey, why are you doing this? I wanna play around," he said, showing a sad doggy face.

"You're low on energy, time for a nap." Electivire filled the baby bottle with sleep milk, and began feeding Jacob again.

After he finished the bottle, Electivire putted him back down. Jacob slowly drose away in his blanket and fell asleep. Electrike came closer to his new brother. "Welcome to your new family, bro."



Ryan was Surrounded by his favorite fire type Pokémon. "Um... Hi?"

"Welcome, young one," a Quilava said.

"Wow, A Quilava, Hi, I'm Ryan!"

"Welcome, Ryan. My name is Blaze. What brings you to our place?" the Quilava asked.

"I heard about the Spring of Dreams."

"Ah, well you came to the right place. Please, follow me," Blaze said while he lead the way for Ryan.

Ryan excitedly followed his new friend, ready to drink from the spring.

"So, what's the reason that you're searching for our spring?" Blaze asked.

"I wish to drink from it, and become a Pokémon."

"Ah. Any reasons for it? And do you have a specific Pokémon in mind already?" Blaze asked.


"Ah. We have a Charmeleon who also was human once. If you like, you can meet him later."

"Or now." The charmeleon said, startling Blaze.

"Ah Charles, welcome. This little human cub is Ryan and he want to become a Charmander," Ryan said.

"Yeah, and maybe we can be brothers?"

"Really? I would love to have a bigger brother!" Ryan said excited.

"Well, there is it the spring." Charles pointed.

Ryan ran to the spring. "How does it work?" he asked.

"Like you said before, just take a break."

Ryan filled his hands with the spring water and drank from it.

The magic of the spring worked quickly as his skin turned orange and scaly. He removed his shoes and socks when he felt a burning feeling in his feet. His feet also became orange and scaly. The orange scales spreaded to his legs. His toes shrank and fused together with his feet. After that, big white claws grew out, completing his new paws. His legs shrank down, becoming smaller legs as the scales covered his belly, and a small tail grew out with a small flame igniting on its tip.

White scales started to cover around his chest and spreaded to his arms, while they were shrinking. His fingers shrank and fused together, completing the transformation of his hands into lizardlike paws.

With his transformation halted as his neck, Ryan was excited to become A Charmander. "My body feels... younger..."

"That's a side effect of the spring," Charles said, "I was also a Charmander before."

"So, am I... like... five or something?"

"Depends on your actual age. Your actual age is halved once the transformation is finished," Ryan answered.

"I was ten..."

"Then, there you have your answer," Charles said. "But don't worry, I will take care of you as my little brother."

"thank you, Charles."

"You're welcome."

After those words, the transformation restarted again. His nose and mouth stretched out, forming a maw. His tongue became longer and thinner and his teeth sharpened and became fangs. The orange scales spreaded over his head, while his hair shrank away. Also his ears shrank away until he had only small hearing holes left, that were so small that they were invinsible, completing his transformation.

"So, how do you feel now, little brother?" Charles asked.

Ryan's mind felt hazy as new thought filled him mind, playing, eating, napping, simple children thoughts. He became a little uneasy, reaching for charles to pick up and hold him.

"What's wrong, little brother?" Charles asked while he picked him up.

"nothings wrong now." Ryan said, cuddling in his new brother's arm. "I just wanted to be closer to you right now."

Charles putted Ryan on his shoulders, "C'mon, little bro. Let's meet the other fire Pokémon children's." And Charles ran back to the place, followed by Blaze.

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