
By stardustsprinkle121

194 17 4

Star is new to town and meets a lot of interesting people. Multiple P.O.V's Better in the latter parts but af... More

Character introductions
Star 1
Kat 1
Rose 1
Ty 1
Brock 1
Kaden 1
Star 2
Kat 2
Rose 2
Ty 2
Brock 2
Kaden 2
Star 3
Kat 3
Rose 3
Bonus Parts(Adrien and Keith)
Ty 3
Kaden 3
Star 4
Kat 4
Rose 4
Ty 4
Brock 4
Kaden 4
Star 5
Kat 5

Brock 3

5 0 0
By stardustsprinkle121

"Star, are you ready for school?" I ask as I grab my bag.

"Yeah," she mumbles.

I look at my black phone screen and see my reflection. The terrible main building uniforms actually aren't as bad as I thought. My black hair with the little blonde tuff of hair actually looks nice with the yellow and black uniforms.

"Brock, you look so fucking stupid," Star laughs.

"Star! What have I told you? You need to watch your mouth. I don't care how your father let you speak when he was alive but you aren't with him anymore so watch your language," Mother scolds.

"Whatever, you're the one who fell for that abusive prick anyway. Let's go Brock," Star replies as she storms out of the house.

I've never heard mom scold Star like that. Not even when we were young. I follow Star and she only seems to be getting madder and madder. I can see little sparks shoot from her hands so I be sure to text everyone to be careful. When she's angry there's no calming her down for a while. She seems to be getting in more trouble nowadays than usual. I don't know what's happening but I know this can't be good. Mother and Star seem to be moving farther and farther away from each other. I'm afraid of what's happening between those two. I see Star come to a sudden halt. She no longer seems angry, she look sad. Her green eye becomes full of tears.

"Do you understand the pain that bastard put me through," she speaks.

I'm guessing that she's talking about our father. "Not really but I know it was awful," I reply.

"I was blinded in one eye, I was beat constantly, I was afraid of everything, and most of all he made everything I ever had leave me," she cries,"I just wanted to know more about him and the dangers he holds and I get yelled at."

"Star-" I'm at a loss of words. I guess everyone that helped her grasp any idea of what happiness was left around the same time. Mother and I left her when she was 12 and Adrien left a year after that. Everything she ever had was taken from her. I guess I didn't think of it like that. She never had any valuable items, she only had valuable people. "Star, we are all together now we can overcome any challenges that may come," I speak hoping to bring some sort of inspiration to her.

"Brock, S-Star what happened," Adrien says as he runs out of the house Star was standing in front of.

"Nothing happen that you need to know of, Blueberry," Star sniffs.

"I'm here for you Star, I just want you to know that," Adrien says in attempt to console Star.

The three of us walk together until we arrive at school. Adrien and I walk inside the main building as Star walks around to the back of the school so she can go to the magic building. I hear girls squeal as who I think is Ty walks in. His hair isn't the dark grey it normally is, it's more of a silver color now. Rose follows behind Ty and Kaden sneaks up behind me. The four of us meet eyes and start talking to the person beside us. For me it was Kaden and Ty has Rose. It's actually funny how this turned out. I'm with the boy I like and Ty is with his girlfriend... I think. I don't really know their relationship, it's confusing.

"Brock, I have a few ideas to discuss with you," Kaden speaks.

"Oh, okay," I reply.

"First I think that sooner the dance is the better, second I think that everyone should be allowed to attend, and third I think I know something that I would like to discuss with the group" he explains.

"Okay, we can talk more about the dance when we get into the room we are assigned for planning and we'll meet up somewhere other than my house today to talk," I reply.

Ty and Rose walk towards us and laugh as Ty says something. I can't hear it but it must be funny. I grab Kaden's hand and pull him towards Ty and Rose so we can meet them half way. Once we all meet we start discussing whether or not we should walk around and explore this building. I decide to wander away from them as they continue to debate.

I wander the long, crowded hallways. The building is only like a memory. I've been down every hall but nothing is how it once was. I was here for a year then I was kicked out to the side buildings. The hallways are more comforting and joyful than the entire dangerous power side building. It feels less like a prison and more like a home.

"Brock? Brock Stello is that you?" someone says as I feel a hand grab my shoulder.

"What, yeah I'm Brock. Who are you? I'm sorry if we were close and I just don't remember you," I reply.

"Oh, I just wanted to know if it was you. I'm Luna Fisher, I've tried to talk you your sister but she was really rude. The Stello family is a well known family so I want to know more about them," she explains.

"Oh, it's you, please just leave my family alone," I say as I push her hand off my shoulder and continue walking down the halls.

I eventually end up in the planning room that was assigned to the winter dance planners. I walk in and sit down. The rooms and halls feel so familiar even though they've changed so much. We get to work in the old teachers lounge. The round table in the center with a screen and white board makes it look like a little meeting room. I glance over to scope out who will be helping us plan for the dance. The table has four cloaked people, Kaden, Rose, and Ty. At the front of the room there is a girl that I believe is a teacher.

"Okay, we are the dance planners,"she speaks,"let's introduce ourselves. I'll start, I'm Kim Eun but you can call me Mrs. Kim."

"I'm Kim Tyler," Ty continues the introduction line.

"Hello, I'm Kaden Jones."

"I'm-uh-I'm Rose Gardener."

"I'm Brock Stello."

"Okay, so I've brought in four surprises for you guys," Mrs. Kim says pulling the cloaks off of the people.

"I'm Adrien Bonnefoy," Adrien introduces himself just to continue the introduction line.

"You all know me and if you don't you must have amnesia. I'm Kat with a K not a C mess it up and I'll cut you. Today I'm am joined by my personal butler Keith Alexandru!" Kat cheers.

"I'm Star Stello just leave me out of this and get me out of this damn uniform," Star complains starting an argument.

Everything feels much better now. Everyone's here so I know everything is going to be easy and entertaining.

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