Teach Me To Love Part 1

By LlamaLoyd

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🏆The Page Turner Awards 2020 General/Teen Fiction 1st Place Winner!🏆 OUAT Killian Jones/OC student/teacher... More

Chapter One Give them Hell
Chapter 2 King of Assholes
Chapter 3 Pizza Money
Chapter 5 The Princess of Sarcasm
Chapter 6 A Broken Promise
Chapter 7 Friend Request
Chapter 8 Test Day
Chapter 9 Blocked
Chapter 10 Cold
Chapter 11 Confused
Chapter 12 Who's going home with you tonight?
Chapter 13 Got a Little Drunk Last Night
Chapter 14 Surrender
Chapter 15 Safe Haven
Chapter 16 Rose
Chapter 17 Scars
Chapter 18 Here comes trouble.
Chapter 19 Deal with the Devil
Chapter 20 Just an Act.
Chapter 21 Those Three Words
Chapter 22 Shots Fired
Chapter 23 Healing
Chapter 24 Right back at it again
Chapter 25 Caught
Chapter 26 Are we Good?
Chapter 27 Temptation
Chapter 28 Everything
Chapter 29 Stroke of Midnight
Chapter 30 History
Chapter 31 Promise
Chapter 32 Sick Day
Chapter 33 Oh, Brother.
Chapter 34 Loaded
Chapter 35 Close Call
Chapter 36 Busted.
Chapter 37 Already Gone
Chapter 38 Sneaky Devil
Chapter 39 Collapse
Chapter 40 I Will Not Say Goodbye
Chapter 41 New York State of Mind.
Chapter 42 With a Little Help From my Friends
Chapter 43 Holding On and Letting Go
Chapter 44 The Sting of Summer
🏆Wattpad "The Page Turner Awards 2020" 1st Place General/Teen Fiction Interview🏆

Chapter 4 Just a bad day.

1.1K 22 13
By LlamaLoyd

This chapter has some strong language. Just a warning. 

Kassidy POV

I knew when I opened my eyes that something was wrong. It was entirely too bright in the room for 6AM. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked at the clock and realized that it was definitely not 6AM. It was 8.

"FUCK!" I yelled. I slept through the alarm. I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. I had no time to shower. I quickly brushed my teeth and threw my messy curls up into a ponytail. I groaned in disgust at my face. I had no time for make up either. I ran back into the room and pulled the closet open grabbing my school uniform putting it on as quick as I could before slipping on my boots and running down the stairs slipping on the third step to the bottom falling and totally eating the hardwood floor.

"Damn it! DAD Why didn't you wake me up?!" I yelled as I stood up brushing myself off and wiping the little bit of blood from my lip. There was no response.

"Dad?" I asked and walked into the kitchen to grab my backpack. Beside my backpack was a note.

"Sorry, Kassi, Got called in early. Have a good day at school heres some money for lunch."

"That fucking figures." I grumbled and shoved the money he left taped to the note into my backpack. before throwing it over my shoulder and running out the door.

I opened the door to Mr. Whales Biology classroom instantly drawing attention from Mr. Whale's lecture, to myself. Ruby looked over at me and gave me a "Where the hell have you been?" look.

"Well. Look what the cat dragged in." Mr. Whale said. the table of stereotypical mean girls erupted in laughter. I shot them a glare and rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm late.. I jus-" I started to say but he put a hand up to silence me.

"Just find your seat." He said. I sighed and took my seat at the table next to Ruby.

"You look like hell." Ruby whispered.

"Gee. Thanks." I muttered. Mr. Whale walked to the table and slid a worksheet at Me.

"Do you have your homework from last night?" He asked.

"Uh.. Yeah. Just a sec." I said and opened my backpack rummaging through it. I pulled out a folder and flipped through it.

Where the hell is my Biology homework?  I thought to myself and turned and looked at him.

"I swear. I did it. I just don't have it." I said.

"Did your dog eat it?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"I Don't have a dog. I'm not lying. I did it. I just.. I think I left it home."

"The thing about Homework Miss Cole, is you are supposed to bring it back." He said folding his arms across his chest. "Bring it tomorrow, I'll give you half the credit." He said and walked back to the front of the class. I sighed and put my head in my hands. This day could go straight to hell.

I made my way to history class. Thankfully, I had history paper with me at least. That might be one good thing today at least. I walked down the hall checking my phone.


Sorry I had to leave so early. Hope you made it to school okay.


I slept past my alarm, and left my biology homework on the table. But thanks.


Come on Kass. Don't be like that. This move was hard on me too.

I rolled my eyes and shoved my phone in my pocket and looked up. Mr. Jones was emerging from his classroom this must have been his free period.


I had completely forgotten that I didn't finish my algebra homework. That's okay. I had time to try and finish it before his class maybe. Wait no, Ruby said he expected it in the morning.

Shit. shit. shit.

I walked passed him hoping like hell he didn't see me.

"Miss Cole." I heard him say.

That's okay Kassidy, Act like you didn't hear it I thought to myself as I kept walking.

"Miss Cole!" He said again, with more than a hint of anger in his tone. I stopped in my tracks and sighed. It was clear the God of bad days was not about to give me a freaking break!

Killian POV

I had spent half the night wondering if perhaps yesterday I was too hard on Kassidy. It was her first day yesterday after all and she did seem rather upset when she left my classroom yesterday evening. Though, no one I gave detention walked out of there with a smile on their face to be honest. So when I saw Kassidy walking the hall obviously trying to avoid me, I figured it was because she hadn't handed in her homework. She turned around and looked at me. Her fists were clenched at her sides, Her hair was a mess, and there were dark circles under her eyes. A Far cry from the bubbly, sarcastic little thing that she was yesterday. She looked stressed, and tired and there was a little scab on her bottom lip, that hadn't been there yesterday. Not that I paid attention to her lips. I was a little more than concerned that perhaps things were not swell at home for Miss Cole and I wanted to ask her if she was okay but I didn't want to be inappropriate.

"Yes.. Mr. Jones?" She asked in a tone that suggested she would rather be anywhere else.

"I haven't gotten your homework." I said flatly.

Idiot. She's clearly upset. Way to fuel the fire. I thought to myself I wasn't sure why I suddenly cared so much about Miss Cole and her feelings.

"I was late this morning.. I can bring it to you when I come to class." She said and looked behind her. She was obviously in a hurry.

"Oh, No if you have it I'd like it now." I said.

"Can't I just bring it to you later? I really need to get to class." She asked.

I just gave her a look and held my hand out.

"I don't have it." She said.

"Why not?" I asked and folded my arms across my chest.

"I just.. I will have it later. Okay?" She said.

"Miss Cole.." I said.

"God What is your problem?!" She demanded her cheeks turning bright red with anger and her knuckles turning white.

"It was a simple question Miss Cole! Why is your homework not done?!" I demanded back at her.

"Because I didn't know how to do it! Because I stayed up until freaking midnight and I still couldn't figure it out!" She screamed and threw her hands up in the air. The bell rang. "Oh. That's just great. I'm late. To Another class. Thank you. Thank you so much." She said and turned around and stormed off.

"Miss Cole!" I shouted after her but she would not turn around. She just kept walking.

Kassidy POV

I had no idea, how I could possibly sleep late, and still hardly be able to hold my eyes open during lunch. I had to have dozed off at some point because something hit me in the face. I opened my eyes and looked down at what appeared to be a Roll that had just bounced off of my nose. I looked up at Ruby who had a huge grin on her face. I tossed the roll back at her.

"What is up with you today?" She asked. "You look like hell. You've been falling asleep all day, and you are a panicky mess." She said.

"I'm fine Ruby I just didn't sleep well last night and I'm having a horrible day. I didn't finish my Algebra homework and I kind of screamed at Mr. Jones in the hallway earlier." I said and put my head in my hands.

"Oh.. he is going to annihilate you in class later." Emma said.

"Maybe not." Ruby said "Let me see it. I may not be great at all things but I'm okay at Algebra. You might not get an A. But maybe he wont be so horrible to you if it looks like you tried." She said. I pulled my unfinished Algebra homework out of my bag and handed it to her.

"Work your Magic." I said. She smirked and started writing on the paper.

"I don't think this is a good idea. If Mr. Jones finds out Ruby did it, he'll be even more upset." Belle said.

"Belle, she's having a horrible day. Just quite your conscience and let me help her." Ruby said.

"If you say so." Belle said and went back to eating her lunch.

"So, we were all going to go to Ruby's after school. You should come." Emma said.

"Jones gave me detention for the rest of the week But it sounds fun." I replied and propped my elbow up on the table and rested my chin on my hand sighing. "Is he always so mean? Like, in New York my teachers could be assholes, but this guy. He takes it to a whole new level of Assholery." I said.

"If you pay attention, and do your work. Hes not so bad." Belle said. "I think his problem with you is your attitude." She added. I rolled my eyes.

"That's just how I am though. Its how I've always been and how I will always be. Most teachers just take it with a grain of salt. I get mostly good grades.." I shrugged.

"Maybe just try to lay off on the sarcasm and see how it goes." Belle said.

"Belle, you are killing me." I groaned.

I walked towards Mr. Jones classroom with my homework in my hand. He stood outside his classroom ushering students in. He looked up at me and if looks could kill. I sighed and approached him.

"Color me surprised Miss Cole. You are on time." He said.

"Uh.. Yeah." I said. "Can I talk to you?" I asked.

"About?" He asked looking completely uninterested.

"Earlier." I said. He leaned against the wall with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

"You mean when you screamed at me?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm Sorry. I just had a rough night last night. I slept through my alarm and I've just had a horrible day. I shouldn't have taken it out on you." I said.

"No, you shouldn't have." He said and looked down at the paper in my hands. "What is that?" He asked.

"My homework... I worked on it during lunch." I lied. "I just needed a little more time. Please accept it." I said. He looked in thought for a moment.

"I will. This once." he said. "But next time, No excuses I want your homework on my desk at 7:50 in the morning." He said. His blue eyes pierced through my soul What was it about this guy that brought me down a couple pegs?

"Yes sir." I said and handed him the paper and hurried in the classroom finding my seat.

"Did he take it??" Ruby asked.

I nodded quickly as Mr. Jones walked in the classroom and closed the door.

"I'm going to be a moment, So I'll let you all get a head start on tonight's homework. Chapter four, sections 8-15." He said and sat down at his desk looking at my homework. I pulled out my algebra book and my notebook and started writing out the equations. It was only the first freaking one and I was already having trouble.

Killian POV

Perhaps I was dreaming, not only was Kassidy on time to class. She apologized, and was polite. Who was this girl? I looked down at her homework and instantly knew something was not quite right. First off, the first four equations were in different handwriting from the rest of the paper. I raised my eyebrow and shuffled through the papers on my desk until I found a match. Ah. Miss Lucas of course. I looked up at Kassidy who stared at her textbook with a confused look on her face, as if she was looking at a foreign language. She quickly wrote something down and then erased it and ran her hand through her hair in frustration. It almost made me feel bad for what I was about to do.


I stood up and walked to the chalkboard and wrote an equation out. I turned and looked at the students who were all looking at me, all except Kassidy who was still struggling.

"Miss Cole." I said. She looked up at me and set her pencil down.

"Yes?" She asked. Again without one hint of sarcasm.

"Come solve this equation please." I said.

"Me?" She asked the fear setting in her eyes.

"Well.. you are the only Miss Cole in the room are you not?" I asked and lifted a hand to silence the few people who giggled.

She stood hesitantly and walked to the chalk board. I handed her the chalk. She looked up at me. Her eyes told me she knew exactly what was happening.

"Please.." She muttered.

I stepped aside. "Come now, Kassidy, Its one from last nights homework. You should know it." I said. She turned to the chalkboard and stared at it for a few moments completely clueless and embarrassed.

"Come on Mr. Jones, give her a break!" Ruby exclaimed. I shot her a glare.

"Miss, Cole. Miss Lucas. I'd like a word with you both. Now." I said and walked to the door. Kassidy and Ruby both followed me silently. I opened the door and the two of them stepped out. Students began whispering amongst them selves.

"Quiet! Get to work!" I shouted and walked out slamming the door. Kassidy and Ruby both flinched.

"Do you both think that I am a bloody idiot?!" I demanded. They were both quiet.

"Well?!" I shouted.

"No.." Ruby said. "I was just trying to help her." She said

"And you didn't think I'd notice that you did the whole thing?" I asked.

"No. I didn't. I'm sorry." Ruby said.

"You should be. You both get an F."

They both began to protest. Naturally. "You can go back to class Miss Lucas!" I snapped. Ruby rolled her eyes and stormed back into the classroom.

"She was just trying to help me. Give me an F if you want. It was my fault." Kassidy said. "Don't take it out on Ruby."

"My decision stands. You both get the F." I said.

"You are impossible!" She hissed at me.

"Why didn't you do your homework yourself?" I asked trying to keep my temper in check. Kassidy just shrugged in response.

"I would have rather you handed it in with the four wrong equations than handed in someone else's work." I said.

"Oh I'm sure you would have just yelled at me for that too." Kassidy said and turned away from me. I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder. She shrugged away from me.

"I understand you are mad at me, but you didn't have to embarrass me in front of the entire class." Kassidy said softly.

"I was trying to prove a point." I said. She turned around so fast I was surprised she didn't get whiplash.

"What point? That you are the gigantic asshole that everyone says you are?! Job well done!" She shouted.

"Miss Cole that is quite enough!" I shouted back.

"Don't worry, I'll show myself to the office." She grumbled and started walking away from me.

"Kassidy. Wait." I said. She turned back around.

"What?" She asked.

"Come back to class." I said.

"Actually. I'd rather not. See you for detention." She muttered and walked away. I shook my head and walked back in my classroom.

"Where is Kassidy?" Ruby asked.

"Miss Cole, will not be joining us for the rest of class. Would you like to join her Miss Lucas?" I asked.

"No." Ruby said and shot me a glare.

Kassidy POV

I made my way back to the classroom after the final bell rang. I was still angry, but not as much as I had been earlier. None of my teachers in New York had ever pissed me off as badly as this guy did and this was only day two. I felt like it was his personal goal to ruin my day at this point. I approached the classroom, the door was open. I walked in and sat down in my chair. He looked up at me from his desk.

"I didn't think you'd come back to be honest." He said.

"Yeah.. well.. I left my stuff in here." I said and looked away from him. He got up from his desk and pulled the chair from the desk in front of mine up to my desk and sat down resting his arms on the back of the chair looking at me. But his blue eyes weren't just looking at me, they were looking into me. As if he was trying to figure out what the hell was actually happening in my head.

"Wh..what are you doing?" I asked and bit my lip. It wasn't that I was uncomfortable. I could look at his eyes all damn day as long as he wasn't screaming at me.

"I Think, perhaps I've gone about handling you the wrong way." Mr. Jones said. I swallowed hard.

you could handle me any way you want. I thought and then shook my head What the actual hell was that Kassidy he is your teacher! and currently your nemesis! I thought and blinked a few times.

"I..don't understand." I said.

"Well, I have a reputation here. As you mentioned earlier. But that reputation gets results. Good results. No one usually fails my class." He said.

"Well, I might break your streak." I said and propped my elbow up on the desk resting my chin on my hand.

"Perhaps not." He said. "Maybe we just got off on the wrong foot and maybe we judged each other a little too quickly." He said and slid my homework from last night across the desk at me.

"I'm going to give you a chance to do this over." He said.

"What about Ruby?" I asked. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"You girls.. I swear." he said. "I re-graded her homework, She got a B."

"Okay." I said. He pointed at the top four equations. The ones I had done.

"You don't give yourself enough credit. These are all right." He said.

"But you said.." I started.

"I lied." Mr. Jones smirked. I sighed heavily.

"Even so. It still took me hours to do this. I'm not good with numbers and I just don't understand how these equations work."

"That's why I'm going to help you." He said. "As long as it takes until you understand." He said. I looked up at him. Gone was the scowl and the angry eyes. His expression was one of concern and dare I say care? I saw him in an entirely new light.

"You would do that?" I asked.

"Well, I am a teacher. Its my job to teach you." He said with a sly smirk. I gave him a smile and laughed

"What?" he asked.

"Its just.. no one has ever tried to help me like this." I said.

"Well, Miss Cole, you don't exactly make it easy." He said.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Don't worry about it. Alright lets get started yes?" He asked.

"Yeah." I smiled and opened my Algebra book.

He slowly explained the first equation to me but I found myself more focused on his eyes, and the way his mouth moved. What the hell was wrong with me? Not even an hour ago I declared this man my nemesis.

"Kassidy." He said. I shook my head and looked at him.

"Sorry.. yes?" I asked.

"I lost you for a second there? Are you okay?" He asked, he spoke softly without a hint of venom in his words like usual.

"Uh.. Um Yeah." I said and half smiled splitting my lip where I had busted it on my floor at home earlier. He raised an eyebrow and reached over to his desk and handed me a napkin. "Your lip is bleeding." He said.

"Oh. Thanks." I said and took the napkin.

"So how did that happen?" He asked with concern in his tone.

"Its embarrassing." I said and sighed. "I was running down my stairs this morning because my dad left for work super early and I slept through my alarm So I was late. I slipped on the third step from the floor and face planted the floor." I said. He stared at me for a few moments and then He laughed and it was the most beautiful sound I had heard. Maybe the day wasn't so bad at all. And who would have thought it would have been Mr. Jones to save it?

It was nearly 5 before I got home. Mr. Jones helped me to the best of his ability. I was still pretty confused but had a little bit better understanding of how algebra worked. He helped me with half of tonight's homework assignment so I stood a better chance of getting it done. Maybe, just maybe he wasn't the monster that everyone made him out to be. I smiled to myself as I opened my front door not even noticing my dads car was in the driveway.

"Kassidy Cole where the hell have you been?!" My Dad demanded the very second I stepped a foot in the door.

"I'm sorry. I stayed after school to get some help with my math homework." I said. It was technically detention, but I was still not really lying.

"And you didn't think to pick up your damn phone and text me back?! Or answer one of my 5 calls?!" He demanded. I never heard my phone ring. maybe it was because I was so focused on Mr. Jones...or..what he was teaching me. Yeah.. that. I went to grab my phone out of my pocket but it wasn't there. I quickly patted my other pockets and then searched through my backpack.

"Don't tell me you lost another phone.." My Dad groaned.

"Dad. Relax I probably just left it in the classroom I can get it tomorrow." I said.

"I hope so." He said and sighed. "Just.. text me if you are going to stay late so I'm not worried. Okay?"

"Yeah. Sure." I said and walked to the table to work on my homework I set my backpack on the table and looked at the stove and raised an eyebrow and walked over grabbing a pan that had some now, burnt substance stuck all over it.

"What.. was this?" I asked.

"It.. was chicken Alfredo." My dad said.

"Blackened?" I asked. He laughed.

"Chinese?" He asked.

"Chinese sounds good." I smirked.

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