The Destiny.

By shafsgallery

2.3K 347 63

Something remains scaring us. Something remains troubling us. Some pains feel so fresh, when they has to get... More

The Nightmare.
A Key.
Shoe Lace.
its better to go
half truth
the balcony
Hazel nut
the beginning
Pinky promise
fast and furious
15th july
fondness and longing
My Noccoila
forgiveness is better.
the kind.
Warm and soft
find me if you can
the trial
that barbeque day
voice from the past
call from the past
prince charming
one day.
silent whispers
extra extra
it just got started
sixth sense
The basement
Show time
Better After

melancholic night

38 8 0
By shafsgallery

Chapter-32 melancholic night.

Arhaan drops me at my home. I didn't even utter a word since I know about my so-called Dad. How can a father be so ridiculous and obsessed with the money that he wouldn't spare his own family?

Poor mom who was blind in his love that to fake love. I'm relief that mom didn't sign the papers nor did she made me a sign.

Many questions twirling in my brain. I had to find the answers to my questions till then I can't stay stable.

I'm so overwhelmed with the twigs that I didn't hear Arhaan's voice. He snaps his fingers near my eyes. I blink and I hesitated to look at him.

"We are here, Ayaat!" He says. I look around like an incoherent fool. I close my eyes and inhales deeply.

"Oh, yeah!" I smile weakly. "And yes, thank you so much Arhaan for being there for me at my most worsts times," I say like I mean it.

Yes! I mean it!

"I'm always here for you" he claims and gives me a small smile.

I blush. "Well, I want to ask you something. Can I?" I asl with my brow raised.

"Yeah, sure!" He shrugs.

"Well, why do you help me I mean I guess you have a girlfriend but in spite of spending time with her..why do you spend time with me... almost half of the day?" I ask knowing the truth that I'm that girl but still, it's fun to ask a question when it is related to us. Especially when we know the truth.

" be honest, I do what I like to do..and I like spending time with, in general, I like you and I like to spend time with you.." he says and grins.

"Blah! Blah! Don't act too smart Arhaan! I can read others very well so..that doesn't work on me" I say and roll my eyes.

I know, I know, he isn't lying but still, it's fun to tease him.

He laughs. "Well, you girls are very complicated to understand" he sighed.

I gasp. "It's not too complicated, try to understand girls then your life will's just the perceptions of the people if you think good then the things will look good if not then they all die in lentils," I say and shrug.

"Is that so" well, then I always perceptualize you well" he utter.

"Sorry?" I accuse.

"Ummm... nothing" he shakes his head.

"Okay then see you soon," I say

He smiles.

"Yumna and Zoya are going to kill me." I gasp. "Bye," I say and leave

"Stop!" I snap holding my sling bag as my shield. Yumna is literally throwing any of the things getting on her hands.
"Where the hell were you? huh? Can't you have a mouth to say.. at least you can text us..and why were you not answering the calls?" Yumna yells throwing the pillows at me.

"Hey! Hey! Cooldown I'll say you everything in detail" I say while protecting me.

"Slow down Yumna...let us listen to what she wants to say!" Zoya tries to calm her down.

"Bloody hell to the explanation, I was literally getting so pissed... I even broke my lovely remote and yes Ayaat you are going to buy the new one for me.." she continues yelling at me.

Yumna is damn angry at me. Yes, it was my fault but not my fault actually. What should I do... I fainted unfortunately right. How could I tell answer my mobile?

That to my bag was in Arhaan's car so probably no one can answer it while we were in the hospital.

"Okay!cool! Yumna listens to me" I try to speak.

"Shut up! What do you think of you? huh? We were going crazy af.. when you weren't answering any of our calls and doesn't even respond to the messages" she shouts and was going to throw the vase but then she stops. Thankfully she's conscious.

She walks to the couch and sits there irritatingly. I went near her but she stands up and sits on the sofa. I follow her. And again she changes her place, folding her arms in frustration.

"Yumna!" I politely say.

"What!?" She rubs her temple.

"Stop rolling your eyes, I was in the hospital" I gasp.

She gives a slow clap "and you didn't even bother to inform us..and yes, let me meet that crazy Arhaan who was also not answering my calls" she blew her bangs.

"Well, he was with me," I say looking down at the carpet.

"Ooo!! I see" she rolls her eyes "I was knowing it" she adds.

"I don't want to argue, I just want to ask you something!" I say politely keeping my hand on her shoulder and she shrinks her shoulder getting off my hand.

"Oh! As if I'm the one who is arguing"she rolls her eyes again "ask!" She says.

"Well, from the day Arhaan came to the university you were actually behaving oddly and also trusting him. Plus, there was a change in your behaviour. So I want to know the reason.." I question her and she turns to face me.

Her forehead suddenly gets clear and her eyes look at mine. She swallows. "What!!! Are you mad!? Why would I?" She chokes.

"Don't lie please and I know you that you knew something about me... I mean about my past!" I ask her and she hesitates.

"What Happened? Why are you not answering?" I frown.

"Uff! Ayaat what's wrong with you? It's nothing like that!" She says and drags her self to the fridge.

"As you know I can read persons easily, so don't act as if you don't know anything." I narrow my eyes.

I'll be mad now here Zoya is confused trying to understand the situation. I turn to Zoya"well, I know, you too even know about me" I sigh.

"What's wrong with you Ayaat!!?" Zoya speaks thus time.

"Yumna! Tell me.." I demand and fold my arms taking the support of the dining table.

"Are you mad?" She says and drinks water.

I swallow "...don't act to smart mate, you are my best friend since could you not tell me that I was engaged to Arhaan?" I let the cat out of the bag.

Yumna spits out as she's drinking water. They both look at each other and was going to say something but I show them my hand gesturing them to not to say anything.

"I regained my memory," I say.

They swallow.

I explained to them everything that had happened today.

They came near me with teary eyes and hugs me. I hug them back. Ugh, man! It's a universal relief.

I wipe my tears so as they do.
"As you know that you are engaged with Arhaan and the thing which bothered me was.. what if you get sick after seeing him or what if you misunderstand him and you do something crazy because sometimes you became so self unconscious that you even don't know what to do." She says and takes a deep breathe.

I nod.
"Well, before I regained my memory... I anyway started liking him... it's wired, right? Falling of the same person twice" I say and giggle remembering our memories.

My so-called Dad is really clever and I had to get rid of him by revealing his truth in front of everyone.

I'm Standing in the balcony as my hair twirling in the fresh cold air ingurgitating the sweet fragrance of the Jasmine. Lost in the memories of my only inamorata in the melancholic night trying to get to voices from the past where we were together not anticipating with anyone... intimating into his eyes taking me to the blue sky capricious castles in the air showing me the hopes and desires. I'm blooming in his eyes such a way that no one can ever take me away from him.

As I open my eyes. Tears rolled down and I really miss him. The cold breezes hit me and make shiver. But the fact which is killing me the most is that Arhaan has literally waited for me almost for a year. I don't want to hurt him more. and I cannot wait to tell him that I really missed him in spite of losing memory. My heart beats so fearlessly sometimes as if I'm missing apart from me. And now I understand why...True love right? Yes, true love never gets apart even if you go away..even as far as tons of miles.. still that love will drag you back.

That's the will of the true love. Indeed

Hey guys, hope you all doing well.
It's deep, isn't it? Well, let's see how Ayaat will say Arhaan that she regained her memory back. And what will be Arhaan's reaction?

And also let's see how Ayaat gives justice to her both mother.

Well then stay tuned.

Thank you so much for reading.
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