You will love me ( ikuto and...

By kawaii_senpai_

119K 4.7K 1.3K

"The day will come Amu when you ask me to kiss you and that will be the day you realize you love me More

You will love me ( ikuto and amu )
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 22

3.3K 136 87
By kawaii_senpai_

Chapter Twenty-two

"He's so cute!"

Ami released Ikuto's hand almost immediately when she seen the kitten, holding out her arms while opening and closing her fingers as if it was the universal language for, give me.

I rolled my eyes then handed her the fuzz-ball, her happy squeals of joy filling the store; they were also getting a few strange stares from people walking by outside.

She nuzzled the kitten, walking off to leave Ikuto standing there as if her ties to him were cut loose instantaneously; growing bored with one thing and jumping to the next.

Alas, I'll never understand that girl.

Watching her walk away, Ikuto wrapped his arms around my shoulders from behind when I wasn't paying attention, pressing his cheek against mine as he pulled me into his chest.

"I want three," he cooed, making me blink in confusion. I turned just enough to look at his face, seeing that his eyes were closed, enjoying the moment.

"Three what?"

"Kids," he didn't skip a beat with his response, sounding so serious which made my heart end up in my throat.

"What?! We aren't even dating," I blushed furiously, gently pulling away from him as I walked over to the catnip, grabbing a bag to kind of have something to keep me distracted so I wouldn't look at him. With the way I was blushing, that was the last thing I needed now.

"Give it time, Amu, the day will come when you ask me to kiss you. And you want to know why that is?"

This genuinely perked my interest, causing me to slowly turn around so I could see his expression, showing that I was awaiting what ever witty answer he could come up with.

"Because when that day comes, it'll be the day you realize you love me."

Everything stopped moving, time stood still. The only sound I could make out was my breathing and even that felt translucent.

I waited for the dream to stop, for me to wake up and I will just be in my bed with this being one amazing wish my heart made, but I didn't wake up.

Ikuto was truly standing there in front of me, his words playing over in my head like an echo on repeat.

I never even thought of that, it had never even crossed my mind that the reason he was waiting to kiss me, was for me to learn on my own if I loved him.

"Neh... just forget I said anything. You look like you're about to have an aneurysm," he turned his head to the side, slipping his hands into his pockets before staring off at nothing in particular.

I punched his arm as hard as I could, growling under my breath since it was the first thing I could think to do.

"Gah! You don't go around saying stuff like that and then take it back, weirdo!"

I jerked my body around to glare at the shelf of merchandise, my anger sizzling out like water being tossed on hot coals when something caught my eye.

Well that was a quick argument...

Inwardly, I smirked when I seen it, picking up a silver bell that was hanging from a black velvet string before glancing over my should to see where Ikuto went. Seeing that he had joined Yoru on the other side of the store I shook my wrist to test out how the jingle would sound.

Deciding that it was a definite buy, I tucked it away then went to gathering supplies we would need for the kitten such as a litter box, food etc.

At the register I placed all the items up, I even had to find Ami so it wouldn't look like we were trying to steal the kitten, then paid for everything. After I had the bags in hand, I started to dig for the bell, hiding it in my hand as I causally strolled over to Tsukiyomi.

"I have something for you, let me see your wrist," I sang my words to try to sound as innocent as I possibly could; hoping that he wouldn't catch on.

"" He blinked then looked away again, clearly seeing through my cleaver antics.

"You don't even know what it is yet," I complained, glaring at him through narrowed eyes. He can't say no if I just put it on him!

I reached for his hand, grabbing his wrist to try and pull it to me but his quick reflexes let him grasp the bell before I even had the chance to tie it.

...damn, there goes that idea.

He held it above my head, looking at it with a raised brow before giving the, you can't be serious look, when he realized what it was.

"Give it back!" I tried to jump for it, though every time my fingers were within reach he raised it higher so I couldn't touch it.

Gah, why did he have to be so tall!

"Come on, this way you can't sneak up on me anymore, it's a win-win situation! So hand it over!" Jump. Jump. Miss. Fail. Miss.

"Amu," his voice sounded amused, "you're making a scene."

I stopped jumping at those words, my eyes floating away from him to take in our surroundings. He was right, some people had stopped walking by the pet store to try to see for themselves what was going on.

"Such a cute couple," a little old woman said to her friend as they smiled and then continued walking by.

Once my back was turned to him, he dropped the string so the bell would fall directly past my face, my palms catching it before it had the chance to hit the floor.

"I'm not wearing that."

"Well it's your Christmas present, so," I stuck my tongue out at him, feeling it was needed.

"I'm still not wearing it. And besides, that's a stupid present."

"Well what do you want?"

"You should already know..."

"I'm not going to kiss you on the lips, we aren't even dating yet so... turn your face."

His blue orbs flicked back to my face, obviously not expecting that response. He smirked though, and leaned forward with his head tilted so my lips had easier access to his cheek.

He watched me from his peripheral vision, those bangs hiding his eyes though I could still faintly make out the stunning sapphires that watched me savagely.

Man, I seriously want to know just what it is about those eyes that can set my blood to flow with an electric current.

All he has to do is look at me in a certain way and I start to get all nervous, it wasn't fair. I hated to be at a disadvantage like that.

I hated it, but somewhere deep inside I loved it all at the same time.

I found myself glancing at his lips now, the way they slightly glistened when he had just moistened them with the tip of his tongue. I wonder, just what would they taste like?

My own lips parted from the thought, body leaning ever so closer to his mouth instead of his cheek with this type of invisible connection that was pulling me forward without my consent. Though I wasn't going to stop it, I allowed myself to follow suit, getting closer so I could fill my curiosity.

Ikuto noticed what I was doing, the corner of his mouth slipping into a slight smirk as he allowed me to inch my way closer.


My stomach suddenly ended up where my heart should be, and my heart, I think it nearly stopped beating for five seconds. That voice, oh man, please tell me this can't be happening.

I jerked around to see Tadase-kun standing there with his hand across his chest, balled into a loose fist as if he was trying to block his heart from seeing what was happening in front of him.

", T-Tadase-kun?! Ahh... w-what brings you here?"

"I was picking up a few extra things for Christmas tomorrow, I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

He sounded so innocent, and his face seemed genuinely concerned though hurt all at the same time. I hated to see him in pain, especially when I was the one causing him that agony.

"T'ch, you know very well that you are," Ikuto retorted, not even looking at the prince when he answered in such a cold way. I nearly had a heart attack right there from how harsh it sounded, making my eyes grow wide in shock.

"I-Ikuto! I'm sorry, Tadase-kun, it's fine really. We were just on our way out, but um," my attention floated over to an approaching Hinari, her face loosing all it's happy smiles when her gaze found my face.

By the time she made it to Tadase's side, I bowed to them both before grabbing Ikuto by the arm and turning to walk away really, really fast; speaking my goodbye as quickly as I could.

"Like I said, it's fine, really! I'll text you later, Tadase-kun... bye!"

I had made it to the first floor, past the escalators before I released my hold on Ikuto's arm, the smug expression on his face making the situation worse.


I didn't mean to scream that as mean as I had, instantly feeling horrible for the way I lashed out at him. And he could tell, because his brow raised to my sudden flair in anger.

"I mean... what?"

He flicked his blue orbs away from my face, leaning his hip against the escalator railing as he crossed his arms.

"...didn't you forget something?"

My palm slapped my forehead, my whole world crumbling around me when it hit me.

"Crap! I totally forgot, Ami!"

I am such a horrible sister!

I ran all the way back, gathering up everyone while pulling a confused Ami along behind me to where Ikuto was left standing by the mall's exit. We were on our way out of the revolving door when Ikuto spoke up again from behind me, making me nervous for the thousandth time.

"You still owe me that kiss..."


Also, about Tadase,

yes I am a die-hard Amuto fan, but I don't hate anyone from Shugo Chara which is surprising.

I'm not going to make Tadase out to be some horrible, cry baby. I love all the shugo chara characters so I'm not going to bash any or at least try not to.

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