Chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Ikuto was resting his forehead against mine, gazing into my eyes when Miki floated over to end the intense moment.

"Okay, okay, let's break it up before this gets out of hand. Glad we have established that you love her, and she loves you. Now if you don't mind, Amu-chan has a big day tomorrow, we all have to get up in a few hours so you need to scoot."

"That's right, scoot, scoot-scoot," Ran cheered, shaking her pom-poms as Yoru sleepily floated along, waiting at the glass sliding door for Ikuto to say his goodbyes.

He gently set me back on my feet, still dazed as I gazed up at those gorgeous eyes, the grin on his face giving my stomach a second fit of butterflies.

"I'll see you later today, right?" My tone was somehow pleading, far from what I was hoping to sound like. I couldn't mask the fact that after what happened tonight, seeing Ikuto was on the top of my Christmas wish list.

He nodded, then placed a kiss on my cheek before turning to leave, flicking up a lazy wave with two fingers, followed by a, "see you," as he jumped into the night to leave me standing there in ecstasy.

"Come on, Amu-chan," Ran lightly sang, guiding me by my hand to the bed where I crawled in like a child half asleep. Did tonight really happen? Oh my gosh, were Ikuto and I a couple now?

Spreading open my arms, I happily plopped back on the bed, my blankets whipping up around my body as the fall made impact, that smile on my face never leaving as I laid there just staring up at the ceiling.

"Su is so happy for, Amu-chan, desu!" Her voice was filled with such joy that it almost rang with silver bells, that tiny body twirling around in a cheerful dance before she floated down to rest on the pillow by my head. I smiled to her, then pulled the covers over my body, the others joining us on the bed as we all cuddled to make the best of this Christmas morning.

I sent quick texts to Rima and Yaya so they wouldn't drill me again for not telling them how things went, then I closed my cell and tried my best to fall asleep.

It only felt as though I had closed my eyes for a second, when the light of the sun hit my face making my nose squinch in protest, the loud squeals from Ami downstairs filling the house as I palm slapped my forehead.

I sat up, sighing as I tried to rub the grogginess from my eyes, my Guardian Characters nowhere to be seen as I tried to bring my blurry vision into focus.

I stood, and started to put together my outfit for the day, which was a hot pink tank, then over that a white tee that has the back cut out to look like the face of a skull. This way, the tank underneath would show through. Black skinnies and a few pink and black bracelets and my look was pretty much complete.

By this point I was getting bored, so I really didn't care about my hair, which is probably why it just ended up in a high bun with my X clips on both sides of my bangs.

Taking a double glance in the mirror, I smoothed out the wrinkles in my shirt then headed down the stairs.

"Ami, look this way, look at papa! Bravo, bravo!"

In the livingroom, Ami was doing a fashion show as dad snapped away with his camera, mom waving around a fan with Ami's face on it.

Typical Christmas morning here in the Hinamori house.

"'re disturbing the neighbors again," I groaned out, grabbing a piece of toast before taking a big bite out of the side. Ran, Miki, Su and Dia were sitting on random branches of the tree, taking everything in like it was a hit movie.

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