Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

When I said, he lived near my house, was mostly a lie. It wasn't that he -just- lived close to my house, oh no, the apartment complex was literally only a block away. Less than five minutes of walking.

I had to swallow the lump that formed in my throat as he set me down on the street, that same street I walked everyday to and from school.

"This is really close to my-"

Ikuto jerked my body into his, my hands instinctively covering my face as I bumped into his chest followed by a weird sound of, SPLAT, as a zooming car continued on down the road.

I looked up in just enough time to see Yoru shaking his fist at the lunatic driver.

"Hey jerk, watch where yer going, nyaa!"

I stepped back as Ikuto grumbled under his breath, finally realizing what had caused the splat.

That car must have hit a mud puddle, splashing snow and mud all over his body as he shielded me from the impact, because Ikuto's back and shoulders were drenched with sludge.

He kept his head lowered, the tips of his blue hair dripping while he glared at the ground intensely.

"Are you okay?!"

He shook his head then started to walk towards the apartments, stomping up the stairs with Yoru floating behind him awkwardly. I was right on his heels, trying my best to look his body over to make sure he wasn't hurt anywhere but he was making it difficult considering he wouldn't stand still.

"You're not okay?! Are you hurt somewhere? Ikuto, hey Ikuto answer me!"

Inside his apartment on the third floor, he slunk into the door before finally glancing back at my face, causing me to abruptly stop walking; almost bumping into him.

"That asshole ruined my favorite toothbrush," he growled out, tossing the now worthless toothbrush into a trashcan as he rounded the corner into what seemed to be the bathroom.

"Give me ten minutes," and with that, he shut the door. A moment later, the sound of a shower turning on echoed throughout the seemingly empty apartment.

His toothbrush, that is what he was so mad about? He wasn't hurt at all?

I couldn't help myself, I started to laugh uncontrollably, Yoru staring at me with a concerned look on his face.

He floated closer just to get a better look at me just to make sure I wasn't falling ill.

"I think Amu has finally cracked, nyaa..."

I waved a dismissive hand, shaking my head as I started to walk into the living room still laughing.

The apartment was huge by itself, for one person this place was just as big as my house and four of us live there!

Yoru floated into the kitchen, grabbing a can of sardines and a bag of potato chips before happily making his way back to where I was positioned on the couch.

Potato chips and fish, not exactly the best combination. Yuck!

He started munching on one sardine at a time, holding out a half eaten one to see if I was hungry. I inwardly smiled at his generosity, shaking my head before my eyes floated away to get a better view of everything.

"Nah, thanks though."

"Suit yourself, nyaa!" Munch, munch, crunch.

The dark hardwood floors were almost as shiny as they were in the mansion with cream-colored walls wrapping around the room, the only thing stopping them was a long set of glass sliding doors that previewed a snow-covered balcony outside.

The view from the couch was amazing, I bet it was even prettier at night with all the lights.

I noticed Ikuto's violin case leaning up against the side of the couch with a few manga scattered out on a glass coffee table near it. He even had a flat screen tv mounted on the wall that was possibly as tall as I was; it was crazy!

I could hear the shower turn off, followed by a shuffling sound of movement; something clinking then a fragrance of laundry detergent carried through the air. He must be washing his clothes before the stain set in.

Moments later, Ikuto entered the room with a white towel in his right hand, scrubbing lightly at his soaking wet hair. He stopped at the archway leading from the hall into the family room, leaning his bare shoulder against its frame as he continued to towel dry himself.

I had to clamp my teeth shut in order to keep my mouth from dropping open. My eyes momentarily scanning over his body without meaning to.

The only thing he wore was these baggy lounge pants in the color of dark purple, they almost seemed to be too big for his small waist considering how low they hung around his hips.

And those hips, oh those hips; the distinct outline of his protruding hip bones against that smooth stomach oddly enough, made me want to run my fingertips along their contours just to see if they were as rock hard as they appeared.

My gaze gradually moved up to his chest and neck, that pale skin glistening as water dripped and slowly ran down along every curve his body had; strands of blue choppy hair sticking to his neck and face as he ran fingers through those bangs.

I skimmed over his collar-bone for some reason, never having paid this much attention to the details of his body. Had his neck and shoulders always been this, attractively defined?

Even from across the room I could smell his shampoo and body wash, it was enough to put any girl into a trance.

The way that long silver cross necklace dangled against his chest each time he breathed was... oh man, Ikuto was right, I'm a pervert.

Oh man, oh man, oh man, I'm a pervert?!

I can't be a pervert!

"What's wrong with you, munch munch, you look like you seen a ghost, nyaa," Yoru asked with a mouth full of food as I stared at the floor with wide eyes.

I was so thankful Ikuto wasn't paying attention, he was already in the kitchen by now grabbing a drink from the fridge before popping the tab and taking a long gulp.

"Aye, Amu," I looked up in just enough time to see a can flying at me, hands catching the soda before I ended up with a bloody nose. I opened the drink and took a small sip myself, feeling nervous all of a sudden.

He was no longer in character change, so his ears and tail had vanished, though it made him look innocent in a way as he stood there.

He leaned his butt against his fridge, crossing arms over his bare chest as the towel now draped idle around those shoulders. In the one hand tucked under the other arm he kept a loose hold on his drink, just watching me as I started to turn my soda can back and forth between my palms; trying my best to distract myself from staring at him anymore.

Oh, and trust me when I say, not staring at him was harder than you think.

See what I done there? Took a bad moment,

and turned it into an amazing one for Amu.

Okay, okay, so really I just wanted to write a shower scene,

but can you blame me?

You will love me ( ikuto and amu )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن