Chapter 29

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Chapter Twenty-nine

"That still doesn't answer me on how you done it! You act like people's hearts are just things to toy and play wi-"

She cut me off by grabbing a fist-full of my hair, jerking my head to the side while leaning dangerously close to my ear. "You have to be one of the most infuriating, and utterly annoying human beings I've ever come to encounter."

I tried glaring at her through the disheveled and fallen pink tresses that were blocking my vision, the growl emitting deep within my throat as a warning to her.

"I'm not going to let you ge-"

"Knock it off," my head was whipped around again from another solid yank, the throbbing in my temples bringing on a full-blown headache. "Quit trying to play the hero here. I've had enough of you trying to pretend that you're going to save yourself, and your idiotic friends. If you haven't noticed..."

She stepped back, slowly with added emphasises, raised her right hand to snap her fingers; seconds later a poof of smoke appeared with a floating bubble that formed out of mid-air.

" can't defend yourself. You're powerless here without your Guardians."

Inside, I could see my Guardian Characters, each sitting down with their hands and feet bound, mouths gagged with fearful eyes staring out at me from inside the sphere.

"Su, Ran, Dia, Miki! I'm going to get you out, I promise!"

And just like that, they were gone when Asuka snapped her fingers again, the poof of smoke engulfing the ball right before my very eyes.

"What are you?!"

My question seemed to intrigue her, or perhaps she was searching for the right words; either way she took her time thinking over her answer with a thoughtful finger pressed to her cheek. After some consideration, her eyes narrowed and a coy shoulder rose in dismissal.

"I've been known to have many names. But I guess you can call it black magic, witches, what have you." With a wave of her hand, a flute appeared in her grasp, twirling the musical instrument leisurely. "Would you like a demonstration?"

"No, I've seen enough! What about your Guardian Characters, your would be selves? Hinari, I thought you wanted to be an actress, I never would have thought that you were behind everything that has happened!"

Hearing her name, she looked up from the cauldron, Asuka's Guardian Character sitting on her shoulder as her own snickered from across the room.

"I only recently joined Asuka and the others, they needed my brains as an added tribulation to their plans and in return have promised me a carrier in the theater. No other actress will be able to come near my level of fame once I'm granted this wish! Plus, eternal beauty is something any girl would kill for."

"To live forever, that is just one of the smaller things the master can give us once he has been fully awakened!" Asuka spun on her heel, doing a graceful ballerina spin when her action was cut short as a cracking of the ceiling started to rain debris. "What the hell?!"

All at once, wood, ceiling particles and debris fell down with a loud thud right as she took a jump back, with Nagi transformed as Beat Jumper landing on his back and Rima transformed as Clown Drop lightly plopping into his body moments later.

"OOMF! Not exactly what I would call the greatest entrance," Nagi said rubbing his back as he awkwardly tried to sit up on the floor surrounded by wood and ceiling flakes.

Rima looked up to the hole in the ceiling causing me to glance up too when Yaya stuck her head out, pointing down at Asuka with her tongue stuck out. I could feel the sweat bead form on the back of my head, but I was beyond happy to see my friends.

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