Chapter 2

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Chapter Two:

The tears were, out-of-place.

I haven't cried in such a long time, I truly thought I was starting to get my life back together, but here I am, sitting in my room blubbering like a child with no reason or understanding.

I let my mind drift, going back to this afternoon, trying my best to piece together any clues that would explain how I became this way.

-Flash Back to Park, Earlier that Day-

The three of us walked home from school, the way we had together on many occasions as of late.

It was a little awkward, yes, but to see him smiling was good for me.

At least that's what I told myself.


Why couldn't at least one of us see how we were growing apart?

Before now, before it was too late...

Our relationship, fading away like the flame to a candle burning out.

It was clear though, we were just two separate individuals.

In the end, our personalities were just too different for it to work.

And so, Tadase, he...

He's happy, and she loves him, I can see that just as well as anyone else.

The smile on his face is different from anything I accomplished,

and I truly believe they were meant for each other.

It doesn't change that it's still hard to smile when inside it hurts though.

I wasn't really paying attention to their small talk, my thoughts were miles away.

I tried to focus on my steps, the wind in the trees, anything that would distract me.

"Look, it's snowing," I managed to catch Tadase say as a swift breeze took me off guard.

I shivered, rubbing my arms as I glanced up to see for myself.

He was right, little white puffs where drifting down, kissing the Earth as they landed.

I blinked as one landed on my cheek, a feeling of longing washing over me.

In my head, I could very faintly hear the sound of music.

Odd, I know, but it made me want to smile.

It sounded almost like a...




My eyes widened as I suddenly realized the music wasn't in my head.

Far in the distance I could make out the sound of a violin which literally caused my heart to leap into my throat.

"Hey, Amu, wait!"

I could hear Tadase's voice yell out for me, but it was already too late. I was in a full-blown sprint, running towards the sound as my excitement grew.

Why was I getting so worked up, it's just Ikuto after all.

Gah, how long has he been in town? Oh he is so going to get it when I see him, he didn't even tell me he was back!

The snow was just starting to fall in thicker flakes, at this rate the ground will be white in no time. I had better find him before he leaves!

The sound was getting closer now, but somehow my stomach started to feel queasy. Deep down something was wrong, something was missing.

The music, it wasn't the same. Had he changed?

My feet skidded across the snow-covered concrete as I came into a clearing, my heart dropping when I seen it wasn't him.

It wasn't him, the music wasn't from...

I could feel it, the clenching of my chest, my stomach tightening as my teeth clamped shut to try and hold myself together. I stood there, tears whelming in my eyes, burning a little from the cold air until finally without even blinking they spilled over.

Why was I even crying?! It's not like it's that big of a deal. So what if it wasn't him, I've lived this long without him, so why start to be emotional about it now?

Yeah, that's the logical thing, isn't it? Yet, I couldn't stop the tears.

I wanted to see Ikuto so badly, never even knowing this until now. I wanted to see him, I needed to see him. Irrevocably as it was, I yearned for his smile.

As of today, I realized how much I truthfully missed, Ikuto.

"Amu, are you-"

"I'm sorry, I just..." I couldn't look Tadase in the eye, I really just needed to be alone; and so I done what I thought was rational at the time. I took off running again. Trying to get as far away as I possibly could.

-End Flash Back-

Using the back of my hand, I wiped what was left of the tears from my eyes, head resting in my palms as I grumbled. My cellphone chiming from my desk bringing me back into reality. I stood, out of habit, and checked my messages without meaning to.

Message Received, From: Tadase

Hey, are you okay? I've been worried, what happened at the park?

I gave a simple response, a quick yeah, to ease his mind before shutting the phone with a click. I didn't feel like talking, like I said, it was out of habit I even checked it at all. I was about to turn around when a strange knock came from the balcony, my head jerking around to see what it was.

I had to make sure I wasn't seeing things before I ran over to open the door, letting in the guardian as quick as possible. I was grinning with an overwhelming joy that I couldn't brush off, even if I wanted to.


If Yoru is here, that means Ikuto is around.

Now is where the fun begins! Shall we continue?

Throw me a review and tell me how I'm doing so far. Also I am so sorry I haven't been able to update I finally finished another request so go check that out and tell me what you think so far if this.

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