Chapter 3

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Chapter Three:

"You look awful, nyaa!" Yoru teased, casually floating into the room as if he owned the place. He shook the snow from his fur, licking his paw before brushing it against the side of his face as I made my way to his side.

"What are you doing here, where is he, is he okay?" I paused, clearing my throat to try to regain my character. This was so not like me to get over excited.

"Woah, one question at a time, nyaa. I'm only one cat ya know and," as if something devious had struck his mind, his yellow eyes blinked then narrowed as a mischievous grin started to make its way across his face. One ear twitching as he leaned in to get a better view of my face.

"Why, you miss him or'sumthing?"

"N-No! I mean," I searched drastically for a reply, I wasn't about to admit this to him, he would tell Ikuto for sure! And then I would never hear the end of it.

"I mean, well I'm just worried is all. He hasn't written me in months," my cheeks puffed out as I said this, making me feel like I was imitating Yaya. Man, what was with me tonight, definitely not my outer character at all.

"I thought we were friends, maybe I shouldn't worry if he is going-"

"I was going to tell ya sumthin', but now I think I won't," he almost sang his words, toying with me as his tail swished around, showing he was concentrating on something.

Lounging back as he floated, his eyes closed, arms reaching behind his head to show how bored he was. I made sure to sound uninterested as I walked back over to my bed, keeping my back to him as I replied.

"And what would that be?"

"Told ya, I'm not telling, nyaa!"

By this point, our talking must have woken up Su, because her fragile voice caused me to shut my mouth before I said something else.

"A-Amu-chan, desu?," she yawned as she spoke, her words being muffled. I felt horrible for waking her, but when her attention landed on Yoru, she floated out of her egg with a cute smile crossing her lips; all the grogginess from her face instantly gone.

"Oh Su is happy, desu! Yoru is back," she floated over to greet him as she talked, the biggest grin forming on the little cat's face as he peered at her with one open eye.

It wasn't long before the other's were awake from all the commotion, the five of them huddled around each other happily talking. Yoru of course, soaking up all the attention like a sponge; though he did keep glancing at me before he finally huffed and mumbled under his breath.

"He said to meet him in front of the amusement park, nyaa."

That was all I needed to hear.

I was dressed and ready before I even had time to think, grabbing my coat as I entered back to the noisy little party the guardians were having in the middle of my room. "I'll be back," I whispered to them while I closed the door as quietly as I could.

Checking the time on my cell, it was nearly 11pm; so that meant I would need to sneak my way down the stairs and hope my parents wouldn't catch me. Or Ami hear me and then try to follow, that wouldn't end well either.

I didn't even allow myself the luxury to breathe until I was safe outside, cold air provoking me to zip my jacket as I started to walk to the amusement park.

I fidgeted with my cell on the way there, going over everything I would say to him in my head. First thing is first, he was going to get an ear full for not telling me he was back. Second, I was going to let him have it for not writing in such a long time. I was so mad I couldn't think straight.

He was going to have a lot of explaining to do!

Or so I thought.

In the darkened street, illuminated by street lamps, there he stood, and it was like everything I had to say vanished from my tongue. I forgot how to speak, all the anger subsiding.

I couldn't remember what I was going to yell at him for anymore, and for a second I couldn't even remember how to breathe.

He was leaning up against the brick wall next to the gate entrance, hands in both pockets.

Hood pulled over his head as it too, pressed against the wall to support his body weight. The jacket he wore was a tight fitted black hoodie, with matching black fur that lined the rim of its' hood. It almost seemed to have been made especially for his body, that is how tight it was.

The falling snow swirled against his silhouette, seeming as though he stepped right out of a dream. Each little crystalized flake would kiss his face and shoulders, melting instantly as they touched.

Had he always been this, entrancing?

His eyes were focused attentively on the sky, only glancing in my direction when I took another step in his direction. Seeing this, the corner of his mouth curved up into a side grin; not quite a smirk, yet not a full smile. And though it was such a simple gesture, it was enough to make my knees weak.

Ikuto didn't move the whole time, but neither did I. He remained ever still, only his chest rising and falling with each inhale and exhale he took, those gorgeous eyes staring at me through the shadow of his bangs.

Finally he sighed and used his foot to push-off the wall with little effort at all, hands remaining in his pockets as he straightened in posture to face me properly.

The untouched snow crunched and objected loudly under his footsteps as he approached leisurely. Time was moving in slow motion.

He was so relaxed, so mysterious, he acted like he had all the time in the world for this one particular moment.

Somehow, I didn't seem to mind it either.

I really hope you can see in your head the way I see the scene, I tried my best to capture it with words.

Ikuto doesn't even have to say a single word and he's still so amazing.

Well played, Ikuto, well played. Haha.

Sorry for the late update but I wanted to write a few chapters so I'm gonna be able to update more anyways comment like follow love y'all and thank you for the support

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