Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

Once outside he released my arm, Yoru bobbing up and down as he trailed after us. I took a glance back at the Hotori home as we passed the gate, that uneasy butterfly feeling still not leaving my stomach yet.

Just what was with Tadase today?

I followed Ikuto quietly, my eyes staring at the blinding snow as we walked down the street in that comfortable silence again for a while.

"That Asuka chick, I think she likes you," I teased, bumping him playfully with my hip. This taking him by off guard since he seemed to stumble a bit before regaining his composure.

"Come to think of it, what was with her, I had done nothing to her and she was so mean."

"Jealousy, it brings out the worst in people," he draped his arm over my shoulder as he said this, tilting his head down to whisper against my ear now.

"Did you ever stop to realize how jealous you used to make me, Amu?"

Ikuto had been jealous?

Blinking to this realization, I really had no idea I was capable of such a thing. That couldn't be possible, could it?

He was always just teasing me, he never meant the stuff he did and said; or so I thought.

Still breathing against my ear, he purred under his breath, licking my earlobe before he whispered something that sent a shiver all the way down my spine.

"Mmf, you smell amazing, just like strawberries. Heh, a three-day weekend with my little strawberry, just what will we get ourselves into."

"You perv!" I pushed him away, covering my blushing face while still trying to watch where I was walking since I sped up the pace.

"For all you know I could have meant playing chess and eating popcorn. You're so gullible."

The smile he gave was so cocky, it made me want to inwardly scream.

"You... you are so frustrating you know that! Let's just hurry back to your apartment..."

He stopped walking just out of spite, placing his hands in his pockets as he stood there watching me, the evening sun casting an orange and red backdrop behind his silhouette.

"What's the hurry?"

"I'm cold, okay," I spat out, puffing my cheeks out as I looked away.

The next thing I know, Ikuto was forcefully pushing me backwards until I was pinned up against the Hotori's stone wall that wrapped around their property; slamming his body into mine as his left hand grasped on to my hip, his right palm slapping itself into the concrete beside my face.

The whole encounter took me by surprise, a small yelp escaping my throat since the rough collision of his body against mine sent a jolt of pain throughout my cold joints, and yet, the whole thing was such a rush that I could feel the core of my body set on fire.

"Are you still cold now?"

Was I still cold, after all that? Oh no, definitely not! If anything I felt like someone has shoved hot coals into my shirt.

He leaned in, slowly, testing my reaction before he lightly touched his bottom lip to mine, whispering against my mouth.

"You know I'll never kiss you, until you ask me to, right. I'll be awaiting that day, Amu," instead of kissing my lips, he kissed my cheek again, then pulled back releasing me all together.

Did that really just happen?!

My heart was beating so fast that it was pounding in my ears, my body sliding down the wall just slightly as I tried to regain my self-control.

Get a grip Amu, remember to breathe Amu. Oh man, was I even still breathing?!

I gasped, sucking in a deep inhale of oxygen as my lungs screamed at me; I was undoubtedly holding my breath the whole time and not even realizing.

After a few moments of standing there in complete shock, I regained my outer character, shoving off the wall as I stormed past him with crossed arms.

"Yeah, well you might be waiting for a while."

"I've got nothing but time."

I think this has to be one of my favorite chapters.

I hope you liked it too!

You will love me ( ikuto and amu )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora