Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

I didn't have to think about it, instinctively my steps started to bring my body closer to him. My hand reaching out to his, he grabbed my wrist before I could react; jerking my body up on to his back while his hands cupped under my thighs to hold me in a piggyback ride.

I gasped, arms snaking around his neck and shoulders as he leapt into the air to pull us both up and over the gate fence. Since he didn't have Yoru, he couldn't character change to jump it.

We landed swiftly on the other side of the gate, his body gracefully dropping down on one knee to support the sudden stop in motion; never letting my body go during the acrobatic movements. He truly was a cat in every way.

With ease, he stood and started to walk, even now still refusing to put me down.

"Uhm, Ikuto, I'm perfectly capable of walking on my own," I made sure my tone was unenthusiastic, not letting him have the pleasure of knowing how much I liked being that close to him.

"Not until you answer me a question," he kept walking a slow pace through the empty amusement park without skipping a beat.

The place was eerie at this time of night, without the lights everything had this unnerving shadow to it. A black figure against the snow and darkness of time.

Not to mention the memories this place held. This was where he took me for our first, as he called it, date. This is where Tadase and I had to fight against Ikuto as Death Rebel, but most of all, this is the last place I had seen Ikuto the night he announced he was leaving for the orchestra.

I couldn't help myself, without meaning to I tightened my grip even more around his neck as these memories came flooding back; causing my body to automatically pull my face closer to the side of his head.

I could smell his shampoo, feel the tips of his hair tickle my cheek, it was nice. The warmth of his body was like my own personal space heater, and as much as I hated to admit it, I would have been perfectly fine if he never sat me down again.

"Why were you crying in the park today?"

His question broke my train of thought, bringing me crashing back into reality like a head-on freight train collision.

Had he been in the park today?

Did he see me crying?

Oh no, how do I explain that?! How can I tell him that the reason I was crying, was him?

"How... do you know about," my words started to trail off as I spoke, not even being above a whisper towards the end.

"Yoru." He stopped walking, his head turning to see my face as he awaited my reply. From this close, the condensation from his breath was warm against my lips, but the stern expression in his eyes made an uneasy atmosphere.

Just how long had he been back, and never felt the need to let me know. Why hadn't Utau, at the least, said something if Ikuto wouldn't?

"Is that why you called me here?"

I looked away, attempting to change the subject; but he only continued to stare. Those deep pools of blue never taking their gaze from my face.

He started to walk when he got tired of waiting for a reply, turning his attention away from me. "Ikuto," I whispered under my breath, a small part of me hoping that he wouldn't hear.

He never spoke, just gave a quick glance before letting his eyes flick away from mine. He had heard me, so I might as well finish.

"Why did you stop writing? Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?"

"We're here," he stated blankly as he lowered my body to the ground.

I didn't even know where, here, was exactly, and at the moment I didn't care. I wanted answers, I needed these answers and he was going to give them to me.

I turned my body away from him once I was on solid ground, letting him face my back as I crossed my arms over my chest. Looking around, I realized we were standing by the green house entrance within the amusement park.

"You always avoid questions you don't want to answer, why?"

The sound of crunching snow stopped directly behind me, followed by the chilling grasp of his cold fingertips against my cheeks from behind. He tilted my head back into his chest so I could look up at his eyes as he gazed down into mine through dangling bangs.

"You never answered mine, it's only fair."

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