Chapter 28

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Chapter Twenty-eight

Nagihiko drapped his arm over my shoulder, head dropping just enough to whisper against my ear as the others started a debate on what they think was happening.

"Are you alright, I mean really okay?" The question made my stomach churn. There was nothing about me at this moment that was okay.

How could I answer that when my head was so scattered and clouded I couldn't even remember my parents phone number?

"I know you're worried, Amu, but I promise we will punish whoever is behind this."

Slowly I nodded, giving recognition that I was listening; I just wasn't in the mood for speaking.

"I done a little snooping when the nurses left their station earlier. Some checking the files and guess what I found?"

Turning my head, I gazed up to meet those large amber-hued pools, a bit more interested in what he had to say now.

"Another man was admitted to this hospital just moments after Ikuto for the same symptoms; and I'll give you one hint on where he was staying."

I could feel the lump form in my throat, the sudden realization as my eyes grew wider when it suddenly hit me. As if he could read my exact thoughts, his head dipped lower as he whispered .

"Yup, you got it... the hotel. That scream we heard, it must have been his wife freaking out when it happened."

"We need to get back to the hotel and do some investigating!"

My voice cracked, the pitch change making my throat feel raw. After crying so much, yelling was not the smartest thing to do but I couldn't control my outburst. I was going to bring Ikuto back to me, and nothing will stand in my way!

Everyone stopped what they were doing, even some passing nurses paused to stare before shaking their heads and continuing on down the hallway chatting to one another. I jerked around to look at the prince, eyes pleading.

"We need to get back to the hotel. Where is Hinari?"

I could tell by his confused expression that I had lost him. He rubbed the back of his head before giving a shrug, taking a few glances at Nagihiko then back to me before he checked his cell.

"I asked if she was coming but she hasn't texted back yet. She stayed behind to see if Asuka was okay," his eyes flicked back up to me from his phone showing that he was ready to listen to our theory.

Nagi done the explaining as we all piled back up in the limo, Tadase's brain searching for answers as he let all this settle in. I looked down to Dia, Ran, Su and Miki who were resting on my lap looking exhausted and beyond worried. Miki kept her gaze down at her hands, most likely thinking about Yoru who remained behind to keep a watch over Ikuto in case he woke up.

Kiseki sat upon Tadase's shoulder, hand cupping his chin as he too, ran over all information in his head. I'm glad my friends were here, because I couldn't think straight even if my life depended on it. I couldn't stop thinking about Ikuto.

Once we arrived back at the hotel, the prince tried once more to reach Hinari while we made our way to the elevator, but I could hear the faint sound of her voicemail pick up on the first ring. Odd, why would she have her cell turned off?

The elevator seemed to take forever, as I stood there impatiently tapping my foot against the marble floors I glared at the mirrored reflection of myself in the shiny doors. Man, these rich people really like to take everything to the next level don't they?

Once the doors started to open, without thinking I took off into the small corridor, bumping against someone who stumbled back while I hit the floor from the impact.

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