Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen

He walked me along until the back of my legs bumped against the bed, causing my body to fall backwards upon the mattress. All I could do was stare up at him with wide eyes, I felt like a deer stuck in the headlights of a car.

He crawled into the bed at my side, jerking me back down as I tried to hurry and stand; my body bouncing from the sudden force. He tugged me into a tight hold, my squirming becoming useless the more I struggled. Eventually I just gave up and laid there limp, allowing him to cuddle.

"Can I get up yet," I asked through clenched teeth, groaning before my heart shattered into a million pieces by the saddened tone in his reply. It made me want to hug him as tightly as I could, to try to take away his pain.

"Just let me hold you like this, a little longer," he gently placed his hand on the back of my head, pulling my cheek into his chest so I could lay my head there. I didn't try to stop him, I let him hold me, listening to his breathing.

This wasn't like Ikuto, this wasn't his bad boy character. I wonder what had happened for this moment to take place.

I found myself going over the events of today trying to see if I could put two and two together, then the feeling of his hand slightly pulling up the back of my shirt broke every train of thought I ever had. I stiffened, eyes staring at the wall in fear of where this was heading.

Instead though, he only wanted to feel the skin along the small of my back, using his finger nails to trace circles around the area. Shivers trailed up and down my spine, goosebumps taking over as my body quivered uncontrollably to the feeling.

He stopped once the slight movement had caught his attention, palm pressing flat on my bare back idly.

With my ear this close to his heart, I could make out the rhythm each time it beat. Steady, calm, almost like he wasn't nervous or excited at all; like he has held me in his arms every night for an eternity.

An eternity with Ikuto, I couldn't help but smile at the thought.

Ack, okay, I really needed to distract myself, this was getting all too real.

"Uhm... you know, I didn't even hear you get up earlier."

"That's because you don't listen," his breathing was still smooth, his voice below a whisper.

"No, that just means someone seriously needs to consider putting a bell around your neck."

I pursed my lips, my eyes suddenly becoming momentarily blinded from the light being clicked on. Yoru's voiced followed, sounding agitated.

"Aye, Ikuto, pizza guy is here, hurry and answer the door, nyaa!"

The reluctance in his movements were clearly apparent, hesitation as he sighed and finally sat up to let me go. He acted like someone had just taken the most precious thing right out of his grasp.

All I could do was sit on the edge of the bed speechless, watching Ikuto exit the room as the dilation in my pupils finally returned to normal.

Soon I followed, hitting the light switch on my way out when the smell of pizza wafting through the air made my stomach cramp from a sudden series of growls. I completely forgot I haven't eaten all day, and my hunger was just now making itself painfully known.

Sitting down beside him on the couch, I grabbed a slice before I started to chow down; Yoru already working on his second slice before I even had the chance to finish the one.

After we had all eaten, and relaxed for a while, Ikuto stretched as he stood up.

"Guess it's time I walk you home."

"Huh, really?"

I took a quick glance at the time on my cell, "Oh crap it's almost ten!"

Standing quickly, I stretched myself then walked with him to the door; heading back out into the cold night air before my parents flipped out at him returning me home late.

Will Ikuto get her back home in time without getting in trouble?

I know everyone is thinking, hurry up and kiss already,

but let's stop to think about that.

Ikuto has only been back for two days now, and Amu is VEEEERY stubborn.

Give it time, I promise it's coming.

You will love me ( ikuto and amu )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ