Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

I had over-slept, no, that was an understatement. It had to be way past morning by how high the sun was positioned in the sky. When I finally sat up in bed, it felt like I had been run over with a truck.

The sunlight was too bright, beaming off the snow only intensified how badly it hurt my eyes. I groaned, rubbing my sore eyelids before grabbing my cell to see what time it actually was.


I had almost closed my phone when I seen there was a message waiting in my inbox.

Message received: From Ikuto

Don't forget

Oh no, I had totally forgot!

I was supposed to go over to Ikuto's house sometime today!

I hurried to my closet, slinging clothes left and right as I tried to find the perfect outfit.

"Hey Miki, I need your opinion on...," I turned to see if the four of them were still asleep, but they were nowhere to be found. Left behind on the pillow was a note addressed to me saying they were out again with Kiseki. They sure have spent a lot of time with the king for some reason.

Guess that meant I had to fend for myself on what outfit to choose.

I decided on a black and neon green plaid skirt that had a dangling chain attached against the hip with studs, and a pair of my favorite black leggings.

For a shirt, I threw on a black spaghetti strap that had matching neon green stars trailing up the side, with a green see-through cameo top. I made sure to leave the buttons open so you could see the shirt underneath.

After brushing my teeth, I let my hair down, putting a X clip on the left side of my bangs to complete the look. Standing in front of the mirror, I couldn't help but to notice how the Humpty Lock and Dumpty Key sparkled against my skin since the shirt was low-cut.

Maybe too low-cut?

Should I change?

Okay, I'm definitely changing...


Yes... no?


I decided to just leave it alone, I was going to have a jacket on anyways.

Downstairs I entered the kitchen to see everyone already eating lunch.

"Hello there sleepy head, you sure are up late," mom teased in her soft voice. Ami was munching loudly and dad was, well, moping for some reason. He kept glancing at me then looking away with his lip quivering.

Had he known about last night somehow?

I grabbed a plate and sat down, poking at the fried noodles mom had prepared with my chopsticks in an absent mind. I couldn't seem to get Ikuto out of my thoughts.

"I can see it, you're in love!" I nearly dropped my chopsticks, choking on the inhale of air I sucked in to those words.

As I patted my chest with my hand, still coughing like an idiot, I looked up to see everyone staring at me, Saeki Nobuko's voice yelling from the tv in the background.

"For today, you lucky Libra out there, wear some pink for the color of love because you are sure to get a visit from cupid. This is what I see! For who do you think I am?! I'm Nobuko Saeki!"

I could feel my eyebrow twitch to this, my dull expression staring at the tv out of disbelief.

You have -got- to be kidding me. Please tell me that's a joke, because there is no way she is that good.

I quickly leaned in and cut the tv off before she had the chance to say something else, it was like that woman knew when I was mocking her.

"I'm not that hungry, I think I'm just going to go out for a while," I said in a passive tone.

"Oh, are you sure sweetie?" Mom asked, looking up from her plate to watch me curiously.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to go hang out with Rima for today. I'll be back later, 'kay?"

I was at the door by now, giving her a smile before pulling it open; bumping into none other than Ikuto who looked like he was in mid-knock on our door.

He blinked down to me, smirking as I took a step back to rub my nose from the collision. Yoru snickering while he floated over Ikuto's shoulder.

"Good afternoon, Ikuto, it's so sweet of you to come and pick up Amu for the evening."

The next thing I know, my dad was flying out the door nearly knocking Ikuto and myself over, a cloud of dust trailing behind him as he screamed his goodbyes. "Ikutoooooo, you're so cruel! Taking my Amu from meeeeeeeeeee!"

And there dad went, running down the street to start his laps around the house like he always done when he didn't know what else to do.

I stood there completely dumbfounded to everything that had just happened.


"Ikuto called this morning and asked permission if you could have dinner with him, such a gentleman."

I was floored, did this really just happen?

"Ikutoooooo, how could yoooooou," my dad's voice coming around the corner as he shot past us like a bolt of lightning, made it crystal clear, that it just happened. Snow and dust being blown everywhere from dad's trail of destruction.

"You did?" I was staring at him, surprised that he would have went to all the trouble.

He only glanced in my direction before speaking directly to my mother, nodding his head to her out of respect.

"I'll have her back by 10."

"You kids have fun!" She called to us as we left, nearly getting run over by my dad as he made yet another lap around the house.

Amu's dad has always been one of my favorite characters,

he cracks me up like crazy haha.

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