Chapter 25

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Chapter Twenty-five

The party went relatively well, Yaya didn't get sick this year from eating too many sweets, the atmosphere with everyone laughing and getting along felt like we were one big family; and just having Ikuto there made my Christmas feel, whole.

I gave Tadase his gift, and he handed out those he had brought, then at the end of the day, I will admit it was one of the best holidays I've ever had.

I blinked when Ikuto stood with a stretch, motioning for Yoru to follow when I stood to walk with him to the door. It was getting late, but there was still a few hours until my curfew, so maybe Ikuto was taking me home early?

The three of us said our goodbyes, then headed out into the snow as it started to softly fall for a second time this month. With the poof of a character change, he scooped me into his arms and started in the direction of home, though instead of stopping at my place he walked to the apartment complex where he lived.

He made sure not to set me down until we were on the stairs heading to his apartment so I couldn't change my mind and head home.

Once inside his place, I started to shed my jacket as we both sat on the couch, Yoru hitting the fridge for munchies.

I was watching the neko Guardian Character when Ikuto set a wrapped box on my knee causing me to look back in time to see him lean back with his hands laced behind his head.

"What's this," it was obviously a Christmas present, I'm not even sure why I asked that.

He never replied, just gave a small shrug before looking away to gaze at the snow. It almost looked too pretty to unwrap. The paper was a gorgeous silver reflecting everything in the room like a mirror, around it was a amethyst ribbon tied into a very elegant bow.

After I got the box opened, I stopped breathing, my mouth dropping open as I quickly stood up to make sure I was seeing this clearly.

"Ikuto, this is," I couldn't find the words, my whole world was spinning so fast that I had to walk over to the glass doors and put a hand on their surface to keep myself from falling over.

"This... is," my hands were shaking so badly that I couldn't hold the box steady, his arms draping around my shoulders from behind to take the box from my grasp before I dropped it.

He slipped the ring from the tiny black velvet strip, and held it to my hand so the light would sparkle against the princess cut diamond. Holding me tightly to his chest so I would calm down and not have a panic attack, he purred low in my ear.

"Marry me, Amu?"

My head was suddenly so clouded that I couldn't think, my heart skipping at least three beats as I stared at this beautiful ring. Just the way the diamond on that tiny silver band was set magnificently, it was simple yet I had never seen a more beautiful ring in my entire life.

"Finish school, then move in here. You can visit your family when you want since they live so close, and what's better is I get to see you everyday. Say yes, and you'll finally be mine in every way."

I could not for all the pocky in the world, get my lips to move. I could only nod, still stunned by what was happening. He gently moved the band up my finger, placing a soft kiss on the side of my neck before he pulled back to let me gather myself.

"Wait, are you two out of your minds?! Your dad is going to kill you!" Miki screamed furiously, Ran putting her hands on her hips in disbelief while Dia and Su bobbed together watching quietly.

Yoru was too busy eating his sandwich to even care what was going on.

"Miki is right, maybe we should hold off on letting anyone know about this until after graduation," I turned as I spoke, his eyes causing my voice to waver at the end.

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