Hearth and Home

De ANephilimsCurse

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Motivation is what everyone needs. In times of great peril, it's nice to be reminded not to give up. It becam... Mais

Chapter One.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three.
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty- One
Chapter Thirty- Two

Chapter Twenty One

184 5 1
De ANephilimsCurse

Kiara woke up with a moan, a dull ache in the corner of her left side and she was cold.....really cold. She was laid in a single bed, a blanket over her legs and hips but her top half was near enough bare, save for the cropped top she now wore. 

It was hard to move, everything sort of ached but she attempted to stretch anyway, only to end up crying out and bringing both hands over her left side, meeting with the bandages that covered her wound. ''such a dick.'' She groaned out, referring to Ardyn. 

She turned on her right side, looking at the bedside table that her necklace rested upon. Reaching out, she took it and placed it back in its rightful spot around her neck before the door to the room opened, in walking Ignis.


''You're awake.'' he stated with a fondness in his tone. ''I'm glad. No doubt, Gladio and Prompto will be as well. They'll be along shortly.'' 

''Your eyes.'' Ignis looked uncomfortable with the statement, she hadn't been awake long and she'd already noticed his current state. ''Noct?''

''None the worse for wear, he rests. You sustained a rather blunt wound as well. You've been resting for the for the better part of two days.'' He explained. ''Had all of us in a worry, Prompto especially.'' 

She groaned a little bit more as she started to sit up, resting herself against the headboard of the bed. ''Are they okay? Gladio? Prom?'' 

''They're absolutely fine, If a little tired.'' 

''You still look very pretty, Iggy.'' Kiara smiled, although he couldn't see it, she still made sure to put a tone of amusement in her voice. Ignis's solemn look lifted for a few moments, a smile growing on his face just as Prompto and Gladio walked into the room.

 ''Hey, Finally awake.'' Gladio smiled as Prompto came rushing over with a cup of water. ''What a lazy queen you are.''

Kiara rolled her eyes as her lips touched the glass of the cup in her hand, green eyes moving from Gladio to Prompto, looking him over as she drank. ''I'm so glad you're awake.'' he was quiet, unable to speak any louder for fear he would wake up and she would still be sleeping. 

Kiara smiled at Prompto until a thought popped into her head. ''Is there a tattoo place in Altissia?''

''Nope.'' Gladio replied. ''But I'll call my guy to meet us in Cape caem when we return. Aching for some Ink, hm?'' 

''Yeah.'' She said, eyes glancing back over to Prompto. ''I have an idea.'' 

A few days later and Noctis woke up from his slumber to find out that Lunafreya had passed, Kiara looked down to her hands, the orange nail once again back to its natural state. When all was ready to set sail, Kiara had taken to looking after Ignis until he felt comfortable with his blindness, or until she figured out a way to return his sight.

The boat ride back to Cape caem was near enough silent, save for a few conversations she had with each of the boys. Noctis had barely spoken a word since the news of Luna, barely even looked at anyone and really....seen them.

Gladio's Tattooist was waiting when they returned, Prompto was shooed from the room as she got her new ink. She enjoyed the feeling of the needle piercing the skin over and over again, the thrill of seeing what her idea looked like on her skin. 

''Can we see it!'' Prompto immediately asked upon her exit of the room. 

''I mean ...sure?'' She replied with a cheeky smile as she raised her hands to the hem of her less tight jeans and made ready to push them down.

''No no! stop! Oh my god!'' Prompto yelled, hands over his eyes and face flushing red. ''Why did you get it there!? I wanted to see it!'' The other boys -save for Noctis - chuckled at Prompto's embarrassment, no matter how many times he saw her half-naked, he was always so bashful.

Chuckling, Kiara took a hold of Prompto's hands, looking at each wrist carefully. ''You'll see it soon, promise.'' She saw the slight mark of what looked like a tattoo on his right wrist but couldn't stick around to get more of a look, it would have been too obvious. For now, that glimpse would be enough to sate her curiosity.

Prompto nodded before realising what she said, sputtering out utter nonsense and asking her to explain how he would get to see it soon. She said nothing, only chuckled to herself as she walked away, ready to begin the next journey with her friends; which was immediate as they made their way to Tenebrae.

Tensions turned high as weeks passed and Noctis still mourned over Lady Lunafreya, Though Kiara thought he should have been halfway to healthy by now, she was certainly taking it better than Gladio was.

''So... We're gonna roll through Tenebrae?'' Prompto said, sitting next to Ignis on the train but in front of Kiara, who patted down her now tight jeans - her tattoo healed right up and looking beautiful, a tattoo Prompto had not yet seen like she promised. 

Gladio was in the seat behind Ignis and Prompto's, on his own as was Noctis, who sat on the other side of the train opposite Kiara, Prompto and Ignis, a whole seat to himself for him to mope on.

''Not before visiting the royal tomb in Cartanica.'' Ignis replied, his head tilted towards the window but still, his eyesight had not improved these past few weeks. 

''Oh, you're sure you're up to that?'' 

''The wounds have mended, Eyesights a matter of time.'' Though he said, Even Kiara could see he knew his vision would not return. He smiled gently in the direction he assumed Kiara to be when he felt her sharp-nailed hand on his knee, she was so gentle despite being used to danger; he enjoyed that about her and since losing his eyesight, he had grown closer to her.

Not as close as Prompto was. But Ignis was still quite fond of the girl, a fine pick for his hyperactive blonde friend. ''The hell is wrong with you.'' Ignis felt Kiara's hand clench before removing itself from his knee. Gladio's question towards Noctis had annoyed her, evidently. 

''What?'' Noctis replied to Gladio, annoyed that his thoughts were interrupted. 

''We're not stopping in Tenebrae.'' Gladio said firmly, prompting the roll of Kiara's eyes. She took offence to him ordering everyone about like he had been doing for the past week. ''you need to grow up and get over it.''

''I am over it. I'm here aren't i?!'' Noctis remarked, getting to his feet in front of Gladio. 

Gladio's hand shot out to grab Noctis's collar, Noctis glanced over at his friend and glaive, whose face looked like thunder towards Gladio ''Maybe when you're not too busy moping, you can look around and give a shit about someone who's worse off than you.''

''Let go of me.'' Noctis ordered.

''How's that ring fit ya?'' Gladio asked, referring to the Ring of the Lucii that Noctis had carried with him since Altissia. ''You'd rather carry it around than wear it? She gave her life so you could do your duty, not o you could sit around feeling sorry for yourself.''

''You don't think i know that?!'' 

''You don't! Ignis and Kiara took one for you too! and for what?!''

''Enough, Gladio!'' Ignis tried to calm the argument but Gladio only really ignored him. Kiara knew she had to step in soon, she'd rather not since her side still gave her some pain; but would if she needed to. 

''You think you're a king, but you're a coward.'' 

''Shut up!'' Noctis tried to shove Gladio but not really able to summon the strength to do so, still feeling rather run down from his emotional pain. 

''don't do this, I -'' Prompto stood up, ready to stop his two friends from fighting, only to get a hand in his face. Gladio's giant free hand placed itself against Prompto face, covering the whole of it and pushed out to shove Prompto away. 

Kiara's reaction was instant, up on her feet and grabbing Prompto to make sure he didn't crack his head open on the floor of the train. ''I get it, Alright! I get it!'' Noctis finally pushed away from Gladio.

''Then get a grip! pull your head out of your ass already!'' Noctis didn't reply, only turned to walk away, not missing the blank look on Kiara's face as he passed. He expected her to stop him, only to be surprised and relieved when she let him go. 

''Noct!'' Prompto called after his best friend, worried for him. 

''Leave him,'' Gladio ordered, making ready to turn and go in the opposite direction until two dainty hands grabbed each side of his jacket, turned him around and threw him into the side of the train before both hands appeared again....around his neck. 

He could see Ignis out the corner of his eye, gloved hand on Kiara's shoulder as she glared down at him, hands on his throat, eyes blazing with anger. ''Listen and Listen well, Gladiolus Amicitia. You do not have the right to tell Noctis to get over it. You do not have the right to tell him to grow up.''

''Like hell i don-'' 

''I am talking now!'' She snarled in his face, knocking his head against the window. ''Noct is learning! He's still very much a prince as he was the day you left Insomnia! You cannot imagine what he's feeling right now, as he cannot for what you are feeling. He was supposed to get married.'' Kiara's voice went from angered warrior to gentle mother. 

''She's dead now.''

''Exactly!'' her hands tightened around his throat for a moment. ''A woman he was supposed to get married to, in a dress he loved. He loved her, and she was always with him....now she's gone Can you not imagine how that must feel? He'll never hear her voice again, never hold her hand or receive a message. Don't be so heartless. It's my job to help him be king, it's yours to make sure he stays alive.'' 

Kiara's hands were removed from his throat and she stood up straight from her hunched over position. ''Then you should do your job.'' 

The words sparked a growl from her throat, her hand grabbing the top of his head and throwing back into the glass of the train window again, throwing her right booted foot down on his left hand. Gladio groaned with the pain but didn't want to let it out to show her it hurt. ''Also, The next time you touch Prompto like that will be the last time you ever use your hands.'' 

She lifted her boot, turning around and coming face to face with Prompto, his eyes wide as he heard how protective she was over him. she placed a hand on his chest and gave a gentle push to indicate she wanted him to move back; obediently, Prompto moved all the way back to the opposite window. 

kiara's eyes looked him over before smiling, tiptoeing to push a small kiss on his forehead. ''You wanna see that tattoo now?''

Silently, Prompto nodded, always ready to see her tattoo. She sat down and brought him with her, undoing the button her jeans and pulling them down to reveal the tattoo on her right thigh. Prompto's lips parted with slight shock and awe. 

It was his camera. The Lokton, in black and white and fairly large in size - in its lens was the only bit of colour she had, A yellow chocobo feather. ''You got me a locket.'' She whispered gently, pulling her jeans back up. 

''Did you-?'' Prompto trailed off as Kiara stood up, her hand running through his hair as she walked past and off in the direction that Noctis went. Kiara found Noctis near the end of the train, sitting by himself and staring down at the ring in his hand, he jolted when he was startled by her hand coming over and closing his fingers over the ring. 

Silently, she came to kneel in front of him. ''come to say your bit? Go on then.'' Noctis refused to look at her, refused to meet her eyes until he felt her move, felt her lips upon his forehead. That was when he looked up to meet her eyes with heavy confusion. 

''How do you do it? Be queen?'' Noctis asked, looking at her as she continued to kneel between his legs. 

''I'm not,'' she answered, confusing him even more. ''I'm not in Vitacelare being their queen. I'm only going off of what I've learnt from your father. I was present at meetings and for public meets. I saw how acted and I remembered it all. You don't have to force yourself. Ignore Gladio, he doesn't know what he's talking about. If you're not ready, then you're not ready.'' 

''You said...In Altissia that I had to either learn to let her go or use her. How?'' 

''You forget..or you don't,'' Kiara replied. ''You can forget that you ever knew her, or you can forget that you ever loved her. Pretend that she was nothing more than an acquaintance. Or you can remember what she's taught you, what she said to you and gave you to make yourself stronger. Think about it, All the good memories, and don't forget them.'' 

She stood up, walking away and leaving Noctis alone like he wanted to be, able to think in silence without prying eyes. She returned to Prompto and Ignis, dropping her ass in Prompto's lap before sliding off and leaving her legs across him. 

''Give it time, Everything will be fine.'' 

''Unless someone touches Prompto, Evidently.'' Ignis smiled, lifting the mood with a small joke. '' I half expected the window to give.'' 

''That was scary!'' Prompto chuckled, remembering how Kiara stared down at Gladio with fire. 

''Scary hot?'' She teased with a smirk once again turning Prompto into a blushing mess. ''I'm just joking, Prom! You are allowed to joke with me you know.'' 

''I know! I just-''

''Turn into a blushing mess.'' 

The rest of the train ride was spent in the company of Prompto and Ignis, Neither Noct nor Gladio returned before the train reached Cartanica. 



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