One Month Headed In One Direc...

By MissFictionFairy

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"So you two are asking me for permission to go on tour with One Direction?" "Uh huh." "For an entire month?" ... More

One Month Headed In One Direction
Chapter 1: I'm A Directioner Too!
Chapter 2: I Want To Congratulate You
Chapter 3: Give Us One Good Reason
Chapter 4: They're Actually Here!
Chapter 5: Give It Back Now Harry!
Chapter 6: Did She Kiss Back?
Chapter 7: Why Are We In A Closet?
Chapter 8: Why Did You Kiss Me?
Chapter 9: A Little Too Focused On Nora
Chapter 10: Why Can't You Let Him Go?
Chapter 11: That is HARRY. FREAKING. STYLES!
Chapter 12: I Said No Kissing!
Chapter 13: Standing In A Bathroom Crying Over Him
Chapter 14: Just a Dream
Chapter 15: One Problem At A Time Boys
Chapter 16: We Need To Talk Harry
Chapter 18: When I'm Next To You
Chapter 19: Who Is Kate?
Chapter 20: Love Of My Life? Stop Right There Brain.
Chapter 21: Hello! My Name Is Kate!
Chapter 22: When The Time Is Right
Chapter 23: Pinch Me
Chapter 24: Family Meeting
Chapter 25: Some Feeling Maybe?
Chapter 26: I Still Love Him
Chapter 27: Every Part Of Me
Chapter 28: I Hate When I'm Right
Chapter 29: I Missed You
Chapter 30: I Promise

Chapter 17: A Crying Baby Penguin

1.5K 21 33
By MissFictionFairy

[AN: Dedicated to Ammie who was getting a little tired of my sugar crazed fan depiction of her in this story. You are totally calm in this chapter....eventually....sort of. I have never met Ammie face to face so I hope she enjoys what I do with her character!]


I am having lunch with Niall Horan! I am having lunch with Niall James Horan of One Direction! I am having lunch with Niall James Horan of One Direction alone!!! Okay. Okay. Calm down brain. Stop spazzing out.  It will only scare Niall away. He can’t see you as the crazy girl who keeps freaking out whenever she is around One Direction! That already turned Liam off way quicker than I expected. He took it nicely enough, but he still clung to Sammy whenever I was in the same room.

“Are you going to eat that?” Niall asked breaking me free of my thoughts. I looked over to the carrot he was pointing at. I grabbed the carrot holding it close to my chest.

“Yes. You can’t have it,” I said a little too angrily. Yes. I loved carrots, but I liked them way before Louis’ declaration of his love for them.

“Oh, okay,” Niall said softly picking up his soda and draining the remains of it. Well now I felt bad. A smart person would have offered to share their carrot, right? I snapped it in half handing one half to Niall.

“You can have some,” I said. His eyes lit up, and I smiled. Who knew a vegetable could make one little Irish lad so happy?

“So,” he said around a mouthful of carrot, “It looks like everyone has abandoned us huh?” I nodded. What had started as lunch with the entire group had quickly ended up with everyone pairing off to go places. Nora begged off for work and Louis followed quickly despite her protests. Liam and Sammy had wandered off to have a little date. Christine had grabbed Annie, Zayn, and Nathan rushing them off to put some crazy “plan” into action. And Carrie and Harry well….

“I bet you Harry and Carrie are in the closet snogging this very minute,” I said with a giggle. They had spent the afternoon flirting until everyone had insisted they take it outside. Since we were all already outside having a mini picnic of sorts they had gone into the arena smirking and trading flirty looks.

“I love that their names rhyme,” Niall said with a smile. “It just makes it cuter.” It appeared that Niall was a romantic at heart. Of course the looks he had sent Nora hadn’t escaped my notice. “Do you believe in love at first sight Ammie?”

“W-what?” I asked feeling my face heat up. Why was he asking me questions like that?

“Like would you fall head over heels in love for someone after just seeing them?”

“Um…no. You have to get to know their personality. You can’t just fall for someone based on their looks.”

“Okay. What about love at first voice?” I raised a questioning eyebrow. “Like if you heard Justin Bieber’s voice for the first time singing would you need to hear more before totally falling for him?”

“Bieber? Ewww…no way is that ever happening.” [AN: She honestly cannot stand Bieber despite the fact that she seems to write herself into a lot of situations in her fan fiction with Justin coming to her rescue. I’m just saying that your friends are shipping Jammie for a reason sweets.]

“You. Don’t. Like. Justin. Bieber?” Niall asked slowly as if the very concept was foreign to him. “But he’s awesome!”

“Not to me. He’s just not my cup of tea, okay?” I swear he looked like I had killed his puppy or something. It’s not my fault. The Biebs just doesn’t appeal to me. I rustled in my purse until I found what I was looking for. “Want a cookie?” Niall burst into laughter as I held out the bag.

“How the hell do you keep having cookies on hand? I thought Carrie was kidding about that.”

“I don’t know,” I blushed looking at my hands. “I just hate awkward situations, and my energy level tends to put me in a lot of them. When I was a kid my mom always used to make me cookies and they made me feel better. So I always try to have some around in case I say or do something stupid.”

“You never say or do something stupid.”

“I just insulted your love of Bieber. You looked like I ripped your heart out.”

“Okay, I admit it hurts a little that you don’t see eye to eye with me on the Bieber front, but I’m not going to hate you because of it. I mean it’s still pretty obvious that you have great taste in music considering you are a Directioner.” I blushed. He fiddled with his fingers as he stared at the blanket we had spread out. “So do you have a favorite member of One Direction?”

“I don’t think I could choose seeing as you all are so great,” I said giving the standard line. For some reason I didn’t want to share the answer. It was as if I was afraid of hurting his feelings or something. Oh come on, Ammie. Like an international popstar is really going to care which band member you like. You’re just another fan to him.

“I know that every fan has one of the boys she fancies more than the other. So which one is it?” His clear blue eyes looked at me with blatant curiosity. Well I guess it couldn’t really hurt.

“I guess if I had to pick,” I hesitated and he kept his eyes on me, “I would have to say Liam?” I tried ending it as a question to soften the blow some. I was probably imagining things, but he looked like he winced when I said Liam’s name.

“I’m starting to wish I had a name that started with an L,” Niall mumbled so quickly that I almost didn’t catch it.

“Ni, are you okay?” He looked up at me and there were a few unshed tears in his eyes. He looked like a crying baby penguin. I searched through all the items spread out along the blanket looking for my solution to all problems. I found the bag of cookies empty and sitting next to him. Dang it! This is the first time I was out of cookies in an awkward situation.

“I’m fine,” Niall said defensively.

“You’re not fine, and I don’t have cookies to make it better.” I looked up at him panicked. “What do other people do when someone is feeling blue?” He started to laugh, and I glared at him. “This isn’t funny. I want to make you feel better.”

“Ammers, you already have,” Niall said placing his hand on mine. My heart started to pump faster. Calm down nervous system. No need to freak out over a boy touching your hand. Except he’s Niall Horan of One Direction! Okay, freak out later. Later. “You always manage to make me laugh. I’m glad I met you.”

“T—thanks,” I stammered out. We lapsed into an uncomfortable silence as he sat there. Stroking the top of my hand. Actually that part wasn’t uncomfortable. It actually felt nice. His hand was warm and a little clammy. It was the quiet that was freaking me out. Maybe Carrie was right about me constantly needing noise in order to get anything done. [AN: This is actually true of me. I have no idea about Ammie.] The silence was starting to break me so I blurted out the first thing  that came to my head. “So are you in love with Nora or something?”

“Is it that obvious?” he asked as he moved his hand from mine. Damn. I was hoping he would leave his hand where it was. “I guess Nora was right about how obvious I am about my feelings.”

“I think it’s cute that you wear your heart on your sleeve.”

“Yeah. I’m the adorable git who fell in love with someone who will never love me back.”

“You might still have a chance if she ever gets over David.” Niall looked at me like I was completely nutters. “I’m trying to be nice here.”

“Well stop being nice and be realistic. If Nora ever gets over David it will be for Louis. She’s already half in love with Lou anyways. She just hasn’t realized it yet.”

“So what are you going to do?” He sighed and ran a hand through his already mussed up curls.

“I don’t know. I guess I just have to work at getting over her.” He fidgeted again before collapsing onto his back. I did the same next to him. As if it was second nature, he reached out an arm and pulled me to him so my head was resting on his shoulder. This should have felt weird, but it was oddly peaceful.

“So what do you do to get over a girl?” I asked oddly calm. It seemed my inner fan girl had decided to settle down and enjoy the ride.

“I don’t know. I suppose that I could eat a bunch and write some songs about breakups.” I laughed into his shoulder making him look over at me. “What?”

“You already eat a bunch and write songs.” He sighed heavily and I sat up resting my body weight on my elbow and leaning over him. “Are there any other ways to get over a girl?”

“Well I could fall in love with someone else,” he suggested with a cheeky wink. I smiled into his crystal clear blue eyes as I leaned closer. What was I doing? This wasn’t like me. I felt his hand on the back of my neck pulling me closer. Our lips were merely a breath away.

“I’ll tell you when I’m ready!” I heard Sammy snap behind me making me jump and scramble out of Niall’s arms. He sat up quickly, but I noticed a look of disappointment that he quickly wiped from his face.

“Generally a girlfriend shares things with her boyfriend!” Liam said. I tore my gaze away from Niall to see Liam and Sammy angrily staring at one another. “Just tell me who Kate is or I’ll ask Nora!”

“Nora doesn’t know who Kate is!” Sammy shouted back. I exchanged nervous glances with Niall. What was going on here?

[AN: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! We will get to see what has happened with everyone else and answer the whole “who is kate” question in the next chapters. I just don’t know who to start with. Suggestions?]

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