Akame Ga Kill: Trios Revenge

By kam10168

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In the middle of the Revolutionary War, a small village harbors Night Raid's enemies. One day Night Raid atta... More

It All Begins Until It Ends: Anna
Unrelenting Storm: Ren
Might of the Knight: Selan
The Wyvern Princess: Anna
The Nightmare: Ren
Insider: Selan
Split: Anna
The Truth Behind it All: Ren
Coldness: Selan
The Forsaken: Anna
Experiments: Ren
The Fight: Selan
The Poisonous Heart: Anna
The Real Fight Begins: Ren
Spirited: Anna
The Forsaken's Final Trump
Blood Killer: Ren
Spirit: Anna
Ren: Shadows
New Beginning: Anna
In the Shadows: Ren
Friends Aren't the Truth: Anna
Darker Than Blood: Anna
March to Madness: Anna
Kill the Memories: Anna
Downfall: Anna
Advent Abbadon Part 1
Advent Abbadon Part 2: Kill the Falsehoods
Advent Abaddon Part 3: Kill Fate

Kill the Darkness: Ren

30 6 0
By kam10168

She blocks my blow and sends me reeling backwards with a kick to my gut. I double over in pain and hold my stomach. It was just a small kick and it hurt that much? She has gotten much more powerful than I thought. I even had trouble with Kassia and she defeated her with ease. Is Anna even herself anymore? I grit my teeth in anger and hold onto Yami tightly. I can't let my guard down. I'll defeat Anna's darkness inside of her and light her path! I sprint for her, only to find myself flying into a building seconds later. I didn't even see her move one bit! I drag myself out of the rubble to see Anna aiming a fist at my gut. I only need to read her movements for a few more moments, then Yami will do the rest. A shockwave breaks the building around me as her punch connects. She isn't using her blades or her claws yet. She's only testing me! She kicks off my face and lands neatly away from me. 

"Anna, please come to your senses!" I step out of the rubble, "This isn't you! This isn't the Anna I once knew and loved!"

"If only you'll see the world like the rest of us do." She wipes the tears off her face, "If you're not going to fight for what's right, then you've no need in Night Raid. You're the one who isn't yourself anymore. Please, I don't want to do this."

"Your mind is clouded and you're at the bidding of the beast inside you." I pick up Yami out of the rubble, "I'll clear that darkness and bring you back."

"You're wrong!" Anna comes at me and her fist connects with my face. I skid across the ground as I see the flash of red from her blades in the sky. I dig Yami into the ground and spin. I finally land a blow to her chest. Despite her armor there, she should still feel some pain, but she gets up quickly.  "If it's a fight you want, then I'll give you one."

She appears behind me before I could react. I turn and block her bladecatcher. Yami twists in her grip as I'm pushed back by her shear strength. I feel Yami shift upwards in her grasp and jump away before her blades come crashing down. The street is destroyed in an instant as her fist hits the ground. Stone and dust fills the air and I lose sight of her in the destruction. I catch the gleam of red and black as Anna quickly attacks from the air. I hold Yami above me only to feel claws dig into my right hip. My leg buckles underneath me and I use Yami as support. I struggle back to my feet and turn towards Anna. She's staring at me with hatred now. Blood drips onto the ground from her claws. 

"It doesn't have to be this way!" She yells with tears streaming down her face, "You started this fight, you can still end it and walk away with your life!"

"You're not yourself anymore Anna!" I hold my hip. It won't be long until I pass out from blood loss, "Whatever happened to you, it wasn't a good thing. Besides, your view of the world and my view of the world are completely different. We can end this war peacefully, while you want a complete war."

"Do you really think it's that simple?" I say nothing, "Fine, I'll make sure you have a proper burial."

"It's not over yet." I hold Yami in front of me and touch the blade with two fingers. Dark clouds form around the blade and onto my hands, "Demon Sword Style!" The shadows form around me and I can see most of the city. Wherever their is darkness, I can see it. Every attack, I will be able to see it, "To defeat the darkness, I must become it!" This ability is for desperation only. I can't hold the form for long, so I'll have to defeat Anna before time runs out.

"So, you do have something hidden." Anna says, "It won't be enough!"

I lunge for her and she catches Yami with her bladecatcher again. I use my momentum and flip over her. I aim a fist for the back of her head. She skips off the ground ripping it to shreds as she tries to catch herself. She uses the rock from the ground to her advantage and before it hits the ground, she hops from rock to rock, speeding up every time. I can see it this time though. I swing Yami in a wide arc, slashing through the rocks around me until the steel met her armor. Sparks fly out from the blow. Anna stumbles to the side angrier than before. 

"Anna!" A girl's voice behind me. I dodge a dagger aiming for my back and slash upwards at the girl. I feel the blade connect with her face. She gives out a small scream before hitting the ground.

"Stay out of this!" I yell. I don't have time to block Anna's attack as she slams me into the ground and throws me away from the girl. She whispers something under her breath and a bright light enters the young girl's face. Anna stands up slowly with her fists clenched. Red electricity arcs around her as the ground begins to shake. 

"You will pay for this!" She growls through clenched teeth. She opens her eyes to reveal two scarlet red eyes and shaped like a dragons. She's pissed...very pissed. She screams out in fury and the night sky turn red from the electricity. The explosion blows me away and blinds me for a few moments. When I can see again, Anna has a massive red aura around her. She takes a step towards me and I feel a fist connect with my face. She didn't even move that much! How is she that fast? "I'm gonna make this long and painful for you! No one hurts my friends!" She forces me against a wall and repeatedly slices my body. I manage to catch one of her hands, but she slams her other fist and sends me crashing through the wall and into the next street. She crashes through the building and lands next to me. "Get up! Get off your damn ass and fight back! You started this, and you're going to end it!" I get up slowly and come down with Yami. I feel blades tear into my wrist. I scream in pain and kick Anna away from me. As she slides away, her blades tear through my hand. I drop Yami and hold my hand in pain. Blood pours from the gashes, but I can't stop fighting! I have to save Anna! I pick up Yami with my other hand and get ready for her next attack. That's when the red aura turns black. I know this attack; I can stop it!

"Kurayami ni Noboru!" Everything turns into a pitch black darkness. I can see Anna coming straight for me with her black blade. I'm sorry that it has to be this way, but there are other ways to end a war besides fighting. I stab where she's supposed to be, but my blade goes straight through her. It's an afterimage! More appear around me and I start to panic. I swing Yami around hitting each afterimage, but none of them are the real Anna. Then I feel a sharp pain in my chest and the darkness turns into the dusty moonlight. My back slams up against a building and I'm staring into Anna's normal eyes. All the anger seems to have left her. 

So, this is what death feels like. I hardly feel any pain. Was I the darkness in Anna's heart? When did we grow so far apart. I'm sorry Selan, I couldn't keep our family together and now, I'll be on my way to see you. I grip Anna's wrist and slide her blade out. "I love you sis. Change the world for the better." 

My mind slips and I'm in an eternal darkness. I'll have to fight the darkness inside me to get to Selan. I unsheathe Yami and draw in the darkness. "Ren, there's no need for weapons here. The people here love you. Toss aside your weapon and let's watch over Anna. We'll keep her safe and guide her through tough times."

I sigh and look at Yami. Selan's right, there's isn't any enemies here, only family. I look towards the nothingness and think of Anna. I was the darkness in her heart. She would never have grown with me around. I'm sorry that I have to leave Leone behind. I only hope that she can forgive me for my stupidity. Good luck, Anna.

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