At First Spill (Editing)

By TheCupOfCakes

26.5K 622 82

There I was living life to the fullest, and by fullest I mean as average as possible, walking through a store... More

At First Spill
The Ride Home
What the...?
The 80's # 1 hero
The news flys
Kabobs? Fancy or Casual?
David Bowie in the library...
100 Fortune Cookies
Ice Cream Shop Fiasco
Oh no
Its Raining Men
the forest
Finn Brother of Thor
Author's note
To The Books!... Kind of...
Author's Note... again
Confessions of a Fat Girl
Convincing Brennon
The Other One
I Was Never Any Good at Hide and Seek
Man If I Only Were a Princess
Author's New New Note
The word that Must Never be Uttered... Run
On a Hunt
How to Escape From Said Kidnapper
Got Some Explaining to Do
Mother Dearest
Scenes that were never published

Love is a Fickle Thing

690 19 0
By TheCupOfCakes

For the past couple of days Brennon and I have been staying at the pack house. I'm so excited to finally be able to be apart of the werewolf world. Today, Luke is showing me where every thing is and what everything is because with some of this stuff I don't have a clue like, why is sliver so dangerous to them? Seriously, it's a butter knife. Everyone freaked out this morning because I was waving one around while telling a story. I think the real question they should be asking is 'why the heck was there a deadly object among-st their kitchen supplies in the first place?'

Then, Kacy and I decided that we should explore the place, but god forbid we go any where else but the main floor. Jason almost had a heart attack when he found us in the basement looking at all of the well cleaned weapons they had down there. Well granted, he did catch Kacy with a sharp looking blade in her hands. Note to self, self never touch shiny objects, apparently they are bad. Yes, including butter knifes.

But out of all this, Brennon seems to be having a blast. The kids love him. They treat him like he is their own personal jungle gym. He plays with them every day. I think the fact that Brennon still tends too act like a kid, makes him more relate-able to the children.

Mother also called. She said that she is in Australia and she probably won't be back for another whole month, so I'm in charge of Brennon. I told her about dad and she just sighed saying, I figured as much. What's really sad is that no one truly had faith that his staying was even an option. Maybe that's why it didn't work out. A positive thing will never overcome if you just focus on the negative ones.

"Ok Tori, this is the pack's doctor, Dr. Bennet." Luke introduced me to a older man, who might I say was very good looking. He was kind of like a George Cloony in a lab coat, so pretty.

"Hello," I said extending my hand.

He took it, "You must be the new Luna. I have heard great things about you." He gave an all knowing look in Luke's direction.

"You have?"

Before he could answer Luke was dragging me away, out of the light blue hospital room and into the cold boring tan color hallway.

"Wait I wanted to hear what the nice doctor man heard about me." I tried turning back around, but Luke would have none of it. He gripped my arms and spun me so i was facing forwards.

"It doesn't matter what he heard."

"But, he said they were great things."

"Tori there is a lot more that we need to cover." He urged. "We have already gone to the nursery, the pack board meeting building, the training gym, the..."

Cutting him off I said, "Luke Castle, are you hiding something from me?" I mischievously smiled. Luke wouldn't look me in the eye. "Were you bragging about me to your doctor friend?" He was still pushing me down the hallway.

"Maybe." He said quickly.

i kept my smile, but let it go, "hey, when can I see the dungeon place, or whatever you call it?"


"What? Why not?" I complained.

"Because I don't want you in there. There are creepy people and I would feel much better if you never went near them." He stated. He picked up his pace, making it harder for me to keep up with him. We past by the badge walls of the hospital and made a few turns here and there, and ended up in the lobby. We walked out of the pack hospital and were heading back to the pack house because frankly, I needed some rest. It was getting closed to being dark. The sun was setting just behind the trees as we walked on the trail.

Surprisingly, every thing involving the pack was within walking distance. It was a hidden city in a giant forest shielded by giant trees. I'm surprised no human has noticed this place before.

"Alpha!" A boy came running up in a hurry.

"Yes Max, what is it?" Luke turned around to speak to this Max.

Max stopped to catch his breath then continued, "There was a breach in border patrol. I hear it was a young girl. She said that she needed to speak with you."

Luke gave a look shock/ confusion, "Where is this girl now?"

"Beta Jason took her to the pack house, Sir."

"Thank you Max, you are dismissed." The boy bowed his head, I don't really know why, then ran off.

"Why did he bow his head?"

"It's a sign of submission to his suppressors."

"Oh. Can I go with you to question her?" I asked excited.

Luke looked hesitant, but he reluctantly said yes. "I guess if you're going to be the Luna you might as well learn to take part in everything."

"So, I can go down to the dungeons with you..." I pushed. We were now walking through the yard.


"Eh. It was worth a shot." I pointed at Luke as we reached the front door, "this is not over."

He sighed and then opened the door. We walked into the living room to see that Jason and Alec were intensely watching a young girl who looked like she was roughly 16 years old. She sat on the couch with legs crossed and hand in her lap.

She was gorgeous. Her long blonde hair fell just past her elbows. It was a caramel color with natural highlights every now and then. She had big blue eyes that twinkled and full pink lips. The girl turned to look at us as we walked over to the chairs across from where she sat.

"Hi," I said cheerfully.

She gave me a soft smile, "Hello."

" And who might you be ?" I asked.

" My name is Channing, Channing Davidson."

Jason looked a little shocked, " Are all the Davidsons coming here?"

" Finn was here?" She looked relieved.

" Yes, well he technically is still here," I tell her.

" When Finn and the others didn't return, I became worried. I tried to tell Thor to send out a search party, but he doesn't care. Not for Finn and most certainly not for me." She explained. "Sense Thor wasn't going to do anything, I took action and came to find them myself. "

" So Thor doesn't give a crap about his own family or pack. " I clarified.

" Correct. "

" He sounds like a keeper. " my voice dripped with sarcasm.

She smirked at my comment. "So, why is Finn still in your pack's territory? "

Luke scratched the back of his neck, "Well, we ran into a complication. He just so happened to be my little sister's mate and well, we couldn't kick him out. So, he still resides here living among-st our pack."

It surprised me at how nice Luke has been to Finn. I know that he's not too fond of the guy, but for Kailee he would do what ever it took to make her happy and Finn is what makes her happy. Luke is an awesome big brother.

"Finn found his mate?" Channning looked over joyed.


Channing sat straight up and began to inhale deeply, almost as if she was sniffing the air. It was kind of weird I don't know what's going on.Then the front door opened, "Oh my gosh guys, I can't go on much longer!" Brennon yelled from the hallway. Brennon entered the room, and kids were dangling from every part of his person. There were four hanging onto his arms. One on his back and two strapped to his legs. Channing let out a high pitched "Eeeeeepppp," sound as she stared at Brennon with such interest.

"Ok guys, you can get off of me now, " Brennon told the children.

"Do we have too?" One latched on to his legs complained.


They all looked up at Brennon with their big doughy eyes and he caved, "Oh alright, lets go to the kitchen and drink some milk."

"Why milk?" One asked.

"Milk makes you big and strong and if I'm lucky, maybe it will , make you all really tired," Brennon said as he trudged toward the kitchen.

"You're weird."

"Thank you," Brennon replied.

When he was out of sight Channing looked back at me. "Who was that?"

"That's Brennon my younger brother." I answered.

"He's your bother..." She clarified. I nodded, "Why do you ask?" I already had a feeling about what she was going to say, but I wanted to know if my hypothesis is correct.

Channing rested her head on one hand, "He's my mate," she said breathlessly, staring at where Brennon disappeared into the kitchen.


Kailee walked down the stairs with Finn behind her.They turned in to the living room and looked at Channing.

"Channing?" Finn said as he looked at her in disbelief.

"Hi Finn," Channing said not paying much attention.

Finn looked to us for answers. "She came here looking for you and then she saw Brennon, now we know that she is also mated to a sibling of one of the pack's superiors." Jason explained.

Alec hadn't said a word this whole time. He looked a little daunted and confused.

Finn seemed happy, I think?, "Really?" he asked.

Channing nodded.

"What a relief. At least I know that your mate is not a jerk." Finn was filled with joy. Kailee and I just stared at him with our, really? faces.

"Ok...It looks like she is here to stay," I say.

Kailee smiled, "Come on I'll lead you to the room you can stay in." I looked at the both of them, hopped up out of my seat and followed them. "I'm coming with you."

Kailee led us down the second floor halls. " You ok?" I asked Channing.

She nodded, "I just never thought I'd ever find my mate, that's all."

"Well now you have," Kailee said with a smile. "And he's a keeper. Brennon is a thoughtful, kind, and caring guy."

We stopped at one of the abandoned rooms and opened the door. Channing slowly walked in and sat on the bed. the room was grey. There was nothing too fancy about it, a closet at in front of the bed next to a dresser.

I gave Channing a smile, "If you need my just call." Shutting the door, I left her to her thoughts.

Kailee and I walked back down stairs and into the kitchen. As soon as we entered, we could see kids sprung out all over the place sleeping. 

"Brennon, what did you do to these children!?" I stared at him with eyes wide.

"I gave them milk." He shrugged his shoulders and pick one up off of the floor. "Now help me find a better plce to sleep. 

I made the guys come and carry them off to empty rooms up stairs. When that was finished, Luke went to bed and so did the others, leaving me on the couch with Brennon.

"Who was that girl who was in here earlier?" He asked looking over at me.

"Her name is Channing. She is Finn's younger sister."

He nodded his head and gave a no kidding look.

"She's pretty." He said looking a little dazed. I gave a smirk, then got up off of the couch.

"I'm going to bed." And I walked up the stairs. I found myself in front of Channing's door. I don't want her to feel like she's not welcome here. After hearing Brennon talking about her, something came over me. A protective thing perhaps, I knew Channing is important and want her to know that. I knocked then opened the door.

Channing's hair was wet, like she had taken a shower and she was in an over sized t-shirt, under the covers of the bed. She sat there blankly staring at the wall.

"You know, he likes you." I say to her. That made her whip her head in my direction and focus on me.

"You think so?" She seemed still a little skeptic.

"Yeah Brennon doesn't ask about girls often or really date for that matter. His only other girl friend was Cindy Larson, and that was for her 36 pack of crayons. It had a sharpener in the back of the box. I know what you're thinking, 'he's a studd', but their relationship, or whatever you call it, didn't last long."

"What happened?" She had a crease between her eyebrows, causing her perfect features to form in worry.

"She broke it off with him one day at recess for not complicating her that morning. I never really liked her anyways."

"Cindy sounds like a real pain" Channing accessed

"Oh she was" I affirmed. 

Channing smiled, "Thanks Tori." I gave her back a smile. Pleased with my work, I left the room shutting the door behind me and walked to Luke's room.

I made my way over to his bed and threw myself down on it, landing face first into his pillows. Luke was in the bathroom that is connected to the room.

He came out with is wet hair of glory and walked over to the bed and laid down beside me. I flipped myself over and stared at him. He's s so perfect, being all godly and gorgeous.

You know how people say, I think I'm in love? Well, I finally understand what they mean. I used to argue, either you are or you aren't, but it is now clear to me that there is in fact an in between.

It's the doubt you hold in your mind, that keeps telling you that your heart is being foolish, that you're just setting your self up to fail. Therefore, the thinking part of the phrase comes in and torments your soul into believing all possible sinarios to your relationship, holding you back from want could be a great thing

love is a Fickle thing really, I can't even begin to understand it, but in this moment, that's how I feel about Luke. Love.

I know that he would never do anything to hurt me and yet, I still question him. Why was I paired to an unbelievably loyal guy? What does he even see in me? I mean I know we're soul mates and everything, but that doesn't stop me from wondering. Why am I prepared to expect the worst in our relationship? I thought Christina was an issue, but she wasn't, not in Luke's mind anyway.

" What are you thinking about? " Luke asked me. I hadn't really been hiding the fact that I was thinking about him. I mean, I was starting at him the entire time.

"If I were to say nothing, would you let it go? " I asked, not wanting to voice my thoughts to him.

He looked at me with concern. Then gave me a soft smile, "For now, " he replied while leaning over to kiss my forehead.

My heart swelled for him. Love. That's the only way to describe my now present condition. No if, buts, or ands about it. I love Luke. The first key to believing is admitting, so there you have it world of my mind, I'm in love with Luke Castle. No longer am I going to let the negative things rule my life. I'm breaking free.

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