Its Raining Men

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Unedited chapter by the way :) enjoy

I ran with full force towards the forest. something bad is going to happen I don't know when but its happening soon. I travel my familiar trails into the forest past the pond into the Castle's front yard searching.

Searching for what I now know to be chasing me, a wolf. No, wait correction, a werewolf. And not just any werewolf, no, the werewolf. The one that chased me down the when I first stepped foot in the forest.

Again and again no matter how far I run or where I run there the beast is always there hunting me. But this time he wasn't after me... or was he, I couldn't tell? All I knew was that the wolf fallowed me, whether he was after me though, was a mystery.

Then the voices began again. one after the other chanting my name. Where are they coming from? It sounded kind of like it was coming from a child, and Q the eerie feeling.

A pain in my heart sounded from my chest as I heard an ear splitting scream coming from a deeper part of the forest. It sounded like it came from someone young.

I couldn't stand by and let an innocent person get hurt, and so once again I ran. I made my way back into the clearing to see the wolf, now staring down an eight year old girl. She look horrified not moving she turned her head in my direction and looked at me helplessly.

"Tori," she whispered, and before I could do any thing the wolf pounced, leaping at the child......

I woke up with a start, panting hard core. It was just a dream. Just a dream Tori. My heart still racing, I try to connect the dots. Who was that little girl and why is the wolf so important that he has already shown up in my dreams twice now?

I jumped from fright as my phone rang on my bed side table. I took a deep breath and answered the phone, "hello?" my voice cracked as I spoke.

"You ok Tori?," Spencers voice came with worry on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah, just a bad dream that's all. Its nothing though," I told her not wanting her to know about my dream just yet. To be honest I'm a little freaked out myself.

" Ok then," Spencer said hesitantly obviously not buying my sales pitch, "Get up Kacy and I are talking you to get ice cream because we didn't get to eat it the last time we ordered," Spencer demanded.

"Alright see you in a few then," I said then hanging up the phone. Trudging out of bed I make my way to the closet. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top then move myself into the direction of the bathroom to make myself look presentable.

I haven't been my normal self lately. I don't know whether its the fact that I haven't seen Luke in almost a week, or that my dad has insisted that each one of my days be spent with him. I mean, I love the man, but I don't want to spend every waking hour with him. Today I finally get a break from my now overbearing father, and who knows maybe today is my relaxing day.

When I was done changing I made my way down stairs and entered the kitchen. Brennon was sitting on the kitchen island with a bowl of cereal in his hands, "Good morning sunshine," he said with a mouth full of cereal.

"Good morning Brennon," I say smiling at him.

"What are you doing today?" he asked while setting down his bowl of cereal.

"I'm going to go have some ice cream with Kacy and Spencer," I said to him as I pulled a pop tart out of the food pantry and turning back around to face him.

"Cools. Can I come with you guys," he looked up at me through his eye lashes with a hopeful look on his face.

I sighed, "Fine, you can come. Just stop looking at me like that," I begged him.

Then a car horn came from the drive way.


"I love ice cream," Kacy says with a smile.

Spencer Brennon and I just laugh, mainly because this was like Kacy's fourth cone of ice cream while the rest of us are still on our firsts.

"I'm being serious guys, " she explains, "If I could I would marry this stuff."

Spencer snorts, "I'm sure you would."

Kacy stuck her nose up and continued to eat her ice cream.

"Hey, do you guys want to come to my house we can watch a movie or something?" Spencer asked.

I shrug and say, "sure Spence we can go to your house."

"Great," she says with a smile, "lets go." Spencer grabbed Kacy by the hand and pulled her towards the door.

"What the Hell Spencer, I'm not done yet!" Kacy screamed.

"Kacy, you are going to run the whole world out of dairy," Spencer exclaimed, still trying to pull Kacy out the door.

I looked at Brennon, laughed and shook my head, "lets go."

We followed Spencer and Kacy down the streets when a voice yelled from behind us, "THERE THEY ARE!"

I turned a round to see a large group of males running towards us.

"Holy crap. Its raining men." Bennon sates with wide eyes.

I laugh and say, "Hallelujah," under my breath. The men seemed to be gaining speed, and oh boy did they look really scary. They had scowls on their faces and some of the biggest muscles I have ever seen on a man before, and they did not look like they were going to stop.

"RUN!," I yell grabbing Brennon by the hand and pulling him behind me. The men were already behind me within seconds. No human can travel that fast on foot. This left only one explanation I could think of, they must be werewolves.

So guys, tell me what you think. I was thinking about publishing the scenes that didn't make it into fromer chapters and wanted to know if you wanted to read them or not. If so please comment, and don't forget to vote :)

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