Got Some Explaining to Do

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I got too excited and couldn't wait to post this chapter.  :) I hope you like it. And Please,  please comment and vote. I want to know what you think. I'm also thinking about writing a sequel. .. so let me see what you think about it.

Luke, Jason, and Alec sat down not letting either of us go. Not that I am protesting against this, though it would be nice to get clean, put on some fresh clothes, and sleep in a nice bed again.

I rested my head against Luke's chest after he was comfortable with his sitting position. He laid his chin gently on the top of my head in return.

"What happened to you guys?" Jason finally asked. I hadn't noticed until now the tension that coated the atmosphere around us. It became thicker as Kacy and I took a glance between each other.

Kacy had told me about the way the boys reacted when they had found and followed my note's advice. I bit my lip. Knowing that I had far more to reveal than Kacy did. I was also nervous to even speak of us being prisoners.

Kacy seemed to notice my discomfort and spoke for me. "Tori and Christina's theory was correct.  Jocelyn was in fact the master mind."

"Damn it" Alec spoke with so much loathing. I have never seen or heard Alec act out with so much bitterness before. Honestly, I thought he was above the hatred and the emotions that tie the rest of the world down. But the human in us tends to seep through the cracks of our righteous armor every so often.  And as for Alec, this was one of those moments.

He looked tense and angered as he held Spencer tighter against him. She seemed to be the only one that could ease the tension that he put himself.

Spencer held his hand and urged for one of us to continue with a nod of her head.

I spoke up this time. I knew they all need to hear Jocelyn's plan. The baby thing can wait until I have some substantial proof.

"Her plan was to take the pack down bit by bit. First, she wanted to create a scapegoat, by making sure Thor and Christina made it on the top of our list of suspects."

I paused to make sure everyone was following. Then continued,

"She still holds a grudge on you for taking the Gamma position." I looked over to Alec. "Really, this was her means of payback as she took away the female authority one by one. She wanted you to become paranoid to the point of insanity as she would then take Spencer away from you."

Alec's wolf came forward and his eyes glowed with anger. Luke protectively held me while Spencer cooed whispers into his ear. At her attempts to calm him down, Alec slowly regained control, but still seemed to be on edge.

"Keep going." He insisted.

So with uncertainty still present in his composure, I kept talking.

"That's what she's doing right now. Going to kidnap Spencer. She has no idea that Kacy and I broke free."

Jason looked impressed, "how did you guys do it?"

Kacy went ahead and answered this one. "Tori and I came up with the means of distraction. It was really cool how we subtly fooled her." Kacy reminisced.

"I still have the key." she said with excitement as she pulled the key up from the string around her neck.

"Let's see that." Luke more of demanded than asked, holding out his hand.

Kacy passed him the key and Luke carefully examined it. "This key is centuries old" He looked to me for some sort of explanation.

"It is the master key to the Castle of Conference" I answered.

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