David Bowie in the library...

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*Tori's P.O.V.*

It is now dark outside, and here I am sitting on Luke's lap in the back seat of his truck. Luke didn't want to drive because then that would have prevented him from being able to hold me, so he made his sister drive. Jason is also in the back seat and holding Kacy close to him.

"Hey uhh guys, um I'm cool with going to your house and all, but what are Tori and I's parents going to say when we don't come home anytime soon," Kacy said twirling her thumbs and looking down at her lap.

I looked up at Luke for an answer.

Frustration covered his face. I looked at him with concern. I didn't like to see him like this it worried me.

He looked down and saw my expression, then his face softened and gave me small smile, "we could tell them that you're spending the night at your new friend Kailee's house," he said.

"OH MY GOSH THAT WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN!," Luke's sister screamed, making the car swerve in all of her excitement. I gripped Luke's arm as an effort to find safety and comfort as my heart beat quickened from fear and he held me tighter.

"Kailee, please keep your eyes on the road so you don't end up killing us all," Jason yelled while pulling the freaked out Kacy closer against his chest.

"Right, sorry guys," Kailee said weakly.

"It's ok just umm don't do it again," I said trying not to make her feel so bad and calming myself down as well.

"So, you're our new found friend?," I asked Luke's sister, who's name must be Kailee.

She smiled and looked into the rear view mirror, "yes, yes I am. I'm Kailee by the way."

"Cool," Kacy said with a smile. "I'm Kacy," she said motioning to herself then she pointed to me and said, "that's Tori."

"It's nice to finally meet you," Kailee said.

Then I answered Luke's earlier thought, "that could work, but why would we spend the night at you're house? Why couldn't we just go home?," Luke's face fell to sadness and I instantly felt bad. " I mean like, not that I don't want to it's just that I don't understand why we need to." I quickly added, hoping Luke would cheer up a bit.

He hugs me tighter to his chest and rests his chin on my shoulder. "Because I don't want to be away from you any more," he said and I could tell that he meant it. He sounded slightly venerable and miserable.

My heart hurt to think that I was the cause of this. I never wanted Luke to be miserable. Yes, I thought he deserved it making me feel so useless those couple of days after me met but I didn't want him to suffer.

I leaned into him and said, "Ok, we'll call our parents when we get to your house." I could feel a smile spread across his face against my skin. It sent shivers down my spine and warmth filled me.

"So why do you all stay in the same house?," Kacy asked in curiosity.

"Umm well," Jason said as if searching for the right words. "We can't tell you that right now," he said with uneasiness in his voice.

This sparked Kacy's interest as she went ahead and asked her next question, "And why is that?"

Jason sighed and said, "Kacy please don't push for an answer."

"Why, what's so bad about answering my question?," Kacy said as she turned around to look at Jason.

"Because Kacy there's more to it then we would like to explain. Plus I don't think you could handle it," Jason says with all seriousness.

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